/********************************************************************\ * gnc-budget.h -- Budget public handling routines. * * Copyright (C) 04 sep 2003 Darin Willits * * Copyright (C) 2005 Chris Shoemaker * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License* * along with this program; if not, contact: * * * * Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652 * * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA gnu@gnu.org * * * \********************************************************************/ /** @addtogroup budget @{ */ /** @file gnc-budget.h * @brief GnuCash Budgets * * Design decisions: * * - The budget values that the user enters (and that are stored) for * each account are inclusive of any sub-accounts. * * - Reason: This allows the user to budget an amount for a * "parent" account, while tracking (e.g.) expenses with more * detail in sub-accounts. * * - Implication: when reporting budgeted values for parent * accounts, just show the stored value, not a sum. * * - Budget values are always in the account's commodity. * * * * Accounts with sub-accounts can have a value budgeted. For those * accounts, * * Option 1: when setting or getting budgeted values, the value is * *always* exclusive of sub-account values. Pro: consistent * values in all contexts. Con: no summary behavior. * * Option 2: make setting only for account proper, but always * report summaries. Con: value can change as soon as it is * entered; forces entry from bottom-up. * * * Option 3: value is always *inclusive* of sub-accounts, although * potentially in a different commodity. Pro: allows top-down * entry; no auto value update. Con: ? [ This option was selected. ] * */ #ifndef __GNC_BUDGET_H__ #define __GNC_BUDGET_H__ #include /** The budget data.*/ typedef struct budget_s GncBudget; typedef struct _GncBudgetClass GncBudgetClass; #include "qof.h" #include "Account.h" #include "Recurrence.h" /* --- type macros --- */ #define GNC_TYPE_BUDGET (gnc_budget_get_type ()) #define GNC_BUDGET(o) \ (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((o), GNC_TYPE_BUDGET, GncBudget)) #define GNC_BUDGET_CLASS(k) \ (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((k), GNC_TYPE_BUDGET, GncBudgetClass)) #define GNC_IS_BUDGET(o) \ (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((o), GNC_TYPE_BUDGET)) #define GNC_IS_BUDGET_CLASS(k) \ (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((k), GNC_TYPE_BUDGET)) #define GNC_BUDGET_GET_CLASS(o) \ (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((o), GNC_TYPE_BUDGET, GncBudgetClass)) GType gnc_budget_get_type(void); #define GNC_BUDGET_MAX_NUM_PERIODS_DIGITS 3 // max num periods == 999 gboolean gnc_budget_register(void); /** * Creates and initializes a Budget. **/ /*@ dependent @*/ GncBudget *gnc_budget_new(QofBook *book); /** Deletes the given budget object.*/ void gnc_budget_destroy(GncBudget* budget); void gnc_budget_begin_edit(GncBudget *bgt); void gnc_budget_commit_edit(GncBudget *bgt); /** Clones a budget creating a copy */ GncBudget *gnc_budget_clone(const GncBudget* budget); /*@ dependent @*/ const GncGUID* gnc_budget_get_guid(const GncBudget* budget); #define gnc_budget_return_guid(X) \ (X ? *(qof_entity_get_guid(QOF_INSTANCE(X))) : *(guid_null())) /** Set/Get the name of the Budget */ void gnc_budget_set_name(GncBudget* budget, const gchar* name); /*@ dependent @*/ const gchar* gnc_budget_get_name(const GncBudget* budget); /** Set/Get the description of the Budget */ void gnc_budget_set_description(GncBudget* budget, const gchar* description); /*@ dependent @*/ const gchar* gnc_budget_get_description(const GncBudget* budget); /** Set/Get the number of periods in the Budget */ void gnc_budget_set_num_periods(GncBudget* budget, guint num_periods); guint gnc_budget_get_num_periods(const GncBudget* budget); void gnc_budget_set_recurrence(GncBudget *budget, const Recurrence *r); /*@ dependent @*/ const Recurrence * gnc_budget_get_recurrence(const GncBudget *budget); /** Get the starting date of the Budget period*/ time64 gnc_budget_get_period_start_date(const GncBudget* budget, guint period_num); /** Get the ending date of the Budget period*/ time64 gnc_budget_get_period_end_date(const GncBudget* budget, guint period_num); /* Period indices are zero-based. */ void gnc_budget_set_account_period_value( GncBudget* budget, const Account* account, guint period_num, gnc_numeric val); void gnc_budget_unset_account_period_value( GncBudget* budget, const Account* account, guint period_num); gboolean gnc_budget_is_account_period_value_set( const GncBudget *budget, const Account *account, guint period_num); gnc_numeric gnc_budget_get_account_period_value( const GncBudget *budget, const Account *account, guint period_num); gnc_numeric gnc_budget_get_account_period_actual_value( const GncBudget *budget, Account *account, guint period_num); /* Returns some budget in the book, or NULL. */ GncBudget* gnc_budget_get_default(QofBook *book); /* Get the budget associated with the given GncGUID from the given book. */ /*@ dependent @*/ GncBudget* gnc_budget_lookup (const GncGUID *guid, const QofBook *book); #define gnc_budget_lookup_direct(g,b) gnc_budget_lookup(&(g),(b)) #endif // __BUDGET_H__ /** @} */ /** @} */