Version history: ------- ------- 1.5.2 - 25 September 2000 o fixes for Solaris 8 o fixes for gnome-print 0.23 o misc bug fixes 1.5.1 - 18 September 2000 o new Spanish translation o new Russion translation o improved qif importing o updated documentation o lots of bug fixes 1.5.0 - 9 July 2000 o switch to gtkhtml widget o updated French translations o improved qif importing o fix for g-wrap 0.9.4 o misc bug fixes 1.3.100 - 12 June 2000 o bug fixes o updated documentation o updated translations 1.3.99 - 05 June 2000 o transaction auto-completion o improved qif importing o fixes for 64-bit architectures o updated translations o automaked build system o bug fixes and ui improvements 1.3.8 - 25 May 2000 o transaction cut/copy/paste o new Japanese translations o user interface improvements o bug fixes 1.3.7 - 08 May 2000 o better printing of multiple currencies o user interface improvements o bug fixes 1.3.6 - 24 April 2000 o transaction finder dialog o even better qif importing o some support for the euro o bug fixes 1.3.5 - 10 April 2000 o more work on reports and check-printing o fixes to qif importing o misc bug fixes 1.3.4 - 27 March 2000 o alpha code for check printing (requires gnome-print) o more i18n of reports o auto check numbering o bug fixes and GUI improvements 1.3.3 - 20 March 2000 o new QIF importer o new Swedish and Great Britain translations o minor GUI improvements 1.3.2 - 12 March 2000 o new French and German translations o new French documentation o speed improvements in the register o more work on reports 1.3.1 - 05 March 2000 o qif fixes o French documentation 1.3.0 - 28 February 2000 o first gnome release of GnuCash o many, many, many changes 1.1.22 - 3 November 1998 o build break fixes o install break fixes 1.1.21 - 22 October 1998 o simple report generation infrastructure 1.1.19 - 5 October 1998 o fixes to QIF import incl MS-Money import o implement rollback in engine; can now commit or reject (undo) edits. 1.1.17 - 13 Sept 1998 o working auto-expand register o sort by date, num, amount, memo, descr. o list all transactions between two dates. 1.1.16 - 13 Sept 1998 o busted. 1.1.15 - 9 Aug 1998 o Everybody's doin it: make xacc into a web server. 1.1.14 - 8 Aug 1998 o First drop of Qt code o A split register that finally more or less works o guile configuration code from Rob Browning 1.1.6 - 8 March 98 o First drop of GTK code from Jeremy Collins o First stab at GTK plotting from Rob Browning o German README from Henning Spruth o Stock Ledger cleanup o fixed up configure, gnome and motif makefile targets 1.1.5 - 6 March 1998 o perl scripts for parsing stock quotes from internet from Chrostopher B. Browne 1.1.4 - 1 March 98 o gui-independent engine code moved to src/engine o main motif app code moved to src/motif o merged in bug fixes from 1.0.x branch o ofx dtd's in lib/ofx/dtd o misc raw info in raw (e.g. currency codes, country codes) 1.1.1 - 24 Jan 1998 o Alpha level code. Very broken. All new register design -- modularized. Many versin 1.0 ledger functions missing. Splits added to engine. May not compile, will probably core dump. This is alpha level code, not for general use. 1.0.18 - 14 June 98 o Fix Quicken QIF import to recognize "transaction cleared" flag. o Add RedHat RPM spec files. o Fix a bug in re. motif flags. o Enable European-style dates with --enable-eurodates o Fix core dump reading QIF files o Fix core dump closing certain windows o enable prompt to save to file when WM closes window o fix garbling to description field when cancel button hit 1.0.17 - 14 Feb 98 o Fix core dump when deleting account with open register windows. o Fix core dump when transfering money to deleted (non-existant) account. o Fix tabbing between ledger entry and record/cancel/close buttons. o MS Money QIF import fixes. o obscure fix to Xbae table widget that may fix some mystery core dumps. o add CBB, MS-Money QIF export sample files o add SCO UnixWare, OpenServer build files o precompiled SCO UnixWare 7 and OpenServer 5 binaries 1.0.16 - 7 Jan 98 o Leap year fix o Solaris compile patches o precompiled AIX 4.1 for IBM RS/6000 binary 1.0.14 - 6 Jan 98 o Debian package version o QIF File format patch for reading CBB-exported QIF's o Date bug fix 1.0.11 - 11 Dec 97 o large variety of bug fixes, patches, enhancements. 1.0b1 - 29 Nov 97 o Many, many changes by Linas Vepstas to give double entry bookkeeping, sub-accounts, income/expense account types, and the beginnings of support for the QIF data format. o All "non-standard" libraries needed for xacc (xbae, libhtmlw, and libComboBox) are now part of the xacc distribution, to make it easier to build xacc. o Applied XbaeMatrixSetCursorPosition patch (needed for quickfill) to Linas's modified xbae src. (So quickfill works again.) o configure script to make it easier to build xacc. o The environment variable XACC_HELP will tell xacc where to find the files for the hypertext help. If XACC_HELP isn't set, xacc will default to "./Docs" as the help path. 0.9 - 08 Sep 97 o Lots of code-cleanup. o Adjust Balance window. o Reconcile window! Makes it easy to reconcile your account at the end of the month when you get your new bank statement. o Hypertext, context sensitive help. A pretty nice add-on, thanks to libhtmlw, from NCSA Mosaic. (Now someone just has to write some decent help pages!) o Fixed busy cursor. Previously the code the switched cursors caused the program to crash, so it wasn't enabled. Now it works, and is enabled. 0.7 - 14 Jul 97 o Started adding support for account types other than "BANK". Still no support for Portfolio and Mutual accounts. (They are greyed out in the "New Account" window for now.) o Changed the balance field to use red/black text to denote negative/positive balance (instead of using a sign... If you define USE_NO_COLOR when compiling, it will revert to the old method of displaying a '-' in front of negative balances) o Fixed bug in automatic transfers that cause the "From" account to always be the first account, and the "To" account to possibly be incorrect. Also, added "[To: ]" "[From: ]" (with to account name, and from account name) to the start of the memo field, so you can keep track of where the money comes from/goes to. 0.6 - 28 Jun 97 o Fixed balance/reconciled field (in bottom right corner of register window. (It sorta works now, with lesstif. I don't know about motif... you have to leave the current transaction for the balances to be recalculated.) o Rearranged directory structure... the source was growing to too many files to have it all in one directory. 0.5 - 6 Jun 97 Mostly, minor bug fixes o verifyDate -- affects when accelerator keys in the register window cause the date to cross a year boundary o Fixed handling of the date in the transfer window. Before if the user pressed the "transfer" button with an incomplete date in the date field, the resulting date would be undefined. o If the user doesn't enter data in the description field, The number field, the memo field, or one of the amount fields, the the new transaction isn't added when the user leaves the new transaction, or presses "Record" o Now user is prevented from entering more than one '.' in the amount fields in the register and transfer windows. Also, the user is prevented from entering more than two '/' in the date field in the transfer window. o Fixed a (very small) memory leak in the transfer window. o Fixed a bug in the transfer window that resulted in a different amount subtracted from the "from" account as was added to the "to" account. o Fixed bug that caused a segfault when deleting the last transaction in the register window. o Now if the user is in the last transaction (the empty transaction) in the register window, the "Delete" button does not do anything. 0.4 - 3 Jun 97 o Added "Balance" and "Reconciled" balance to the bottom right corner of the register window. o The main window uses an Xbae-Matrix widget now, instead of a list, in order to line up the account names, types, and balances in nice columns. 0.2 - First (mostly) functional release. Most of the buttons, and menu bar choices actually do something now. 0.1 - First demo release. Lots of buttons, and menu bar choices Don't do anything. The register window is still pretty buggy.