Renter Expenses Expenses associated with renting a home You would want to select this set of accounts if you rent a home or apartment (rent, renter's insurance). 根帐户 1972cce2e2364f95b2b0bc014502661d ROOT 0 费用 9a2b4520f113372f4e576f5b6dc129c6 EXPENSE ISO4217 USD 费用 placeholder true 1972cce2e2364f95b2b0bc014502661d 保险 b79b231807a98cd562c46cf0454e9f25 EXPENSE ISO4217 USD 保险 9a2b4520f113372f4e576f5b6dc129c6 出租保险 a4c93c964b8322d534e35b7054cbda4d EXPENSE ISO4217 USD 出租保险 b79b231807a98cd562c46cf0454e9f25 租金 c1638a9a48d4d0e1b17d99219a18f34b EXPENSE ISO4217 USD 租金 9a2b4520f113372f4e576f5b6dc129c6