# This file implements the process of making source distribution tarballs. It expects to find list in # 'dist_manifest.txt' of all of the files to be included in the distribution, EXCEPT those # files that are generated. The list of generated files handled via the 'dist_generated' cmake cache variable # # Given all of these files, the procedure is to: # 1. Remove any existing dist directory and make a new one. # 2. Copy of all the files in dist_manifest.text and ${dist_generated} # into the dist directory. # 3. Create the tarball and compress it with gzip and bzip2. # 4. Then remove the dist directory. include(${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}/MakeDistFiles.cmake) function(make_dist PACKAGE_PREFIX GNUCASH_SOURCE_DIR BUILD_SOURCE_DIR BUILDING_FROM_VCS) # -- Remove any existing packaging directory. file(REMOVE_RECURSE ${PACKAGE_PREFIX}) if (EXISTS ${PACKAGE_PREFIX}) message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to remove existing dist directory \"${PACKAGE_PREFIX}\". Cannot continue.") endif() # -- Copy in distributed files if(NOT EXISTS dist_manifest.txt) message(FATAL_ERROR "Cannot find dist manifest: dist_manifest.txt") endif() file(STRINGS dist_manifest.txt ALL_DIST) foreach(file ${ALL_DIST}) if(NOT EXISTS ${GNUCASH_SOURCE_DIR}/${file}) message(FATAL_ERROR "Can't find dist file ${GNUCASH_SOURCE_DIR}/${file}") endif() get_filename_component(dir ${file} DIRECTORY) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${PACKAGE_PREFIX}/${dir}) file(COPY ${GNUCASH_SOURCE_DIR}/${file} DESTINATION ${PACKAGE_PREFIX}/${dir}) endforeach() # -- Copy in build products that are distributed. foreach(file ${dist_generated}) execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${BUILD_SOURCE_DIR}/${file} ${PACKAGE_PREFIX}/${file}) if (NOT EXISTS ${PACKAGE_PREFIX}/${file}) message(FATAL_ERROR "Copy of ${BUILD_SOURCE_DIR}/${file} to dist dir '${PACKAGE_PREFIX}' failed.") endif() endforeach() cmake_policy(SET CMP0012 NEW) # -- Create the tarball. execute_process_and_check_result( COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E tar cf ${PACKAGE_PREFIX}.tar ${PACKAGE_PREFIX} WORKING_DIRECTORY . ERROR_MSG "tar command to create ${PACKAGE_PREFIX}.tar failed." ) # -- Compress the tarball with gzip execute_process( COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${PACKAGE_PREFIX}.tar ${PACKAGE_PREFIX}.tar.save ) execute_process_and_check_result( COMMAND gzip -f ${PACKAGE_PREFIX}.tar WORKING_DIRECTORY . ERROR_MSG "gzip command to create ${PACKAGE_PREFIX}.tar.gz failed." ) # -- Compress the tarball with bzip2 execute_process( COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E rename ${PACKAGE_PREFIX}.tar.save ${PACKAGE_PREFIX}.tar ) execute_process_and_check_result( COMMAND bzip2 -f ${PACKAGE_PREFIX}.tar WORKING_DIRECTORY . ERROR_MSG "bzip2 command to create ${PACKAGE_PREFIX}.tar.bz2 failed." ) # -- Clean up packaging directory. file(REMOVE_RECURSE ${PACKAGE_PREFIX}) if(EXISTS ${PACKAGE_PREFIX}) message(WARNING "Could not remove packaging directory '${PACKAGE_PREFIX}'") endif() # -- All done. message("\n\nDistributions ${PACKAGE_PREFIX}.tar.gz and ${PACKAGE_PREFIX}.tar.bz2 created.\n\n") endfunction() if (NOT WITH_GNUCASH) message(SEND_ERROR "Creation of dist tarballs is not supported when WITH_GNUCASH=OFF.") endif() make_dist(${PACKAGE_PREFIX} ${GNUCASH_SOURCE_DIR} ${BUILD_SOURCE_DIR} ${BUILDING_FROM_VCS})