# GncAddSchemeTargets.cmake Define a command to compile Scheme programs with Guile # Copyright (c) 2015, Rob Gowin # Copyright 2017 John Ralls # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, contact: # Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652 # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA gnu@gnu.org # Guile and ltdl require MSYS paths on MinGW-w64; this function transforms them. function(make_unix_path PATH) string(REGEX REPLACE "^([A-Za-z]):" "/\\1" newpath ${${PATH}}) string(REGEX REPLACE "\\\\" "/" newpath ${newpath}) set(${PATH} ${newpath} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() #PATH variables in the environment are separated by colons, but CMake lists are separated by semicolons. This function transforms the separators. function(make_unix_path_list PATH) string(REPLACE ";" ":" newpath "${${PATH}}") set(${PATH} ${newpath} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # This function will set two or four environment variables to a directory in the parent PARENT_SCOPE # * _DIRCLASS (eg "prefix", "sitedir" is used to construct the variable name(s) and in error messages # * _DIRCMD is the guile command to run to get the path for the given _DIRCLASS (eg "(display (%site-dir))") # * _PREFIX: if set will be used to calculate paths relative to this prefix and # set two more environment variable with this relative path. # When run successfully this function will set following variables in the parent scope: # * GUILE_${CMDCLASS} and GUILE_UNIX_${CMDCLASS} - the latter is the former transformed # into an msys compatible format (c:\some\directory => /c/some/directory) # * If _PREFIX was set: GUILE_${CMDCLASS} and GUILE_REL_UNIX_${CMDCLASS} # which are the former two variables with _PREFIX removed # (_PREFIX=/usr, GUILE_${CMDCLASS} = /usr/share/something # => GUILE_REL_${CMDCLASS} = share/something function(find_one_guile_dir _DIRCLASS _DIRCMD _PREFIX) string(TOUPPER ${_DIRCLASS} CLASS_UPPER) string(TOLOWER ${_DIRCLASS} CLASS_LOWER) execute_process( COMMAND ${GUILE_EXECUTABLE} -c ${_DIRCMD} RESULT_VARIABLE CMD_RESULT OUTPUT_VARIABLE CMD_OUTPUT ERROR_VARIABLE CMD_ERROR OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ERROR_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) if (CMD_RESULT) message(SEND_ERROR "Could not determine Guile ${CLASS_LOWER}:\n${CMD_ERROR}") endif() set(GUILE_${CLASS_UPPER} ${CMD_OUTPUT} PARENT_SCOPE) set(CMD_UNIX_OUTPUT ${CMD_OUTPUT}) make_unix_path(CMD_UNIX_OUTPUT) set(GUILE_UNIX_${CLASS_UPPER} ${CMD_UNIX_OUTPUT} PARENT_SCOPE) if (_PREFIX) string(REGEX REPLACE "^${_PREFIX}[\\/]*" "" CMD_REL_OUTPUT ${CMD_OUTPUT}) set(GUILE_REL_${CLASS_UPPER} ${CMD_REL_OUTPUT} PARENT_SCOPE) set(CMD_REL_UNIX_OUTPUT ${CMD_REL_OUTPUT}) make_unix_path(CMD_REL_UNIX_OUTPUT) set(GUILE_REL_UNIX_${CLASS_UPPER} ${CMD_REL_UNIX_OUTPUT} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() # Query the guile executable for path information. We're interested in guile's # datadir, libdir, sitedir, ccachedir and siteccachedir macro(find_guile_dirs) # Get GUILE_PREFIX and GUILE_UNIX_PREFIX find_one_guile_dir("prefix" "(display (assoc-ref %guile-build-info 'prefix))" "") # Get GUILE_DATADIR, GUILE_UNIX_DATADIR, GUILE_REL_DATADIR, GUILE_REL_UNIX_DATADIR find_one_guile_dir("datadir" "(display (%package-data-dir))" ${GUILE_PREFIX}) # Get GUILE_LIBDIR, GUILE_UNIX_LIBDIR, GUILE_REL_LIBDIR, GUILE_REL_UNIX_LIBDIR find_one_guile_dir("libdir" "(display (%library-dir))" ${GUILE_PREFIX}) # Get GUILE_CCACHEDIR, GUILE_UNIX_CCACHEDIR, GUILE_REL_CCACHEDIR, GUILE_REL_UNIX_CCACHEDIR find_one_guile_dir("ccachedir" "(display (assoc-ref %guile-build-info 'ccachedir))" ${GUILE_PREFIX}) # Get GUILE_SITEDIR, GUILE_UNIX_SITEDIR, GUILE_REL_SITEDIR, GUILE_REL_UNIX_SITEDIR find_one_guile_dir("sitedir" "(display (%site-dir))" ${GUILE_PREFIX}) # Get GUILE_SITECCACHEDIR, GUILE_UNIX_SITECCACHEDIR, GUILE_REL_SITECCACHEDIR, GUILE_REL_UNIX_SITECCACHEDIR find_one_guile_dir("siteccachedir" "(display (%site-ccache-dir))" ${GUILE_PREFIX}) string(REGEX REPLACE "[/\\]*${GUILE_EFFECTIVE_VERSION}$" "" GUILE_REL_TOP_SITEDIR ${GUILE_REL_SITEDIR}) string(REGEX REPLACE "[/]*${GUILE_EFFECTIVE_VERSION}$" "" GUILE_REL_UNIX_TOP_SITEDIR ${GUILE_REL_UNIX_SITEDIR}) # Generate replacement strings for use in environment file. The paths used are # the paths found in %load-path and %load-compiled-path by default but # rebased on {GNC_HOME} (which is the runtime resolved variable to where gnucash # gets installed). set (GNC_GUILE_LOAD_PATH "{GNC_HOME}/${GUILE_REL_UNIX_LIBDIR}" "{GNC_HOME}/${GUILE_REL_UNIX_SITEDIR}" "{GNC_HOME}/${GUILE_REL_UNIX_TOP_SITEDIR}" "{GNC_HOME}/${GUILE_REL_UNIX_SITEDIR}/gnucash/deprecated" # Path to gnucash' deprecated modules "{GNC_HOME}/${GUILE_REL_UNIX_DATADIR}") set (GNC_GUILE_LOAD_COMPILED_PATH "{GNC_HOME}/${GUILE_REL_UNIX_CCACHEDIR}" "{GNC_HOME}/${GUILE_REL_UNIX_CCACHEDIR}/gnucash/deprecated" "{GNC_HOME}/${GUILE_REL_UNIX_SITECCACHEDIR}") endmacro(find_guile_dirs) # gnc_add_scheme_targets (target # SOURCES source1 source2 ... # OUTPUT_DIR directory # [DEPENDS depedency1 dependency2 ...] # [MAKE_LINKS] [TEST]) # #̉ Use this function to add scheme targets, that is *.scm files to # compile into their corresponding *.go files. # # SOURCES is a list of scm source files to compile. # # The resulting *.go binaries will be generated in OUTPUT_DIR directory. # This directory is interpreted as a path relative to the build's guile compiled directory # directory. For example if guile binaries in the build directory are located in # $HOME/gnucash/build/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/guile/2.0/site-cache and OUTPUT_DIR is "gnucash" # the binary .go files will go into # $HOME/gnucash/build/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/guile/2.0/site-cache/gnucash # # If cmake targets are provided via the DEPENDS keyword those will be added to # the guile targets as dependencies. # # If MAKE_LINKS is set links (or copies on Windows) will be set up # from the source directory to the build's guile sources directory. # For example if guile source path in the build directory is # $HOME/gnucash/build/share/guile/site/2.0 and OUTPUT_DIR is "gnucash" # the links or copies will go into # $HOME/gnucash/build/share/guile/site/2.0/gnucash # # If keyword TEST is specified this target will be treated as a test target. # That is its compiled files won't be installed and will be added to the set # of tests to run via the "check" target. If TEST is not set the targets are # considerd normal targets and will be added to the list of files to install. # They will be installed in the guile compied directory relative to the prefix # set up for this build, with the OUTPUT_DIR appended to it. For example: # /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/guile/2.0/site-cache/gnucash function(gnc_add_scheme_targets _TARGET) set(noValues MAKE_LINKS TEST) set(singleValues OUTPUT_DIR) set(multiValues SOURCES DEPENDS) cmake_parse_arguments(SCHEME_TGT "${noValues}" "${singleValues}" "${multiValues}" ${ARGN}) set(__DEBUG FALSE) if (__DEBUG) message("Parameters to COMPILE_SCHEME for target ${_TARGET}") message(" SOURCE_FILES: ${SCHEME_TGT_SOURCES}") message(" GUILE_DEPENDS: ${SCHEME_TGT_DEPENDS}") message(" MAKE_LINKS: ${SCHEME_TGT_MAKE_LINKS}") message(" TEST: ${SCHEME_TGT_TEST}") message(" DIRECTORIES: ${BINDIR_BUILD}, ${LIBDIR_BUILD}, ${DATADIR_BUILD}, ${SCHEME_TGT_OUTPUT_DIR}") endif() set(_CMD "create_symlink") if(WIN32) set(_CMD "copy") endif() set(current_srcdir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) set(current_bindir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) set(build_bindir ${BINDIR_BUILD}) set(build_libdir ${LIBDIR_BUILD}) set(build_datadir ${DATADIR_BUILD}) if(MINGW64 AND ${GUILE_EFFECTIVE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS 2.2) make_unix_path(build_bindir) make_unix_path(build_libdir) make_unix_path(build_datadir) make_unix_path(current_bindir) make_unix_path(current_srcdir) make_unix_path(CMAKE_BINARY_DIR) make_unix_path(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR) endif() # If links are requested, we simply link (or copy, for Windows) each source file to the dest directory if(SCHEME_TGT_MAKE_LINKS) set(_LINK_DIR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${GUILE_REL_UNIX_SITEDIR}/${SCHEME_TGT_OUTPUT_DIR}) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${_LINK_DIR}) set(_SCHEME_LINKS "") foreach(scheme_file ${SCHEME_TGT_SOURCES}) set(_SOURCE_FILE ${current_srcdir}/${scheme_file}) if(IS_ABSOLUTE ${scheme_file}) set(_SOURCE_FILE ${scheme_file}) endif() get_filename_component(name ${scheme_file} NAME) set(_OUTPUT_FILE ${_LINK_DIR}/${name}) if(NOT EXISTS ${_OUTPUT_FILE}) list(APPEND _SCHEME_LINKS ${_OUTPUT_FILE}) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_OUTPUT_FILE} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E ${_CMD} ${_SOURCE_FILE} ${_OUTPUT_FILE} ) endif() endforeach(scheme_file) add_custom_target(${_TARGET}-links ALL DEPENDS ${_SCHEME_LINKS}) endif() # Construct the guile source and compiled load paths set(_GUILE_LOAD_PATH "${current_srcdir}" "${current_bindir}" "${current_bindir}/deprecated") set(_GUILE_LOAD_COMPILED_PATH "${current_bindir}") # VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL introduced in CMake 3.7. if(MINGW64 AND (${GUILE_EFFECTIVE_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 2.2)) file(TO_CMAKE_PATH $ENV{GUILE_LOAD_PATH} guile_load_path) file(TO_CMAKE_PATH $ENV{GUILE_LOAD_COMPILED_PATH} guile_load_compiled_path) list(APPEND _GUILE_LOAD_PATH ${guile_load_path}) list(APPEND _GUILE_LOAD_COMPILED_PATH ${guile_load_compiled_path}) endif() set(_GUILE_CACHE_DIR "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${GUILE_REL_UNIX_SITECCACHEDIR}") list(APPEND _GUILE_LOAD_PATH "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${GUILE_REL_UNIX_SITEDIR}") list(APPEND _GUILE_LOAD_COMPILED_PATH ${_GUILE_CACHE_DIR} "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${GUILE_REL_UNIX_SITECCACHEDIR}/gnucash/deprecated") set(_TARGET_FILES "") foreach(source_file ${SCHEME_TGT_SOURCES}) set(guile_depends ${SCHEME_TGT_DEPENDS}) get_filename_component(basename ${source_file} NAME_WE) set(output_file ${basename}.go) set(_TMP_OUTPUT_DIR ${SCHEME_TGT_OUTPUT_DIR}) if (_TMP_OUTPUT_DIR) set(output_file ${SCHEME_TGT_OUTPUT_DIR}/${basename}.go) endif() set(output_file ${_GUILE_CACHE_DIR}/${output_file}) list(APPEND _TARGET_FILES ${output_file}) set(source_file_abs_path ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${source_file}) if (IS_ABSOLUTE ${source_file}) set(source_file_abs_path ${source_file}) endif() if (__DEBUG) message("add_custom_command: output = ${output_file}") endif() if (MINGW64) set(fpath "") file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "$ENV{PATH}" fpath) set(LIBRARY_PATH "PATH=${BINDIR_BUILD};${fpath}") else() set (LIBRARY_PATH "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LIBDIR_BUILD}:${LIBDIR_BUILD}/gnucash") endif() if (APPLE) set (LIBRARY_PATH "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LIBDIR_BUILD}:${LIBDIR_BUILD}/gnucash") endif() set(_GNC_MODULE_PATH "") if(MINGW64) set(_GNC_MODULE_PATH "${build_bindir}") else() set(_GNC_MODULE_PATH "${LIBDIR_BUILD}" "${LIBDIR_BUILD}/gnucash" "${GNC_MODULE_PATH}") endif() if(NOT MINGW64 OR ${GUILE_EFFECTIVE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS 2.2) make_unix_path_list(_GUILE_LOAD_PATH) make_unix_path_list(_GUILE_LOAD_COMPILED_PATH) endif() make_unix_path_list(_GNC_MODULE_PATH) if (__DEBUG) message(" ") message(" LIBRARY_PATH: ${LIBRARY_PATH}") message(" GUILE_LOAD_PATH: ${_GUILE_LOAD_PATH}") message(" GUILE_LOAD_COMPILED_PATH: ${_GUILE_LOAD_COMPILED_PATH}") message(" GNC_MODULE_PATH: ${_GNC_MODULE_PATH}") endif() #We quote the arguments to stop CMake stripping the path separators. add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${output_file} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E env "${LIBRARY_PATH}" "GNC_UNINSTALLED=YES" "GNC_BUILDDIR=${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" "GUILE_LOAD_PATH=${_GUILE_LOAD_PATH}" "GUILE_LOAD_COMPILED_PATH=${_GUILE_LOAD_COMPILED_PATH}" "GNC_MODULE_PATH=${_GNC_MODULE_PATH}" ${GUILE_EXECUTABLE} -e "\(@@ \(guild\) main\)" -s ${GUILD_EXECUTABLE} compile -o ${output_file} ${source_file_abs_path} DEPENDS ${guile_depends} MAIN_DEPENDENCY ${source_file_abs_path} VERBATIM ) endforeach(source_file) if (__DEBUG) message("TARGET_FILES are ${_TARGET_FILES}") endif() add_custom_target(${_TARGET} ALL DEPENDS ${_TARGET_FILES}) set(_TARGET_FILES "${_TARGET_FILES}" PARENT_SCOPE) if(TEST) add_dependencies(check ${_TARGET}) else() install(FILES ${_TARGET_FILES} DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${GUILE_REL_SITECCACHEDIR}/${SCHEME_TGT_OUTPUT_DIR}) install(FILES ${SCHEME_TGT_SOURCES} DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${GUILE_REL_SITEDIR}/${SCHEME_TGT_OUTPUT_DIR}) endif() endfunction() # gnc_add_scheme_test_targets (target # SOURCES source1 source2 ... # OUTPUT_DIR directory # [DEPENDS depedency1 dependency2 ...] # [MAKE_LINKS]) # # Calls gnc_add_scheme_targets with the TEST keyword set # See that function's description for more details. function(gnc_add_scheme_test_targets _TARGET) gnc_add_scheme_targets(${_TARGET} ${ARGN} TEST) endfunction() # Function to write boilerplate code for deprecated guile modules # All but the _OLDMOD parameter are optional # It will emit a deprecation warning and if _NEWMOD is also given # that module will be loaded instead. # If _NEWMOD is given, _DEPENDS should be set to the target for which # that module is a source file. # For example module (gnucash reports standard transaction) # is defined in transaction.scm, which is a source file for # cmake target scm-reports-standard so that should be set as _DEPENDS. # The function expects module names in the form "gnucash mod parts" # If _DEPMSG is left blank, the module will emit a generic message, # otherswise _DEPMSG will be emitted. function(gnc_add_scheme_deprecated_module _OLDMOD _NEWMOD _DEPENDS _DEPMSG) string(STRIP _OLDMOD "${_OLDMOD}") string(REPLACE " " "-" _TARGET ${_OLDMOD}) set(_TARGET "scm-deprecated-${_TARGET}") string(REPLACE " " ";" MODPARTS "${_OLDMOD}") list(GET MODPARTS -1 DEPFILENAME) set(SOURCEFILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/deprecated/${DEPFILENAME}.scm") string(FIND "${_OLDMOD}" ${DEPFILENAME} POS REVERSE) if (${POS} LESS 2) set(MODPATH "gnucash/deprecated") else() list(REMOVE_AT MODPARTS -1) string(REPLACE ";" "/" MODPATH "${MODPARTS}") set(MODPATH "gnucash/deprecated/${MODPATH}") endif() set(DEPPREFIX "* WARN *: ") if (_DEPMSG) set(DEPWARNING "(issue-deprecation-warning \"${DEPPREFIX}${_DEPMSG}\")") else() set(DEPWARNING "(issue-deprecation-warning \"${DEPPREFIX}Module '(${_OLDMOD})' has been deprecated and will be removed in the future.\")") if (_NEWMOD) set(DEPWARNING "${DEPWARNING} (issue-deprecation-warning \"${DEPPREFIX}Use module '(${_NEWMOD})' instead.\")") endif() endif() # Write the stub file file(WRITE ${SOURCEFILE} " ;; ${DEPFILENAME}.scm ;; Compatibility module for deprecated (${_OLDMOD}). ;; This file is autogenerated, do not modify by hand. (define-module (${_OLDMOD})) ${DEPWARNING} ") if (_NEWMOD) file(APPEND ${SOURCEFILE} " (use-modules (${_NEWMOD})) (let ((i (module-public-interface (current-module)))) (module-use! i (resolve-interface '(${_NEWMOD}))))") endif() gnc_add_scheme_targets("${_TARGET}" SOURCES "${SOURCEFILE}" OUTPUT_DIR "${MODPATH}" DEPENDS "${_DEPENDS}") endfunction()