/********************************************************************\ * gnc-employee-sql.c -- employee sql implementation * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License* * along with this program; if not, contact: * * * * Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652 * * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA gnu@gnu.org * * * \********************************************************************/ /** @file gnc-employee-sql.c * @brief load and save address data to SQL * @author Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Phil Longstaff * * This file implements the top-level QofBackend API for saving/ * restoring data to/from an SQL database */ extern "C" { #include #include #include #include #include "gnc-commodity.h" #include "gncEmployeeP.h" } #include "gnc-sql-connection.hpp" #include "gnc-sql-backend.hpp" #include "gnc-sql-object-backend.hpp" #include "gnc-sql-column-table-entry.hpp" #include "gnc-slots-sql.h" #include "gnc-commodity-sql.h" #include "gnc-employee-sql.h" #define _GNC_MOD_NAME GNC_ID_EMPLOYEE static QofLogModule log_module = G_LOG_DOMAIN; #define MAX_USERNAME_LEN 2048 #define MAX_ID_LEN 2048 #define MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN 2048 #define MAX_ACL_LEN 2048 #define TABLE_NAME "employees" #define TABLE_VERSION 2 static EntryVec col_table ({ gnc_sql_make_table_entry("guid", 0, COL_NNUL | COL_PKEY, "guid"), gnc_sql_make_table_entry( "username", MAX_USERNAME_LEN, COL_NNUL, "username"), gnc_sql_make_table_entry("id", MAX_ID_LEN, COL_NNUL, "id"), gnc_sql_make_table_entry( "language", MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN, COL_NNUL, "language"), gnc_sql_make_table_entry("acl", MAX_ACL_LEN, COL_NNUL, "acl"), gnc_sql_make_table_entry("active", 0, COL_NNUL, "active"), gnc_sql_make_table_entry( "currency", 0, COL_NNUL, "currency"), gnc_sql_make_table_entry( "ccard_guid", 0, 0, "credit-card-account"), gnc_sql_make_table_entry("workday", 0, COL_NNUL, "workday"), gnc_sql_make_table_entry("rate", 0, COL_NNUL, "rate"), gnc_sql_make_table_entry("addr", 0, 0, "address"), }); GncSqlEmployeeBackend::GncSqlEmployeeBackend() : GncSqlObjectBackend(TABLE_VERSION, GNC_ID_EMPLOYEE, TABLE_NAME, col_table) {} static GncEmployee* load_single_employee (GncSqlBackend* sql_be, GncSqlRow& row) { const GncGUID* guid; GncEmployee* pEmployee; g_return_val_if_fail (sql_be != NULL, NULL); guid = gnc_sql_load_guid (sql_be, row); pEmployee = gncEmployeeLookup (sql_be->book(), guid); if (pEmployee == NULL) { pEmployee = gncEmployeeCreate (sql_be->book()); } gnc_sql_load_object (sql_be, row, GNC_ID_EMPLOYEE, pEmployee, col_table); qof_instance_mark_clean (QOF_INSTANCE (pEmployee)); return pEmployee; } /* Because gncCustomerLookup has the arguments backwards: */ static inline GncEmployee* gnc_employee_lookup (const GncGUID *guid, const QofBook *book) { QOF_BOOK_RETURN_ENTITY(book, guid, GNC_ID_EMPLOYEE, GncEmployee); } void GncSqlEmployeeBackend::load_all (GncSqlBackend* sql_be) { g_return_if_fail (sql_be != NULL); std::string sql("SELECT * FROM " TABLE_NAME); auto stmt = sql_be->create_statement_from_sql(sql); auto result = sql_be->execute_select_statement(stmt); for (auto row : *result) load_single_employee (sql_be, row); std::string pkey(col_table[0]->name()); sql = "SELECT DISTINCT "; sql += pkey + " FROM " TABLE_NAME; gnc_sql_slots_load_for_sql_subquery (sql_be, sql, (BookLookupFn)gnc_employee_lookup); } /* ================================================================= */ void GncSqlEmployeeBackend::create_tables (GncSqlBackend* sql_be) { gint version; g_return_if_fail (sql_be != NULL); version = sql_be->get_table_version( TABLE_NAME); if (version == 0) { sql_be->create_table(TABLE_NAME, TABLE_VERSION, col_table); } else if (version < m_version) { /* Upgrade 64 bit int handling */ sql_be->upgrade_table(TABLE_NAME, col_table); sql_be->set_table_version (TABLE_NAME, TABLE_VERSION); PINFO ("Employees table upgraded from version 1 to version %d\n", TABLE_VERSION); } } /* ================================================================= */ bool GncSqlEmployeeBackend::commit (GncSqlBackend* sql_be, QofInstance* inst) { GncEmployee* emp; const GncGUID* guid; E_DB_OPERATION op; gboolean is_infant; gboolean is_ok = TRUE; g_return_val_if_fail (inst != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (GNC_IS_EMPLOYEE (inst), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (sql_be != NULL, FALSE); emp = GNC_EMPLOYEE (inst); is_infant = qof_instance_get_infant (inst); if (qof_instance_get_destroying (inst)) { op = OP_DB_DELETE; } else if (sql_be->pristine() || is_infant) { op = OP_DB_INSERT; } else { op = OP_DB_UPDATE; } if (op != OP_DB_DELETE) { // Ensure the commodity is in the db is_ok = sql_be->save_commodity(gncEmployeeGetCurrency (emp)); } if (is_ok) { is_ok = sql_be->do_db_operation(op, TABLE_NAME, GNC_ID_EMPLOYEE, emp, col_table); } if (is_ok) { // Now, commit or delete any slots guid = qof_instance_get_guid (inst); if (!qof_instance_get_destroying (inst)) { is_ok = gnc_sql_slots_save (sql_be, guid, is_infant, inst); } else { is_ok = gnc_sql_slots_delete (sql_be, guid); } } return is_ok; } /* ================================================================= */ static gboolean employee_should_be_saved (GncEmployee* employee) { const char* id; g_return_val_if_fail (employee != NULL, FALSE); /* make sure this is a valid employee before we save it -- should have an ID */ id = gncEmployeeGetID (employee); if (id == NULL || *id == '\0') { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void write_single_employee (QofInstance* term_p, gpointer data_p) { write_objects_t* s = (write_objects_t*)data_p; g_return_if_fail (term_p != NULL); g_return_if_fail (GNC_IS_EMPLOYEE (term_p)); g_return_if_fail (data_p != NULL); if (s->is_ok && employee_should_be_saved (GNC_EMPLOYEE (term_p))) { s->is_ok = s->obe->commit (s->be, term_p); } } bool GncSqlEmployeeBackend::write (GncSqlBackend* sql_be) { write_objects_t data; g_return_val_if_fail (sql_be != NULL, FALSE); data.be = sql_be; data.is_ok = TRUE; data.obe = this; qof_object_foreach (GNC_ID_EMPLOYEE, sql_be->book(), write_single_employee, &data); return data.is_ok; } /* ========================== END OF FILE ===================== */