/********************************************************************\ * gncTaxTable.h -- the Gnucash Tax Table interface * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License* * along with this program; if not, contact: * * * * Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652 * * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA gnu@gnu.org * * * \********************************************************************/ /** @addtogroup Business @{ */ /** @addtogroup TaxTable @{ */ /** @file gncTaxTable.h @brief Tax Table programming interface @author Copyright (C) 2002 Derek Atkins */ #ifndef GNC_TAXTABLE_H_ #define GNC_TAXTABLE_H_ /** @struct GncTaxTable modtime is the internal date of the last modtime\n See src/doc/business.txt for an explanation of the following\n Code that handles refcount, parent, child, invisible and children is *identical* to that in ::GncBillTerm @param QofInstance inst; @param char * name; @param GncTaxTableEntryList* entries; @param Timespec modtime; @param gint64 refcount; @param GncTaxTable * parent; if non-null, we are an immutable child @param GncTaxTable * child; if non-null, we have not changed @param gboolean invisible; @param GList * children; list of children for disconnection */ typedef struct _gncTaxTable GncTaxTable; typedef struct _gncTaxTableClass GncTaxTableClass; /** @struct GncTaxTableEntry @param GncTaxTable * table; @param Account * account; @param GncAmountType type; @param gnc_numeric amount; }; */ typedef struct _gncTaxTableEntry GncTaxTableEntry; typedef struct _gncAccountValue GncAccountValue; #include "Account.h" #include "qof.h" #ifdef GNUCASH_MAJOR_VERSION #include "gncBusiness.h" #endif #define GNC_ID_TAXTABLE "gncTaxTable" /* --- type macros --- */ #define GNC_TYPE_TAXTABLE (gnc_taxtable_get_type ()) #define GNC_TAXTABLE(o) \ (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((o), GNC_TYPE_TAXTABLE, GncTaxTable)) #define GNC_TAXTABLE_CLASS(k) \ (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((k), GNC_TYPE_TAXTABLE, GncTaxTableClass)) #define GNC_IS_TAXTABLE(o) \ (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((o), GNC_TYPE_TAXTABLE)) #define GNC_IS_TAXTABLE_CLASS(k) \ (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((k), GNC_TYPE_TAXTABLE)) #define GNC_TAXTABLE_GET_CLASS(o) \ (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((o), GNC_TYPE_TAXTABLE, GncTaxTableClass)) GType gnc_taxtable_get_type(void); /** * How to interpret the amount. * You can interpret it as a VALUE or a PERCENT. */ typedef enum { GNC_AMT_TYPE_VALUE = 1, /**< tax is a number */ GNC_AMT_TYPE_PERCENT /**< tax is a percentage */ } GncAmountType; /** How to interpret the TaxIncluded */ typedef enum { GNC_TAXINCLUDED_YES = 1, /**< tax is included */ GNC_TAXINCLUDED_NO, /**< tax is not included */ GNC_TAXINCLUDED_USEGLOBAL, /**< use the global setting */ } GncTaxIncluded; const char * gncAmountTypeToString (GncAmountType type); gboolean gncAmountStringToType (const char *str, GncAmountType *type); const char * gncTaxIncludedTypeToString (GncTaxIncluded type); gboolean gncTaxIncludedStringToType (const char *str, GncTaxIncluded *type); /** @name Create/Destroy Functions @{ */ GncTaxTable * gncTaxTableCreate (QofBook *book); void gncTaxTableDestroy (GncTaxTable *table); GncTaxTableEntry * gncTaxTableEntryCreate (void); void gncTaxTableEntryDestroy (GncTaxTableEntry *entry); /** @} */ /** \name Set Functions @{ */ void gncTaxTableSetName (GncTaxTable *table, const char *name); void gncTaxTableIncRef (GncTaxTable *table); void gncTaxTableDecRef (GncTaxTable *table); void gncTaxTableEntrySetAccount (GncTaxTableEntry *entry, Account *account); void gncTaxTableEntrySetType (GncTaxTableEntry *entry, GncAmountType type); void gncTaxTableEntrySetAmount (GncTaxTableEntry *entry, gnc_numeric amount); /** @} */ void gncTaxTableAddEntry (GncTaxTable *table, GncTaxTableEntry *entry); void gncTaxTableRemoveEntry (GncTaxTable *table, GncTaxTableEntry *entry); void gncTaxTableChanged (GncTaxTable *table); void gncTaxTableBeginEdit (GncTaxTable *table); void gncTaxTableCommitEdit (GncTaxTable *table); gboolean gncTaxTableEqual(const GncTaxTable *a, const GncTaxTable *b); /** @name Get Functions @{ */ /** Return a pointer to the instance gncTaxTable that is identified * by the guid, and is residing in the book. Returns NULL if the * instance can't be found. * Equivalent function prototype is * GncTaxTable * gncTaxTableLookup (QofBook *book, const GncGUID *guid); */ static inline GncTaxTable *gncTaxTableLookup (const QofBook* book, const GncGUID *guid) { QOF_BOOK_RETURN_ENTITY(book, guid, GNC_ID_TAXTABLE, GncTaxTable); } GncTaxTable *gncTaxTableLookupByName (QofBook *book, const char *name); typedef GList GncTaxTableList; GncTaxTableList * gncTaxTableGetTables (QofBook *book); const char *gncTaxTableGetName (const GncTaxTable *table); GncTaxTable *gncTaxTableGetParent (const GncTaxTable *table); GncTaxTable *gncTaxTableReturnChild (GncTaxTable *table, gboolean make_new); #define gncTaxTableGetChild(t) gncTaxTableReturnChild((t),FALSE) typedef GList GncTaxTableEntryList; GncTaxTableEntryList* gncTaxTableGetEntries (const GncTaxTable *table); gint64 gncTaxTableGetRefcount (const GncTaxTable *table); Timespec gncTaxTableLastModified (const GncTaxTable *table); Account * gncTaxTableEntryGetAccount (const GncTaxTableEntry *entry); GncAmountType gncTaxTableEntryGetType (const GncTaxTableEntry *entry); gnc_numeric gncTaxTableEntryGetAmount (const GncTaxTableEntry *entry); /** @} */ int gncTaxTableCompare (const GncTaxTable *a, const GncTaxTable *b); int gncTaxTableEntryCompare (const GncTaxTableEntry *a, const GncTaxTableEntry *b); gboolean gncTaxTableEntryEqual(const GncTaxTableEntry *a, const GncTaxTableEntry *b); /************************************************/ struct _gncAccountValue { Account * account; gnc_numeric value; }; /** * This will add value to the account-value for acc, creating a new * list object if necessary */ GList *gncAccountValueAdd (GList *list, Account *acc, gnc_numeric value); /** Merge l2 into l1. l2 is not touched. */ GList *gncAccountValueAddList (GList *l1, GList *l2); /** return the total for this list */ gnc_numeric gncAccountValueTotal (GList *list); /** Destroy a list of accountvalues */ void gncAccountValueDestroy (GList *list); /** QOF parameter definitions */ #define GNC_TT_NAME "tax table name" #define GNC_TT_REFCOUNT "reference count" /** @deprecated routine */ #define gncTaxTableGetGUID(x) qof_instance_get_guid(QOF_INSTANCE(x)) #define gncTaxTableRetGUID(x) (x ? *(qof_instance_get_guid(QOF_INSTANCE(x))) : *(guid_null())) #define gncTaxTableLookupDirect(G,B) gncTaxTableLookup((B), &(G)) #endif /* GNC_TAXTABLE_H_ */ /** @} */ /** @} */