/* * gnc-recurrence-xml-v2.c -- xml routines for Recurrence * * Copyright (C) 2005 Chris Shoemaker * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, contact: * * Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA gnu@gnu.org */ extern "C" { #include #include #include #include "qof.h" #include "Recurrence.h" } #include "gnc-xml.h" #include "gnc-xml-helper.h" #include "sixtp.h" #include "sixtp-utils.h" #include "sixtp-parsers.h" #include "sixtp-utils.h" #include "sixtp-dom-parsers.h" #include "sixtp-dom-generators.h" #include "io-gncxml-v2.h" static QofLogModule log_module = GNC_MOD_IO; const gchar* recurrence_version_string = "1.0.0"; #define recurrence_root "gnc:recurrence" #define recurrence_mult "recurrence:mult" #define recurrence_period_type "recurrence:period_type" #define recurrence_start "recurrence:start" #define recurrence_weekend_adj "recurrence:weekend_adj" //TODO: I think three of these functions rightly belong in Recurrence.c. static gboolean recurrence_period_type_handler (xmlNodePtr node, gpointer d) { PeriodType pt; char* nodeTxt; nodeTxt = dom_tree_to_text (node); g_return_val_if_fail (nodeTxt, FALSE); pt = recurrencePeriodTypeFromString (nodeTxt); ((Recurrence*) d)->ptype = pt; g_free (nodeTxt); return (pt != -1); } static gboolean recurrence_start_date_handler (xmlNodePtr node, gpointer r) { GDate* d; d = dom_tree_to_gdate (node); g_return_val_if_fail (d, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (g_date_valid (d), FALSE); ((Recurrence*) r)->start = *d; g_date_free (d); return TRUE; } static gboolean recurrence_mult_handler (xmlNodePtr node, gpointer r) { return dom_tree_to_guint16 (node, & ((Recurrence*)r)->mult); } static gboolean recurrence_weekend_adj_handler (xmlNodePtr node, gpointer d) { WeekendAdjust wadj; char* nodeTxt; nodeTxt = dom_tree_to_text (node); g_return_val_if_fail (nodeTxt, FALSE); wadj = recurrenceWeekendAdjustFromString (nodeTxt); ((Recurrence*) d)->wadj = wadj; g_free (nodeTxt); return (wadj != -1); } static struct dom_tree_handler recurrence_dom_handlers[] = { { recurrence_mult, recurrence_mult_handler, 1, 0 }, { recurrence_period_type, recurrence_period_type_handler, 1, 0 }, { recurrence_start, recurrence_start_date_handler, 1, 0 }, { recurrence_weekend_adj, recurrence_weekend_adj_handler, 0, 0 }, { NULL, NULL, 0, 0 } }; Recurrence* dom_tree_to_recurrence (xmlNodePtr node) { gboolean successful; Recurrence* r; r = g_new (Recurrence, 1); /* In case the file doesn't have a weekend adjustment element */ r->wadj = WEEKEND_ADJ_NONE; successful = dom_tree_generic_parse (node, recurrence_dom_handlers, r); if (!successful) { PERR ("failed to parse recurrence node"); xmlElemDump (stdout, NULL, node); g_free (r); r = NULL; } return r; } xmlNodePtr recurrence_to_dom_tree (const gchar* tag, const Recurrence* r) { xmlNodePtr n; PeriodType pt; GDate d; WeekendAdjust wadj; n = xmlNewNode (NULL, BAD_CAST tag); xmlSetProp (n, BAD_CAST "version", BAD_CAST recurrence_version_string); xmlAddChild (n, guint_to_dom_tree (recurrence_mult, recurrenceGetMultiplier (r))); pt = recurrenceGetPeriodType (r); xmlAddChild (n, text_to_dom_tree (recurrence_period_type, recurrencePeriodTypeToString (pt))); d = recurrenceGetDate (r); xmlAddChild (n, gdate_to_dom_tree (recurrence_start, &d)); wadj = recurrenceGetWeekendAdjust (r); if (wadj != WEEKEND_ADJ_NONE) { /* In r17725 and r17751, I introduced this extra XML child element, but this means a gnucash-2.2.x cannot read the SX recurrence of a >=2.3.x file anymore, which is bad. In order to improve this broken backward compatibility for most of the cases, we don't write out this XML element as long as it is only "none". */ xmlAddChild (n, text_to_dom_tree (recurrence_weekend_adj, recurrenceWeekendAdjustToString (wadj))); } return n; }