;; Scheme code for supporting options for the business modules ;; ;; Created by: Derek Atkins ;; ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ;; the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program; if not, contact: ;; ;; Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 ;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652 ;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA gnu@gnu.org ;; Internally, values are always a guid. Externally, both guids and ;; invoice pointers may be used to set the value of the option. The ;; option always returns a single invoice pointer. (define-module (gnucash app-utils business-options)) (eval-when (compile load eval expand) (load-extension "libgnc-app-utils" "scm_init_sw_app_utils_module")) (use-modules (gnucash core-utils)) (use-modules (gnucash engine)) (use-modules (gnucash utilities)) (use-modules (gnucash app-utils options)) (use-modules (sw_app_utils)) (export gnc:*business-label*) (export gnc:*company-name*) (export gnc:*company-addy*) (export gnc:*company-id*) (export gnc:*company-phone*) (export gnc:*company-fax*) (export gnc:*company-url*) (export gnc:*company-email*) (export gnc:*company-contact*) (export gnc:*fancy-date-label*) (export gnc:*fancy-date-format*) (export gnc:*tax-label*) (export gnc:*tax-nr-label*) (export gnc:company-info) (export gnc:fancy-date-info) (export gnc:*option-section-budgeting*) (export gnc:*option-name-auto-readonly-days*) (export gnc:*option-name-num-field-source*) (export gnc:*kvp-option-path*) (export gnc:options-fancy-date) (export gnc:*option-name-default-budget*) (define gnc:*kvp-option-path* (list KVP-OPTION-PATH)) (define gnc:*option-name-auto-readonly-days* OPTION-NAME-AUTO-READONLY-DAYS) (define gnc:*option-name-num-field-source* OPTION-NAME-NUM-FIELD-SOURCE) (define gnc:*option-section-budgeting* OPTION-SECTION-BUDGETING) (define gnc:*option-name-default-budget* OPTION-NAME-DEFAULT-BUDGET) (define gnc:*business-label* (N_ "Business")) (define gnc:*company-name* (N_ "Company Name")) (define gnc:*company-addy* (N_ "Company Address")) (define gnc:*company-id* (N_ "Company ID")) (define gnc:*company-phone* (N_ "Company Phone Number")) (define gnc:*company-fax* (N_ "Company Fax Number")) (define gnc:*company-url* (N_ "Company Website URL")) (define gnc:*company-email* (N_ "Company Email Address")) (define gnc:*company-contact* (N_ "Company Contact Person")) (define gnc:*fancy-date-label* (N_ "Fancy Date Format")) (define gnc:*fancy-date-format* (N_ "custom")) (define gnc:*tax-label* (N_ "Tax")) (define gnc:*tax-nr-label* (N_ "Tax Number")) (define (gnc:options-fancy-date book) (let ((date-format (gnc:fancy-date-info book gnc:*fancy-date-format*))) (if (boolean? date-format) ;; date-format does not exist (qof-date-format-get-string (qof-date-format-get)) date-format))) (define (gnc:company-info book key) ;; Access company info from key-value pairs for current book (gnc:option-get-value book gnc:*business-label* key)) (define (gnc:fancy-date-info book key) ;; Access fancy date info from key-value pairs for current book (gnc:option-get-value book gnc:*business-label* (list gnc:*fancy-date-label* key))) (define (gnc:options-fancy-date book) (let ((date-format (gnc:fancy-date-info book gnc:*fancy-date-format*))) (if (boolean? date-format) ;; date-format does not exist (qof-date-format-get-string (qof-date-format-get)) date-format))) (define (gnc:make-invoice-option section name sort-tag documentation-string default-getter value-validator) (define (convert-to-guid item) (if (string? item) item (gncInvoiceReturnGUID item))) (define (convert-to-invoice item) (if (string? item) (gncInvoiceLookupFlip item (gnc-get-current-book)) item)) (let* ((option (convert-to-guid (default-getter))) (option-set #f) (getter (lambda () (convert-to-invoice (if option-set option (default-getter))))) (value->string (lambda () (string-append "'" (gnc:value->string (if option-set option #f))))) (validator (if (not value-validator) (lambda (invoice) (list #t invoice)) (lambda (invoice) (value-validator (convert-to-invoice invoice)))))) (gnc:make-option section name sort-tag 'invoice documentation-string getter (lambda (invoice) ;; setter (if (null? invoice) (set! invoice (default-getter))) (set! invoice (convert-to-invoice invoice)) (let* ((result (validator invoice)) (valid (car result)) (value (cadr result))) (if valid (begin (set! option (convert-to-guid value)) (set! option-set #t)) (gnc:error "Illegal invoice value set")))) (lambda () (convert-to-invoice (default-getter))) (gnc:restore-form-generator value->string) (lambda (b p) (qof-book-set-option b option p)) (lambda (b p) (let ((v (qof-book-get-option b p))) (if (and v (string? v)) (begin (set! option v) (set! option-set #t))))) validator #f #f #f #f))) ;; Internally, values are always a guid. Externally, both guids and ;; customer pointers may be used to set the value of the option. The ;; option always returns a single customer pointer. (define (gnc:make-owner-option section name sort-tag documentation-string default-getter value-validator owner-type) (let ((option-value (gncOwnerNew))) (define (convert-to-pair item) (if (pair? item) item (cons (gncOwnerGetType item) (gncOwnerReturnGUID item)))) (define (convert-to-owner pair) (if (pair? pair) (let ((type (car pair))) (cond ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-CUSTOMER) (gncOwnerInitCustomer option-value (gncCustomerLookupFlip (cdr pair) (gnc-get-current-book))) option-value) ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-VENDOR) (gncOwnerInitVendor option-value (gncVendorLookupFlip (cdr pair) (gnc-get-current-book))) option-value) ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-EMPLOYEE) (gncOwnerInitEmployee option-value (gncEmployeeLookupFlip (cdr pair) (gnc-get-current-book))) option-value) ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-JOB) (gncOwnerInitJob option-value (gncJobLookupFlip (cdr pair) (gnc-get-current-book))) option-value) (else '()))) pair)) (let* ((option (convert-to-pair (default-getter))) (option-set #f) (getter (lambda () (convert-to-owner (if option-set option (default-getter))))) (value->string (lambda () (string-append "'" (gnc:value->string (if option-set option #f))))) (validator (if (not value-validator) (lambda (owner) (let ((type (if (pair? owner) (car owner) (gncOwnerGetType owner)))) (if (equal? type owner-type) (list #t owner) (list #f "Owner-Type Mismatch")))) (lambda (owner) (value-validator (convert-to-owner owner)))))) (gnc:make-option section name sort-tag 'owner documentation-string getter (lambda (owner) (if (null? owner) (set! owner (default-getter))) (set! owner (convert-to-owner owner)) (let* ((result (validator owner)) (valid (car result)) (value (cadr result))) (if valid (begin (set! option (convert-to-pair value)) (set! option-set #t)) (gnc:error "Illegal owner value set")))) (lambda () (convert-to-owner (default-getter))) (gnc:restore-form-generator value->string) (lambda (b p) (qof-book-set-option b (symbol->string (car option)) (append p '("type"))) (qof-book-set-option b (cdr option) (append p '("value")))) (lambda (b p) (let ((t (qof-book-get-option b (append p '("type")))) (v (qof-book-get-option b (append p '("value"))))) (if (and t v (string? t) (string? v)) (begin (set! option (cons (string->symbol t) v)) (set! option-set #t))))) validator owner-type #f #f #f)))) ;; Internally, values are always a guid. Externally, both guids and ;; taxtable pointers may be used to set the value of the option. The ;; option always returns a single taxtable pointer. (define (gnc:make-taxtable-option section name sort-tag documentation-string default-getter value-validator) (define (convert-to-guid item) (if (string? item) item (gncTaxTableReturnGUID item))) (define (convert-to-taxtable item) (if (string? item) (gncTaxTableLookupFlip item (gnc-get-current-book)) item)) (let* ((option (convert-to-guid (default-getter))) (option-set #f) (getter (lambda () (convert-to-taxtable (if option-set option (default-getter))))) (value->string (lambda () (string-append "'" (gnc:value->string (if option-set option #f))))) (validator (if (not value-validator) (lambda (taxtable) (list #t taxtable)) (lambda (taxtable) (value-validator (convert-to-taxtable taxtable)))))) (gnc:make-option section name sort-tag 'taxtable documentation-string getter (lambda (taxtable) (if (null? taxtable) (set! taxtable (default-getter))) (set! taxtable (convert-to-taxtable taxtable)) (let* ((result (validator taxtable)) (valid (car result)) (value (cadr result))) (if valid (begin (set! option (convert-to-guid value)) (set! option-set #t)) (gnc:error "Illegal taxtable value set")))) (lambda () (convert-to-taxtable (default-getter))) (gnc:restore-form-generator value->string) (lambda (b p) (qof-book-set-option b option p)) (lambda (b p) (let ((v (qof-book-get-option b p))) (if (and v (string? v)) (begin (set! option v) (set! option-set #t))))) validator #f #f #f #f))) ;; This defines an option to set a counter value. This is a slightly ;; different kind of option: Unlike all other options, the values edited ;; by this option are not saved in the "options"/
kvm slot, but ;; in the "counters" slot. This is mostly due to backwards compatibility ;; and partly because counters are a bit different from other options ;; anyway. ;; ;; This is implemented by overriding the scm->kvp and kvp->scm methods ;; to ignore the kvp path passed and replace it with a hardcoded ;; "counters". (define (gnc:make-counter-option section name key sort-tag documentation-string default-value) (let ((option (gnc:make-number-range-option section name sort-tag documentation-string default-value 0 999999999 0 1))) (gnc:set-option-scm->kvp option (lambda (b p) (qof-book-set-option b (inexact->exact ((gnc:option-getter option))) (list "counters" key)))) (gnc:set-option-kvp->scm option (lambda (b p) (let ((v (qof-book-get-option b (list "counters" key)))) (if (and v (integer? v)) ((gnc:option-setter option) v))))) option)) ;; This defines an option to set a counter format, which has the same ;; exception as gnc:make-counter-option above. ;; Note this function uses a hack to make sure there never is a default value ;; (default-value is set to #f and value subsequently set to whatever was passed as default-value) ;; This hack was introduced to fix https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=687504 (define (gnc:make-counter-format-option section name key sort-tag documentation-string default-value) (let ((option (gnc:make-string-option section name sort-tag documentation-string #f))) (gnc:option-set-value option default-value) (gnc:set-option-scm->kvp option (lambda (b p) (let ((value ((gnc:option-getter option))) (path (string-concatenate (list "counter_formats/" key)))) (qof-book-set-string-option b path value)))) (gnc:set-option-kvp->scm option (lambda (b p) (let* ((path (string-concatenate (list "counter_formats/" key))) (v (qof-book-get-string-option b path))) (if (and v (string? v)) ((gnc:option-setter option) v))))) option)) (export gnc:make-invoice-option) (export gnc:make-owner-option) (export gnc:make-taxtable-option) (export gnc:make-counter-option) (export gnc:make-counter-format-option)