/* * gnc-sx-instance-model.c * * Copyright (C) 2006 Josh Sled * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of version 2 and/or version 3 of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * As a special exception, permission is granted to link the binary module * resultant from this code with the OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or * modified versions of it that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" * library), and distribute the linked executable. You must obey the GNU * General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than * "OpenSSL". If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not * wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version of this * file. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, contact: * * Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA gnu@gnu.org */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "Account.h" #include "SX-book.h" #include "SchedXaction.h" #include "Scrub.h" #include "Split.h" #include "Transaction.h" #include "gnc-commodity.h" #include "gnc-date.h" #include "gnc-event.h" #include "gnc-exp-parser.h" #include "gnc-glib-utils.h" #include "gnc-sx-instance-model.h" #include "gnc-ui-util.h" #include "qof.h" #undef G_LOG_DOMAIN #define G_LOG_DOMAIN "gnc.app-utils.sx" static QofLogModule log_module = G_LOG_DOMAIN; /** Report errors bilingual: * in g_critical untranslated and * in g_list_append translated. */ #define REPORT_ERROR(list, format, ...) do { \ g_critical(format, __VA_ARGS__); \ if (list != NULL) \ *list = g_list_append(*list, g_strdup_printf(_(format), __VA_ARGS__)); \ } while (0) static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL; static void gnc_sx_instance_model_class_init (GncSxInstanceModelClass *klass); static void gnc_sx_instance_model_init(GTypeInstance *instance, gpointer klass); static GncSxInstanceModel* gnc_sx_instance_model_new(void); static GncSxInstance* gnc_sx_instance_new(GncSxInstances *parent, GncSxInstanceState state, GDate *date, void *temporal_state, gint sequence_num); static gint _get_vars_helper(Transaction *txn, void *var_hash_data); static GncSxVariable* gnc_sx_variable_new(gchar *name); static void _gnc_sx_instance_event_handler(QofInstance *ent, QofEventId event_type, gpointer user_data, gpointer evt_data); /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ static gboolean scrub_sx_split_numeric (Split* split, const char *debcred) { const gboolean is_credit = g_strcmp0 (debcred, "credit") == 0; const char *formula = is_credit ? "sx-credit-formula" : "sx-debit-formula"; const char *numeric = is_credit ? "sx-credit-numeric" : "sx-debit-numeric"; char *formval; gnc_numeric *numval = NULL; GHashTable *parser_vars = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); char *error_loc; gnc_numeric amount = gnc_numeric_zero (); gboolean parse_result = FALSE; gboolean num_val_changed = FALSE; qof_instance_get (QOF_INSTANCE (split), formula, &formval, numeric, &numval, NULL); parse_result = gnc_exp_parser_parse_separate_vars (formval, &amount, &error_loc, parser_vars); if (!parse_result || g_hash_table_size (parser_vars) != 0) amount = gnc_numeric_zero (); g_hash_table_unref (parser_vars); if (!numval || !gnc_numeric_eq (amount, *numval)) { qof_instance_set (QOF_INSTANCE (split), numeric, &amount, NULL); num_val_changed = TRUE; } g_free (numval); return num_val_changed; } /* Fixes error in pre-2.6.16 where the numeric slot wouldn't get changed if the * formula slot was edited. */ void gnc_sx_scrub_split_numerics (gpointer psplit, gpointer puser) { Split *split = GNC_SPLIT (psplit); Transaction *trans = xaccSplitGetParent (split); gboolean changed; xaccTransBeginEdit (trans); changed = scrub_sx_split_numeric (split, "credit") + scrub_sx_split_numeric (split, "debit"); if (!changed) xaccTransRollbackEdit (trans); else xaccTransCommitEdit (trans); } static void _sx_var_to_raw_numeric(gchar *name, GncSxVariable *var, GHashTable *parser_var_hash) { g_hash_table_insert(parser_var_hash, g_strdup(name), &var->value); } static void _var_numeric_to_sx_var(gchar *name, gnc_numeric *num, GHashTable *sx_var_hash) { gpointer p_var; if (!g_hash_table_lookup_extended(sx_var_hash, name, NULL, &p_var)) { p_var = (gpointer)gnc_sx_variable_new(name); g_hash_table_insert(sx_var_hash, g_strdup(name), p_var); } ((GncSxVariable*)p_var)->value = *num; } static void _wipe_parsed_sx_var(gchar *key, GncSxVariable *var, gpointer unused_user_data) { var->value = gnc_numeric_error(GNC_ERROR_ARG); } /** * @return caller-owned. **/ GHashTable* gnc_sx_instance_get_variables_for_parser(GHashTable *instance_var_hash) { GHashTable *parser_vars; parser_vars = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash, g_str_equal); g_hash_table_foreach(instance_var_hash, (GHFunc)_sx_var_to_raw_numeric, parser_vars); return parser_vars; } int gnc_sx_parse_vars_from_formula(const char *formula, GHashTable *var_hash, gnc_numeric *result) { gnc_numeric num; char *errLoc = NULL; int toRet = 0; GHashTable *parser_vars; // convert var_hash -> variables for the parser. parser_vars = gnc_sx_instance_get_variables_for_parser(var_hash); num = gnc_numeric_zero(); if (!gnc_exp_parser_parse_separate_vars(formula, &num, &errLoc, parser_vars)) { toRet = -1; } // convert back. g_hash_table_foreach(parser_vars, (GHFunc)_var_numeric_to_sx_var, var_hash); g_hash_table_destroy(parser_vars); if (result != NULL) { *result = num; } return toRet; } static GncSxVariable* gnc_sx_variable_new(gchar *name) { GncSxVariable *var = g_new0(GncSxVariable, 1); var->name = g_strdup(name); var->value = gnc_numeric_error(GNC_ERROR_ARG); var->editable = TRUE; return var; } GncSxVariable* gnc_sx_variable_new_full(gchar *name, gnc_numeric value, gboolean editable) { GncSxVariable *var = gnc_sx_variable_new(name); var->value = value; var->editable = editable; return var; } static GncSxVariable* gnc_sx_variable_new_copy(GncSxVariable *to_copy) { GncSxVariable *var = gnc_sx_variable_new(to_copy->name); var->value = to_copy->value; var->editable = to_copy->editable; return var; } void gnc_sx_variable_free(GncSxVariable *var) { g_free(var->name); g_free(var); } static gint _get_vars_helper(Transaction *txn, void *var_hash_data) { GHashTable *var_hash = (GHashTable*)var_hash_data; GList *split_list; Split *s; gchar *credit_formula = NULL; gchar *debit_formula = NULL; gnc_commodity *first_cmdty = NULL; split_list = xaccTransGetSplitList(txn); if (split_list == NULL) { return 1; } for ( ; split_list; split_list = split_list->next) { gnc_commodity *split_cmdty = NULL; GncGUID *acct_guid = NULL; Account *acct; gboolean split_is_marker = TRUE; s = (Split*)split_list->data; qof_instance_get (QOF_INSTANCE (s), "sx-account", &acct_guid, "sx-credit-formula", &credit_formula, "sx-debit-formula", &debit_formula, NULL); acct = xaccAccountLookup(acct_guid, gnc_get_current_book()); guid_free (acct_guid); split_cmdty = xaccAccountGetCommodity(acct); // existing... ------------------------------------------ if (credit_formula && strlen(credit_formula) != 0) { gnc_sx_parse_vars_from_formula(credit_formula, var_hash, NULL); split_is_marker = FALSE; } if (debit_formula && strlen(debit_formula) != 0) { gnc_sx_parse_vars_from_formula(debit_formula, var_hash, NULL); split_is_marker = FALSE; } g_free (credit_formula); g_free (debit_formula); if (!split_is_marker && first_cmdty == NULL) { first_cmdty = split_cmdty; } if (!split_is_marker && ! gnc_commodity_equal(split_cmdty, first_cmdty)) { GncSxVariable *var; gchar *var_name; const gchar *split_mnemonic, *first_mnemonic; split_mnemonic = gnc_commodity_get_mnemonic(split_cmdty); first_mnemonic = gnc_commodity_get_mnemonic(first_cmdty); var_name = g_strdup_printf ("%s -> %s", split_mnemonic ? split_mnemonic : "(null)", first_mnemonic ? first_mnemonic : "(null)"); var = gnc_sx_variable_new(var_name); g_hash_table_insert(var_hash, g_strdup(var->name), var); } } return 0; } Account* gnc_sx_get_template_transaction_account(const SchedXaction *sx) { Account *template_root, *sx_template_acct; char sx_guid_str[GUID_ENCODING_LENGTH+1]; template_root = gnc_book_get_template_root(gnc_get_current_book()); guid_to_string_buff(xaccSchedXactionGetGUID(sx), sx_guid_str); sx_template_acct = gnc_account_lookup_by_name(template_root, sx_guid_str); return sx_template_acct; } void gnc_sx_get_variables(SchedXaction *sx, GHashTable *var_hash) { Account *sx_template_acct = gnc_sx_get_template_transaction_account(sx); xaccAccountForEachTransaction(sx_template_acct, _get_vars_helper, var_hash); } static void _set_var_to_random_value(gchar *key, GncSxVariable *var, gpointer unused_user_data) { /* This is used by dialog-sx-editor to plug in values as a simplistic way to * check balances. One possible variable is the number of periods in a * interest or future value calculation where the variable is used as an * exponent, so we want the numbers to be monotonically > 0 and not so large * that they'll cause overflows. */ var->value = gnc_numeric_create(g_random_int_range(1, 1000), 1); } void gnc_sx_randomize_variables(GHashTable *vars) { g_hash_table_foreach(vars, (GHFunc)_set_var_to_random_value, NULL); } static void _clone_sx_var_hash_entry(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { GHashTable *to = (GHashTable*)user_data; GncSxVariable *to_copy = (GncSxVariable*)value; GncSxVariable *var = gnc_sx_variable_new_copy(to_copy); g_hash_table_insert(to, g_strdup(key), var); } static GncSxInstance* gnc_sx_instance_new(GncSxInstances *parent, GncSxInstanceState state, GDate *date, void *temporal_state, gint sequence_num) { GncSxInstance *rtn = g_new0(GncSxInstance, 1); rtn->parent = parent; rtn->orig_state = state; rtn->state = state; g_date_clear(&rtn->date, 1); rtn->date = *date; rtn->temporal_state = gnc_sx_clone_temporal_state(temporal_state); if (! parent->variable_names_parsed) { parent->variable_names = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, (GDestroyNotify)gnc_sx_variable_free); gnc_sx_get_variables(parent->sx, parent->variable_names); g_hash_table_foreach(parent->variable_names, (GHFunc)_wipe_parsed_sx_var, NULL); parent->variable_names_parsed = TRUE; } rtn->variable_bindings = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, (GDestroyNotify)gnc_sx_variable_free); g_hash_table_foreach(parent->variable_names, _clone_sx_var_hash_entry, rtn->variable_bindings); { int instance_i_value; gnc_numeric i_num; GncSxVariable *as_var; instance_i_value = gnc_sx_get_instance_count(rtn->parent->sx, rtn->temporal_state); i_num = gnc_numeric_create(instance_i_value, 1); as_var = gnc_sx_variable_new_full("i", i_num, FALSE); g_hash_table_insert(rtn->variable_bindings, g_strdup("i"), as_var); } return rtn; } static gint _compare_GncSxVariables(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { return strcmp(((const GncSxVariable*)a)->name, ((const GncSxVariable*)b)->name); } static void _build_list_from_hash_elts(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { GList **list = (GList**)user_data; *list = g_list_insert_sorted(*list, value, _compare_GncSxVariables); } GList * gnc_sx_instance_get_variables(GncSxInstance *inst) { GList *vars = NULL; g_hash_table_foreach(inst->variable_bindings, _build_list_from_hash_elts, &vars); return vars; } static GncSxInstances* _gnc_sx_gen_instances(gpointer *data, gpointer user_data) { GncSxInstances *instances = g_new0(GncSxInstances, 1); SchedXaction *sx = (SchedXaction*)data; const GDate *range_end = (const GDate*)user_data; GDate creation_end, remind_end; GDate cur_date; SXTmpStateData *temporal_state = gnc_sx_create_temporal_state(sx); instances->sx = sx; creation_end = *range_end; g_date_add_days(&creation_end, xaccSchedXactionGetAdvanceCreation(sx)); remind_end = creation_end; g_date_add_days(&remind_end, xaccSchedXactionGetAdvanceReminder(sx)); /* postponed */ { GList *postponed = gnc_sx_get_defer_instances(sx); for ( ; postponed != NULL; postponed = postponed->next) { GDate inst_date; int seq_num; GncSxInstance *inst; g_date_clear(&inst_date, 1); inst_date = xaccSchedXactionGetNextInstance(sx, postponed->data); seq_num = gnc_sx_get_instance_count(sx, postponed->data); inst = gnc_sx_instance_new(instances, SX_INSTANCE_STATE_POSTPONED, &inst_date, postponed->data, seq_num); instances->instance_list = g_list_append(instances->instance_list, inst); gnc_sx_destroy_temporal_state(temporal_state); temporal_state = gnc_sx_clone_temporal_state(postponed->data); gnc_sx_incr_temporal_state(sx, temporal_state); } } /* to-create */ g_date_clear(&cur_date, 1); cur_date = xaccSchedXactionGetNextInstance(sx, temporal_state); instances->next_instance_date = cur_date; while (g_date_valid(&cur_date) && g_date_compare(&cur_date, &creation_end) <= 0) { GncSxInstance *inst; int seq_num; seq_num = gnc_sx_get_instance_count(sx, temporal_state); inst = gnc_sx_instance_new(instances, SX_INSTANCE_STATE_TO_CREATE, &cur_date, temporal_state, seq_num); instances->instance_list = g_list_append(instances->instance_list, inst); gnc_sx_incr_temporal_state(sx, temporal_state); cur_date = xaccSchedXactionGetNextInstance(sx, temporal_state); } /* reminders */ while (g_date_valid(&cur_date) && g_date_compare(&cur_date, &remind_end) <= 0) { GncSxInstance *inst; int seq_num; seq_num = gnc_sx_get_instance_count(sx, temporal_state); inst = gnc_sx_instance_new(instances, SX_INSTANCE_STATE_REMINDER, &cur_date, temporal_state, seq_num); instances->instance_list = g_list_append(instances->instance_list, inst); gnc_sx_incr_temporal_state(sx, temporal_state); cur_date = xaccSchedXactionGetNextInstance(sx, temporal_state); } return instances; } GncSxInstanceModel* gnc_sx_get_current_instances(void) { GDate now; g_date_clear(&now, 1); gnc_gdate_set_time64 (&now, gnc_time (NULL)); return gnc_sx_get_instances(&now, FALSE); } GncSxInstanceModel* gnc_sx_get_instances(const GDate *range_end, gboolean include_disabled) { GList *all_sxes = gnc_book_get_schedxactions(gnc_get_current_book())->sx_list; GncSxInstanceModel *instances; g_assert(range_end != NULL); g_assert(g_date_valid(range_end)); instances = gnc_sx_instance_model_new(); instances->include_disabled = include_disabled; instances->range_end = *range_end; if (include_disabled) { instances->sx_instance_list = gnc_g_list_map(all_sxes, (GncGMapFunc)_gnc_sx_gen_instances, (gpointer)range_end); } else { GList *sx_iter = g_list_first(all_sxes); GList *enabled_sxes = NULL; for (; sx_iter != NULL; sx_iter = sx_iter->next) { SchedXaction *sx = (SchedXaction*)sx_iter->data; if (xaccSchedXactionGetEnabled(sx)) { enabled_sxes = g_list_prepend (enabled_sxes, sx); } } enabled_sxes = g_list_reverse (enabled_sxes); instances->sx_instance_list = gnc_g_list_map(enabled_sxes, (GncGMapFunc)_gnc_sx_gen_instances, (gpointer)range_end); g_list_free(enabled_sxes); } return instances; } static GncSxInstanceModel* gnc_sx_instance_model_new(void) { return GNC_SX_INSTANCE_MODEL(g_object_new(GNC_TYPE_SX_INSTANCE_MODEL, NULL)); } GType gnc_sx_instance_model_get_type(void) { static GType type = 0; if (type == 0) { static const GTypeInfo info = { sizeof (GncSxInstanceModelClass), NULL, /* base_init */ NULL, /* base_finalize */ (GClassInitFunc)gnc_sx_instance_model_class_init, /* class_init */ NULL, /* class_finalize */ NULL, /* class_data */ sizeof (GncSxInstanceModel), 0, /* n_preallocs */ (GInstanceInitFunc)gnc_sx_instance_model_init /* instance_init */ }; type = g_type_register_static (G_TYPE_OBJECT, "GncSxInstanceModelType", &info, 0); } return type; } static void gnc_sx_instance_model_dispose(GObject *object) { GncSxInstanceModel *model; g_return_if_fail(object != NULL); model = GNC_SX_INSTANCE_MODEL(object); g_return_if_fail(!model->disposed); model->disposed = TRUE; qof_event_unregister_handler(model->qof_event_handler_id); G_OBJECT_CLASS(parent_class)->dispose(object); } static void gnc_sx_instance_free(GncSxInstance *instance) { gnc_sx_destroy_temporal_state(instance->temporal_state); if (instance->variable_bindings != NULL) { g_hash_table_destroy(instance->variable_bindings); } instance->variable_bindings = NULL; g_free(instance); } static void gnc_sx_instances_free(GncSxInstances *instances) { GList *instance_iter; if (instances->variable_names != NULL) { g_hash_table_destroy(instances->variable_names); } instances->variable_names = NULL; instances->sx = NULL; for (instance_iter = instances->instance_list; instance_iter != NULL; instance_iter = instance_iter->next) { GncSxInstance *inst = (GncSxInstance*)instance_iter->data; gnc_sx_instance_free(inst); } g_list_free(instances->instance_list); instances->instance_list = NULL; g_free(instances); } static void gnc_sx_instance_model_finalize (GObject *object) { GncSxInstanceModel *model; GList *sx_list_iter; g_return_if_fail(object != NULL); model = GNC_SX_INSTANCE_MODEL(object); for (sx_list_iter = model->sx_instance_list; sx_list_iter != NULL; sx_list_iter = sx_list_iter->next) { GncSxInstances *instances = (GncSxInstances*)sx_list_iter->data; gnc_sx_instances_free(instances); } g_list_free(model->sx_instance_list); model->sx_instance_list = NULL; G_OBJECT_CLASS(parent_class)->finalize(object); } static void gnc_sx_instance_model_class_init (GncSxInstanceModelClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass); parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent(klass); object_class->dispose = gnc_sx_instance_model_dispose; object_class->finalize = gnc_sx_instance_model_finalize; klass->removing_signal_id = g_signal_new("removing", GNC_TYPE_SX_INSTANCE_MODEL, G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, 0, /* class offset */ NULL, /* accumulator */ NULL, /* accum data */ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__POINTER, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER); klass->updated_signal_id = g_signal_new("updated", GNC_TYPE_SX_INSTANCE_MODEL, G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, 0, /* class offset */ NULL, /* accumulator */ NULL, /* accum data */ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__POINTER, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER); klass->added_signal_id = g_signal_new("added", GNC_TYPE_SX_INSTANCE_MODEL, G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, 0, /* class offset */ NULL, /* accumulator */ NULL, /* accum data */ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__POINTER, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER); } static void gnc_sx_instance_model_init(GTypeInstance *instance, gpointer klass) { GncSxInstanceModel *inst = (GncSxInstanceModel*)instance; g_date_clear(&inst->range_end, 1); inst->sx_instance_list = NULL; inst->qof_event_handler_id = qof_event_register_handler(_gnc_sx_instance_event_handler, inst); } static gint _gnc_sx_instance_find_by_sx(GncSxInstances *in_list_instances, SchedXaction *sx_to_find) { if (in_list_instances->sx == sx_to_find) return 0; return -1; } static void _gnc_sx_instance_event_handler(QofInstance *ent, QofEventId event_type, gpointer user_data, gpointer evt_data) { GncSxInstanceModel *instances = GNC_SX_INSTANCE_MODEL(user_data); /* selection rules { // (gnc_collection_get_schedxaction_list(book), GNC_EVENT_ITEM_ADDED) // (gnc_collection_get_schedxaction_list(book), GNC_EVENT_ITEM_REMOVED) // (GNC_IS_SX(ent), QOF_EVENT_MODIFIED) // } */ if (!(GNC_IS_SX(ent) || GNC_IS_SXES(ent))) return; if (GNC_IS_SX(ent)) { SchedXaction *sx; gboolean sx_is_in_model = FALSE; sx = GNC_SX(ent); // only send `updated` if it's actually in the model sx_is_in_model = (g_list_find_custom(instances->sx_instance_list, sx, (GCompareFunc)_gnc_sx_instance_find_by_sx) != NULL); if (event_type & QOF_EVENT_MODIFY) { if (sx_is_in_model) { if (instances->include_disabled || xaccSchedXactionGetEnabled(sx)) { g_signal_emit_by_name(instances, "updated", (gpointer)sx); } else { /* the sx was enabled but is now disabled */ g_signal_emit_by_name(instances, "removing", (gpointer)sx); } } else { /* determine if this is a legitimate SX or just a "one-off" / being created */ GList *all_sxes = gnc_book_get_schedxactions(gnc_get_current_book())->sx_list; if (g_list_find(all_sxes, sx) && (!instances->include_disabled && xaccSchedXactionGetEnabled(sx))) { /* it's moved from disabled to enabled, add the instances */ instances->sx_instance_list = g_list_append(instances->sx_instance_list, _gnc_sx_gen_instances((gpointer)sx, (gpointer) & instances->range_end)); g_signal_emit_by_name(instances, "added", (gpointer)sx); } } } /* else { unsupported event type; ignore } */ } else if (GNC_IS_SXES(ent)) { SchedXaction *sx = GNC_SX(evt_data); if (event_type & GNC_EVENT_ITEM_REMOVED) { GList *instances_link; instances_link = g_list_find_custom(instances->sx_instance_list, sx, (GCompareFunc)_gnc_sx_instance_find_by_sx); if (instances_link != NULL) { g_signal_emit_by_name(instances, "removing", (gpointer)sx); } else if (instances->include_disabled) { g_warning("could not remove instances that do not exist in the model"); } } else if (event_type & GNC_EVENT_ITEM_ADDED) { if (instances->include_disabled || xaccSchedXactionGetEnabled(sx)) { /* generate instances, add to instance list, emit update. */ instances->sx_instance_list = g_list_append(instances->sx_instance_list, _gnc_sx_gen_instances((gpointer)sx, (gpointer) & instances->range_end)); g_signal_emit_by_name(instances, "added", (gpointer)sx); } } /* else { g_critical("unsupported event type [%d]\n", event_type); } */ } } typedef struct _HashListPair { GHashTable *hash; GList *list; } HashListPair; static void _find_unreferenced_vars(gchar *key, gpointer value, HashListPair *cb_pair) { if (cb_pair->hash == NULL || !g_hash_table_lookup_extended(cb_pair->hash, key, NULL, NULL)) { g_debug("variable [%s] not found", key); cb_pair->list = g_list_append(cb_pair->list, key); } } void gnc_sx_instance_model_update_sx_instances(GncSxInstanceModel *model, SchedXaction *sx) { GncSxInstances *existing, *new_instances; GList *link; link = g_list_find_custom(model->sx_instance_list, sx, (GCompareFunc)_gnc_sx_instance_find_by_sx); if (link == NULL) { g_critical("couldn't find sx [%p]\n", sx); return; } // merge the new instance data into the existing structure, mutating as little as possible. existing = (GncSxInstances*)link->data; new_instances = _gnc_sx_gen_instances((gpointer)sx, &model->range_end); existing->sx = new_instances->sx; existing->next_instance_date = new_instances->next_instance_date; { GList *existing_iter, *new_iter; gboolean existing_remain, new_remain; // step through the lists pairwise, and retain the existing // instance if the dates align, as soon as they don't stop and // cleanup. existing_iter = existing->instance_list; new_iter = new_instances->instance_list; for (; existing_iter != NULL && new_iter != NULL; existing_iter = existing_iter->next, new_iter = new_iter->next) { GncSxInstance *existing_inst, *new_inst; gboolean same_instance_date; existing_inst = (GncSxInstance*)existing_iter->data; new_inst = (GncSxInstance*)new_iter->data; same_instance_date = g_date_compare(&existing_inst->date, &new_inst->date) == 0; if (!same_instance_date) break; } existing_remain = (existing_iter != NULL); new_remain = (new_iter != NULL); if (existing_remain) { // delete excess gnc_g_list_cut(&existing->instance_list, existing_iter); g_list_foreach(existing_iter, (GFunc)gnc_sx_instance_free, NULL); } if (new_remain) { // append new GList *new_iter_iter; gnc_g_list_cut(&new_instances->instance_list, new_iter); for (new_iter_iter = new_iter; new_iter_iter != NULL; new_iter_iter = new_iter_iter->next) { GncSxInstance *inst = (GncSxInstance*)new_iter_iter->data; inst->parent = existing; existing->instance_list = g_list_append(existing->instance_list, new_iter_iter->data); } g_list_free(new_iter); } } // handle variables { GList *removed_var_names = NULL, *added_var_names = NULL; GList *inst_iter = NULL; if (existing->variable_names != NULL) { HashListPair removed_cb_data; removed_cb_data.hash = new_instances->variable_names; removed_cb_data.list = NULL; g_hash_table_foreach(existing->variable_names, (GHFunc)_find_unreferenced_vars, &removed_cb_data); removed_var_names = removed_cb_data.list; } g_debug("%d removed variables", g_list_length(removed_var_names)); if (new_instances->variable_names != NULL) { HashListPair added_cb_data; added_cb_data.hash = existing->variable_names; added_cb_data.list = NULL; g_hash_table_foreach(new_instances->variable_names, (GHFunc)_find_unreferenced_vars, &added_cb_data); added_var_names = added_cb_data.list; } g_debug("%d added variables", g_list_length(added_var_names)); if (existing->variable_names != NULL) { g_hash_table_destroy(existing->variable_names); } existing->variable_names = new_instances->variable_names; new_instances->variable_names = NULL; for (inst_iter = existing->instance_list; inst_iter != NULL; inst_iter = inst_iter->next) { GList *var_iter; GncSxInstance *inst = (GncSxInstance*)inst_iter->data; for (var_iter = removed_var_names; var_iter != NULL; var_iter = var_iter->next) { gchar *to_remove_key = (gchar*)var_iter->data; g_hash_table_remove(inst->variable_bindings, to_remove_key); } for (var_iter = added_var_names; var_iter != NULL; var_iter = var_iter->next) { gchar *to_add_key = (gchar*)var_iter->data; if (!g_hash_table_lookup_extended( inst->variable_bindings, to_add_key, NULL, NULL)) { GncSxVariable *parent_var = g_hash_table_lookup(existing->variable_names, to_add_key); GncSxVariable *var_copy; g_assert(parent_var != NULL); var_copy = gnc_sx_variable_new_copy(parent_var); g_hash_table_insert(inst->variable_bindings, g_strdup(to_add_key), var_copy); } } } } gnc_sx_instances_free(new_instances); } void gnc_sx_instance_model_remove_sx_instances(GncSxInstanceModel *model, SchedXaction *sx) { GList *instance_link = NULL; instance_link = g_list_find_custom(model->sx_instance_list, sx, (GCompareFunc)_gnc_sx_instance_find_by_sx); if (instance_link == NULL) { g_warning("instance not found!\n"); return; } model->sx_instance_list = g_list_remove_link(model->sx_instance_list, instance_link); gnc_sx_instances_free((GncSxInstances*)instance_link->data); } static void increment_sx_state(GncSxInstance *inst, GDate **last_occur_date, int *instance_count, int *remain_occur_count) { if (!g_date_valid(*last_occur_date) || (g_date_valid(*last_occur_date) && g_date_compare(*last_occur_date, &inst->date) <= 0)) { *last_occur_date = &inst->date; } *instance_count = gnc_sx_get_instance_count(inst->parent->sx, inst->temporal_state) + 1; if (*remain_occur_count > 0) { *remain_occur_count -= 1; } } typedef struct _SxTxnCreationData { GncSxInstance *instance; GList **created_txn_guids; GList **creation_errors; } SxTxnCreationData; static gboolean _get_template_split_account(const SchedXaction* sx, const Split *template_split, Account **split_acct, GList **creation_errors) { gboolean success = TRUE; GncGUID *acct_guid = NULL; qof_instance_get (QOF_INSTANCE (template_split), "sx-account", &acct_guid, NULL); *split_acct = xaccAccountLookup(acct_guid, gnc_get_current_book()); if (*split_acct == NULL) { char guid_str[GUID_ENCODING_LENGTH+1]; /* Translators: A list of error messages from the Scheduled Transactions (SX). They might appear in their editor or in "Since last run". */ gchar* err = N_("Unknown account for guid [%s], cancelling SX [%s] creation."); guid_to_string_buff((const GncGUID*)acct_guid, guid_str); REPORT_ERROR(creation_errors, err, guid_str, xaccSchedXactionGetName(sx)); success = FALSE; } guid_free (acct_guid); return success; } static void _get_sx_formula_value(const SchedXaction* sx, const Split *template_split, gnc_numeric *numeric, GList **creation_errors, const char *formula_key, const char* numeric_key, GHashTable *variable_bindings) { char *formula_str = NULL, *parseErrorLoc = NULL; gnc_numeric *numeric_val = NULL; qof_instance_get (QOF_INSTANCE (template_split), formula_key, &formula_str, numeric_key, &numeric_val, NULL); if ((variable_bindings == NULL || g_hash_table_size (variable_bindings) == 0) && numeric_val != NULL && gnc_numeric_check(*numeric_val) == GNC_ERROR_OK && !gnc_numeric_zero_p(*numeric_val)) { /* If there are no variables to parse and we had a valid numeric stored * then we can skip parsing the formual, which might save some * localization problems with separators. */ numeric->num = numeric_val->num; numeric->denom = numeric_val->denom; return; } if (formula_str != NULL && strlen(formula_str) != 0) { GHashTable *parser_vars = NULL; if (variable_bindings) { parser_vars = gnc_sx_instance_get_variables_for_parser(variable_bindings); } if (!gnc_exp_parser_parse_separate_vars(formula_str, numeric, &parseErrorLoc, parser_vars)) { gchar *err = N_("Error parsing SX [%s] key [%s]=formula [%s] at [%s]: %s."); REPORT_ERROR(creation_errors, err, xaccSchedXactionGetName(sx), formula_key, formula_str, parseErrorLoc, gnc_exp_parser_error_string()); } if (parser_vars != NULL) { g_hash_table_destroy(parser_vars); } } } static void _get_credit_formula_value(GncSxInstance *instance, const Split *template_split, gnc_numeric *credit_num, GList **creation_errors) { _get_sx_formula_value(instance->parent->sx, template_split, credit_num, creation_errors, "sx-credit-formula", "sx-credit-numeric", instance->variable_bindings); } static void _get_debit_formula_value(GncSxInstance *instance, const Split *template_split, gnc_numeric *debit_num, GList **creation_errors) { _get_sx_formula_value(instance->parent->sx, template_split, debit_num, creation_errors, "sx-debit-formula", "sx-debit-numeric", instance->variable_bindings); } static gnc_numeric split_apply_formulas (const Split *split, SxTxnCreationData* creation_data) { gnc_numeric credit_num = gnc_numeric_zero(); gnc_numeric debit_num = gnc_numeric_zero(); gnc_numeric final; gint gncn_error; SchedXaction *sx = creation_data->instance->parent->sx; _get_credit_formula_value(creation_data->instance, split, &credit_num, creation_data->creation_errors); _get_debit_formula_value(creation_data->instance, split, &debit_num, creation_data->creation_errors); final = gnc_numeric_sub_fixed(debit_num, credit_num); gncn_error = gnc_numeric_check(final); if (gncn_error != GNC_ERROR_OK) { gchar *err = N_("Error %d in SX [%s] final gnc_numeric value, using 0 instead."); REPORT_ERROR(creation_data->creation_errors, err, gncn_error, xaccSchedXactionGetName(sx)); final = gnc_numeric_zero(); } return final; } static void split_apply_exchange_rate (Split *split, GHashTable *bindings, gnc_commodity *first_cmdty, gnc_commodity *split_cmdty, gnc_numeric *final) { gchar *exchange_rate_var_name; GncSxVariable *exchange_rate_var; gnc_numeric amt; gnc_numeric exchange_rate = gnc_numeric_create (1, 1); exchange_rate_var_name = g_strdup_printf ("%s -> %s", gnc_commodity_get_mnemonic(first_cmdty), gnc_commodity_get_mnemonic(split_cmdty)); g_debug("var_name is %s -> %s", gnc_commodity_get_mnemonic(first_cmdty), gnc_commodity_get_mnemonic(split_cmdty)); exchange_rate_var = (GncSxVariable*)g_hash_table_lookup(bindings, exchange_rate_var_name); if (exchange_rate_var != NULL) { exchange_rate = exchange_rate_var->value; g_debug("exchange_rate is %s", gnc_numeric_to_string (exchange_rate)); } g_free (exchange_rate_var_name); if (!gnc_commodity_is_currency (split_cmdty)) amt = gnc_numeric_div(*final, exchange_rate, gnc_commodity_get_fraction (split_cmdty), GNC_HOW_RND_ROUND_HALF_UP); else amt = gnc_numeric_mul(*final, exchange_rate, 1000, GNC_HOW_RND_ROUND_HALF_UP); g_debug("amount is %s for memo split '%s'", gnc_numeric_to_string (amt), xaccSplitGetMemo (split)); xaccSplitSetAmount(split, amt); /* marks split dirty */ } /* If the template_txn was created from the SX Editor then it has the default * currency even if none of its splits do; if the template_txn was created from * a non-currency register then it will be requesting backwards prices. Check * that the template_txn currency is in at least one split; if it's not a * currency and one of the splits is, use that currency. If there are no * currencies at all assume that the user knew what they were doing and return * the template_transaction's commodity. * * Since we're going through the split commodities anyway, check that they all * have usable values. If we find an error return NULL as a signal to * create_each_transaction_helper to bail out. */ static gnc_commodity* get_transaction_currency(SxTxnCreationData *creation_data, SchedXaction *sx, Transaction *template_txn) { gnc_commodity *first_currency = NULL, *first_cmdty = NULL; gboolean err_flag = FALSE, txn_cmdty_in_splits = FALSE; gnc_commodity *txn_cmdty = xaccTransGetCurrency (template_txn); GList* txn_splits = xaccTransGetSplitList (template_txn); if (txn_cmdty) g_debug("Template txn currency is %s.", gnc_commodity_get_mnemonic (txn_cmdty)); else g_debug("No template txn currency."); for (;txn_splits; txn_splits = txn_splits->next) { Split* t_split = (Split*)txn_splits->data; Account* split_account = NULL; gnc_commodity *split_cmdty = NULL; if (!_get_template_split_account(sx, t_split, &split_account, creation_data->creation_errors)) { err_flag = TRUE; break; } split_cmdty = xaccAccountGetCommodity (split_account); if (!txn_cmdty) txn_cmdty = split_cmdty; if (!first_cmdty) first_cmdty = split_cmdty; if (gnc_commodity_equal (split_cmdty, txn_cmdty)) txn_cmdty_in_splits = TRUE; if (!first_currency && gnc_commodity_is_currency (split_cmdty)) first_currency = split_cmdty; } if (err_flag) { g_critical("Error in SX transaction [%s], split missing account: " "Creation aborted.", xaccSchedXactionGetName(sx)); return NULL; } if (first_currency && (!txn_cmdty_in_splits || !gnc_commodity_is_currency (txn_cmdty))) return first_currency; if (!txn_cmdty_in_splits) return first_cmdty; return txn_cmdty; } static gboolean create_each_transaction_helper(Transaction *template_txn, void *user_data) { Transaction *new_txn; GList *txn_splits, *template_splits, *node; Split *copying_split; SxTxnCreationData *creation_data = (SxTxnCreationData*)user_data; SchedXaction *sx = creation_data->instance->parent->sx; gnc_commodity *txn_cmdty = get_transaction_currency (creation_data, sx, template_txn); /* No txn_cmdty means there was a defective split. Bail. */ if (txn_cmdty == NULL) return FALSE; /* FIXME: In general, this should [correctly] deal with errors such as not finding the appropriate Accounts and not being able to parse the formula|credit/debit strings. */ new_txn = xaccTransCloneNoKvp(template_txn); xaccTransBeginEdit(new_txn); g_debug("creating template txn desc [%s] for sx [%s]", xaccTransGetDescription(new_txn), xaccSchedXactionGetName(sx)); /* Bug#500427: copy the notes, if any */ if (xaccTransGetNotes(template_txn) != NULL) { xaccTransSetNotes(new_txn, g_strdup(xaccTransGetNotes(template_txn))); } xaccTransSetDate(new_txn, g_date_get_day(&creation_data->instance->date), g_date_get_month(&creation_data->instance->date), g_date_get_year(&creation_data->instance->date)); template_splits = xaccTransGetSplitList(template_txn); txn_splits = xaccTransGetSplitList(new_txn); if ((template_splits == NULL) || (txn_splits == NULL)) { g_critical("transaction w/o splits for sx [%s]", xaccSchedXactionGetName(sx)); xaccTransDestroy(new_txn); xaccTransCommitEdit(new_txn); return FALSE; } if (txn_cmdty == NULL) { xaccTransDestroy(new_txn); xaccTransCommitEdit(new_txn); return FALSE; } xaccTransSetCurrency(new_txn, txn_cmdty); for (; txn_splits && template_splits; txn_splits = txn_splits->next, template_splits = template_splits->next) { const Split *template_split; Account *split_acct; gnc_commodity *split_cmdty = NULL; /* FIXME: Ick. This assumes that the split lists will be ordered identically. :( They are, but we'd rather not have to count on it. --jsled */ template_split = (Split*)template_splits->data; copying_split = (Split*)txn_splits->data; _get_template_split_account(sx, template_split, &split_acct, creation_data->creation_errors); split_cmdty = xaccAccountGetCommodity(split_acct); xaccSplitSetAccount(copying_split, split_acct); { gnc_numeric final = split_apply_formulas(template_split, creation_data); xaccSplitSetValue(copying_split, final); g_debug("value is %s for memo split '%s'", gnc_numeric_to_string (final), xaccSplitGetMemo (copying_split)); if (! gnc_commodity_equal(split_cmdty, txn_cmdty)) { split_apply_exchange_rate(copying_split, creation_data->instance->variable_bindings, txn_cmdty, split_cmdty, &final); } xaccSplitScrub(copying_split); } } { qof_instance_set (QOF_INSTANCE (new_txn), "from-sched-xaction", xaccSchedXactionGetGUID(creation_data->instance->parent->sx), NULL); } xaccTransCommitEdit(new_txn); if (creation_data->created_txn_guids != NULL) { *creation_data->created_txn_guids = g_list_append(*(creation_data->created_txn_guids), (gpointer)xaccTransGetGUID(new_txn)); } return FALSE; } static void create_transactions_for_instance(GncSxInstance *instance, GList **created_txn_guids, GList **creation_errors) { SxTxnCreationData creation_data; Account *sx_template_account; sx_template_account = gnc_sx_get_template_transaction_account(instance->parent->sx); creation_data.instance = instance; creation_data.created_txn_guids = created_txn_guids; creation_data.creation_errors = creation_errors; /* Don't update the GUI for every transaction, it can really slow things * down. */ qof_event_suspend(); xaccAccountForEachTransaction(sx_template_account, create_each_transaction_helper, &creation_data); qof_event_resume(); } void gnc_sx_instance_model_effect_change(GncSxInstanceModel *model, gboolean auto_create_only, GList **created_transaction_guids, GList **creation_errors) { GList *iter; if (qof_book_is_readonly(gnc_get_current_book())) { /* Is the book read-only? Then don't change anything here. */ return; } for (iter = model->sx_instance_list; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { GList *instance_iter; GncSxInstances *instances = (GncSxInstances*)iter->data; GDate *last_occur_date; gint instance_count = 0; gint remain_occur_count = 0; // If there are no instances, then skip; specifically, skip // re-setting SchedXaction fields, which will dirty the book // spuriously. if (g_list_length(instances->instance_list) == 0) continue; last_occur_date = (GDate*) xaccSchedXactionGetLastOccurDate(instances->sx); instance_count = gnc_sx_get_instance_count(instances->sx, NULL); remain_occur_count = xaccSchedXactionGetRemOccur(instances->sx); for (instance_iter = instances->instance_list; instance_iter != NULL; instance_iter = instance_iter->next) { GncSxInstance *inst = (GncSxInstance*)instance_iter->data; gboolean sx_is_auto_create; GList *instance_errors = NULL; xaccSchedXactionGetAutoCreate(inst->parent->sx, &sx_is_auto_create, NULL); if (auto_create_only && !sx_is_auto_create) { if (inst->state != SX_INSTANCE_STATE_TO_CREATE) { break; } continue; } if (inst->orig_state == SX_INSTANCE_STATE_POSTPONED && inst->state != SX_INSTANCE_STATE_POSTPONED) { // remove from postponed list g_assert(inst->temporal_state != NULL); gnc_sx_remove_defer_instance(inst->parent->sx, inst->temporal_state); } switch (inst->state) { case SX_INSTANCE_STATE_CREATED: // nop: we've already processed this. break; case SX_INSTANCE_STATE_IGNORED: increment_sx_state(inst, &last_occur_date, &instance_count, &remain_occur_count); break; case SX_INSTANCE_STATE_POSTPONED: if (inst->orig_state != SX_INSTANCE_STATE_POSTPONED) { gnc_sx_add_defer_instance(instances->sx, gnc_sx_clone_temporal_state (inst->temporal_state)); } increment_sx_state(inst, &last_occur_date, &instance_count, &remain_occur_count); break; case SX_INSTANCE_STATE_TO_CREATE: create_transactions_for_instance (inst, created_transaction_guids, &instance_errors); if (instance_errors == NULL) { increment_sx_state (inst, &last_occur_date, &instance_count, &remain_occur_count); gnc_sx_instance_model_change_instance_state (model, inst, SX_INSTANCE_STATE_CREATED); } else *creation_errors = g_list_concat (*creation_errors, instance_errors); break; case SX_INSTANCE_STATE_REMINDER: // do nothing // assert no non-remind instances after this? break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); break; } } xaccSchedXactionSetLastOccurDate(instances->sx, last_occur_date); gnc_sx_set_instance_count(instances->sx, instance_count); xaccSchedXactionSetRemOccur(instances->sx, remain_occur_count); } } void gnc_sx_instance_model_change_instance_state(GncSxInstanceModel *model, GncSxInstance *instance, GncSxInstanceState new_state) { if (instance->state == new_state) return; instance->state = new_state; // ensure 'remind' constraints are met: { GList *inst_iter; inst_iter = g_list_find(instance->parent->instance_list, instance); g_assert(inst_iter != NULL); if (instance->state != SX_INSTANCE_STATE_REMINDER) { // iterate backwards, making sure reminders are changed to 'postponed' for (inst_iter = inst_iter->prev; inst_iter != NULL; inst_iter = inst_iter->prev) { GncSxInstance *prev_inst = (GncSxInstance*)inst_iter->data; if (prev_inst->state != SX_INSTANCE_STATE_REMINDER) continue; prev_inst->state = SX_INSTANCE_STATE_POSTPONED; } } else { // iterate forward, make sure transactions are set to 'remind' for (inst_iter = inst_iter->next; inst_iter != NULL; inst_iter = inst_iter->next) { GncSxInstance *next_inst = (GncSxInstance*)inst_iter->data; if (next_inst->state == SX_INSTANCE_STATE_REMINDER) continue; next_inst->state = SX_INSTANCE_STATE_REMINDER; } } } g_signal_emit_by_name(model, "updated", (gpointer)instance->parent->sx); } void gnc_sx_instance_model_set_variable(GncSxInstanceModel *model, GncSxInstance *instance, GncSxVariable *variable, gnc_numeric *new_value) { if (gnc_numeric_equal(variable->value, *new_value)) return; variable->value = *new_value; g_signal_emit_by_name(model, "updated", (gpointer)instance->parent->sx); } static void _list_from_hash_elts(gpointer key, gpointer value, GList **result_list) { *result_list = g_list_append(*result_list, value); } GList* gnc_sx_instance_model_check_variables(GncSxInstanceModel *model) { GList *rtn = NULL; GList *sx_iter, *inst_iter, *var_list = NULL, *var_iter; for (sx_iter = model->sx_instance_list; sx_iter != NULL; sx_iter = sx_iter->next) { GncSxInstances *instances = (GncSxInstances*)sx_iter->data; for (inst_iter = instances->instance_list; inst_iter != NULL; inst_iter = inst_iter->next) { GncSxInstance *inst = (GncSxInstance*)inst_iter->data; if (inst->state != SX_INSTANCE_STATE_TO_CREATE) continue; g_hash_table_foreach(inst->variable_bindings, (GHFunc)_list_from_hash_elts, &var_list); for (var_iter = var_list; var_iter != NULL; var_iter = var_iter->next) { GncSxVariable *var = (GncSxVariable*)var_iter->data; if (gnc_numeric_check(var->value) != GNC_ERROR_OK) { GncSxVariableNeeded *need = g_new0(GncSxVariableNeeded, 1); need->instance = inst; need->variable = var; rtn = g_list_append(rtn, need); } } g_list_free(var_list); var_list = NULL; } } return rtn; } void gnc_sx_instance_model_summarize(GncSxInstanceModel *model, GncSxSummary *summary) { GList *sx_iter, *inst_iter; g_return_if_fail(model != NULL); g_return_if_fail(summary != NULL); summary->need_dialog = FALSE; summary->num_instances = 0; summary->num_to_create_instances = 0; summary->num_auto_create_instances = 0; summary->num_auto_create_no_notify_instances = 0; for (sx_iter = model->sx_instance_list; sx_iter != NULL; sx_iter = sx_iter->next) { GncSxInstances *instances = (GncSxInstances*)sx_iter->data; gboolean sx_is_auto_create = FALSE, sx_notify = FALSE; xaccSchedXactionGetAutoCreate(instances->sx, &sx_is_auto_create, &sx_notify); for (inst_iter = instances->instance_list; inst_iter != NULL; inst_iter = inst_iter->next) { GncSxInstance *inst = (GncSxInstance*)inst_iter->data; summary->num_instances++; if (inst->state == SX_INSTANCE_STATE_TO_CREATE) { if (sx_is_auto_create) { if (!sx_notify) { summary->num_auto_create_no_notify_instances++; } else { summary->num_auto_create_instances++; } } else { summary->num_to_create_instances++; } } } } // if all the instances are 'auto-create, no-notify', then we don't need // the dialog. summary->need_dialog = (summary->num_instances != 0 && summary->num_auto_create_no_notify_instances != summary->num_instances); } void gnc_sx_summary_print(const GncSxSummary *summary) { g_message("num_instances: %d", summary->num_instances); g_message("num_to_create: %d", summary->num_to_create_instances); g_message("num_auto_create_instances: %d", summary->num_auto_create_instances); g_message("num_auto_create_no_notify_instances: %d", summary->num_auto_create_no_notify_instances); g_message("need dialog? %s", summary->need_dialog ? "true" : "false"); } static void gnc_numeric_free(gpointer data) { gnc_numeric *p = (gnc_numeric*) data; g_free(p); } GHashTable* gnc_g_hash_new_guid_numeric() { return g_hash_table_new_full (guid_hash_to_guint, guid_g_hash_table_equal, NULL, gnc_numeric_free); } typedef struct { GHashTable *hash; GList **creation_errors; const SchedXaction *sx; gnc_numeric count; } SxCashflowData; static void add_to_hash_amount(GHashTable* hash, const GncGUID* guid, const gnc_numeric* amount) { /* Do we have a number belonging to this GUID in the hash? If yes, * modify it in-place; if not, insert the new element into the * hash. */ gnc_numeric* elem = g_hash_table_lookup(hash, guid); gchar guidstr[GUID_ENCODING_LENGTH+1]; guid_to_string_buff(guid, guidstr); if (!elem) { elem = g_new0(gnc_numeric, 1); *elem = gnc_numeric_zero(); g_hash_table_insert(hash, (gpointer) guid, elem); } /* Check input arguments for sanity */ if (gnc_numeric_check(*amount) != GNC_ERROR_OK) { g_critical("Oops, the given amount [%s] has the error code %d, at guid [%s].", gnc_num_dbg_to_string(*amount), gnc_numeric_check(*amount), guidstr); return; } if (gnc_numeric_check(*elem) != GNC_ERROR_OK) { g_critical("Oops, the account's amount [%s] has the error code %d, at guid [%s].", gnc_num_dbg_to_string(*elem), gnc_numeric_check(*elem), guidstr); return; } /* Watch out - don't use gnc_numeric_add_fixed here because it * will refuse to add 1/5+1/10; instead, we have to use the flags * as given here explicitly. Eventually, add the given amount to * the entry in the hash. */ *elem = gnc_numeric_add(*elem, *amount, GNC_DENOM_AUTO, GNC_HOW_DENOM_REDUCE | GNC_HOW_RND_NEVER); /* Check for sanity of the output. */ if (gnc_numeric_check(*elem) != GNC_ERROR_OK) { g_critical("Oops, after addition at guid [%s] the resulting amount [%s] has the error code %d; added amount = [%s].", guidstr, gnc_num_dbg_to_string(*elem), gnc_numeric_check(*elem), gnc_num_dbg_to_string(*amount)); return; } /* In case anyone wants to see this in the debug log. */ g_debug("Adding to guid [%s] the value [%s]. Value now [%s].", guidstr, gnc_num_dbg_to_string(*amount), gnc_num_dbg_to_string(*elem)); } static gboolean create_cashflow_helper(Transaction *template_txn, void *user_data) { SxCashflowData *creation_data = user_data; GList *template_splits; const gnc_commodity *first_cmdty = NULL; g_debug("Evaluating txn desc [%s] for sx [%s]", xaccTransGetDescription(template_txn), xaccSchedXactionGetName(creation_data->sx)); template_splits = xaccTransGetSplitList(template_txn); if (template_splits == NULL) { g_critical("transaction w/o splits for sx [%s]", xaccSchedXactionGetName(creation_data->sx)); return FALSE; } for (; template_splits; template_splits = template_splits->next) { Account *split_acct; const gnc_commodity *split_cmdty = NULL; const Split *template_split = (const Split*) template_splits->data; /* Get the account that should be used for this split. */ if (!_get_template_split_account(creation_data->sx, template_split, &split_acct, creation_data->creation_errors)) { g_debug("Could not find account for split"); break; } /* The split's account also has some commodity */ split_cmdty = xaccAccountGetCommodity(split_acct); if (first_cmdty == NULL) { first_cmdty = split_cmdty; //xaccTransSetCurrency(new_txn, first_cmdty); } { gnc_numeric credit_num = gnc_numeric_zero(); gnc_numeric debit_num = gnc_numeric_zero(); gnc_numeric final_once, final; gint gncn_error; /* Credit value */ _get_sx_formula_value(creation_data->sx, template_split, &credit_num, creation_data->creation_errors, "sx-credit-formula", "sx-credit-numeric", NULL); /* Debit value */ _get_sx_formula_value(creation_data->sx, template_split, &debit_num, creation_data->creation_errors, "sx-debit-formula", "sx-debit-numeric", NULL); /* The resulting cash flow number: debit minus credit, * multiplied with the count factor. */ final_once = gnc_numeric_sub_fixed( debit_num, credit_num ); /* Multiply with the count factor. */ final = gnc_numeric_mul(final_once, creation_data->count, gnc_numeric_denom(final_once), GNC_HOW_RND_ROUND_HALF_UP); gncn_error = gnc_numeric_check(final); if (gncn_error != GNC_ERROR_OK) { gchar* err = N_("Error %d in SX [%s] final gnc_numeric value, using 0 instead."); REPORT_ERROR(creation_data->creation_errors, err, gncn_error, xaccSchedXactionGetName(creation_data->sx)); final = gnc_numeric_zero(); } /* Print error message if we would have needed an exchange rate */ if (! gnc_commodity_equal(split_cmdty, first_cmdty)) { gchar *err = N_("No exchange rate available in SX [%s] for %s -> %s, value is zero."); REPORT_ERROR(creation_data->creation_errors, err, xaccSchedXactionGetName(creation_data->sx), gnc_commodity_get_mnemonic(split_cmdty), gnc_commodity_get_mnemonic(first_cmdty)); final = gnc_numeric_zero(); } /* And add the resulting value to the hash */ add_to_hash_amount(creation_data->hash, xaccAccountGetGUID(split_acct), &final); } } return FALSE; } static void instantiate_cashflow_internal(const SchedXaction* sx, GHashTable* map, GList **creation_errors, gint count) { SxCashflowData create_cashflow_data; Account* sx_template_account = gnc_sx_get_template_transaction_account(sx); if (!sx_template_account) { g_critical("Huh? No template account for the SX %s", xaccSchedXactionGetName(sx)); return; } if (!xaccSchedXactionGetEnabled(sx)) { g_debug("Skipping non-enabled SX [%s]", xaccSchedXactionGetName(sx)); return; } create_cashflow_data.hash = map; create_cashflow_data.creation_errors = creation_errors; create_cashflow_data.sx = sx; create_cashflow_data.count = gnc_numeric_create(count, 1); /* The cash flow numbers are in the transactions of the template * account, so run this foreach on the transactions. */ xaccAccountForEachTransaction(sx_template_account, create_cashflow_helper, &create_cashflow_data); } typedef struct { GHashTable *hash; GList **creation_errors; const GDate *range_start; const GDate *range_end; } SxAllCashflow; static void instantiate_cashflow_cb(gpointer data, gpointer _user_data) { const SchedXaction* sx = (const SchedXaction*) data; SxAllCashflow* userdata = (SxAllCashflow*) _user_data; gint count; g_assert(sx); g_assert(userdata); /* How often does this particular SX occur in the date range? */ count = gnc_sx_get_num_occur_daterange(sx, userdata->range_start, userdata->range_end); if (count > 0) { /* If it occurs at least once, calculate ("instantiate") its * cash flow and add it to the result * g_hash */ instantiate_cashflow_internal(sx, userdata->hash, userdata->creation_errors, count); } } void gnc_sx_all_instantiate_cashflow(GList *all_sxes, const GDate *range_start, const GDate *range_end, GHashTable* map, GList **creation_errors) { SxAllCashflow userdata; userdata.hash = map; userdata.creation_errors = creation_errors; userdata.range_start = range_start; userdata.range_end = range_end; /* The work is done in the callback for each SX */ g_list_foreach(all_sxes, instantiate_cashflow_cb, &userdata); } GHashTable* gnc_sx_all_instantiate_cashflow_all(GDate range_start, GDate range_end) { GHashTable *result_map = gnc_g_hash_new_guid_numeric(); GList *all_sxes = gnc_book_get_schedxactions(gnc_get_current_book())->sx_list; gnc_sx_all_instantiate_cashflow(all_sxes, &range_start, &range_end, result_map, NULL); return result_map; }