Christopher Lam de09259f13 Bug 797500 - valgrind errors - new/delete vs malloc/free
Mismatched new/g_free()
Change to new/guid_free() which calls delete
2019-11-17 09:55:51 +08:00

724 lines
21 KiB

* gnc-tax-table-xml-v2.c -- tax table xml i/o implementation *
* *
* Copyright (C) 2002 Derek Atkins <warlord@MIT.EDU> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as *
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*
* along with this program; if not, contact: *
* *
* Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652 *
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA *
* *
extern "C"
#include <config.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "gncEntry.h"
#include "gncTaxTableP.h"
#include "gnc-xml-helper.h"
#include "sixtp.h"
#include "sixtp-utils.h"
#include "sixtp-parsers.h"
#include "sixtp-utils.h"
#include "sixtp-dom-parsers.h"
#include "sixtp-dom-generators.h"
#include "gnc-xml.h"
#include "io-gncxml-gen.h"
#include "io-gncxml-v2.h"
#include "gnc-tax-table-xml-v2.h"
static QofLogModule log_module = GNC_MOD_IO;
const gchar* taxtable_version_string = "2.0.0";
/* ids */
#define gnc_taxtable_string "gnc:GncTaxTable"
#define taxtable_guid_string "taxtable:guid"
#define taxtable_name_string "taxtable:name"
#define taxtable_refcount_string "taxtable:refcount"
#define taxtable_invisible_string "taxtable:invisible"
#define taxtable_parent_string "taxtable:parent"
#define taxtable_child_string "taxtable:child"
#define taxtable_entries_string "taxtable:entries"
#define taxtable_slots_string "taxtable:slots"
#define gnc_taxtableentry_string "gnc:GncTaxTableEntry"
#define ttentry_account_string "tte:acct"
#define ttentry_type_string "tte:type"
#define ttentry_amount_string "tte:amount"
static void
maybe_add_guid (xmlNodePtr ptr, const char* tag, GncTaxTable* table)
if (table)
xmlAddChild (ptr, guid_to_dom_tree (tag,
qof_instance_get_guid (QOF_INSTANCE (table))));
static xmlNodePtr
ttentry_dom_tree_create (GncTaxTableEntry* entry)
xmlNodePtr ret;
Account* account;
gnc_numeric amount;
ret = xmlNewNode (NULL, BAD_CAST gnc_taxtableentry_string);
account = gncTaxTableEntryGetAccount (entry);
if (account)
xmlAddChild (ret, guid_to_dom_tree (ttentry_account_string,
qof_instance_get_guid (QOF_INSTANCE (account))));
amount = gncTaxTableEntryGetAmount (entry);
xmlAddChild (ret, gnc_numeric_to_dom_tree (ttentry_amount_string, &amount));
xmlAddChild (ret, text_to_dom_tree (ttentry_type_string,
gncAmountTypeToString (
gncTaxTableEntryGetType (entry))));
return ret;
static xmlNodePtr
taxtable_dom_tree_create (GncTaxTable* table)
xmlNodePtr ret, entries;
GList* list;
ret = xmlNewNode (NULL, BAD_CAST gnc_taxtable_string);
xmlSetProp (ret, BAD_CAST "version", BAD_CAST taxtable_version_string);
maybe_add_guid (ret, taxtable_guid_string, table);
xmlAddChild (ret, text_to_dom_tree (taxtable_name_string,
gncTaxTableGetName (table)));
xmlAddChild (ret, int_to_dom_tree (taxtable_refcount_string,
gncTaxTableGetRefcount (table)));
xmlAddChild (ret, int_to_dom_tree (taxtable_invisible_string,
gncTaxTableGetInvisible (table)));
/* We should not be our own child */
if (gncTaxTableGetChild (table) != table)
maybe_add_guid (ret, taxtable_child_string, gncTaxTableGetChild (table));
maybe_add_guid (ret, taxtable_parent_string, gncTaxTableGetParent (table));
entries = xmlNewChild (ret, NULL, BAD_CAST taxtable_entries_string, NULL);
for (list = gncTaxTableGetEntries (table); list; list = list->next)
GncTaxTableEntry* entry = static_cast<decltype (entry)> (list->data);
xmlAddChild (entries, ttentry_dom_tree_create (entry));
/* xmlAddChild won't do anything with a NULL, so tests are superfluous. */
xmlAddChild (ret, qof_instance_slots_to_dom_tree (taxtable_slots_string,
QOF_INSTANCE (table)));
return ret;
struct ttentry_pdata
GncTaxTableEntry* ttentry;
QofBook* book;
static gboolean
ttentry_acct_handler (xmlNodePtr node, gpointer ttentry_pdata)
struct ttentry_pdata* pdata = static_cast<decltype (pdata)> (ttentry_pdata);
GncGUID* guid;
Account* acc;
guid = dom_tree_to_guid (node);
g_return_val_if_fail (guid, FALSE);
acc = xaccAccountLookup (guid, pdata->book);
guid_free (guid);
g_return_val_if_fail (acc, FALSE);
gncTaxTableEntrySetAccount (pdata->ttentry, acc);
return TRUE;
static gboolean
ttentry_type_handler (xmlNodePtr node, gpointer ttentry_pdata)
struct ttentry_pdata* pdata = static_cast<decltype (pdata)> (ttentry_pdata);
GncAmountType type;
char* str;
gboolean ret;
str = dom_tree_to_text (node);
g_return_val_if_fail (str, FALSE);
ret = gncAmountStringToType (str, &type);
g_free (str);
if (ret)
gncTaxTableEntrySetType (pdata->ttentry, type);
return ret;
static gboolean
ttentry_amount_handler (xmlNodePtr node, gpointer ttentry_pdata)
struct ttentry_pdata* pdata = static_cast<decltype (pdata)> (ttentry_pdata);
gnc_numeric* num = dom_tree_to_gnc_numeric (node);
g_return_val_if_fail (num, FALSE);
gncTaxTableEntrySetAmount (pdata->ttentry, *num);
g_free (num);
return TRUE;
static struct dom_tree_handler ttentry_handlers_v2[] =
{ ttentry_account_string, ttentry_acct_handler, 0, 0 },
{ ttentry_type_string, ttentry_type_handler, 1, 0 },
{ ttentry_amount_string, ttentry_amount_handler, 1, 0 },
{ NULL, 0, 0, 0 }
static GncTaxTableEntry*
dom_tree_to_ttentry (xmlNodePtr node, QofBook* book)
struct ttentry_pdata ttentry_pdata;
gboolean successful;
ttentry_pdata.ttentry = gncTaxTableEntryCreate (); = book;
successful = dom_tree_generic_parse (node, ttentry_handlers_v2,
if (!successful)
PERR ("failed to parse tax table entry tree");
gncTaxTableEntryDestroy (ttentry_pdata.ttentry);
ttentry_pdata.ttentry = NULL;
return ttentry_pdata.ttentry;
struct taxtable_pdata
GncTaxTable* table;
QofBook* book;
static gboolean
set_parent_child (xmlNodePtr node, struct taxtable_pdata* pdata,
void (*func) (GncTaxTable*, GncTaxTable*))
GncGUID* guid;
GncTaxTable* table;
guid = dom_tree_to_guid (node);
g_return_val_if_fail (guid, FALSE);
table = gncTaxTableLookup (pdata->book, guid);
/* Ignore pointers to self */
if (table == pdata->table)
PINFO ("found a self-referential parent/child; ignoring.\n");
return TRUE;
if (!table)
table = gncTaxTableCreate (pdata->book);
gncTaxTableBeginEdit (table);
gncTaxTableSetGUID (table, guid);
gncTaxTableCommitEdit (table);
guid_free (guid);
g_return_val_if_fail (table, FALSE);
func (pdata->table, table);
return TRUE;
static gboolean
taxtable_guid_handler (xmlNodePtr node, gpointer taxtable_pdata)
struct taxtable_pdata* pdata = static_cast<decltype (pdata)> (taxtable_pdata);
GncGUID* guid;
GncTaxTable* table;
guid = dom_tree_to_guid (node);
g_return_val_if_fail (guid, FALSE);
table = gncTaxTableLookup (pdata->book, guid);
if (table)
gncTaxTableDestroy (pdata->table);
pdata->table = table;
gncTaxTableBeginEdit (table);
gncTaxTableSetGUID (pdata->table, guid);
guid_free (guid);
return TRUE;
static gboolean
taxtable_name_handler (xmlNodePtr node, gpointer taxtable_pdata)
struct taxtable_pdata* pdata = static_cast<decltype (pdata)> (taxtable_pdata);
char* txt = dom_tree_to_text (node);
g_return_val_if_fail (txt, FALSE);
gncTaxTableSetName (pdata->table, txt);
g_free (txt);
return TRUE;
static gboolean
taxtable_refcount_handler (xmlNodePtr node, gpointer taxtable_pdata)
struct taxtable_pdata* pdata = static_cast<decltype (pdata)> (taxtable_pdata);
gint64 val;
dom_tree_to_integer (node, &val);
gncTaxTableSetRefcount (pdata->table, val);
return TRUE;
static gboolean
taxtable_invisible_handler (xmlNodePtr node, gpointer taxtable_pdata)
struct taxtable_pdata* pdata = static_cast<decltype (pdata)> (taxtable_pdata);
gint64 val;
dom_tree_to_integer (node, &val);
if (val)
gncTaxTableMakeInvisible (pdata->table);
return TRUE;
static gboolean
taxtable_parent_handler (xmlNodePtr node, gpointer taxtable_pdata)
struct taxtable_pdata* pdata = static_cast<decltype (pdata)> (taxtable_pdata);
return set_parent_child (node, pdata, gncTaxTableSetParent);
static gboolean
taxtable_child_handler (xmlNodePtr node, gpointer taxtable_pdata)
struct taxtable_pdata* pdata = static_cast<decltype (pdata)> (taxtable_pdata);
return set_parent_child (node, pdata, gncTaxTableSetChild);
static gboolean
taxtable_entries_handler (xmlNodePtr node, gpointer taxtable_pdata)
struct taxtable_pdata* pdata = static_cast<decltype (pdata)> (taxtable_pdata);
xmlNodePtr mark;
g_return_val_if_fail (node, FALSE);
g_return_val_if_fail (node->xmlChildrenNode, FALSE);
for (mark = node->xmlChildrenNode; mark; mark = mark->next)
GncTaxTableEntry* entry;
if (g_strcmp0 ("text", (char*)mark->name) == 0)
if (g_strcmp0 (gnc_taxtableentry_string, (char*)mark->name))
return FALSE;
entry = dom_tree_to_ttentry (mark, pdata->book);
if (entry)
gncTaxTableAddEntry (pdata->table, entry);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
static gboolean
taxtable_slots_handler (xmlNodePtr node, gpointer taxtable_pdata)
struct taxtable_pdata* pdata = static_cast<decltype (pdata)> (taxtable_pdata);
return dom_tree_create_instance_slots (node, QOF_INSTANCE (pdata->table));
static struct dom_tree_handler taxtable_handlers_v2[] =
{ taxtable_guid_string, taxtable_guid_handler, 1, 0 },
{ taxtable_name_string, taxtable_name_handler, 1, 0 },
{ taxtable_refcount_string, taxtable_refcount_handler, 1, 0 },
{ taxtable_invisible_string, taxtable_invisible_handler, 1, 0 },
{ taxtable_parent_string, taxtable_parent_handler, 0, 0 },
{ taxtable_child_string, taxtable_child_handler, 0, 0 },
{ taxtable_entries_string, taxtable_entries_handler, 1, 0 },
{ taxtable_slots_string, taxtable_slots_handler, 0, 0 },
{ NULL, 0, 0, 0 }
static GncTaxTable*
dom_tree_to_taxtable (xmlNodePtr node, QofBook* book)
struct taxtable_pdata taxtable_pdata;
gboolean successful;
taxtable_pdata.table = gncTaxTableCreate (book); = book;
gncTaxTableBeginEdit (taxtable_pdata.table);
successful = dom_tree_generic_parse (node, taxtable_handlers_v2,
if (successful)
gncTaxTableCommitEdit (taxtable_pdata.table);
PERR ("failed to parse tax table tree");
gncTaxTableDestroy (taxtable_pdata.table);
taxtable_pdata.table = NULL;
return taxtable_pdata.table;
static gboolean
gnc_taxtable_end_handler (gpointer data_for_children,
GSList* data_from_children, GSList* sibling_data,
gpointer parent_data, gpointer global_data,
gpointer* result, const gchar* tag)
GncTaxTable* table;
xmlNodePtr tree = (xmlNodePtr)data_for_children;
gxpf_data* gdata = (gxpf_data*)global_data;
QofBook* book = static_cast<decltype (book)> (gdata->bookdata);
if (parent_data)
return TRUE;
/* OK. For some messed up reason this is getting called again with a
NULL tag. So we ignore those cases */
if (!tag)
return TRUE;
g_return_val_if_fail (tree, FALSE);
table = dom_tree_to_taxtable (tree, book);
if (table != NULL)
gdata->cb (tag, gdata->parsedata, table);
xmlFreeNode (tree);
return table != NULL;
static sixtp*
taxtable_sixtp_parser_create (void)
return sixtp_dom_parser_new (gnc_taxtable_end_handler, NULL, NULL);
static void
do_count (QofInstance* table_p, gpointer count_p)
int* count = static_cast<decltype (count)> (count_p);
static int
taxtable_get_count (QofBook* book)
int count = 0;
qof_object_foreach (_GNC_MOD_NAME, book, do_count, (gpointer) &count);
return count;
static void
xml_add_taxtable (QofInstance* table_p, gpointer out_p)
xmlNodePtr node;
GncTaxTable* table = (GncTaxTable*) table_p;
FILE* out = static_cast<decltype (out)> (out_p);
if (ferror (out))
node = taxtable_dom_tree_create (table);
xmlElemDump (out, NULL, node);
xmlFreeNode (node);
if (ferror (out) || fprintf (out, "\n") < 0)
static gboolean
taxtable_write (FILE* out, QofBook* book)
qof_object_foreach_sorted (_GNC_MOD_NAME, book, xml_add_taxtable,
(gpointer) out);
return ferror (out) == 0;
static gboolean
taxtable_is_grandchild (GncTaxTable* table)
return (gncTaxTableGetParent (gncTaxTableGetParent (table)) != NULL);
static GncTaxTable*
taxtable_find_senior (GncTaxTable* table)
GncTaxTable* temp, *parent, *gp = NULL;
temp = table;
/* See if "temp" is a grandchild */
parent = gncTaxTableGetParent (temp);
if (!parent)
gp = gncTaxTableGetParent (parent);
if (!gp)
/* Yep, this is a grandchild. Move up one generation and try again */
temp = parent;
while (TRUE);
/* Ok, at this point temp points to the most senior child and parent
* should point to the top taxtable (and gp should be NULL). If
* parent is NULL then we are the most senior child (and have no
* children), so do nothing. If temp == table then there is no
* grandparent, so do nothing.
* Do something if parent != NULL && temp != table
g_assert (gp == NULL);
/* return the most senior table */
return temp;
/* build a list of tax tables that are grandchildren or bogus (empty entry list). */
static void
taxtable_scrub_cb (QofInstance* table_p, gpointer list_p)
GncTaxTable* table = GNC_TAXTABLE (table_p);
GList** list = static_cast<decltype (list)> (list_p);
if (taxtable_is_grandchild (table) || gncTaxTableGetEntries (table) == NULL)
*list = g_list_prepend (*list, table);
/* for each entry, check the tax tables. If the tax tables are
* grandchildren, then fix them to point to the most senior child
static void
taxtable_scrub_entries (QofInstance* entry_p, gpointer ht_p)
GHashTable* ht = static_cast<decltype (ht)> (ht_p);
GncEntry* entry = GNC_ENTRY (entry_p);
GncTaxTable* table, *new_tt;
gint32 count;
table = gncEntryGetInvTaxTable (entry);
if (table)
if (taxtable_is_grandchild (table))
gchar guidstr[GUID_ENCODING_LENGTH + 1];
guid_to_string_buff (qof_instance_get_guid (QOF_INSTANCE (entry)), guidstr);
PINFO ("Fixing i-taxtable on entry %s\n", guidstr);
new_tt = taxtable_find_senior (table);
gncEntryBeginEdit (entry);
gncEntrySetInvTaxTable (entry, new_tt);
gncEntryCommitEdit (entry);
table = new_tt;
if (table)
count = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_hash_table_lookup (ht, table));
g_hash_table_insert (ht, table, GINT_TO_POINTER (count));
table = gncEntryGetBillTaxTable (entry);
if (table)
if (taxtable_is_grandchild (table))
gchar guidstr[GUID_ENCODING_LENGTH + 1];
guid_to_string_buff (qof_instance_get_guid (QOF_INSTANCE (entry)), guidstr);
PINFO ("Fixing b-taxtable on entry %s\n", guidstr);
new_tt = taxtable_find_senior (table);
gncEntryBeginEdit (entry);
gncEntrySetBillTaxTable (entry, new_tt);
gncEntryCommitEdit (entry);
table = new_tt;
if (table)
count = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_hash_table_lookup (ht, table));
g_hash_table_insert (ht, table, GINT_TO_POINTER (count));
static void
taxtable_scrub_cust (QofInstance* cust_p, gpointer ht_p)
GHashTable* ht = static_cast<decltype (ht)> (ht_p);
GncCustomer* cust = GNC_CUSTOMER (cust_p);
GncTaxTable* table;
gint32 count;
table = gncCustomerGetTaxTable (cust);
if (table)
count = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_hash_table_lookup (ht, table));
g_hash_table_insert (ht, table, GINT_TO_POINTER (count));
static void
taxtable_scrub_vendor (QofInstance* vendor_p, gpointer ht_p)
GHashTable* ht = static_cast<decltype (ht)> (ht_p);
GncVendor* vendor = GNC_VENDOR (vendor_p);
GncTaxTable* table;
gint32 count;
table = gncVendorGetTaxTable (vendor);
if (table)
count = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_hash_table_lookup (ht, table));
g_hash_table_insert (ht, table, GINT_TO_POINTER (count));
static void
taxtable_reset_refcount (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer notused)
GncTaxTable* table = static_cast<decltype (table)> (key);
gint32 count = GPOINTER_TO_INT (value);
if (count != gncTaxTableGetRefcount (table) &&
!gncTaxTableGetInvisible (table))
gchar guidstr[GUID_ENCODING_LENGTH + 1];
guid_to_string_buff (qof_instance_get_guid (QOF_INSTANCE (table)), guidstr);
PWARN ("Fixing refcount on taxtable %s (%" G_GINT64_FORMAT " -> %d)\n",
guidstr, gncTaxTableGetRefcount (table), count);
gncTaxTableSetRefcount (table, count);
static void
taxtable_scrub (QofBook* book)
GList* list = NULL;
GList* node;
GncTaxTable* parent, *table;
GHashTable* ht = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal);
qof_object_foreach (GNC_ID_ENTRY, book, taxtable_scrub_entries, ht);
qof_object_foreach (GNC_ID_CUSTOMER, book, taxtable_scrub_cust, ht);
qof_object_foreach (GNC_ID_VENDOR, book, taxtable_scrub_vendor, ht);
qof_object_foreach (GNC_ID_TAXTABLE, book, taxtable_scrub_cb, &list);
/* destroy the list of "grandchildren" tax tables */
for (node = list; node; node = node->next)
gchar guidstr[GUID_ENCODING_LENGTH + 1];
table = static_cast<decltype (table)> (node->data);
guid_to_string_buff (qof_instance_get_guid (QOF_INSTANCE (table)), guidstr);
PINFO ("deleting grandchild taxtable: %s\n", guidstr);
/* Make sure the parent has no children */
parent = gncTaxTableGetParent (table);
gncTaxTableSetChild (parent, NULL);
/* Destroy this tax table */
gncTaxTableBeginEdit (table);
gncTaxTableDestroy (table);
/* reset the refcounts as necessary */
g_hash_table_foreach (ht, taxtable_reset_refcount, NULL);
g_list_free (list);
g_hash_table_destroy (ht);
static gboolean
taxtable_ns (FILE* out)
g_return_val_if_fail (out, FALSE);
gnc_xml2_write_namespace_decl (out, "taxtable")
&& gnc_xml2_write_namespace_decl (out, "tte");
gnc_taxtable_xml_initialize (void)
static GncXmlDataType_t be_data =
NULL, /* add_item */