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Author: jsled@asynchronous.org
Main Scheduled Transaction todo list
. Bug#102311...
. As per comment 2004-01-05T16:31, there is an issue when other pieces of
the system change accounts that SXes depend on. We have two options:
1: handle change at account-deletion time ["remove this account will
affect this scheduled transaction ... what to do?"]
2: break out of SX since-last-run processing ["this account was removed;
{edit,delete} SX?"].
### To-Do
### '.' = to-do, 'X' = done, '?' = jsled verify
. Meta
. fulfill everything on http://linas.org/linux/gnucash/projects.html#alerts
. FreqSpec.c
. xaccFreqSpecGetFreqStr [display] needs to go away [?]
X create a template register
X store account and amount data in kvp_frames.
. find a way to list multiple registers for template transaction purposes.
. this is a "normal" general journal + a "stock" general journal
. warlord's business stuff may extend this to more ledgers...
. this is going to be: a tabbed notebook in which the tabs contain
the number of transactions the GL they hold contain.
. register macro-widget [src/register/ledger-core/gnc-regWidget.{h,c}]
. should support
. toolbar
. Close
. Enter
. Cancel
. Delete
. Duplicate
. Schedule
. Split
. Blank
. Jump
. Transfer
. Find
. Report
. Print
. popup menu
. elts
. Enter
. Cancel
. Delete
. Duplicate
. Schedule
. Split
. Blank
. Jump
. extended to support previously-menu-accessible options in embedded case
. status bar
. configurable UI elts [menu, toolbar, status]
. re-configurable UI elts
. menu: the register itself should provide a sub-menu for inclusion
into other menus [the window-register, for instance]
. toolbar: As seen above, certain toolbar elts are common, some are
. status: the status bar is sort-of a boolean option; applications
may wish to place the status bar in a more acceptable location.
. default callbacks
. override-able
. can "orverridable" mean "[gtk-style-]signal-based"?
. bitmask of supported functionality
. !"Schedule..." for the embedded-in-SX-editor case => gray-out
. shouldn't [necessarily] support
. date range [may be fixed/irrelevant by caller]
. style changes [caller may enforce]
. pass in prefix for gnc_reg_save_size(...)
? Hook into 'book data changed' save-on-exit decision
. GNCFrequency
. bugs
. Bi-weekly / Once
. Add dupe of start-date control[s]
. Precedent: monthly, yearly, &c.
. Bi-weekly, quarterly <= x < yearly
. Add example[s] -- perhaps wait for dense-calendar widget.
. yearly-only?
. if month > current month, choose previous year in start date?
. Add 'today' button for startDate?
X transitioning to a new tab doesn't correctly setup the agreement
between the startdate and the page elements.
X why does the accounts window go crazy when we change the FreqSpec parameters?
X probably component-manager related... yup; FreqSpec Malloc/Free
generates events, which cause GUI refreshes.
X Example calendar month change isn't handled correctly/doesn't refresh the
X fixed by removing any ability to change the example calendar.
X "Inappropriate FreqSpec type" on new-SX editing.
X "new; weekly: click on day, click off day: GLib-CRITICAL **: file gdate.c: line 1236 (g_date_to_struct_tm): assertion `g_date_valid (d)' failed."
. no longer reproducible
. SX list
. add a big calendar [gnome-pim? evo?] to SXaction List/overview
. tab order
X "** CRITICAL **: file dialog-scheduledxaction.c: line 570
(row_select_handler): assertion `event' failed." when key-navigating sx
. SX editor
. tab order
. Can't click-out of the register
B 'ESC' while editing template register causes window to go away badly
B Can't reliably edit the split values of an added split to a from-trans
created transaction -- the values get nulled after split-change.
B Note that this doesn't hold true for just-created splits on a fresh
X attempting to create a Weekly SX with no days selected causes a segfault.
X the user should be prevented from doing this.
X composite SX shouldn't segfault when asked to getFreqSpecStr for this
X should use regWidget
X Size/space issues [?]
X auto-shrink on window create [the register is too wide, leading to too
much whitespace on the two top panels -- sometimes].
X Un-selecting "End Date" leaves calendar widget sensitive
X 'Cancel' button should auto-cancel ledger changes
. make-from-transaction
. bugs
. general: there's going to be all sorts of interaction issues like these
between these things [SX-from-trans, SX list, SX editor] that should be
B creating a SX from trans with the SX list open does not update the SX
X you can delete a freshly-from-trans'd SX from the list with the
from-trans dlg still open, then 'ok' the dlg to get a segfault.
X you can generally manipulate SXes into bad/weird states since both
dialogs are open.
X So since Advanced editing entails "Simple" editing, it should just
replace that window. Then, with some CM hookup between the List and
the Editor, all is well.
X 20020419 - Wilddev manages to create two SXes from one; the first is
okay, but the second is h0rk3d [deleting it causes segfault, though it
can be instantiated correctly].
X number-of-instances in 'simple' results in "Warning:
sxftd_advanced_clicked: something bad happened in sxftd_compute_sx"
. tab-order
. better frequency guess?
[ related... ]
. match existing transactions for long-time users
. based off template-transaction data, some big existing-transaction
scanning code.
X credit/debit pull-over issues
X need to remove '-' from printed credit value.
X pull accounts over.
X pull initial SX name from the Transaction name?
X need start-date on Make dialog
X [initially starts as the next occurrence after the created-from SX,
which may not be the Right Thing]
. need "since-last-run" UI for instanatiation.
. need nifty visual style for druid.
. use color-setting code in src/gnome-utils/druid-utils.[ch]
. support sorting in various clists
. tab-order
. variable-binding table:
. tab through variables -- if on last one: ( if something's unfilled,
tab back to there, else, tab back to clist:( if no more unfilled
entries, then tab down to back/next/cancel. ))
. Double-clicking on auto-create list should jump to transaction
. register of first split?
. Need some way to defer to-create SXes?
. need some configuration for constantly-running GnuCash users of when to
pop up the 'new scheduled transactions' dialog [option, time-of-day]
. fix first/last page issues.
. bugs
. tab-order on variable-entry window isn't always correct.
B initial "To-Create Transactions" varbinding table doesn't setup table correctly.
B correct "Back" button behavior in Druid paradigm
B created SXes are put in GL forever. :(
B But this is true of manually-created transactions, too ... is this
actually correct behavior?
B creating a bunch [FIXME:define "bunch"] of transactions takes too long
X with no progress indication.
B cancelling a bunch [FIXME:define "bunch"] of xactions takes too long
B no progress indication.
X twunder reports [2002.01.29] register growing a little bit at a time if
tab is hit to switch between register fields -- started with update on
X I _bet_ this is fixed with magic gnc-regWidget sizing fix -- 2002.04.15
X "0" and "0.0" don't work for variable values?
X correct "Cancel" behavior in Druid
X reset SX state to before creation
X delete any created SXes.
X restore any obsolete-n-deleted SXes.
X variable expressions don't get re-eval'd [as formula]?
X need to do this only on tab-out of the field.
X need effective cancellation support
X Change from dialogs to druid
X/O create transactions
X numeric
X formula
X need variable fill-in UI...
X re-use gnome-sheet code for a variable-binding table? -- ended up
using GtkTable [for now?]
X variables should default to '0', and '0' should be acceptable.
X need way to expire/purge scheduled transactions which have no chance of
being created [outside their end date; once-scheduled and past].
X infrequent enough that a dialog should suffice.
X need 'reminders' of upcoming scheduled transactions during since-last-run
X Is it sufficient to look at the next instance of ea. transaction only?
I think not... we probably want to look out until the transaction is
outside the reminder range.
X Should deal with "nothing-to-do" better [not even show up in the worst
[read: no auto-notify/to-create/reminders] case].
X don't load/init/create the GUI if we're not about to use it.
X this is different between the auto-invoked since-last-run dialog [show
nothing] and the menu-invoked since-last-run [show a dialog to the user
stating there's nothing to do].
X double-clicking a reminder should [probably] move it up to the to-create
X Easy UI way of moving through the SXes which need variable bindings.
[This presently is: click "Ok" and the next clist row which needs
bindings is selected.]
X any [horizontal] window size change height-grows the top/auto-create GL.
X always goes one date past the instantiation date.
X credit and debit seem reversed at instantiation time...
X this is fixed, but is the fix correct?
. register mods?
. to see upcoming xactions, modifying future balance?
. to note which are "recurring"
. the mozilla "reload" glyph is kinda neat...
. prolly should use existing PIM "recurring" glyphs
. Differently-colored "not-yet-created" entries for a configurable
time window?
. Context menus/sensitive toolbar button/menu item for creation of
not-yet-created transactions?
. The ability to turn a non-recurring transaction into a recurring one...
X [see from-trans section]
. inactive cells
X date
. recn?
. deal better with formulas in template transactions [real FormulaCell]
. actually do something with the result of the balancing computation
/ recognize purely numeric template transactions and balance at
template-creation time.
/ balance transaction with vars?
. GNCFrequency
. initial-settings synchronization [start date, optionmenus]
. only a couple left; which ones?
. backend support
. others?
### Done
### ... don't put stuff here ... just move it to the bottom of the
### appropriate list, above, and 'X' it -- jsled
X add the ...GetFreqStr() code for the complex composite FreqSpecs
X fix the ...GetNextInstance() code
X need policy for start-dates in GNCFrequency
X fix GetNextInstance and GetInstanceAfter, mostly for composite FreqSpecs
X also needs to deal with >28-mday values WRT last-occur date + multipliers
X Engine ...Init() functions should be private.
X would like "don't even tell me you instantiated it, just fscking do
it!" option for non-manual-conf SXes
Random Notes
. SX Creation...
. Creation occurs due to a variety of circumstances:
. A user opens a register with future transactions in it; they manually
force the creation of the [perhaps not immediately next [though this
seems a bit weird]] one.
. A user is reminded of something which hasn't come due, but will w/in a
configurable amount of time, and thus they pay/create it.
X GnuCash starts and hasn't been run in some length of time; the
transactions which have "come due" since the last run are available for
. Configuration options...
. Overall
X Size of template register window
. color of future register entries
. conrad's desires
X policy
X create for N days in advance
X show for N days in advance, create when come-due
X defaults
X create/show for 'N' days in advance
X remind me 'M' days in advance
X just create
X notify when created
X Per-SX
X just create/notify
X create/show
X lead-time
X reminder
X lead-time
. [NOTES] Dealing with SX state-changes
. Create-into-future vs. create-normal
. into-future -> normal : no change; the last_occur date will be
appropriate, and will catch up eventually [unless the have-been-created
transactions should go away]
. normal -> into-future : should create immed, or wait for user?
. into-future [t_0] -> into_future [t_1]
. frequency
. in presence of create-into-future?
. transaction
. in presence of create-into-future?
### Bugs
X General
X Date l10n.
. GNCFreqency
. Since-last-run
. SX-from-trans
### Enhancements
. SX name should be default value for template transaction description
. loan/repayment SX's
. integrate "Financial Calculator"
. auto-determine number of occurrences/end condition from liability
account amount.
. SX since-last-run should be able to sort by Date [conditional on the dialog
staying around].
. There probably wants to be a multi-month "example" View which the
GNCFrequency can work with.
. jalapeno/ben has some thoughts on this...
. Evolution calendar integ.
. Evolution To-Do list integ. [SX reminders]
Template Registers/Transactions
Template-option registers are used for users to enter the template
transaction to be created when the scheduled transaction comes due.
Most fields will be copied directly, but certain fields will need to
be modified upon instantiation, and the template version of these
transactions will need to contain the information necessary to do that
instiantion. For some fields, this will be a derivable quantity, and
for others the user will need to be prompted. This will show up
mostly for the amount of variable-amount transactions; perhaps the
amount is then derivable from some external source. These amounts
will then be represented by a variable, a function, or a formula
including both.
Verizon bill: "108.83 +- x"
. x: tax amounts [user-input]
Power: "seasonal_util_gas( 'OAK_CA', '100 therms' ) + seasonal_util_elec( 'OAK_CA', '220 kwhrs' )"
. seasonal_util_gas( loc, amt ): regional/seasonal power price
. seasonal_util_elec( loc, amt ): regional/seasonal electricity price
Rent: 1900
Phone: "26"
Internet: "80 - 40 - 10" [3 splits]
Daily: "4 + 6 (+ 26)"
. 4: cigarettes
. 6: avg lunch
. (opt) 20: wine
Gas: "regional_auto_gas( 'BERK_CA', 'premium', 14 gal +- 2 )"
. regional_gas( loc, type, formula )
. loc: location
. type: subclass of gasoline
. formula: formula to use for user-query
TROA: "220.14"
When user input is required for scheduled transaction instantiation,
we should have some sort of simple, spreadsheet-like UI for the entry
and verification of values. This would allow the entry of all values
necessary for the formula to be calculated.
We also need a way to defer instantiation of a scheduled transaction
until the information can be obtained.
type | date | formula | variable | value | total
| PG&E | 2001.04.12 | lookup(x) + lookup| | | 184 |
| | | | x | 142 | |
| | | | y | 42 | |
| gas | 2001.03.01 | cost/gal * gal | | | |
| | | | cost/gal | 1.949 | 14.27 |
| | | | gal | 12.32 | |
| gas | 2001.03.12 | cost/gal * gal | | | |
| | | | cost/gal | 1.959 | 15.39 |
| | | | gal | 13.43 | |
** Of course, "cost/gal" is going to be interpreted as division; perhaps we
can a) not handle it or b) have a heuristic. :(
I believe this means we can use the existing gnc-sheet/register-style
We probably want to defer the lookup-based stuff until
1.8/2.0/gnumatic-provided network backing for this.
Stocks/recurring share purchases can make use of this, as well. The
idea is then, probably, that the user will have a fixed amount with
which to buy as many shares as possible; the num-shares, then, is a
formula based on a lookup at the given time [the share price],
involving the function FLOOR.
It'd be nice if this formula could be either a simple infix syntax for
normal people, or a sexp for Schemers.
Instantiation Notes
<jsled> Wilddev, conrad: Something that came out of Aaron's mail [see my reply to -devel] that I'd like your comment on:
<jsled> How do you intend to use scheduled transactions?
<jsled> Do you intend to use it to create things have should be in there since you last ran GnuCash?
<jsled> Or, do you intend to use it to create future transactions [perhaps a weeks worth] before they occur?
<jsled> Or, just primarily the former, but use the fact that the future transaction will be in the register to remind you to pay things, &c.?
<conrad> Personally, I'd be looking at future transactions as a reminder thing. But then, I run gnucash every day.
<jsled> conrad: Do you re-invoke it every day, or leave it running?
<conrad> I can see other people wanting case 1 though.
<conrad> I leave it running.
<jsled> conrad: Interesting. You'd want some sort of "new-day" check/timer, then, to re-display the "create new transactions" dialog... or do you want to control it?
<jsled> the idea is that upon startup, if there are new transactions to create, the dialog will come up [configurable, but that should be the default].
<conrad> I think a further configurable sub-option should be "redisplay on change of day" (possibly with an "at time <blah> option?)")
<conrad> without that option, it will not do what I'm counting on it to do - remind my I'm supposed to pay my bills.
<jsled> Yup yup.
conrad wants to use this to remind him to pay his bills. He runs GnuCash
continuously, and thus wants an option to "pop-up on day change [at time
HH:MM]". He's interested in seeing future transactions as well as what's
being created ATM.
window-register notes:
. RegWindow *regWindowSimple (Account *account)
. RegWindow *regWindowAccGroup (Account *account)
. functionality should remain, probably in reg mwidget
. I now disagree; this should be the caller [for templates, especially]
. void gnc_register_raise (RegWindow *regData)
. probably should remain here; if the reg mwidget has knowledge of it's
containing window, then it can go there.
. void gnc_register_jump_to_split(RegWindow *regData, Split *split)
. void gnc_register_jump_to_split_amount(RegWindow *regData, Split *split)
. should be part of mwidget
. static void gnc_register_change_style (RegWindow *regData, SplitRegisterStyle style)
. static void gnc_register_style_(ledger|auto_ledger|journal|double_line)_cb (GtkWidget *w, gpointer data)
. mwidget [no]
. static void gnc_register_sort_(standard|date|date_entered|date_reconciled|num|amount|memo|desc)_cb(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data)
. static void gnc_register_sort (RegWindow *regData, sort_type_t sort_code)
. mwidget? -- actually seems like container's responsibility.
. then, need some way to get the ledger->query for manip.
. some of these may not make sense in embedded applications
. static time_t gnc_register_(min|max)_day_time(time_t time_val)
. eh? This should probably be a util function somewhere
. static void gnc_date_range_set_sensitivities(RegWindow *regData)
. static void gnc_register_set_date_range(RegWindow *regData)
. static void gnc_register_date_cb(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
. static void show_all_cb(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
. static void gnc_register_today_cb(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
. static void gnc_register_date_toggle_cb(GtkToggleButton *toggle, gpointer data)
. static void gnc_register_date_changed_cb(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
. static void gnc_register_show_date_window(RegWindow *regData)
. static RegDateWindow *gnc_register_date_window (RegWindow *regData, gboolean show_all)
. need DateWindow policy/decision.
. decision: caller's responsibility.
. static GtkWidget *gnc_register_create_tool_bar (RegWindow *regData)
. mwidget
. should use passed-in toolbar, with clear contract about how the caller
should add/manip the [modified] toolbar provided.
. static void gnc_ui_find_transactions_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
. necessary for embedded applications? [nope]
. static GtkWidget *add_summary_label (GtkWidget *summarybar, const char *label_str)
. mwidget [option]
. eh?
. static GtkWidget *gnc_register_create_summary_bar (RegWindow *regData)
. static GtkWidget *gnc_register_create_status_bar (RegWindow *regData)
. mwidget [options]
. void gnc_register_jump_to_blank (RegWindow *regData)
. helper for various callbacks
. mwidget
. static void expand_trans_check_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
. static void new_trans_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
. static void jump_cb(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
. static GtkWidget *gnc_register_create_menu_bar(RegWindow *regData, GtkWidget *statusbar)
. mwidget
. should take menubar as param
. static GtkWidget *gnc_register_create_popup_menu (RegWindow *regData)
. mwidget
. should take popup as param
. static void gnc_register_destroy_cb(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
. needs to integrate more nicely
. RegWindow *regWindowLedger (GNCLedgerDisplay *ledger)
. Creates the ledger :)
. Sets up the data struct :)
. Creates a gtk_window_new :(
. Creates a gnc_register_date_window :I
. Creates the statusbar, toolbar, popup, menubar :/
. recalls saved window_size from prefix [param]
. static gnc_numeric gnc_account_present_balance (Account *account)
. static GNCPrice *account_latest_price (Account *account)
. mwidget? [nope ... in fact, not even in window-register]
. static void startRecnCB(GtkWidget * w, gpointer data)
. recn: configurable behavior
. static gboolean gnc_register_include_date(RegWindow *regData, time_t date)
. date-range stuff.
. static gboolean trans_has_reconciled_splits (Transaction *trans)
. util
. static DeleteType gnc_transaction_delete_query (GtkWindow *parent, Transaction *trans)
. default is probably good; mwidget
. ideally have way to customize text
. static void gnc_register_check_close(RegWindow *regData)
. should be mwidget util fn
. static void report_helper (RegWindow *regData, SCM func, Query *query)
. mwidget util