mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 13:09:41 -06:00
Ensure the transition_times are correctly aligned for their sizes before attempting to copy them into the transitions vector.
784 lines
26 KiB
784 lines
26 KiB
* gnc-timezone.cpp - Retrieve timezone information from OS. *
* Copyright 2014 John Ralls <jralls@ceridwen.us> *
* Based on work done with Arnel Borja for GLib's gtimezone in 2012.*
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as *
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*
* along with this program; if not, contact: *
* *
* Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652 *
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA gnu@gnu.org *
#include "gnc-timezone.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp>
//We'd prefer to use std::codecvt, but it's not supported by gcc until 5.0.
#include <boost/locale/encoding_utf.hpp>
extern "C"
#include "qoflog.h"
static const QofLogModule log_module = "gnc-timezone";
using namespace gnc::date;
using duration = boost::posix_time::time_duration;
using time_zone = boost::local_time::custom_time_zone;
using dst_offsets = boost::local_time::dst_adjustment_offsets;
using calc_rule_ptr = boost::local_time::dst_calc_rule_ptr;
using PTZ = boost::local_time::posix_time_zone;
const unsigned int TimeZoneProvider::min_year = 1400;
const unsigned int TimeZoneProvider::max_year = 9999;
template<typename T>
endian_swap(T* t)
auto memp = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(t);
std::reverse(memp, memp + sizeof(T));
return t;
/* libstdc++ to_string is broken on MinGW with no real interest in fixing it.
* See https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=52015
using std::to_string;
template<typename T> inline std::string to_string(T num);
inline std::string
to_string<unsigned int>(unsigned int num)
constexpr unsigned int numchars = sizeof num * 3 + 1;
char buf [numchars] {};
snprintf (buf, numchars, "%u", num);
return std::string(buf);
inline std::string
to_string<int>(int num)
constexpr unsigned int numchars = sizeof num * 3 + 1;
char buf [numchars];
snprintf (buf, numchars, "%d", num);
return std::string(buf);
static std::string
windows_default_tzname (void)
const char *subkey =
constexpr size_t keysize {128};
HKEY key;
char key_name[keysize] {};
unsigned long tz_keysize = keysize;
if (RegOpenKeyExA (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, subkey, 0,
if (RegQueryValueExA (key, "TimeZoneKeyName", nullptr, nullptr,
(LPBYTE)key_name, &tz_keysize) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
memset (key_name, 0, tz_keysize);
RegCloseKey (key);
return std::string(key_name);
typedef struct
LONG Bias;
LONG StandardBias;
LONG DaylightBias;
SYSTEMTIME StandardDate;
SYSTEMTIME DaylightDate;
} RegTZI;
static time_zone_names
windows_tz_names (HKEY key)
/* The weird sizeof arg is because C++ won't find a type's
* element, just an object's.
constexpr auto s_size = sizeof (((TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION*)0)->StandardName);
char std_name[s_size];
unsigned long size = s_size;
if (RegQueryValueExA (key, "Std", NULL, NULL,
(LPBYTE)&(std_name), &size) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
throw std::invalid_argument ("Registry contains no standard name.");
constexpr auto d_size = sizeof (((TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION*)0)->DaylightName);
char dlt_name[d_size];
size = d_size;
if (RegQueryValueExA (key, "Dlt", NULL, NULL,
(LPBYTE)&(dlt_name), &size) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
throw std::invalid_argument ("Registry contains no daylight name.");
return time_zone_names (std_name, std_name, dlt_name, dlt_name);
#define make_week_num(x) static_cast<boost::date_time::nth_kday_of_month<boost::gregorian::date>::week_num>(x)
static TZ_Ptr
zone_from_regtzi (const RegTZI& regtzi, time_zone_names names)
using ndate = boost::gregorian::nth_day_of_the_week_in_month;
using nth_day_rule = boost::local_time::nth_day_of_the_week_in_month_dst_rule;
/* Note that Windows runs its biases backwards from POSIX and
* boost::date_time: It's the value added to the local time to get
* GMT rather than the value added to GMT to get local time; for
* the same reason the DaylightBias is negative as one generally
* adds an hour less to the local time to get GMT. Biases are in
* minutes.
duration std_off (0, regtzi.StandardBias - regtzi.Bias, 0);
duration dlt_off (0, -regtzi.DaylightBias, 0);
duration start_time (regtzi.StandardDate.wHour, regtzi.StandardDate.wMinute,
duration end_time (regtzi.DaylightDate.wHour, regtzi.DaylightDate.wMinute,
dst_offsets offsets (dlt_off, start_time, end_time);
auto std_week_num = make_week_num(regtzi.StandardDate.wDay);
auto dlt_week_num = make_week_num(regtzi.DaylightDate.wDay);
calc_rule_ptr dates;
if (regtzi.StandardDate.wMonth != 0)
ndate start (dlt_week_num, regtzi.DaylightDate.wDayOfWeek,
ndate end(std_week_num, regtzi.StandardDate.wDayOfWeek,
dates.reset(new nth_day_rule (start, end));
catch (boost::gregorian::bad_month& err)
PWARN("Caught Bad Month Exception. Daylight Bias: %ld "
"Standard Month : %d Daylight Month: %d",
regtzi.DaylightBias, regtzi.StandardDate.wMonth,
return TZ_Ptr(new time_zone(names, std_off, offsets, dates));
TimeZoneProvider::load_windows_dynamic_tz (HKEY key, time_zone_names names)
DWORD first, last;
unsigned long size = sizeof first;
if (RegQueryValueExA (key, "FirstEntry", NULL, NULL,
(LPBYTE) &first, &size) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
throw std::invalid_argument ("No first entry.");
size = sizeof last;
if (RegQueryValueExA (key, "LastEntry", NULL, NULL,
(LPBYTE) &last, &size) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
throw std::invalid_argument ("No last entry.");
TZ_Ptr tz {};
for (unsigned int year = first; year <= last; year++)
auto s = to_string(year);
auto ystr = s.c_str();
RegTZI regtzi {};
size = sizeof regtzi;
auto err_val = RegQueryValueExA (key, ystr, NULL, NULL,
(LPBYTE) ®tzi, &size);
if (err_val != ERROR_SUCCESS)
tz = zone_from_regtzi (regtzi, names);
if (year == first)
m_zone_vector.push_back (std::make_pair(0, tz));
m_zone_vector.push_back (std::make_pair(year, tz));
m_zone_vector.push_back (std::make_pair(max_year, tz));
catch (std::invalid_argument)
RegCloseKey (key);
catch (std::bad_alloc)
RegCloseKey (key);
RegCloseKey (key);
TimeZoneProvider::load_windows_classic_tz (HKEY key, time_zone_names names)
RegTZI regtzi {};
unsigned long size = sizeof regtzi;
if (RegQueryValueExA (key, "TZI", NULL, NULL,
(LPBYTE) ®tzi, &size) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
std::make_pair(max_year, zone_from_regtzi (regtzi, names)));
catch (std::bad_alloc)
RegCloseKey (key);
RegCloseKey (key);
GetTimeZoneInformation (&tzi);
RegTZI regtzi { tzi.Bias, tzi.StandardBias, tzi.DaylightBias,
tzi.StandardDate, tzi.DaylightDate };
using boost::locale::conv::utf_to_utf;
auto std_name = utf_to_utf<char>(tzi.StandardName,
tzi.StandardName + sizeof(tzi.StandardName));
auto dlt_name = utf_to_utf<char>(tzi.DaylightName,
tzi.DaylightName + sizeof(tzi.DaylightName));
time_zone_names names (std_name, std_name, dlt_name, dlt_name);
m_zone_vector.push_back(std::make_pair(max_year, zone_from_regtzi(regtzi, names)));
TimeZoneProvider::TimeZoneProvider (const std::string& identifier) :
m_zone_vector ()
HKEY key;
const std::string reg_key =
"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Time Zones\\";
auto key_name = (identifier.empty() ? windows_default_tzname () :
if (key_name.empty())
std::string subkey = reg_key + key_name;
if (RegOpenKeyExA (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, subkey.c_str(), 0,
throw std::invalid_argument ("No TZ in registry named " + key_name);
time_zone_names names {windows_tz_names (key)};
RegCloseKey (key);
std::string subkey_dynamic = subkey + "\\Dynamic DST";
if (RegOpenKeyExA (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, subkey_dynamic.c_str(), 0,
this->load_windows_dynamic_tz (key, names);
else if (RegOpenKeyExA (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, subkey.c_str(), 0,
this->load_windows_classic_tz (key, names);
throw std::invalid_argument ("No data for TZ " + key_name);
using std::to_string;
#include <istream>
#include <cstdlib>
using boost::posix_time::ptime;
//To enable using Transition with different meanings for IANA files
//and for DSTRules.
namespace IANAParser
struct TZHead
char magic[4];
char version;
uint8_t reserved[15];
uint8_t ttisgmtcnt[4];
uint8_t ttisstdcnt[4];
uint8_t leapcnt[4];
uint8_t timecnt[4];
uint8_t typecnt[4];
uint8_t charcnt[4];
struct TTInfo
int32_t gmtoff;
uint8_t isdst;
uint8_t abbrind;
struct TZInfo
TTInfo info;
std::string name;
bool isstd;
bool isgmt;
struct Transition
int64_t timestamp;
uint8_t index;
static std::unique_ptr<char[]>
find_tz_file(const std::string& name)
std::ifstream ifs;
auto tzname = name;
if (tzname.empty())
if (auto tzenv = getenv("TZ"))
tzname = std::string(std::getenv("TZ"));
//std::cout << "Testing tzname " << tzname << "\n";
if (!tzname.empty())
//POSIX specifies that that identifier should begin with ':', but we
//should be liberal. If it's there, it's not part of the filename.
if (tzname[0] == ':')
if (tzname[0] == '/') //Absolute filename
ifs.open(tzname, std::ios::in|std::ios::binary|std::ios::ate);
const char* tzdir_c = std::getenv("TZDIR");
std::string tzdir = tzdir_c ? tzdir_c : "/usr/share/zoneinfo";
//Note that we're not checking the filename.
ifs.open(std::move(tzdir + "/" + tzname),
if (! ifs.is_open())
throw std::invalid_argument("The timezone string failed to resolve to a valid filename");
std::streampos filesize = ifs.tellg();
std::unique_ptr<char[]>fileblock(new char[filesize]);
ifs.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
ifs.read(fileblock.get(), filesize);
return fileblock;
using TZInfoVec = std::vector<TZInfo>;
using TZInfoIter = TZInfoVec::iterator;
struct IANAParser
IANAParser(const std::string& name) : IANAParser(find_tz_file(name)) {}
TZInfoVec tzinfo;
int last_year;
unsigned int fb_index = 0;
TZHead tzh = *reinterpret_cast<TZHead*>(&fileblock[fb_index]);
static constexpr int ttinfo_size = 6; //struct TTInfo gets padded
last_year = 2037; //Constrained by 32-bit time_t.
int transition_size = 4; // length of a transition time in the file
auto time_count = *(endian_swap(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(tzh.timecnt)));
auto type_count = *(endian_swap(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(tzh.typecnt)));
auto char_count = *(endian_swap(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(tzh.charcnt)));
auto isgmt_count = *(endian_swap(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(tzh.ttisgmtcnt)));
auto isstd_count = *(endian_swap(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(tzh.ttisstdcnt)));
auto leap_count = *(endian_swap(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(tzh.leapcnt)));
if ((tzh.version == '2' || tzh.version == '3'))
fb_index = (sizeof(tzh) +
(sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(uint8_t)) * time_count +
ttinfo_size * type_count +
sizeof(char) * char_count +
sizeof(uint8_t) * isgmt_count +
sizeof(uint8_t) * isstd_count +
2 * sizeof(uint32_t) * leap_count);
//This might change at some point in the probably very
//distant future.
tzh = *reinterpret_cast<TZHead*>(&fileblock[fb_index]);
last_year = 2499;
time_count = *(endian_swap(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(tzh.timecnt)));
type_count = *(endian_swap(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(tzh.typecnt)));
char_count = *(endian_swap(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(tzh.charcnt)));
transition_size = 8;
fb_index += sizeof(tzh);
auto start_index = fb_index;
auto info_index_zero = start_index + time_count * transition_size;
for(uint32_t index = 0; index < time_count; ++index)
fb_index = start_index + index * transition_size;
auto info_index = info_index_zero + index;
if (transition_size == 4)
int32_t transition_time;
// Ensure correct alignment for ARM.
auto info = static_cast<uint8_t>(fileblock[info_index]);
transitions.push_back({transition_time, info});
int64_t transition_time;
// Ensure correct alignment for ARM.
auto info = static_cast<uint8_t>(fileblock[info_index]);
transitions.push_back({transition_time, info});
//Add in the tzinfo indexes consumed in the previous loop
start_index = info_index_zero + time_count;
auto abbrev = start_index + type_count * ttinfo_size;
auto std_dist = abbrev + char_count;
auto gmt_dist = std_dist + type_count;
for(uint32_t index = 0; index < type_count; ++index)
fb_index = start_index + index * ttinfo_size;
/* Use memcpy instead of static_cast to avoid memory alignment issues with chars */
TTInfo info{};
memcpy(&info, &fileblock[fb_index], ttinfo_size);
{info, &fileblock[abbrev + info.abbrind],
fileblock[std_dist + index] != '\0',
fileblock[gmt_dist + index] != '\0'});
namespace DSTRule
using gregorian_date = boost::gregorian::date;
using IANAParser::TZInfoIter;
using ndate = boost::gregorian::nth_day_of_the_week_in_month;
using week_num =
struct Transition
Transition() : month(1), dow(0), week(static_cast<week_num>(0)) {}
Transition(gregorian_date date);
bool operator==(const Transition& rhs) const noexcept;
ndate get();
boost::gregorian::greg_month month;
boost::gregorian::greg_weekday dow;
week_num week;
Transition::Transition(gregorian_date date) :
month(date.month()), dow(date.day_of_week()),
week(static_cast<week_num>((6 + date.day() - date.day_of_week()) / 7))
Transition::operator==(const Transition& rhs) const noexcept
return (month == rhs.month && dow == rhs.dow && week == rhs.week);
return ndate(week, dow, month);
struct DSTRule
DSTRule(TZInfoIter info1, TZInfoIter info2,
ptime date1, ptime date2);
bool operator==(const DSTRule& rhs) const noexcept;
bool operator!=(const DSTRule& rhs) const noexcept;
Transition to_std;
Transition to_dst;
duration to_std_time;
duration to_dst_time;
TZInfoIter std_info;
TZInfoIter dst_info;
DSTRule::DSTRule() : to_std(), to_dst(), to_std_time {}, to_dst_time {},
std_info (), dst_info () {};
DSTRule::DSTRule (TZInfoIter info1, TZInfoIter info2,
ptime date1, ptime date2) :
to_std(date1.date()), to_dst(date2.date()),
to_std_time(date1.time_of_day()), to_dst_time(date2.time_of_day()),
std_info(info1), dst_info(info2)
if (info1->info.isdst == info2->info.isdst)
throw(std::invalid_argument("Both infos have the same dst value."));
if (info1->info.isdst && !info2->info.isdst)
std::swap(to_std, to_dst);
std::swap(to_std_time, to_dst_time);
std::swap(std_info, dst_info);
/* Documentation notwithstanding, the date-time rules are
* looking for local time (wall clock to use the RFC 8538
* definition) values.
* The TZ Info contains two fields, isstd and isgmt (renamed
* to isut in newer versions of tzinfo). In theory if both are
* 0 the transition times represent wall-clock times,
* i.e. time stamps in the respective time zone's local time
* at the moment of the transition. If isstd is 1 then the
* representation is always in standard time instead of
* daylight time; this is significant for dst->std
* transitions. If isgmt/isut is one then isstd must also be
* set and the transition time is in UTC.
* In practice it seems that the timestamps are always in UTC
* so the isgmt/isut flag isn't meaningful. The times always
* need to have the utc offset added to them to make the
* transition occur at the right time; the isstd flag
* determines whether that should be the standard offset or
* the daylight offset for the daylight->standard transition.
to_dst_time += boost::posix_time::seconds(std_info->info.gmtoff);
if (std_info->isstd) //if isstd always use standard time
to_std_time += boost::posix_time::seconds(std_info->info.gmtoff);
to_std_time += boost::posix_time::seconds(dst_info->info.gmtoff);
DSTRule::operator==(const DSTRule& rhs) const noexcept
return (to_std == rhs.to_std &&
to_dst == rhs.to_dst &&
to_std_time == rhs.to_std_time &&
to_dst_time == rhs.to_dst_time &&
std_info == rhs.std_info &&
dst_info == rhs.dst_info);
DSTRule::operator!=(const DSTRule& rhs) const noexcept
return ! operator==(rhs);
static TZ_Entry
zone_no_dst(int year, IANAParser::TZInfoIter std_info)
time_zone_names names(std_info->name, std_info->name, "", "");
duration std_off(0, 0, std_info->info.gmtoff);
dst_offsets offsets({0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0});
boost::local_time::dst_calc_rule_ptr calc_rule(nullptr);
TZ_Ptr tz(new time_zone(names, std_off, offsets, calc_rule));
return std::make_pair(year, tz);
static TZ_Entry
zone_from_rule(int year, DSTRule::DSTRule rule)
using boost::gregorian::partial_date;
using boost::local_time::partial_date_dst_rule;
using nth_day_rule =
time_zone_names names(rule.std_info->name, rule.std_info->name,
rule.dst_info->name, rule.dst_info->name);
duration std_off(0, 0, rule.std_info->info.gmtoff);
duration dlt_off(0, 0,
rule.dst_info->info.gmtoff - rule.std_info->info.gmtoff);
dst_offsets offsets(dlt_off, rule.to_dst_time, rule.to_std_time);
calc_rule_ptr dates(new nth_day_rule(rule.to_dst.get(), rule.to_std.get()));
TZ_Ptr tz(new time_zone(names, std_off, offsets, dates));
return std::make_pair(year, tz);
TimeZoneProvider::parse_file(const std::string& tzname)
IANAParser::IANAParser parser(tzname);
using boost::posix_time::hours;
const auto one_year = hours(366 * 24); //Might be a leap year.
auto last_info = std::find_if(parser.tzinfo.begin(), parser.tzinfo.end(),
[](IANAParser::TZInfo tz)
{return !tz.info.isdst;});
auto last_time = ptime();
DSTRule::DSTRule last_rule;
using boost::gregorian::date;
using boost::posix_time::ptime;
using boost::posix_time::time_duration;
for (auto txi = parser.transitions.begin();
txi != parser.transitions.end(); ++txi)
auto this_info = parser.tzinfo.begin() + txi->index;
//Can't use boost::posix_date::from_time_t() constructor because it
//silently casts the time_t to an int32_t.
auto this_time = ptime(date(1970, 1, 1),
time_duration(txi->timestamp / 3600, 0,
txi->timestamp % 3600));
/* Note: The "get" function retrieves the last zone with a
* year *earlier* than the requested year: Zone periods run
* from the saved year to the beginning year of the next zone.
auto this_year = this_time.date().year();
//Initial case
if (last_time.is_not_a_date_time())
m_zone_vector.push_back(zone_no_dst(this_year - 1, last_info));
m_zone_vector.push_back(zone_no_dst(this_year, this_info));
// No change in is_dst means a permanent zone change.
else if (last_info->info.isdst == this_info->info.isdst)
m_zone_vector.push_back(zone_no_dst(this_year, this_info));
/* If there have been no transitions in at least a year
* then we need to create a no-DST rule with last_info to
* reflect the frozen timezone.
else if (this_time - last_time > one_year)
auto year = last_time.date().year();
if (m_zone_vector.back().first == year)
year = year + 1; // no operator ++ or +=, sigh.
m_zone_vector.push_back(zone_no_dst(year, last_info));
/* It's been less than a year, so it's probably a DST
* cycle. This consumes two transitions so we want only
* the return-to-standard-time one to make a DST rule.
else if (!this_info->info.isdst)
DSTRule::DSTRule new_rule(last_info, this_info,
last_time, this_time);
if (new_rule != last_rule)
last_rule = new_rule;
auto year = last_time.date().year();
m_zone_vector.push_back(zone_from_rule(year, new_rule));
catch(const boost::gregorian::bad_year& err)
last_time = this_time;
last_info = this_info;
/* if the transitions end before the end of the zoneinfo coverage
* period then the zone rescinded DST and we need a final no-dstzone.
if (last_time.is_not_a_date_time())
m_zone_vector.push_back(zone_no_dst(max_year, last_info));
else if (last_time.date().year() < parser.last_year)
m_zone_vector.push_back(zone_no_dst(last_time.date().year(), last_info));
TimeZoneProvider::construct(const std::string& tzname)
catch(const std::invalid_argument& err)
TZ_Ptr zone(new PTZ(tzname));
m_zone_vector.push_back(std::make_pair(max_year, zone));
catch(std::exception& err)
return false;
return true;
TimeZoneProvider::TimeZoneProvider(const std::string& tzname) : m_zone_vector {}
DEBUG("%s invalid, trying TZ environment variable.\n", tzname.c_str());
const char* tz_env = getenv("TZ");
if(tz_env && construct(tz_env))
DEBUG("No valid $TZ, resorting to /etc/localtime.\n");
catch(const std::invalid_argument& env)
DEBUG("/etc/localtime invalid, resorting to GMT.");
TZ_Ptr zone(new PTZ("UTC0"));
m_zone_vector.push_back(std::make_pair(max_year, zone));
TimeZoneProvider::get(int year) const noexcept
if (m_zone_vector.empty())
return TZ_Ptr(new PTZ("UTC0"));
auto iter = find_if(m_zone_vector.rbegin(), m_zone_vector.rend(),
[=](TZ_Entry e) { return e.first <= year; });
if (iter == m_zone_vector.rend())
return m_zone_vector.front().second;
return iter->second;
TimeZoneProvider::dump() const noexcept
for (auto zone : m_zone_vector)
std::cout << zone.first << ": " << zone.second->to_posix_string() << "\n";