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expression-parser.c - description
begin : Wednesday June 21 2000
email : tboldt@attglobal.net
Author : Terry D. Boldt
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* Functions to parse arthmetic expressions
* 6-21-2000
/* Modified to support functions - Summer, 2002 -- jsled@asynchronous.org */
/* expression parser/evaluator use:
* Before describing the parser per se, I want to describe the
* structures used to contain the results returned from the
* parser. The structure is defined in "finvar.h":
* typedef struct var_store *var_store_ptr;
* typedef struct var_store {
* char *variable_name;
* char use_flag;
* char assign_flag;
* void *value;
* var_strore_ptr next_var;
* } var_store;
* The "use_flag" variable is for internal use of the parser and can
* be ignored by the user. The "variable_name" variable possibly
* points to a string containing the name of the value returned, a
* "variable name". If NULL, then this is a temporary value. The
* "value" variable points to a user defined structure containing the
* numeric value of the variable.
* As well, variables now have a VarStoreType, to distinguish between numeric
* and string values, as we want string arguments to functions.
* In designing and writing the parser, I decided early on that the
* parser should be an "expression parser/evaluator" and that the
* actual arithmetic was the responsibility of the caller/user.
* I decided that the parser should be totally independent of the
* numeric representation used, and thus the exact details of how the
* arithmetic was performed. To accomplish this, four functions are
* supplied by the user/caller:
* 1: trans_numeric - this function translates the text string into a
* numeric in the desired representation and returns a pointer to the
* representation as a (void *) this function has four parameters
* passed:
* 1: digit_str -- the actual text string of the
* numeric to be converted to the internal
* representation
* 2: radix_point -- the ASCII character used to
* represent the radix point
* 3: group character -- the ASCII character used
* to separate and group digits to the left of the
* radix
* 4: rstr -- a pointer to a location in which to
* return a pointer to the first character not
* part of the numeric string translated If this
* pointer is NULL, do not return a value. This
* parameter is the same as the second parameter
* of the standard C library functions "strtod" or
* "strtol"
* 2: numeric_ops - this function does the actual arithmetic on two
* numeric quantities in internal representation. It has three
* parameters passed:
* 1: op_sym -- the numeric operation to be
* performed. The possible values are defined
* in "finvar.h" and are:
* ADD_OP - addition
* SUB_OP - subtraction
* DIV_OP - division
* MUL_OP - multiplication
* ASN_OP - assignment
* 2: left_value - the left hand operand of the
* binary operator
* 3: right_value - the right hand operand of
* the binary operator Note: left_value and
* right_value are passed as (void *). This
* function is responsible for casting to the
* proper type to use. Note: this function should
* make no assumptions about overwriting or
* re-using either left_value or right_value,
* except for ASN_OP. Both values passed must be
* left unchanged by any operation except ASN_OP.
* This function is also responsible for
* allocating/freeing memory as necessary to
* perform the designated function and returning
* the result. I STRONGLY suggest that the result
* be returned in dynamically allocated memory. If
* static memory is used, the parser has no means
* of copying the returned result or managing
* static memory to prevent overwriting the result
* and invalidating the result.
* 3: negate_numeric - this function negates the value passed (as a (void *))
* 4: free_numeric - this function is responsible for freeing memory
* used by the internal numeric representation.
* 5: func_op - this function is responsible for handling function calls.
* I have included the file "numeric_ops.c" containing the above
* functions for the usual "double" and "int" representation of
* numerics. The functions perform integer or floating point
* operations as appropriate for the string entered by the user. The
* division operation is done in "double" since I do not think that
* anybody really wants (9 / 2) to equal 4 instead of 4.5 for
* financial operations. These functions use the structure defined in
* finvar.h:
* typedef struct numeric *numeric_ptr;
* typedef struct numeric {
* char type;
* union {
* long int int_value;
* double dbl_value;
* } value;
* } numeric;
* to contain all numeric values. The variable "type" in this
* structure can have the values:
* which are defined in "finvar.h".
* All "named variables", variables defined by the user for storing
* intermediate results for future reference/use, and temporary
* variables used by the parser use the variable storage structure,
* var_store, defined above. The result of parsing and evaluating the
* string passed are returned in a variable storage structure
* specified by the caller.
* If the returned variable value is not named, i.e., "variable_name
* == NULL", then the user/caller is responsible for freeing the
* memory used by the internal representation of the numeric value.
* If, however, "variable_name != NULL", freeing the memory used by
* the internal numeric representation will cause a segmentation fault
* later, when the parser attempts to free the memory through a call
* to "free_numeric". In addition, freeing the memory will probably
* invalidate the numeric value contained therein and lead to
* pernicuous results when the value is used.
* If "variable_name != NULL", the user/caller should never attempt to
* free this memory, that is the sole responsibility of the parser.
* It may be that the calling function has certain "variables" that
* need to be "pre-defined" for the user to manipulate. In essence
* the function "pre-defining" variables sets up a linked list of
* variable storage structures with the proper "names" and numeric
* values. The number of "pre-defined" variables and a pointer to the
* structure array is passed to the parser in the initialization
* call. After the parser is eventually exited, the calling function
* is responsible for freeing any memory used by the "pre-defined"
* variables and their final numeric representation.
* There may also be strings in the expression, by quoting them in '"'
* characters. These are intended to be passed literally into functions; the
* result of using a string in a numeric operation is undefined. Presently,
* the expression-parser code does not check the variable types during
* parsing or evaluation.
* A second design goal of the parser was that it should be callable
* concurrently by multiple modules independently. That each module
* should be capable of using differing "pre-defined" variables and
* user defined variables and even internal numeric representations.
* To that end the calling module must first initialize the parser
* with a call to "init_parser". This call creates the parser
* internal structure for subsequent calls to the parser proper. The
* structure created and returned must then be passed to subsequent
* calls to the parser. When no further calls to the parser are to be
* made, the module then calls "exit_parser" with the pointer returned
* by "init_parser", so that the parser may release dynamically
* allocated memory.
* The parser recognizes the following binary operators:
* +
* -
* /
* *
* =
* +=
* -=
* /=
* *=
* In addition, the unary operators
* +
* -
* are recognized. All numerics are initially recognized as positive
* numbers. If negative, the unary '-' operator is applied. This saves
* the logic of having to recognize strings as
* -123
* The logic recognizes "-" and "123" separately. The '-' unary
* operator is then applied to negate the numeric. This also has the
* advantage that the same logic can be used for
* -123
* +123.45
* +uvar
* -uvar
* In each case, the appropriate unary operator is applied to obtain
* the desired * result with no increase in the parsing logic. Thus
* keeping things as simple as possible.
* The parser also follows the C practice that the assignment
* operators return a value. Thus, allowing multiple assignments and
* assignment within expressions. The following expressions are all
* valid:
* nni = 123
* hnk = nni = 23.45
* jkl = 5 * (nj = 68.9)
* The first time variables are used in an expression, they are
* initialized to zero, 0. Thus, even if the following variables have
* not been assigned a value previously, the following expressions are
* valid:
* nni *= 123
* above results in zero in nni
* jk += 45.6
* above results in 45.6 in jk
* 56.8 - tyh
* result of above is 56.8
* tgh - 45.7
* above the same as
* -45.7
* After parsing the above expressions the variables nni, jk, tyh and
* tgh would all be defined.
* Functions are invoked with expressions of the format
* [_a-zA-Z]( <argument_0> : <argument_1> : ... : <argument_n> )
* where each argument can itself be a sub-expression [arithmetic operation
* or function call].
* There are six parser functions needed to use the parser/evaluator:
* Note: in the last five functions, in the function parameter (void
* *vp), "vp" is the pointer returned by the "init_parser" function.
* void *init_parser(var_store_ptr predefined_vars,
* gchar *radix_point,
* gchar *group_char,
* void *trans_numeric(char *digit_str,
* gchar *radix_point,
* gchar *group_char,
* char **rstr),
* void *numeric_ops(char op_sym,
* void *left_value,
* void *right_value),
* void *negate_numeric(void *value),
* void free_numeric(void *numeric_value),
* void *func_op(const char *fname, int argc, void **argv));
* This function is called by the module/function/whatever to
* initialize the parser. The parser returns a pointer to a
* structure that contains all relevant information for
* parsing strings. The pointer is returned as (void *)
* since all information is and should remain pertinent only
* to the parser. The calling function(s) should never rely on
* manipulating any information inside this structure
* directly, since it may and could change in the future. --
* The first parameter is a pointer to the first element in
* a linked list of "pre-defined" variables the caller wishes
* to use with subsequent calls to the parser. -- The second
* parameter is the radix character to use in numeric strings
* in subsequent calls to the parser. -- the third parameter
* is the optional character used for grouping digits to the
* left of the radix. -- The fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh
* parameters are the functions I described above for the
* internal numeric representation desired by the calling
* function(s).
* void exit_parser(
* void *vp);
* This function is called to exit the parser and free all
* dynamically allocated memory used by the parser for an
* internal stack and user defined variables.
* unsigned get_parse_error(
* void *vp);
* If the parser is successful in complete parsing and
* evaluating the string passed to 'parse_string' below, that
* functions returns a NULL pointer. If, however, an error is
* encountered in parsing/evaluating the string, the
* 'parse_string' function returns a pointer to the character
* which caused the error. This call returns an unsigned
* integer designating the error encountered. The possible
* values are defined in the "finvar.h" file.
* var_store_ptr parser_get_vars(
* void *vp)
* This function returns a pointer to the first element of a
* linked list of variable storage structures containing the
* user defined named variables if any exist. NULL is
* returned if none exist. The calling function should not
* alter the variable names. The numeric values may be
* altered if the calling function author really knows what
* they are doing.
* unsigned delete_var(
* char *var_name,
* void *vp);
* This function will delete the user defined named variable
* with a name identical to the name string passed in the
* first parameter. If no user defined variable exists with an
* identical name, zero, 0, is returned. If the delete
* operation is successful, one, 1, is returned.
* char *parse_string(
* var_store_ptr value,
* char *string,
* void *vp);
* This function parses the string passed in the second
* parameter and returns a pointer to the last character not
* recognized upon a parsing error. If no error occurred, NULL
* is returned. The first parameter is a pointer to a variable
* storage structure to contain the result of the
* parser/evaluator.
* Note: The parser/evaluator uses a simple recursive descent
* parser. I decided on this type for the simple reason that for a
* simple four function calculator a recursive descent parser is, in
* my opinion, the easiest to construct. I also think that recursive
* descent parsers are easier for the human to understand and thus
* maintain.
* Also, the parser uses a stack which is dynamically allocated in
* memory and can grow as needed. I have not provided any mechanism
* for shrinking the stack. The initial stack size is set at 50
* slots. I really do not anticipate that under normal and even most
* extreme cases, that it will ever approach that size in actual
* use. Under "normal" operation, the stack will probably never exceed
* 3 or 4 slots in size and 50 slots is probably an overkill for
* normal use. However, since the stack is pointers and not entire
* structures, a stack size of 50 slots is not that much memory and
* can be tolerated by most users. Thus, a mechanism for shrinking the
* stack will probably never be needed.
#include <config.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include "qof.h"
#include "finvar.h"
#define MAX_FUNC_ARG_LEN 255
/* structure to hold parser environment - environment particular to
* each caller */
typedef struct parser_env
unsigned stack_cnt;
unsigned stack_size;
var_store_ptr *stack;
var_store_ptr predefined_vars;
var_store_ptr named_vars;
var_store_ptr unnamed_vars;
const char *parse_str;
gchar *radix_point;
gchar *group_char;
char name[128];
char Token;
char asn_op;
char *tokens;
char *token_tail;
ParseError error_code;
void *numeric_value;
void *(*trans_numeric) (const char *digit_str,
gchar *radix_point, gchar *group_char, char **rstr);
void *(*numeric_ops) (char op_sym, void *left_value, void *right_value);
void *(*negate_numeric) (void *value);
void (*free_numeric) (void *numeric_value);
void *(*func_op)( const char *fname, int argc, void **argv );
#include "finproto.h"
#include "fin_static_proto.h"
#include "fin_spl_protos.h"
#define FN_TOKEN 'F'
#define ARG_TOKEN ':'
#define VAR_TOKEN 'V'
#define NUM_TOKEN 'I'
#define STR_TOKEN '"'
#define STACK_INIT 50
#define UNNAMED_VARS 100
#define NAMED_INCR 5
static char allowed_operators[] = "+-*/()=:";
init_parser (var_store_ptr predefined_vars,
gchar *radix_point,
gchar *group_char,
void *trans_numeric (const char *digit_str,
gchar *radix_point,
gchar *group_char,
char **rstr),
void *numeric_ops (char op_sym,
void *left_value,
void *right_value),
void *negate_numeric (void *value),
void free_numeric (void *numeric_value),
void *func_op( const char *fname,
int argc, void **argv ))
parser_env_ptr pe = g_new0 (parser_env, 1);
pe->predefined_vars = predefined_vars;
pe->stack = g_new0 (var_store_ptr, STACK_INIT);
pe->stack_size = STACK_INIT;
pe->radix_point = radix_point;
pe->group_char = group_char;
pe->numeric_value = NULL;
pe->trans_numeric = trans_numeric;
pe->numeric_ops = numeric_ops;
pe->negate_numeric = negate_numeric;
pe->free_numeric = free_numeric;
pe->func_op = func_op;
return pe;
} /* init_parser */
exit_parser (parser_env_ptr pe)
var_store_ptr vars, bv;
if (pe == NULL)
for (vars = pe->named_vars; vars; vars = bv)
g_free (vars->variable_name);
vars->variable_name = NULL;
if (vars->value)
pe->free_numeric (vars->value);
vars->value = NULL;
bv = vars->next_var;
g_free (vars);
} /* endfor */
pe->named_vars = NULL;
g_free (pe->stack);
pe->stack = NULL;
g_free (pe->tokens);
pe->tokens = NULL;
pe->token_tail = NULL;
if (pe->numeric_value)
pe->free_numeric (pe->numeric_value);
pe->numeric_value = NULL;
g_free (pe);
} /* exit_parser */
/* return parser error code */
ParseError get_parse_error (parser_env_ptr pe)
if (pe == NULL)
return pe->error_code;
} /* get_parse_error */
/* return linked list of named variables which have been defined */
var_store_ptr parser_get_vars (parser_env_ptr pe)
if (pe == NULL)
return NULL;
return pe->named_vars;
} /* get_vars */
/* function to delete variable with specified name from named variables
* if it exists. If it exists return TRUE, 1, else return FALSE, 0 */
delete_var (char *var_name, parser_env_ptr pe)
unsigned ret = FALSE;
var_store_ptr nv, tv;
if (pe == NULL)
return FALSE;
for (nv = pe->named_vars, tv = NULL; nv; tv = nv, nv = nv->next_var)
if (strcmp (nv->variable_name, var_name) == 0)
if (tv)
tv->next_var = nv->next_var;
pe->named_vars = nv->next_var;
g_free (nv->variable_name);
nv->variable_name = NULL;
pe->free_numeric (nv->value);
nv->value = NULL;
g_free (nv);
ret = TRUE;
} /* endif */
} /* endfor */
return ret;
} /* delete_var */
/* parse string passed using parser environment passed return
* evaluated value in numeric structure passed, return NULL if no
* parse error. If parse error, return pointer to character at which
* error occurred. */
char *
parse_string (var_store_ptr value, const char *string, parser_env_ptr pe)
var_store_ptr retv;
var_store unnamed_vars[UNNAMED_VARS];
if (!pe || !string)
return NULL;
pe->unnamed_vars = unnamed_vars;
memset (unnamed_vars, 0, UNNAMED_VARS * sizeof (var_store));
pe->parse_str = string;
pe->error_code = PARSER_NO_ERROR;
g_free (pe->tokens);
pe->tokens = g_new0(char, strlen (string) + 1);
pe->token_tail = pe->tokens;
next_token (pe);
if (!pe->error_code)
assignment_op (pe);
if (!pe->error_code)
/* interpret (num) as -num */
if (strcmp (pe->tokens, "(I)") == 0)
var_store_ptr val;
val = pop (pe);
pe->negate_numeric (val->value);
push (val, pe);
if (pe->Token == EOS)
if ((pe->stack_cnt) && (retv = pop (pe)))
if (value != NULL)
*value = *retv;
pe->parse_str = NULL;
pe->error_code = STACK_UNDERFLOW;
pe->stack_cnt = 0;
pe->unnamed_vars = NULL;
return (char *) pe->parse_str;
} /* expression */
/* pop value off value stack */
static var_store_ptr
pop (parser_env_ptr pe)
var_store_ptr val;
if (pe->stack_cnt)
val = pe->stack[--(pe->stack_cnt)];
val = NULL;
pe->error_code = STACK_UNDERFLOW;
} /* endif */
return val;
} /* pop */
/* push value onto value stack */
static var_store_ptr
push (var_store_ptr push_value, parser_env_ptr pe)
if (pe->stack_cnt > pe->stack_size)
pe->stack_size += STACK_INIT;
pe->stack = g_realloc (pe->stack,
pe->stack_size * sizeof (var_store_ptr));
} /* endif */
pe->stack[(pe->stack_cnt)++] = push_value;
return push_value;
} /* push */
/* get/set variable with specified name - nothing fancy just scan each
* variable in linked list checking for a string match return variable
* found if match create new variable if none found */
static var_store_ptr
get_named_var (parser_env_ptr pe)
var_store_ptr retp = NULL, bv;
for (retp = pe->predefined_vars, bv = NULL; retp; retp = retp->next_var)
if (strcmp (retp->variable_name, pe->name) == 0)
if (!retp && pe->named_vars)
for (retp = pe->named_vars; retp; bv = retp, retp = retp->next_var)
if (strcmp (retp->variable_name, pe->name) == 0)
if (!retp)
retp = g_new0 (var_store, 1);
if (!pe->named_vars)
pe->named_vars = retp;
bv->next_var = retp;
retp->variable_name = g_strdup (pe->name);
retp->type = VST_NUMERIC;
retp->value =
pe->trans_numeric ("0", pe->radix_point, pe->group_char, NULL);
return retp;
} /* get_var */
/* get un-named temporary variable */
static var_store_ptr
get_unnamed_var (parser_env_ptr pe)
var_store_ptr retp = NULL;
unsigned cntr;
for (cntr = 0; cntr < UNNAMED_VARS; cntr++)
if (pe->unnamed_vars[cntr].use_flag == UNUSED_VAR)
retp = &(pe->unnamed_vars[cntr]);
retp->variable_name = NULL;
retp->use_flag = USED_VAR;
retp->type = VST_NUMERIC;
if (retp->value)
pe->free_numeric (retp->value);
retp->value = NULL;
} /* endif */
} /* endif */
if (retp == NULL)
pe->error_code = PARSER_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
return retp;
} /* get_unnamed_var */
/* mark un-named temporary variable unused */
static void
free_var (var_store_ptr value, parser_env_ptr pe)
if (value == NULL)
/* first check that not a named variable */
if (value->variable_name != NULL)
value->use_flag = UNUSED_VAR;
if (value->value)
pe->free_numeric (value->value);
value->value = NULL;
} /* free_var */
static void
add_token (parser_env_ptr pe, char token)
pe->Token = token;
if ((token != EOS) || (*pe->token_tail != EOS))
*pe->token_tail = token;
/* parse next token from string */
static void
next_token (parser_env_ptr pe)
char *nstr;
const char *str_parse = pe->parse_str;
void *number;
while (isspace (*str_parse))
pe->asn_op = EOS;
/* test for end of string */
if (!*str_parse)
add_token (pe, EOS);
/* test for possible operator */
else if (strchr (allowed_operators, *str_parse))
add_token (pe, *str_parse++);
if (*str_parse == ASN_OP)
/* BUG/FIXME: this seems to allow '(=' and ')=' [?], neither of which
* make sense. */
if (pe->Token != ASN_OP)
pe->asn_op = pe->Token;
add_token (pe, ASN_OP);
pe->error_code = UNDEFINED_CHARACTER;
} /* endif */
/* test for string */
else if ( *str_parse == '"' )
nstr = pe->name;
/* skip over the '"'. */
*nstr++ = *str_parse++;
while ( *str_parse != '"' );
*nstr = EOS;
add_token( pe, STR_TOKEN );
/* test for name */
else if (isalpha (*str_parse)
|| (*str_parse == '_'))
int funcFlag = 0;
/* Check for variable or function */
/* If variable: add token. */
/* If function: parse args, build struct, add token. */
nstr = pe->name;
if ( *str_parse == '(' )
funcFlag = 1;
*nstr++ = *str_parse++;
while ((*str_parse == '_')
|| (*str_parse == '(')
|| isalpha (*str_parse)
|| isdigit (*str_parse));
*nstr = EOS;
if ( funcFlag )
add_token(pe, FN_TOKEN);
add_token(pe, VAR_TOKEN);
/* test for numeric token */
else if ((number = pe->trans_numeric (str_parse, pe->radix_point,
pe->group_char, &nstr)))
add_token (pe, NUM_TOKEN);
pe->numeric_value = number;
str_parse = nstr;
/* unrecognized character - error */
add_token (pe, *str_parse);
pe->error_code = UNDEFINED_CHARACTER;
} /* endif */
pe->parse_str = str_parse;
} /* next_token */
/* evaluate assignment operators,
* =
* +=
* -=
* \=
* *=
/* FIXME: add non-numeric checking. */
static void
assignment_op (parser_env_ptr pe)
var_store_ptr vl; /* left value */
var_store_ptr vr; /* right value */
char ao;
add_sub_op (pe);
if (pe->error_code)
while (pe->Token == ASN_OP)
vl = pop (pe);
if (pe->error_code)
ao = pe->asn_op;
if (vl->variable_name)
next_token (pe);
if (pe->error_code)
free_var (vl, pe);
assignment_op (pe);
if (pe->error_code)
free_var (vl, pe);
vr = pop (pe);
if (pe->error_code)
free_var (vl, pe);
vl->assign_flag = ASSIGNED_TO;
if (ao)
void *temp;
temp = vl->value;
vl->value = pe->numeric_ops (ao, vl->value, vr->value);
pe->free_numeric (temp);
else if (vl != vr)
if (!vr->variable_name)
pe->free_numeric (vl->value);
vl->value = vr->value;
vr->value = NULL;
pe->numeric_ops (ASN_OP, vl->value, vr->value);
free_var (vr, pe);
} /* endif */
push (vl, pe);
add_token (pe, EOS); /* error !!!!!!!!!! */
pe->error_code = NOT_A_VARIABLE;
free_var (vl, pe);
} /* endif */
} /* endwhile */
} /* assignment_op */
/* evaluate addition, subtraction operators */
/* FIXME: add non-numeric checking. */
static void
add_sub_op (parser_env_ptr pe)
var_store_ptr vl; /* left value */
var_store_ptr vr; /* right value */
var_store_ptr rslt; /* result */
char op;
multiply_divide_op (pe);
if (pe->error_code)
while ((pe->Token == ADD_OP) || (pe->Token == SUB_OP))
op = pe->Token;
vl = pop (pe);
if (pe->error_code)
next_token (pe);
if (pe->error_code)
free_var (vl, pe);
multiply_divide_op (pe);
if (pe->error_code)
free_var (vl, pe);
vr = pop (pe);
if (pe->error_code)
free_var (vl, pe);
rslt = get_unnamed_var (pe);
if (pe->error_code)
free_var (vl, pe);
free_var (vr, pe);
rslt->value = pe->numeric_ops (op, vl->value, vr->value);
free_var (vl, pe);
free_var (vr, pe);
push (rslt, pe);
} /* endwhile */
} /* add_sub_op */
/* evaluate multiplication, division operators */
/* FIXME: add non-numeric checking. */
static void
multiply_divide_op (parser_env_ptr pe)
var_store_ptr vl; /* left value */
var_store_ptr vr; /* right value */
var_store_ptr rslt; /* result */
char op;
primary_exp (pe);
if (pe->error_code)
while ((pe->Token == MUL_OP) || (pe->Token == DIV_OP))
op = pe->Token;
vl = pop (pe);
if (pe->error_code)
next_token (pe);
if (pe->error_code)
free_var (vl, pe);
primary_exp (pe);
if (pe->error_code)
free_var (vl, pe);
vr = pop (pe);
if (pe->error_code)
free_var (vl, pe);
rslt = get_unnamed_var (pe);
if (pe->error_code)
free_var (vl, pe);
free_var (vr, pe);
rslt->value = pe->numeric_ops (op, vl->value, vr->value);
free_var (vl, pe);
free_var (vr, pe);
push (rslt, pe);
} /* endwhile */
} /* multiply_divide_op */
* Bug#334811, 308554: apply some basic grammar constraints.
* @return true if the expression is in error; pe->error_code will already
* contain the error.
static int
check_expression_grammar_error(parser_env_ptr pe)
if (pe->Token == VAR_TOKEN
|| pe->Token == STR_TOKEN
|| pe->Token == NUM_TOKEN
|| pe->Token == FN_TOKEN)
add_token(pe, EOS);
pe->error_code = EXPRESSION_ERROR;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
/* evaluate:
* unary '+' and '-'
* named variables
* numerics
* grouped expressions, "()"
* functions [ <name>( [exp : exp : ... : exp] ) ]
* strings
static void
primary_exp (parser_env_ptr pe)
var_store_ptr rslt = NULL;
char *ident = NULL;
int funcArgCount;
char LToken = pe->Token;
/* If we are in a state where the non-stacked 'pe->name' is valuable, then
* save it before we process the next token. */
switch ( LToken )
case FN_TOKEN:
ident = g_strdup( pe->name );
next_token (pe);
if (pe->error_code)
switch (LToken)
case '(':
assignment_op (pe);
if (pe->error_code)
if (pe->Token == ')')
rslt = pop (pe);
if (pe->error_code)
next_token (pe);
if (pe->error_code)
add_token (pe, EOS); /* error here */
pe->error_code = UNBALANCED_PARENS;
} /* endif */
case ADD_OP:
case SUB_OP:
primary_exp (pe);
if (pe->error_code)
rslt = pop (pe);
if (pe->error_code)
if (LToken == SUB_OP)
pe->negate_numeric (rslt->value);
rslt = get_unnamed_var (pe);
if (pe->error_code)
if (check_expression_grammar_error(pe))
rslt->value = pe->numeric_value;
pe->numeric_value = NULL;
case FN_TOKEN:
funcArgCount = 0;
if (pe->Token && pe->Token != ')')
if ( pe->error_code )
if (!pe->Token || pe->Token == ')')
while (pe->Token != ARG_TOKEN);
if ( pe->Token != ')' )
add_token( pe, EOS );
pe->error_code = UNBALANCED_PARENS;
int i;
var_store_ptr val;
void **argv;
argv = g_new0( void*, funcArgCount );
for ( i = 0; i < funcArgCount; i++ )
/* fill, in back-to-front order, the funcArgCount tokens we just
* parsed out of the expression into a argument list to hand back
* to the caller's func_op callback. */
val = pop(pe);
argv[funcArgCount - i - 1] = val;
rslt = get_unnamed_var(pe);
rslt->value = (*pe->func_op)( ident, funcArgCount, argv );
for ( i = 0; i < funcArgCount; i++ )
free_var( argv[i], pe );
g_free( argv );
g_free( ident );
if ( rslt->value == NULL )
pe->error_code = NOT_A_FUNC;
add_token( pe, EOS );
if (check_expression_grammar_error(pe))
if (check_expression_grammar_error(pe))
rslt = get_named_var (pe);
if (!(pe->Token == ')'
|| pe->Token == ARG_TOKEN))
add_token(pe, EOS);
pe->error_code = EXPRESSION_ERROR;
rslt = get_unnamed_var( pe );
rslt->type = VST_STRING;
rslt->value = ident;
} /* endswitch */
if (rslt != NULL)
push (rslt, pe);
} /* primary_exp */