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* utest-Split.c: GLib g_test test suite for Split.c. *
* Copyright 2012 John Ralls <jralls@ceridwen.us> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as *
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*
* along with this program; if not, you can retrieve it from *
* https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html *
* or contact: *
* *
* Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652 *
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA gnu@gnu.org *
#include <glib.h>
extern "C"
#include <config.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unittest-support.h>
/* Add specific headers for this class */
#include <Split.h>
#include <SplitP.h>
#include <Account.h>
#include <Transaction.h>
#include <TransactionP.h>
#include <gnc-lot.h>
#include <gnc-event.h>
#if defined(__clang__) && (__clang_major__ == 5 || (__clang_major__ == 3 && __clang_minor__ < 5))
static const gchar *suitename = "/engine/Split";
void test_suite_split ( void );
#include <qofinstance-p.h>
#include <kvp-frame.hpp>
typedef struct
Split *split;
SplitTestFunctions *func;
gnc_commodity *curr;
gnc_commodity *comm;
GSList *hdlrs;
} Fixture;
static void
setup (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
QofBook *book = qof_book_new ();
Transaction *txn = xaccMallocTransaction (book);
Account *acc = xaccMallocAccount (book);
GNCLot *lot = gnc_lot_new (book);
gnc_numeric value = gnc_numeric_create (123, 240);
gnc_numeric amount = gnc_numeric_create (321, 1000);
time64 time = gnc_time(NULL);
Split *gains_split = xaccMallocSplit (book);
fixture->curr = gnc_commodity_new (book, "Gnu Rand", "CURRENCY", "GNR", "", 240);
fixture->comm = gnc_commodity_new (book, "Wildebeest Fund", "FUND", "WBFXX", "", 1000);
fixture->func = _utest_split_fill_functions ();
fixture->split = xaccMallocSplit (book);
xaccAccountSetCommodity (acc, fixture->comm);
xaccTransBeginEdit (txn);
xaccTransSetCurrency (txn, fixture->curr);
xaccSplitSetParent (fixture->split, txn);
xaccTransCommitEdit (txn);
gnc_lot_set_account (lot, acc);
fixture->split->action = CACHE_INSERT ("foo");
fixture->split->memo = CACHE_INSERT ("bar");
fixture->split->acc = acc;
fixture->split->lot = lot;
fixture->split->parent = txn;
fixture->split->amount = amount;
fixture->split->value = value;
fixture->split->date_reconciled = time;
fixture->split->reconciled = YREC;
fixture->split->gains = GAINS_STATUS_VALU_DIRTY;
fixture->split->gains_split = gains_split;
fixture->split->balance = amount;
fixture->split->cleared_balance = amount;
fixture->split->reconciled_balance = amount;
qof_instance_mark_clean (QOF_INSTANCE (fixture->split));
qof_instance_mark_clean (QOF_INSTANCE (acc));
qof_instance_mark_clean (QOF_INSTANCE (txn));
fixture->hdlrs = NULL;
static void
teardown (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
QofBook *book = xaccSplitGetBook (fixture->split);
Account *acc = xaccSplitGetAccount (fixture->split);
Transaction *txn = xaccSplitGetParent (fixture->split);
GNCLot *lot = xaccSplitGetLot (fixture->split);
test_destroy (fixture->split->gains_split);
test_destroy (lot);
test_destroy (txn);
test_destroy (acc);
test_destroy (fixture->split);
test_destroy (fixture->curr);
test_destroy (fixture->comm);
qof_book_destroy (book);
g_free (fixture->func);
g_slist_free_full (fixture->hdlrs, test_free_log_handler);
/* gnc_split_init
static void
gnc_split_init(Split* split)*/
static void
test_gnc_split_init ()
Split *split = static_cast<Split*>(g_object_new (GNC_TYPE_SPLIT, NULL));
g_assert (split->acc == NULL);
g_assert (split->orig_acc == NULL);
g_assert (split->parent == NULL);
g_assert (split->lot == NULL);
g_assert_cmpstr (split->action, ==, "");
g_assert_cmpstr (split->memo, ==, "");
g_assert_cmpint (split->reconciled, ==, NREC);
g_assert (gnc_numeric_zero_p (split->amount));
g_assert (gnc_numeric_zero_p (split->value));
g_assert (gnc_numeric_zero_p (split->balance));
g_assert (gnc_numeric_zero_p (split->cleared_balance));
g_assert (gnc_numeric_zero_p (split->reconciled_balance));
g_assert_cmpint (split->gains, ==, GAINS_STATUS_UNKNOWN);
g_assert (split->gains_split == NULL);
/* Make sure that the parent's init has been run */
g_assert (split->inst.kvp_data != NULL);
g_object_unref (split);
/* gnc_split_dispose
static void
gnc_split_dispose(GObject *splitp)*/
static void
test_gnc_split_dispose ()
/* gnc_split_dispose doesn't do anything besides chain up to its
* parent, so we twiddle the parent QofInstance to populate its
* collection object (which is released by its dispose) then run
* dispose on Split and make sure that the collection object is indeed
* released.
* TODO: Split keeps references to two Account objects, two
* Transaction objects, a Split object, and a GNCLot object. All of
* these should be unreffed in gnc_split_dispose.
Split *split = static_cast<Split*>(g_object_new (GNC_TYPE_SPLIT, NULL));
QofInstance *instance = QOF_INSTANCE (split);
QofBook *book = qof_book_new ();
qof_instance_init_data (instance, GNC_ID_SPLIT, book);
g_assert_cmpstr (instance->e_type, ==, GNC_ID_SPLIT);
g_object_run_dispose (G_OBJECT (split));
g_assert (instance->e_type == NULL);
g_object_unref (split);
qof_book_destroy (book);
/* gnc_split_finalize
static void
gnc_split_finalize(GObject* splitp)
Can't actually test this, it's a class function.
/* gnc_split_get__property
static void
gnc_split_get_property(GObject *object,*/
/* gnc_split_set_property
static void
gnc_split_set_property(GObject *object,*/
static void
test_gnc_split_set_get_property ()
/* TODO: Several of the parameters set by gnc_split_init are not
* properties, and two members of struct split_s (orig_parent and
* reconciled) are neither initialized in gnc_split_init nor
* properties.
QofBook *book = qof_book_new ();
gnc_commodity *curr = gnc_commodity_new (book, "Gnu Rand", "CURRENCY", "GNR", "", 100);
Transaction *txn = xaccMallocTransaction (book), *rtxn = NULL;
Account *acc = xaccMallocAccount (book), *racc = NULL;
GNCLot *lot = gnc_lot_new (book), *rlot = NULL;
Split *split = xaccMallocSplit (book);
time64 time = gnc_time(nullptr);
Time64 t = {time}, *rtime;
char *r_action, *r_memo;
gnc_numeric value = gnc_numeric_create (123, 100);
gnc_numeric amount = gnc_numeric_create (321, 100);
gnc_numeric *r_value, *r_amount;
xaccAccountSetCommodity (acc, curr);
xaccTransBeginEdit (txn);
xaccTransSetCurrency (txn, curr);
gnc_lot_set_account (lot, acc);
qof_commit_edit (QOF_INSTANCE (txn));
g_object_set (G_OBJECT (split),
"action", "foo",
"memo", "bar",
"value", &value,
"amount", &amount,
"reconcile-date", &t,
"account", acc,
"lot", lot,
"transaction", txn,
g_object_get (G_OBJECT (split),
"action", &r_action,
"memo", &r_memo,
"value", &r_value,
"amount", &r_amount,
"reconcile-date", &rtime,
"transaction", &rtxn,
"account", &racc,
"lot", &rlot,
g_assert_cmpstr (r_action, ==, "foo");
g_assert_cmpstr (r_memo, ==, "bar");
g_assert (gnc_numeric_equal (*r_value, value));
/* Setting the transaction causes the amount to be scrubbed into the value */
g_assert (gnc_numeric_equal (*r_amount, value));
g_assert_cmpint (rtime->t, ==, time);
g_assert (txn == rtxn);
g_assert (acc == racc);
g_assert (lot == rlot);
/* The official destroy functions all step on each other. We'll take a
* few leaks to save trouble; it will all work fine once the
* refactoring is taken care of.
g_free (r_value);
g_free (r_amount);
g_object_unref (txn);
g_object_unref (acc);
g_object_unref (lot);
gnc_commodity_destroy (curr);
g_object_unref (split);
qof_book_destroy (book);
/* xaccInitSplit
static void
xaccInitSplit(Split * split, QofBook *book)// Local: 1:0:0
An utterly useless function that just chains up to QofInstance.
// Not Used
/* xaccSplitReinit
xaccSplitReinit(Split * split)//
/* xaccMallocSplit
Split *
xaccMallocSplit(QofBook *book)// C: 46 in 23 SCM: 3 in 2
static void
test_xaccMallocSplit (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
/* We use this in the setup, so we can just verify that it works. */
g_assert (fixture->split != NULL);
/* xaccDupeSplit
Split *
xaccDupeSplit (const Split *s)// C: 1
static void
test_xaccDupeSplit (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
Split *f_split = fixture->split;
Split *split = xaccDupeSplit (f_split);
g_assert (split != fixture->split);
g_assert (qof_instance_get_guid (split) != qof_instance_get_guid (f_split));
g_assert (guid_equal (qof_instance_get_guid (split), qof_instance_get_guid (f_split)));
g_assert (qof_instance_get_book (split) == qof_instance_get_book (f_split));
g_assert (split->parent == f_split->parent);
g_assert (split->acc == f_split->acc);
g_assert (split->orig_acc == f_split->orig_acc);
g_assert (split->lot == f_split->lot);
g_assert_cmpstr (split->memo, ==, f_split->memo);
g_assert_cmpstr (split->action, ==, f_split->action);
g_assert (compare (split->inst.kvp_data, f_split->inst.kvp_data) == 0);
g_assert_cmpint (split->reconciled, ==, f_split->reconciled);
g_assert_cmpint (split->date_reconciled, ==, f_split->date_reconciled);
g_assert (gnc_numeric_equal (split->value, f_split->value));
g_assert (gnc_numeric_equal (split->amount, f_split->amount));
/* xaccDupeSplit intentionally doesn't copy the balances */
g_assert (gnc_numeric_zero_p (split->balance));
g_assert (gnc_numeric_zero_p (split->cleared_balance));
g_assert (gnc_numeric_zero_p (split->reconciled_balance));
/* FIXME: gains and gains_split are not copied */
g_assert_cmpint (split->gains, !=, f_split->gains);
g_assert (split->gains_split != f_split->gains_split);
/* xaccSplitCloneNoKvp
Split *
xaccSplitCloneNoKvp (const Split *s)// C: 1
static void
test_xaccSplitCloneNoKvp (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
Split *f_split = fixture->split;
Split *split = xaccSplitCloneNoKvp (f_split);
g_assert (split != fixture->split);
g_assert (qof_instance_get_guid (split) != qof_instance_get_guid (f_split));
g_assert_cmpint (guid_compare (qof_instance_get_guid (split), qof_instance_get_guid (f_split)), !=, 0);
g_assert (qof_instance_get_book (split) == qof_instance_get_book (f_split));
g_assert (split->parent == NULL);
g_assert (split->acc == f_split->acc);
/* Clone doesn't copy the orig_acc */
g_assert (split->orig_acc == NULL);
g_assert (split->lot == f_split->lot);
g_assert_cmpstr (split->memo, ==, f_split->memo);
g_assert_cmpstr (split->action, ==, f_split->action);
g_assert (split->inst.kvp_data->empty());
g_assert_cmpint (split->reconciled, ==, f_split->reconciled);
g_assert_cmpint (split->date_reconciled, == , f_split->date_reconciled);
g_assert (gnc_numeric_equal (split->value, f_split->value));
g_assert (gnc_numeric_equal (split->amount, f_split->amount));
g_assert (gnc_numeric_equal (split->balance, f_split->balance));
g_assert (gnc_numeric_equal (split->cleared_balance, f_split->cleared_balance));
g_assert (gnc_numeric_equal (split->reconciled_balance, f_split->reconciled_balance));
g_assert_cmpint (split->gains, ==, GAINS_STATUS_UNKNOWN);
g_assert (split->gains_split == NULL);
// Not Used
/* xaccSplitDump
xaccSplitDump (const Split *split, const char *tag)//
/* xaccFreeSplit
xaccFreeSplit (Split *split)// C: 3 in 1
Not testable and wrong besides.
/* mark_split
void mark_split (Split *s)// C: 2 in 2 SCM: 10 in 1 Local: 8:0:0
OK, weird. Doesn't mark the split, marks the account sort-dirty and balance-dirty parameters.
static void
test_mark_split (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
gboolean sort_dirty, balance_dirty;
g_object_get (fixture->split->acc,
"sort-dirty", &sort_dirty,
"balance-dirty", &balance_dirty,
g_assert_cmpint (sort_dirty, ==, FALSE);
g_assert_cmpint (balance_dirty, ==, FALSE);
mark_split (fixture->split);
g_object_get (fixture->split->acc,
"sort-dirty", &sort_dirty,
"balance-dirty", &balance_dirty,
g_assert_cmpint (sort_dirty, ==, TRUE);
g_assert_cmpint (balance_dirty, ==, TRUE);
// Not Used
/* xaccSplitEqualCheckBal
static gboolean
xaccSplitEqualCheckBal (const char *tag, gnc_numeric a, gnc_numeric b)//
static void
test_xaccSplitEqualCheckBal (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
gchar *msg = "[xaccSplitEqualCheckBal] test balances differ: 123/100 vs 456/100";
GLogLevelFlags loglevel = G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO;
guint hdlr;
TestErrorStruct check = { loglevel, "gnc.engine", msg, 0 };
gnc_numeric foo = gnc_numeric_create (123, 100);
gnc_numeric bar = gnc_numeric_create (456, 100);
hdlr = g_log_set_handler ("gnc.engine", loglevel,
(GLogFunc)test_checked_handler, &check);
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->func->xaccSplitEqualCheckBal ("test ", foo, foo), ==, TRUE);
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->func->xaccSplitEqualCheckBal ("test ", foo, bar), ==, FALSE);
g_assert_cmpint (check.hits, ==, 1);
g_log_remove_handler ("gnc.engine", hdlr);
/* xaccSplitEqual
xaccSplitEqual(const Split *sa, const Split *sb,// C: 2 in 2 SCM: 1
static void
test_xaccSplitEqual (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
Split *split1 = xaccSplitCloneNoKvp (fixture->split);
Split *split2 = xaccDupeSplit (fixture->split);
gchar *msg01 = "[xaccSplitEqual] one is NULL";
gchar *msg02 = "[xaccSplitEqual] GUIDs differ";
gchar *msg03;
gchar *msg04 = "[xaccSplitEqual] actions differ: foo vs bar";
G_GNUC_UNUSED gchar *msg05 = "[xaccSplitEqual] kvp frames: differ foo vs bar";
G_GNUC_UNUSED gchar *msg06 = "[xaccSplitEqual] reconcile flags differ: foo vs bar";
G_GNUC_UNUSED gchar *msg07 = "[xaccSplitEqual] reconciled date differs";
G_GNUC_UNUSED gchar *msg08 = "[xaccSplitEqual] amounts differ: foo vs bar";
gchar *msg10 = "[xaccSplitEqual] transactions differ";
gchar *msg11 = "[xaccTransEqual] one is NULL";
gchar *msg12 = "[xaccSplitEqualCheckBal] balances differ: 321/1000 vs 0/1";
gchar *msg13 = "[xaccSplitEqualCheckBal] cleared balances differ: 321/1000 vs 0/1";
gchar *msg14 = "[xaccSplitEqualCheckBal] reconciled balances differ: 321/1000 vs 0/1";
gchar *logdomain = "gnc.engine";
GLogLevelFlags loglevel = G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO;
TestErrorStruct checkA = { loglevel, logdomain, msg01, 0 };
TestErrorStruct checkB = { loglevel, logdomain, msg10, 0 };
TestErrorStruct checkC = { loglevel, logdomain, msg11, 0 };
TestErrorStruct checkD = { loglevel, logdomain, msg14, 0 };
guint hdlr;
test_add_error (&checkA);
test_add_error (&checkB);
test_add_error (&checkC);
test_add_error (&checkD);
hdlr = g_log_set_handler (logdomain, loglevel,
(GLogFunc)test_list_handler, &checkA);
/* Note that check_splits is just passed through to xaccTransEqual, so we don't vary it here. */
/* Test that a NULL comparison fails */
g_assert (xaccSplitEqual (fixture->split, NULL, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE) == FALSE);
g_assert (xaccSplitEqual (NULL, split1, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE) == FALSE);
g_assert_cmpint (checkA.hits, ==, 2);
g_assert_cmpint (checkB.hits, ==, 0);
g_assert_cmpint (checkC.hits, ==, 0);
g_assert_cmpint (checkD.hits, ==, 0);
checkA.msg = msg02;
/* Clone creates splits with different GUIDs: Make sure that it fails comparison */
g_assert (xaccSplitEqual (fixture->split, split1, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE) == FALSE);
/* Test that the parent comparison fails */
g_assert (xaccSplitEqual (fixture->split, split1, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE) == FALSE);
/* Now set split1's parent so that it passes -- we're also checking that the GUID check is disabled when we pass FALSE to check_guids */
g_assert_cmpint (checkA.hits, ==, 3);
g_assert_cmpint (checkB.hits, ==, 1);
g_assert_cmpint (checkC.hits, ==, 1);
g_assert_cmpint (checkD.hits, ==, 0);
split1->parent = fixture->split->parent;
g_assert (xaccSplitEqual (fixture->split, split1, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE) == TRUE);
/* Now set the GUIDs equal and see that the comparison passes */
qof_instance_increase_editlevel (split1->parent);
g_object_set (G_OBJECT (split1),
"guid", qof_instance_get_guid (QOF_INSTANCE(fixture->split)),
qof_instance_increase_editlevel (split1->parent);
g_assert (xaccSplitEqual (fixture->split, split1, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE) == TRUE);
g_assert_cmpint (checkA.hits, ==, 3);
g_assert_cmpint (checkB.hits, ==, 1);
g_assert_cmpint (checkC.hits, ==, 1);
g_assert_cmpint (checkD.hits, ==, 0);
/* Change the memo and action and test that each in turn causes the comparison to fail */
split1->memo = "baz";
msg03 = g_strdup_printf ("[xaccSplitEqual] memos differ: (%p)%s vs (%p)%s",
fixture->split->memo, fixture->split->memo,
split1->memo, split1->memo);
checkA.msg = msg03;
g_assert (xaccSplitEqual (fixture->split, split1, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE) == FALSE);
g_assert_cmpint (checkA.hits, ==, 4);
g_assert_cmpint (checkB.hits, ==, 1);
g_assert_cmpint (checkC.hits, ==, 1);
g_assert_cmpint (checkD.hits, ==, 0);
split1->memo = fixture->split->memo;
split1->action = "bar";
checkA.msg = msg04;
g_assert (xaccSplitEqual (fixture->split, split1, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE) == FALSE);
g_log_remove_handler (logdomain, hdlr);
hdlr = g_log_set_handler (logdomain, loglevel,
(GLogFunc)test_list_handler, &checkA);
g_assert (xaccSplitEqual (fixture->split, split1, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE) == FALSE);
g_assert_cmpint (checkA.hits, ==, 6);
g_assert_cmpint (checkB.hits, ==, 1);
g_assert_cmpint (checkC.hits, ==, 1);
g_assert_cmpint (checkD.hits, ==, 0);
/* Split2 doesn't have balances copied from fixture->split, so the balance test fails */
checkB.msg = msg12;
checkC.msg = msg13;
g_assert (xaccSplitEqual (fixture->split, split2, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE) == FALSE);
g_assert_cmpint (checkA.hits, ==, 6);
g_assert_cmpint (checkB.hits, ==, 2);
g_assert_cmpint (checkC.hits, ==, 1);
g_assert_cmpint (checkD.hits, ==, 0);
split2->balance = fixture->split->balance;
g_assert (xaccSplitEqual (fixture->split, split2, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE) == FALSE);
g_assert_cmpint (checkA.hits, ==, 6);
g_assert_cmpint (checkB.hits, ==, 2);
g_assert_cmpint (checkC.hits, ==, 2);
g_assert_cmpint (checkD.hits, ==, 0);
split2->cleared_balance = fixture->split->cleared_balance;
g_assert (xaccSplitEqual (fixture->split, split2, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE) == FALSE);
g_assert_cmpint (checkA.hits, ==, 6);
g_assert_cmpint (checkB.hits, ==, 2);
g_assert_cmpint (checkC.hits, ==, 2);
g_assert_cmpint (checkD.hits, ==, 1);
test_clear_error_list ();
g_assert (xaccSplitEqual (fixture->split, split2, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE) == TRUE);
g_object_unref (split1);
g_object_unref (split2);
test_clear_error_list ();
g_log_remove_handler (logdomain, hdlr);
g_free (msg03);
/* xaccSplitGetAccount
* xaccSplitSetAccount
* commit_err
static void commit_err (QofInstance *inst, QofBackendError errcode)
Used as a callback in xaccSplitCommitEdit; it will get tested there via intercepting the warning and testing the signal.
/* xaccSplitCommitEdit
xaccSplitCommitEdit(Split *s)// C: 2 in 1
Note that there is no xaccSplitBeginEdit.
Note: Unfortunately most of the internals of this function can't be monitored without a mock Account object.
typedef struct
guint hits;
QofBackendError lasterr;
} TestErr;
static void
test_error_callback (gpointer pdata, QofBackendError errcode)
TestErr *data = static_cast<TestErr*>(pdata);
data->lasterr = errcode;
static void
test_xaccSplitCommitEdit (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
gboolean sort_dirty, balance_dirty;
gchar *msg1 = "[xaccSplitCommitEdit()] Account lost track of moved or deleted split.";
gchar *msg2 = "[xaccSplitCommitEdit()] Account grabbed split prematurely.";
gchar *logdomain = "gnc.engine";
GLogLevelFlags loglevel = static_cast<GLogLevelFlags>(G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL | G_LOG_FLAG_FATAL);
guint infolevel = G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO;
guint hdlr;
TestErrorStruct checkA = { loglevel, logdomain, msg1, 0 };
TestErrorStruct checkB = { loglevel, logdomain, msg2, 0 };
TestSignal sig1, sig2;
TestErr error = { 0, ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR };
Account *oacc = xaccMallocAccount (xaccSplitGetBook (fixture->split));
Transaction *opar = xaccMallocTransaction (xaccSplitGetBook (fixture->split));
test_add_error (&checkA);
test_add_error (&checkB);
g_test_log_set_fatal_handler ((GTestLogFatalFunc)test_list_handler, &checkA);
hdlr = g_log_set_handler (logdomain, loglevel,
(GLogFunc)test_list_handler, &checkA);
fixture->split->orig_acc = oacc;
fixture->split->orig_parent = opar;
gnc_engine_add_commit_error_callback ((EngineCommitErrorCallback)test_error_callback, &error);
sig1 = test_signal_new (QOF_INSTANCE (fixture->split->orig_parent), QOF_EVENT_MODIFY, NULL);
sig2 = test_signal_new (QOF_INSTANCE (fixture->split->lot), QOF_EVENT_MODIFY, NULL);
qof_instance_set_dirty (QOF_INSTANCE (fixture->split));
xaccSplitCommitEdit (fixture->split);
g_object_get (fixture->split->acc,
"sort-dirty", &sort_dirty,
"balance-dirty", &balance_dirty,
g_assert_cmpint (sort_dirty, ==, TRUE);
g_assert_cmpint (balance_dirty, ==, FALSE);
g_assert (qof_instance_is_dirty (QOF_INSTANCE (fixture->split->parent)));
g_assert (qof_instance_is_dirty (QOF_INSTANCE (fixture->split)));
test_signal_assert_hits (sig1, 1);
test_signal_assert_hits (sig2, 3);
g_assert_cmpint (error.hits, ==, 0);
g_assert_cmpint (error.lasterr, ==, ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR);
g_assert (fixture->split->orig_acc == fixture->split->acc);
g_assert (fixture->split->orig_parent == fixture->split->parent);
g_assert_cmpint (checkA.hits, ==, 4);
g_assert_cmpint (checkB.hits, ==, 2);
qof_instance_mark_clean (QOF_INSTANCE (fixture->split->parent));
qof_instance_increase_editlevel (fixture->split->acc);
g_object_set (fixture->split->acc,
"sort-dirty", FALSE,
"balance-dirty", FALSE,
qof_instance_decrease_editlevel (fixture->split->acc);
qof_instance_set_dirty (QOF_INSTANCE (fixture->split));
xaccSplitCommitEdit (fixture->split);
g_object_get (fixture->split->acc,
"sort-dirty", &sort_dirty,
"balance-dirty", &balance_dirty,
g_assert_cmpint (sort_dirty, ==, TRUE);
g_assert_cmpint (balance_dirty, ==, FALSE);
g_assert (!qof_instance_is_dirty (QOF_INSTANCE (fixture->split->parent)));
g_assert (qof_instance_is_dirty (QOF_INSTANCE (fixture->split)));
test_signal_assert_hits (sig1, 1);
test_signal_assert_hits (sig2, 4);
g_assert_cmpint (checkA.hits, ==, 4);
g_assert_cmpint (checkB.hits, ==, 2);
g_assert_cmpint (error.hits, ==, 0);
g_assert_cmpint (error.lasterr, ==, ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR);
g_assert (fixture->split->orig_acc == fixture->split->acc);
g_assert (fixture->split->orig_parent == fixture->split->parent);
g_log_remove_handler (logdomain, hdlr);
test_signal_free (sig1);
test_signal_free (sig2);
test_destroy (oacc);
test_destroy (opar);
/* xaccSplitRollbackEdit
xaccSplitRollbackEdit(Split *s)// C: 2 in 1
static void
test_xaccSplitRollbackEdit (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
TestSignal sig1, sig2, sig3;
Transaction *txn1 = fixture->split->parent;
Transaction *txn2 = xaccMallocTransaction (xaccSplitGetBook (fixture->split));
Split *split2 = xaccMallocSplit (xaccSplitGetBook (fixture->split));
Account *acc = fixture->split->acc;
/* Set a second split on txn1 so that txn1 isn't destroyed when we
* remove fixture->split from it.
xaccTransBeginEdit (txn1);
xaccSplitSetParent (split2, txn1);
xaccTransCommitEdit (txn1);
sig1 = test_signal_new (QOF_INSTANCE (txn1),
sig2 = test_signal_new (QOF_INSTANCE (txn2),
sig3 = test_signal_new (QOF_INSTANCE (txn1),
fixture->split->orig_acc = NULL;
g_assert (fixture->split->acc != fixture->split->orig_acc);
fixture->split->orig_parent = NULL;
xaccSplitRollbackEdit (fixture->split);
test_signal_assert_hits (sig1, 1);
test_signal_assert_hits (sig2, 0);
test_signal_assert_hits (sig3, 0);
g_assert (fixture->split->acc == NULL);
g_assert (fixture->split->parent == NULL);
g_assert (fixture->split->orig_parent == NULL);
fixture->split->acc = acc;
fixture->split->orig_acc = acc;
fixture->split->orig_parent = txn1;
fixture->split->parent = txn2;
qof_instance_set_destroying (fixture->split, TRUE);
xaccSplitRollbackEdit (fixture->split);
g_assert (fixture->split->acc == acc);
g_assert (fixture->split->parent == txn1);
g_assert (fixture->split->orig_parent == txn1);
test_signal_assert_hits (sig1, 1);
test_signal_assert_hits (sig2, 1);
test_signal_assert_hits (sig3, 1);
g_assert (fixture->split->parent == fixture->split->orig_parent);
g_assert (fixture->split->parent == txn1);
test_signal_free (sig1);
test_signal_free (sig2);
test_signal_free (sig3);
/* xaccSplitLookup
Split *
xaccSplitLookup (const GncGUID *guid, QofBook *book)// C: 24 in 9
static void
test_xaccSplitLookup (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
QofBook *book = xaccSplitGetBook (fixture->split);
const GncGUID *guid = xaccSplitGetGUID (fixture->split);
Split *split = xaccSplitLookup (NULL, book);
g_assert (split == NULL);
split = xaccSplitLookup (guid, NULL);
g_assert (split == NULL);
split = xaccSplitLookup (guid, book);
g_assert (split == fixture->split);
/* xaccSplitDetermineGainStatus
xaccSplitDetermineGainStatus (Split *split)// C: 7 in 2
static void
test_xaccSplitDetermineGainStatus (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
guint gains = fixture->split->gains;
Split *g_split = fixture->split->gains_split;
const GncGUID *g_guid = xaccSplitGetGUID (g_split);
g_assert_cmpint (gains, !=, GAINS_STATUS_UNKNOWN);
xaccSplitDetermineGainStatus (fixture->split);
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->split->gains, ==, gains);
g_assert (fixture->split->gains_split == g_split);
g_assert (g_split != NULL);
fixture->split->gains = GAINS_STATUS_UNKNOWN;
xaccSplitDetermineGainStatus (fixture->split);
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->split->gains, ==, GAINS_STATUS_A_VDIRTY | GAINS_STATUS_DATE_DIRTY);
g_assert (fixture->split->gains_split == g_split);
fixture->split->gains = GAINS_STATUS_UNKNOWN;
fixture->split->gains_split = NULL;
g_assert (fixture->split->inst.kvp_data->get_slot({"gains_source"}) == NULL);
xaccSplitDetermineGainStatus (fixture->split);
g_assert (fixture->split->gains_split == NULL);
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->split->gains, ==, GAINS_STATUS_A_VDIRTY | GAINS_STATUS_DATE_DIRTY);
fixture->split->inst.kvp_data->set({"gains-source"}, new KvpValue(guid_copy(g_guid)));
g_assert (fixture->split->gains_split == NULL);
fixture->split->gains = GAINS_STATUS_UNKNOWN;
xaccSplitDetermineGainStatus (fixture->split);
g_assert (fixture->split->gains_split == g_split);
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->split->gains, ==, GAINS_STATUS_GAINS);
/* get_currency_denom
static inline int
get_currency_denom(const Split * s)// Local: 6:0:0
static void
test_get_currency_denom (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
Transaction *txn = fixture->split->parent;
const gint denom = gnc_commodity_get_fraction (fixture->curr);
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->func->get_currency_denom (NULL), ==, 0);
fixture->split->parent = NULL;
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->func->get_currency_denom (fixture->split), ==, GNC_COMMODITY_MAX_FRACTION);
fixture->split->parent = txn;
txn->common_currency = NULL;
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->func->get_currency_denom (fixture->split), ==, GNC_COMMODITY_MAX_FRACTION);
txn->common_currency = fixture->curr;
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->func->get_currency_denom (fixture->split), ==, denom);
/* get_commodity_denom
static inline int
get_commodity_denom(const Split * s)// Local: 5:0:0
static void
test_get_commodity_denom (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
Account *acc = fixture->split->acc;
const gint denom = gnc_commodity_get_fraction (fixture->comm);
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->func->get_commodity_denom (NULL), ==, 0);
fixture->split->acc = NULL;
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->func->get_commodity_denom (fixture->split), ==, GNC_COMMODITY_MAX_FRACTION);
fixture->split->acc = acc;
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->func->get_commodity_denom (fixture->split), ==, denom);
/* xaccSplitSetSharePriceAndAmount
xaccSplitSetSharePriceAndAmount (Split *s, gnc_numeric price, gnc_numeric amt)// C: 1
static void
test_xaccSplitSetSharePriceAndAmount (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
gnc_numeric price = {678, 100};
gnc_numeric amt = {10000, 1000};
xaccSplitSetSharePriceAndAmount (fixture->split, price, amt);
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->split->value.num, ==, 16272);
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->split->amount.num, ==, 10000);
g_assert (qof_instance_is_dirty (QOF_INSTANCE (fixture->split)));
price.denom = 1000;
xaccSplitSetSharePriceAndAmount (fixture->split, price, amt);
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->split->value.num, ==, 1627);
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->split->amount.num, ==, 10000);
g_assert (qof_instance_is_dirty (QOF_INSTANCE (fixture->split)));
/* Used as a QofObject setter. Does the same as xaccSplitSetSharePrice
* without the beginEdit/commitEdit and marking dirty.
/* qofSplitSetSharePrice
static void
qofSplitSetSharePrice (Split *split, gnc_numeric price)//
/* xaccSplitSetSharePrice
xaccSplitSetSharePrice (Split *s, gnc_numeric price)// C: 2 in 1
static void
test_xaccSplitSetSharePrice (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
gnc_numeric price = {678, 100};
xaccSplitSetSharePrice (fixture->split, price);
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->split->value.num, ==, 522);
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->split->amount.num, ==, 321);
g_assert (qof_instance_is_dirty (QOF_INSTANCE (fixture->split)));
/* Used as a QofObject setter. Does the same as xaccSplitSetAmount
* without the beginEdit/commitEdit and marking dirty.
/* qofSplitSetAmount
static void
qofSplitSetAmount (Split *split, gnc_numeric amt)//
/* xaccSplitSetAmount
xaccSplitSetAmount (Split *s, gnc_numeric amt)// C: 37 in 19 SCM: 18 in 2 Local: 4:0:0
static void
test_xaccSplitSetAmount (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
gnc_numeric amt = {10000, 1000};
xaccSplitSetAmount (fixture->split, amt);
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->split->value.num, ==, 123);
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->split->amount.num, ==, 10000);
g_assert (qof_instance_is_dirty (QOF_INSTANCE (fixture->split)));
/* Used as a QofObject setter. Does the same as xaccSplitSetValue
* without the beginEdit/commitEdit and marking dirty.
/* qofSplitSetValue
static void
qofSplitSetValue (Split *split, gnc_numeric amt)//
/* xaccSplitSetValue
xaccSplitSetValue (Split *s, gnc_numeric amt)// C: 43 in 18 SCM: 18 in 2 Local: 4:0:0
static void
test_xaccSplitSetValue (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
gnc_numeric value = {678, 100};
xaccSplitSetValue (fixture->split, value);
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->split->value.num, ==, 1627);
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->split->amount.num, ==, 321);
g_assert (qof_instance_is_dirty (QOF_INSTANCE (fixture->split)));
/* xaccSplitGetBalance // C: 8 in 3 SCM: 4 in 3
* xaccSplitGetClearedBalance // Not Used
* xaccSplitGetReconciledBalance // Not Used
Simple getters. No test.
/* xaccSplitSetBaseValue
xaccSplitSetBaseValue (Split *s, gnc_numeric value,// C: 19 in 7
static void
test_xaccSplitSetBaseValue (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
QofBook *book = xaccSplitGetBook (fixture->split);
gnc_commodity *gnaira = gnc_commodity_new (book, "Gnaira", "CURRENCY", "GNA", "", 100);
Account *acc = fixture->split->acc;
gchar *msg1 = "[xaccSplitSetBaseValue()] split must have a parent account";
gchar *fmt = "[xaccSplitSetBaseValue()] inappropriate base currency %s "
"given split currency=%s and commodity=%s\n";
gchar *logdomain = "gnc.engine";
GLogLevelFlags loglevel = static_cast<GLogLevelFlags>(G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL | G_LOG_FLAG_FATAL);
TestErrorStruct check = { loglevel, logdomain, msg1, 0 };
gnc_numeric value = { 360, 240 };
gnc_numeric old_val = fixture->split->value;
gnc_numeric old_amt = fixture->split->amount;
GLogFunc oldlogger = g_log_set_default_handler ((GLogFunc)test_null_handler, &check);
g_test_log_set_fatal_handler ((GTestLogFatalFunc)test_checked_handler,
/* No parent account */
fixture->split->acc = NULL;
xaccSplitSetBaseValue (fixture->split, value, fixture->comm);
g_assert (!qof_instance_is_dirty (QOF_INSTANCE (fixture->split)));
xaccTransRollbackEdit (fixture->split->parent);
g_assert_cmpint (check.hits, ==, 1);
/* Base currency == currency, != commodity */
fixture->split->acc = acc;
xaccSplitSetBaseValue (fixture->split, value, fixture->curr);
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->split->value.num, ==, 360);
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->split->value.denom, ==, 240);
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->split->amount.num, ==, 321);
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->split->amount.denom, ==, 1000);
g_assert (qof_instance_is_dirty (QOF_INSTANCE (fixture->split)));
g_assert_cmpint (check.hits, ==, 1);
/* Base currency == currency, == commodity */
qof_instance_mark_clean (QOF_INSTANCE (fixture->split));
fixture->split->value = old_val;
fixture->split->amount = old_amt;
xaccAccountSetCommodity(fixture->split->acc, fixture->curr);
xaccSplitSetBaseValue (fixture->split, value, fixture->curr);
// g_assert (gnc_numeric_equal (fixture->split->amount, old_amt));
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->split->value.num, ==, 360);
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->split->value.denom, ==, 240);
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->split->amount.num, ==, 360);
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->split->amount.denom, ==, 240);
g_assert (qof_instance_is_dirty (QOF_INSTANCE (fixture->split)));
g_assert_cmpint (check.hits, ==, 1);
/* Base currency != currency, == commodity */
qof_instance_mark_clean (QOF_INSTANCE (fixture->split));
fixture->split->value = old_val;
fixture->split->amount = old_amt;
xaccAccountSetCommodity(fixture->split->acc, fixture->comm);
xaccSplitSetBaseValue (fixture->split, value, fixture->comm);
g_assert (gnc_numeric_equal (fixture->split->value, old_val));
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->split->amount.num, ==, 1500);
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->split->amount.denom, ==, 1000);
g_assert (qof_instance_is_dirty (QOF_INSTANCE (fixture->split)));
g_assert_cmpint (check.hits, ==, 1);
/* Base currency != currency, != commodity */
check.msg = g_strdup_printf (fmt, gnc_commodity_get_printname (gnaira),
gnc_commodity_get_printname (fixture->curr),
gnc_commodity_get_printname (fixture->comm));
qof_instance_mark_clean (QOF_INSTANCE (fixture->split));
fixture->split->amount = old_amt;
fixture->split->amount = old_val;
fixture->split->orig_parent = fixture->split->parent;
xaccAccountSetCommodity(fixture->split->acc, fixture->comm);
xaccSplitSetBaseValue (fixture->split, value, gnaira);
g_assert (!qof_instance_is_dirty (QOF_INSTANCE (fixture->split)));
g_assert_cmpint (check.hits, ==, 2);
g_free (check.msg);
g_log_set_default_handler (oldlogger, NULL);
test_destroy (gnaira);
// Not Used
/* xaccSplitGetBaseValue
xaccSplitGetBaseValue (const Split *s, const gnc_commodity * base_currency)//
/* xaccSplitConvertAmount
xaccSplitConvertAmount (const Split *split, const Account * account)// C: 1
static void
test_xaccSplitConvertAmount (void)
QofBook *book = qof_book_new ();
gnc_commodity *gnaira = gnc_commodity_new (book, "Gnaira", "CURRENCY",
"GNA", "", 240);
gnc_commodity *gncxx = gnc_commodity_new (book, "Wildebeest Fund", "FUND",
"GNCXX", "", 1000);
gnc_commodity *gnm = gnc_commodity_new (book, "Gnome, Inc.", "NYSE",
"GNM", "", 1000);
gchar guidstr[GUID_ENCODING_LENGTH+1];
Account *acc = xaccMallocAccount (book);
Account *o_acc = xaccMallocAccount (book);
Account *ya_acc = xaccMallocAccount (book);
Transaction *txn = xaccMallocTransaction (book);
Split *split = xaccMallocSplit (book);
Split *o_split = xaccMallocSplit (book);
gnc_numeric gnaira_amt = gnc_numeric_create (53214, 240);
gnc_numeric gncxx_amt = gnc_numeric_create (300000, 1000);
gnc_numeric result;
gchar *logdomain = "gnc.engine";
GLogLevelFlags loglevel = static_cast<GLogLevelFlags>(G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL | G_LOG_FLAG_FATAL);
TestErrorStruct check = { loglevel, logdomain, NULL, 0 };
GLogFunc oldlogger = g_log_set_default_handler ((GLogFunc)test_null_handler, &check);
guid_to_string_buff(xaccSplitGetGUID(o_split), guidstr);
check.msg = g_strdup_printf ("[xaccSplitConvertAmount()] The split's (%s) amount can't be converted from GNCXX into GNM.", guidstr);
xaccAccountSetCommodity (acc, gnaira);
xaccAccountSetCommodity (o_acc, gnaira);
xaccAccountSetCommodity (ya_acc, gnm);
xaccTransBeginEdit (txn);
xaccTransSetCurrency (txn, gnaira);
xaccSplitSetParent (split, txn);
xaccSplitSetAccount (split, acc);
xaccSplitSetParent (o_split, txn);
xaccSplitSetAccount (o_split, o_acc);
split->amount = gnaira_amt;
split->value = gnaira_amt;
o_split->amount = gnc_numeric_neg (gnaira_amt);
o_split->value = gnc_numeric_neg (gnaira_amt);
/* accounts are equal, return the amount */
xaccTransCommitEdit (txn);
result = xaccSplitConvertAmount (split, acc);
g_assert (gnc_numeric_equal (result, gnaira_amt));
/* commodities are equal, return the amount */
result = xaccSplitConvertAmount (split, o_acc);
g_assert (gnc_numeric_equal (result, gnaira_amt));
/* commodities are different, but transaction is balanced: Returns the
* value of o_split
o_split->amount = gncxx_amt;
xaccAccountSetCommodity (o_acc, gncxx);
result = xaccSplitConvertAmount (split, o_acc);
g_assert_cmpint (result.num, ==, -300000);
g_assert_cmpint (result.denom, ==, 1000);
/* commodities are different, transaction is balanced, account isn't
* the balancing account. Raises error and returns 0,0
g_test_log_set_fatal_handler ((GTestLogFatalFunc)test_checked_handler,
result = xaccSplitConvertAmount (split, ya_acc);
g_assert (gnc_numeric_zero_p (result));
g_assert_cmpint (check.hits, ==, 1);
/* Transaction isn't balanced, split has 0 value, returns that */
split->value = gnc_numeric_zero ();
result = xaccSplitConvertAmount (split, o_acc);
g_assert (gnc_numeric_zero_p (result));
g_assert_cmpint (check.hits, ==, 1);
/* Transaction isn't balanced, compute a conversion */
split->value = gnc_numeric_create (71330, 240);
result = xaccSplitConvertAmount (split, o_acc);
g_assert_cmpint (result.num, ==, -402131);
g_assert_cmpint (result.denom, ==, 1000);
g_assert_cmpint (check.hits, ==, 1);
test_destroy (split);
test_destroy (acc);
test_destroy (o_split);
test_destroy (o_acc);
test_destroy (ya_acc);
test_destroy (gnaira);
test_destroy (gncxx);
test_destroy (gnm);
g_log_set_default_handler (oldlogger, NULL);
g_free (check.msg);
/* xaccSplitDestroy
xaccSplitDestroy (Split *split)// C: 17 in 9 SCM: 1
static void
notify_destroy (gpointer pdata, GObject *obj)
gboolean *data = (gboolean*)pdata;
if (! (*data)) *data = TRUE;
static void
test_xaccSplitDestroy ()
QofBook *book = qof_book_new ();
gnc_commodity *gnaira = gnc_commodity_new (book, "Gnaira", "CURRENCY",
"GNA", "", 240);
Account *acc = xaccMallocAccount (book);
Transaction *txn = xaccMallocTransaction (book);
Split *split1 = xaccMallocSplit (book);
Split *split2 = xaccMallocSplit (book);
gboolean is_destroyed = FALSE;
xaccAccountSetCommodity (acc, gnaira);
xaccSplitSetAccount (split1, acc);
xaccSplitSetAccount (split2, acc);
xaccTransBeginEdit (txn);
xaccTransSetCurrency (txn, gnaira);
xaccSplitSetParent (split1, txn);
xaccSplitSetParent (split2, txn);
xaccTransCommitEdit (txn);
g_object_weak_ref (G_OBJECT (split1), notify_destroy, &is_destroyed);
xaccSplitDestroy (split1);
g_assert_cmpint (is_destroyed, ==, TRUE);
test_destroy (split2);
test_destroy (txn);
test_destroy (acc);
test_destroy (gnaira);
qof_book_destroy (book);
/* xaccSplitOrder
xaccSplitOrder (const Split *sa, const Split *sb)// C: 5 in 3
static void
test_xaccSplitOrder (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
const char *slot_path;
Split *split = fixture->split;
QofBook *book = xaccSplitGetBook (split);
Split *o_split = xaccMallocSplit (book);
Transaction *o_txn = xaccMallocTransaction (book);
Transaction *txn = split->parent;
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitOrder (split, split), ==, 0);
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitOrder (NULL, split), ==, -1);
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitOrder (split, NULL), ==, 1);
/* This is testing the call to xaccTransOrder: split has a parent and
* o_split doesn't, so xaccTransOrder returns -1.
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitOrder (split, o_split), ==, -1);
/* This is testing the call to xaccTransOrder_num_action: split and o_split have
* parents with the same date_posted so will sort on tran-num or
* split-action based on book option.
o_split->parent = o_txn;
split->parent->date_posted = gnc_time (NULL);
o_split->parent->date_posted = split->parent->date_posted;
/* The book_use_split_action_for_num_field book option hasn't been set so it
* should sort on tran-num, so xaccTransOrder_num_action returns -1.
split->parent->num = "123";
split->action = "5";
o_split->parent->num = "124";
o_split->action = "6";
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitOrder (split, o_split), ==, -1);
/* Reverse, so xaccTransOrder_num_action returns +1.
split->parent->num = "124";
o_split->parent->num = "123";
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitOrder (split, o_split), ==, +1);
/* Now set the book_use_split_action_for_num_field book option so it will
* sort on split-action, so xaccTransOrder_num_action returns -1, initially.
/* create correct slot path */
g_test_message( "Testing with use-split-action-for-num set to true - t" );
qof_book_begin_edit (book);
qof_instance_set (QOF_INSTANCE (book),
"split-action-num-field", "t",
qof_book_commit_edit (book);
g_assert(qof_book_use_split_action_for_num_field(xaccSplitGetBook(split)) == TRUE);
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitOrder (split, o_split), ==, -1);
split->action = "7";
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitOrder (split, o_split), ==, +1);
/* Revert settings for the rest of the test */
o_split->action = NULL;
split->action = "foo";
o_split->parent = NULL;
qof_book_begin_edit (book);
qof_instance_set (QOF_INSTANCE (book),
"split-action-num-field", "f",
qof_book_commit_edit (book);
g_assert(qof_book_use_split_action_for_num_field(xaccSplitGetBook(split)) == FALSE);
split->parent = NULL;
/* This should return > 0 because o_split has no memo string */
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitOrder (split, o_split), >, 0);
o_split->memo = "baz";
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitOrder (split, o_split), <, 0);
/* This should return > 0 because o_split has no action string */
o_split->memo = split->memo;
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitOrder (split, o_split), >, 0);
o_split->action = "waldo";
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitOrder (split, o_split), <, 0);
o_split->action = split->action;
o_split->reconciled = NREC;
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitOrder (split, o_split), ==, 1);
split->reconciled = CREC;
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitOrder (split, o_split), ==, -1);
split->reconciled = o_split->reconciled = YREC;
o_split->amount = gnc_numeric_create (300, 1000);
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitOrder (split, o_split), ==, 1);
o_split->amount = gnc_numeric_create (400, 1000);
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitOrder (split, o_split), ==, -1);
o_split->amount = split->amount;
o_split->value = gnc_numeric_create (100, 240);
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitOrder (split, o_split), ==, 1);
o_split->value = gnc_numeric_create (200, 240);
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitOrder (split, o_split), ==, -1);
o_split->value = split->value;
/* Make sure that it doesn't crash if o_split->date_reconciled == NULL */
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitOrder (split, o_split), ==, 1);
o_split->date_reconciled = gnc_time(NULL);
o_split->date_reconciled -= 50;
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitOrder (split, o_split), ==, 1);
o_split->date_reconciled += 100;
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitOrder (split, o_split), ==, -1);
o_split->date_reconciled = split->date_reconciled;
o_split->date_reconciled = split->date_reconciled;
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitOrder (split, o_split), ==,
qof_instance_guid_compare (split, o_split));
/* so that it won't assert during teardown */
split->parent = txn;
test_destroy (o_split);
test_destroy (o_txn);
/* xaccSplitOrderDateOnly
xaccSplitOrderDateOnly (const Split *sa, const Split *sb)// C: 2 in 1
static void
test_xaccSplitOrderDateOnly (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
/* Doesn't do what you'd first think: It orders based on the
* transaction date posted.
Split *split = fixture->split;
Split *o_split = xaccMallocSplit (xaccSplitGetBook (split));
Transaction *txn = split->parent;
Transaction *o_txn = xaccMallocTransaction (xaccSplitGetBook (split));
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitOrderDateOnly (split, split), ==, 0);
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitOrderDateOnly (NULL, split), ==, -1);
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitOrderDateOnly (split, NULL), ==, 1);
/* This is testing the call to xaccTransOrder: split has a parent and
* o_split doesn't, so xaccTransOrder returns -1.
o_split->parent = NULL;
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitOrderDateOnly (split, o_split), ==, -1);
split->parent = NULL;
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitOrderDateOnly (split, o_split), ==, 0);
o_split->parent = o_txn;
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitOrderDateOnly (split, o_split), ==, 1);
split->parent = txn;
txn->date_posted = gnc_time (nullptr);
o_txn->date_posted = gnc_time (nullptr);
o_txn->date_posted -= 50;
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitOrderDateOnly (split, o_split), ==, 1);
o_txn->date_posted += 100;
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitOrderDateOnly (split, o_split), ==, -1);
o_txn->date_posted -= 50;
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitOrderDateOnly (split, o_split), ==, -1);
test_destroy (o_split);
test_destroy (o_txn);
/* get_corr_account_split
static gboolean
get_corr_account_split(const Split *sa, const Split **retval)// Local: 3:0:0
static void
test_get_corr_account_split (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
QofBook *book = xaccSplitGetBook (fixture->split);
Transaction *txn = fixture->split->parent;
Split *split1 = xaccMallocSplit (book);
Split *split2 = xaccMallocSplit (book);
Split *split3 = xaccMallocSplit (book);
Split *split4 = xaccMallocSplit (book);
Split *split5 = xaccMallocSplit (book);
const Split *result = NULL;
const gnc_numeric factor = gnc_numeric_create (2, 1);
Account *acc1 = xaccMallocAccount (book);
Account *acc2 = xaccMallocAccount (book);
Account *acc3 = xaccMallocAccount (book);
Account *acc4 = xaccMallocAccount (book);
Account *acc5 = xaccMallocAccount (book);
#define _func "gboolean get_corr_account_split(const Split *, const Split **)"
#define _func "get_corr_account_split"
gchar *msg = _func ": assertion 'sa' failed";
#undef _func
GLogLevelFlags loglevel = static_cast<GLogLevelFlags>(G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL | G_LOG_FLAG_FATAL);
TestErrorStruct *check = test_error_struct_new ("gnc.engine",
loglevel, msg);
fixture->hdlrs = test_log_set_fatal_handler (fixture->hdlrs, check,
xaccAccountSetCommodity (acc1, fixture->curr);
xaccAccountSetCommodity (acc2, fixture->curr);
xaccAccountSetCommodity (acc3, fixture->curr);
xaccAccountSetCommodity (acc4, fixture->curr);
xaccAccountSetCommodity (acc5, fixture->curr);
split1->acc = acc1;
split2->acc = acc2;
split3->acc = acc3;
split4->acc = acc4;
split5->acc = acc5;
split1->value = gnc_numeric_create (456, 240);
split2->value = gnc_numeric_neg (fixture->split->value);
split3->value = gnc_numeric_neg (split1->value);
split4->value = gnc_numeric_neg (gnc_numeric_mul (fixture->split->value,
split5->value = fixture->split->value;
g_assert (!fixture->func->get_corr_account_split(fixture->split, &result));
g_assert (result == NULL);
xaccTransBeginEdit (txn);
xaccSplitSetParent (split2, txn);
xaccTransCommitEdit (txn);
g_assert (fixture->func->get_corr_account_split(fixture->split, &result));
g_assert (result == split2);
xaccTransBeginEdit (txn);
xaccSplitSetParent (split1, txn);
xaccSplitSetParent (split3, txn);
xaccTransCommitEdit (txn);
g_assert (!fixture->func->get_corr_account_split(fixture->split, &result));
g_assert (result == NULL);
/* Test for bug 752035 */
xaccTransBeginEdit (txn);
xaccSplitSetParent (split1, NULL);
xaccSplitSetParent (split2, NULL);
xaccSplitSetParent (split3, NULL);
xaccSplitSetParent (split4, txn);
xaccSplitSetParent (split5, txn);
xaccTransCommitEdit (txn);
g_assert (!fixture->func->get_corr_account_split(fixture->split, &result));
g_assert (result == NULL);
g_assert_cmpint (check->hits, ==, 0);
g_assert (!fixture->func->get_corr_account_split(NULL, &result));
g_assert (result == NULL);
g_assert_cmpint (check->hits, ==, 1);
test_destroy (split1);
test_destroy (split2);
test_destroy (split3);
test_destroy (acc1);
test_destroy (acc2);
test_destroy (acc3);
// Not Used
/* xaccSplitGetCorrAccountName
const char *
xaccSplitGetCorrAccountName(const Split *sa)//
/* xaccSplitGetCorrAccountFullName
char *
xaccSplitGetCorrAccountFullName(const Split *sa)// SCM: 1 Local: 2:0:0
static void
test_xaccSplitGetCorrAccountFullName (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
QofBook *book = xaccSplitGetBook (fixture->split);
Transaction *txn = fixture->split->parent;
Split *split1 = xaccMallocSplit (book);
Account *acc0 = xaccMallocAccount (book);
Account *acc1 = xaccMallocAccount (book);
Account *acc2 = xaccMallocAccount (book);
gchar *name1 = "waldo", *name2 = "pepper", *result;
gchar *err = "-- Split Transaction --";
xaccAccountSetCommodity (acc2, fixture->curr);
gnc_account_append_child (acc1, acc2);
gnc_account_append_child (acc0, acc1);
split1->acc = acc2;
split1->value = gnc_numeric_neg (fixture->split->value);
xaccAccountSetName (acc1, name1);
xaccAccountSetName (acc2, name2);
result = xaccSplitGetCorrAccountFullName (fixture->split);
g_assert_cmpstr (result, ==, err);
g_free (result);
xaccTransBeginEdit (txn);
xaccSplitSetParent (split1, txn);
xaccTransCommitEdit (txn);
result = xaccSplitGetCorrAccountFullName (fixture->split);
g_assert_cmpstr (result, ==, gnc_account_get_full_name (acc2));
g_free (result);
test_destroy (split1);
test_destroy (acc2);
test_destroy (acc1);
test_destroy (acc0);
// Make Static
/* xaccSplitGetCorrAccountCode
const char *
xaccSplitGetCorrAccountCode(const Split *sa)// Local: 2:0:0
static void
test_xaccSplitGetCorrAccountCode (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
QofBook *book = xaccSplitGetBook (fixture->split);
Transaction *txn = fixture->split->parent;
Split *split1 = xaccMallocSplit (book);
Account *acc1 = xaccMallocAccount (book);
gchar *code = "foo";
gchar *err = "Split";
xaccAccountSetCommodity (acc1, fixture->curr);
split1->acc = acc1;
split1->value = gnc_numeric_neg (fixture->split->value);
xaccAccountSetCode (acc1, code);
g_assert_cmpstr (xaccSplitGetCorrAccountCode (fixture->split), ==, err);
xaccTransBeginEdit (txn);
xaccSplitSetParent (split1, txn);
xaccTransCommitEdit (txn);
g_assert_cmpstr (xaccSplitGetCorrAccountCode (fixture->split), ==, code);
test_destroy (split1);
test_destroy (acc1);
/* xaccSplitCompareAccountFullNames
xaccSplitCompareAccountFullNames(const Split *sa, const Split *sb)// SCM: 1
static void
test_xaccSplitCompareAccountFullNames (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
QofBook *book = xaccSplitGetBook (fixture->split);
Transaction *txn = fixture->split->parent;
Split *split = fixture->split;
Split *split1 = xaccMallocSplit (book);
Account *acc0 = xaccMallocAccount (book);
Account *acc1 = xaccMallocAccount (book);
Account *acc2 = xaccMallocAccount (book);
gchar *name1 = "waldo", *name2 = "pepper";
xaccAccountSetCommodity (acc2, fixture->curr);
gnc_account_append_child (acc1, acc2);
gnc_account_append_child (acc0, acc1);
gnc_account_append_child (acc1, fixture->split->acc);
split1->acc = acc2;
split1->value = gnc_numeric_neg (fixture->split->value);
xaccAccountSetName (acc1, name1);
xaccAccountSetName (acc2, name2);
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitCompareAccountFullNames (NULL, NULL), ==, 0);
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitCompareAccountFullNames (split, NULL), ==, 1);
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitCompareAccountFullNames (NULL, split), ==, -1);
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitCompareAccountFullNames (split, split1), <, 0);
xaccTransBeginEdit (txn);
xaccSplitSetParent (split1, txn);
xaccTransCommitEdit (txn);
test_destroy (split1);
test_destroy (acc2);
test_destroy (acc1);
test_destroy (acc0);
/* xaccSplitCompareAccountCodes
xaccSplitCompareAccountCodes(const Split *sa, const Split *sb)// SCM: 1
static void
test_xaccSplitCompareAccountCodes (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
QofBook *book = xaccSplitGetBook (fixture->split);
Account *acc = fixture->split->acc;
Account *acc1 = xaccMallocAccount (book);
Split *split = fixture->split;
Split *split1 = xaccMallocSplit (book);
gnc_commodity *gnaira = gnc_commodity_new (book, "Gnaira", "CURRENCY",
"GNA", "", 240);
xaccAccountSetCommodity (fixture->split->acc, gnaira);
xaccAccountSetCommodity (acc1, gnaira);
split1->acc = acc1;
split1->value = gnc_numeric_neg (fixture->split->value);
xaccAccountSetCode (acc1, "bar");
xaccAccountSetCode (acc, "foo");
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitCompareAccountCodes (NULL, NULL), ==, 0);
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitCompareAccountCodes (split, NULL), ==, 1);
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitCompareAccountCodes (NULL, split), ==, -1);
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitCompareAccountCodes (split, split1), >, 0);
test_destroy (split1);
test_destroy (acc1);
test_destroy (gnaira);
/* xaccSplitCompareOtherAccountFullNames
xaccSplitCompareOtherAccountFullNames(const Split *sa, const Split *sb)// SCM: 1
static void
test_xaccSplitCompareOtherAccountFullNames (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
QofBook *book = xaccSplitGetBook (fixture->split);
Transaction *txn = fixture->split->parent;
Transaction *txn1 = xaccMallocTransaction (book);
Split *split = fixture->split;
Split *split1 = xaccMallocSplit (book);
Split *split2 = xaccMallocSplit (book);
Split *split3 = xaccMallocSplit (book);
Account *acc = fixture->split->acc;
Account *acc0 = xaccMallocAccount (book);
Account *acc1 = xaccMallocAccount (book);
Account *acc2 = xaccMallocAccount (book);
gchar *name1 = "waldo", *name2 = "pepper";
xaccAccountSetCommodity (acc2, fixture->curr);
xaccAccountSetCommodity (acc1, fixture->curr);
gnc_account_append_child (acc1, acc2);
gnc_account_append_child (acc0, acc1);
gnc_account_append_child (acc1, fixture->split->acc);
xaccAccountSetName (acc1, name1);
xaccAccountSetName (acc2, name2);
split2->acc = acc1;
split3->acc = acc;
split1->value = gnc_numeric_create (456, 240);
split2->value = gnc_numeric_neg (fixture->split->value);
split3->value = gnc_numeric_neg (split1->value);
xaccTransBeginEdit (txn);
xaccSplitSetParent (split2, txn);
xaccTransCommitEdit (txn);
xaccTransBeginEdit (txn1);
xaccTransSetCurrency (txn1, fixture->curr);
xaccSplitSetParent (split1, txn1);
xaccSplitSetParent (split3, txn1);
xaccTransCommitEdit (txn1);
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitCompareOtherAccountFullNames (NULL, NULL), ==, 0);
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitCompareOtherAccountFullNames (split, NULL), ==, 1);
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitCompareOtherAccountFullNames (NULL, split), ==, -1);
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitCompareOtherAccountFullNames (split, split1), <, 0);
xaccTransBeginEdit (txn);
xaccSplitSetParent (split1, txn);
xaccTransCommitEdit (txn);
test_destroy (split1);
test_destroy (split2);
test_destroy (split3);
test_destroy (txn1);
test_destroy (acc2);
test_destroy (acc1);
test_destroy (acc0);
/* xaccSplitCompareOtherAccountCodes
xaccSplitCompareOtherAccountCodes(const Split *sa, const Split *sb)// SCM: 1
static void
test_xaccSplitCompareOtherAccountCodes (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
QofBook *book = xaccSplitGetBook (fixture->split);
Account *acc = fixture->split->acc;
Account *acc1 = xaccMallocAccount (book);
Transaction *txn = fixture->split->parent;
Transaction *txn1 = xaccMallocTransaction (book);
Split *split = fixture->split;
Split *split1 = xaccMallocSplit (book);
Split *split2 = xaccMallocSplit (book);
Split *split3 = xaccMallocSplit (book);
xaccAccountSetCommodity (acc1, fixture->curr);
split2->acc = acc1;
split3->acc = acc;
split1->value = gnc_numeric_create (456, 240);
split2->value = gnc_numeric_neg (fixture->split->value);
split3->value = gnc_numeric_neg (split1->value);
xaccAccountSetCode (acc1, "bar");
xaccAccountSetCode (acc, "foo");
xaccTransBeginEdit (txn);
xaccSplitSetParent (split2, txn);
xaccTransCommitEdit (txn);
xaccTransBeginEdit (txn1);
xaccTransSetCurrency (txn1, fixture->curr);
xaccSplitSetParent (split1, txn1);
xaccSplitSetParent (split3, txn1);
xaccTransCommitEdit (txn1);
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitCompareOtherAccountCodes (NULL, NULL), ==, 0);
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitCompareOtherAccountCodes (split, NULL), ==, 1);
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitCompareOtherAccountCodes (NULL, split), ==, -1);
g_assert_cmpint (xaccSplitCompareOtherAccountCodes (split, split1), <, 0);
test_destroy (split1);
test_destroy (split2);
test_destroy (split3);
test_destroy (txn1);
test_destroy (acc1);
/* xaccSplitSetParent
xaccSplitSetParent(Split *s, Transaction *t)// C: 10 in 7 SCM: 6 in 2 Local: 3:0:0
static void
test_xaccSplitSetParent (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
QofBook *book = xaccSplitGetBook (fixture->split);
Transaction *txn = fixture->split->parent;
Transaction *txn1 = xaccMallocTransaction (book);
Transaction *txn2 = xaccMallocTransaction (book);
Split *split = fixture->split;
TestSignal sig1, sig2;
gchar *logdomain = "gnc.engine";
GLogLevelFlags loglevel = static_cast<GLogLevelFlags>(G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL | G_LOG_FLAG_FATAL);
/* FIXME: This error doesn't actually stop execution, so we need to test for it happening. */
gchar *msg = "[xaccSplitSetParent()] You may not add the split to more"
" than one transaction during the BeginEdit/CommitEdit block.";
TestErrorStruct check = { loglevel, logdomain, msg, 0 };
GLogFunc oldlogger = g_log_set_default_handler ((GLogFunc)test_null_handler,
g_test_log_set_fatal_handler ((GTestLogFatalFunc)test_checked_handler, &check);
sig1 = test_signal_new (QOF_INSTANCE (txn2), GNC_EVENT_ITEM_ADDED, NULL);
sig2 = test_signal_new (QOF_INSTANCE (txn), GNC_EVENT_ITEM_REMOVED, NULL);
xaccTransBeginEdit (txn2);
xaccTransSetCurrency (txn2, fixture->curr);
split->orig_parent = txn1;
xaccSplitSetParent (split, txn2);
g_assert (split->parent == txn2);
g_assert (split->orig_parent == txn1);
test_signal_assert_hits (sig1, 1);
test_signal_assert_hits (sig2, 1);
g_assert (qof_instance_is_dirty (QOF_INSTANCE (split)));
g_assert_cmpint (check.hits, ==, 1);
test_signal_free (sig1);
test_signal_free (sig2);
g_log_set_default_handler (oldlogger, NULL);
/* txn already destroyed by xaccTransCommitEdit() */
/* xaccSplitGetSharePrice
xaccSplitGetSharePrice (const Split * split)// C: 3 in 3 SCM: 4 in 3
static void
test_xaccSplitGetSharePrice (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
gnc_numeric result, quotient;
gnc_numeric expected = gnc_numeric_create (0, 1);
Split *split = fixture->split;
/* Warning: this is a define in Split.c */
char *logdomain = "gnc.engine";
GLogLevelFlags loglevel = static_cast<GLogLevelFlags>(G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL | G_LOG_FLAG_FATAL);
TestErrorStruct check = { loglevel, logdomain, NULL, 0 };
guint hdlr = g_log_set_handler (logdomain, loglevel,
(GLogFunc)test_checked_handler, &check);
GLogFunc oldhandler = g_log_set_default_handler ((GLogFunc)test_null_handler, &check);
g_test_log_set_fatal_handler ((GTestLogFatalFunc)test_checked_handler,
result = xaccSplitGetSharePrice (NULL);
g_assert (gnc_numeric_equal (result, expected));
expected = gnc_numeric_div (split->value, split->amount,
result = xaccSplitGetSharePrice (split);
g_assert (gnc_numeric_equal (result, expected));
g_assert_cmpint (check.hits, ==, 0);
expected = gnc_numeric_create (0, 1);
split->amount = gnc_numeric_zero ();
result = xaccSplitGetSharePrice (split);
g_assert (gnc_numeric_equal (result, expected));
g_assert_cmpint (check.hits, ==, 0);
split->value = gnc_numeric_zero ();
expected = gnc_numeric_create (0, 1);
result = xaccSplitGetSharePrice (split);
g_assert (gnc_numeric_equal (result, expected));
g_assert_cmpint (check.hits, ==, 0);
/* Now invent some value/amount pairs which cause numeric errors to test the limits */
/* This one was supposed to overflow, but it doesn't any more.
split->amount = gnc_numeric_create (987654321, 10);
split->value = gnc_numeric_create (3, 789304166);
quotient = gnc_numeric_div (split->value, split->amount,
check.msg = g_strdup_printf ("[xaccSplitGetSharePrice()] "
"Computing share price failed (%d): [ %"
" ] / [ %" G_GINT64_FORMAT " / %"
gnc_numeric_check(quotient), split->value.num,
split->value.denom, split->amount.num,
expected = gnc_numeric_create (0, 1);
result = xaccSplitGetSharePrice (split);
g_assert (gnc_numeric_equal (result, expected));
g_assert_cmpint (check.hits, ==, 2);
g_free (check.msg);
split->amount = gnc_numeric_create (987654321, 10);
split->value = gnc_numeric_create (3, 0);
quotient = gnc_numeric_div (split->value, split->amount,
check.msg = g_strdup_printf ("[xaccSplitGetSharePrice()] "
"Computing share price failed (%d): [ %"
" ] / [ %" G_GINT64_FORMAT " / %"
gnc_numeric_check(quotient), split->value.num,
split->value.denom, split->amount.num,
expected = gnc_numeric_create (0, 1);
result = xaccSplitGetSharePrice (split);
g_assert (gnc_numeric_equal (result, expected));
g_assert_cmpint (check.hits, ==, 2);
g_free (check.msg);
split->amount = gnc_numeric_create (9, 0);
split->value = gnc_numeric_create (3, 789304166);
quotient = gnc_numeric_div (split->value, split->amount,
check.msg = g_strdup_printf ("[xaccSplitGetSharePrice()] "
"Computing share price failed (%d): [ %"
" ] / [ %" G_GINT64_FORMAT " / %"
gnc_numeric_check(quotient), split->value.num,
split->value.denom, split->amount.num,
expected = gnc_numeric_create (0, 1);
result = xaccSplitGetSharePrice (split);
g_assert (gnc_numeric_equal (result, expected));
g_assert_cmpint (check.hits, ==, 4);
g_free (check.msg);
g_log_remove_handler (logdomain, hdlr);
g_log_set_default_handler (oldhandler, NULL);
/* xaccSplitGetType // C: 4 in 2
* xaccSplitMakeStockSplit // C: 1
static void
test_xaccSplitMakeStockSplit (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
Split *split = fixture->split;
g_assert_cmpstr (xaccSplitGetType (split), ==, "normal");
xaccSplitMakeStockSplit (split);
g_assert_cmpstr (xaccSplitGetType (split), ==, "stock-split");
g_assert (qof_instance_is_dirty (QOF_INSTANCE (split)));
/* xaccSplitGetOtherSplit
Split *
xaccSplitGetOtherSplit (const Split *split)// C: 13 in 7 SCM: 10 in 4 Local: 1:0:0
static void
test_xaccSplitGetOtherSplit (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
Split *split = fixture->split;
Transaction *txn = split->parent;
QofBook *book = xaccSplitGetBook (split);
Split *split1 = xaccMallocSplit (book);
Split *split2 = xaccMallocSplit (book);
Account *acc2 = xaccMallocAccount (book);
KvpValue *kvpnow = new KvpValue (gnc_time (NULL));
g_assert (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit (NULL) == NULL);
g_assert (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit (split1) == NULL);
g_assert (xaccTransUseTradingAccounts (txn) == FALSE);
g_assert (split->inst.kvp_data->get_slot({"lot-split"}) == NULL);
g_assert_cmpint (xaccTransCountSplits (txn), !=, 2);
g_assert (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit (split) == NULL);
split1->value = gnc_numeric_neg (split->value);
xaccSplitSetParent (split1, txn);
g_assert (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit (split) == split1);
xaccSplitSetParent (split2, txn);
g_assert (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit (split) == NULL);
split->inst.kvp_data->set({"lot-split"}, kvpnow);
g_assert (split->inst.kvp_data->get_slot({"lot-split"}));
g_assert (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit (split) == NULL);
split1->inst.kvp_data->set({"lot-split"}, kvpnow);
g_assert (split1->inst.kvp_data->get_slot({"lot-split"}));
g_assert (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit (split) == split2);
split->inst.kvp_data->set({"lot-split"}, NULL);
g_assert (split->inst.kvp_data->get_slot({"lot-split"}) == NULL);
split1->inst.kvp_data->set({"lot-split"}, NULL);
g_assert (split1->inst.kvp_data->get_slot({"lot-split"}) == NULL);
qof_book_begin_edit (book);
qof_instance_set (QOF_INSTANCE (book),
"trading-accts", "t",
qof_book_commit_edit (book);
g_assert (xaccTransUseTradingAccounts (txn));
g_assert (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit (split) == NULL);
split2->acc = acc2;
xaccAccountSetType (acc2, ACCT_TYPE_TRADING);
g_assert (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit (split) == split1);
test_destroy (split1);
test_destroy (split2);
test_destroy (acc2);
/* xaccSplitVoidFormerAmount // SCM: 1 Local: 1:0:0
* xaccSplitVoidFormerValue // Local: 1:0:0
* xaccSplitVoid // C: 1 SCM: 1
* xaccSplitUnvoid // C: 1
static void
test_xaccSplitVoid (Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData)
gnc_numeric value = fixture->split->value;
gnc_numeric amount = fixture->split->amount;
g_assert (gnc_numeric_zero_p (xaccSplitVoidFormerAmount (fixture->split)));
g_assert (gnc_numeric_zero_p (xaccSplitVoidFormerValue (fixture->split)));
xaccSplitVoid (fixture->split);
g_assert (gnc_numeric_zero_p (fixture->split->value));
g_assert (gnc_numeric_zero_p (fixture->split->amount));
g_assert (gnc_numeric_equal (xaccSplitVoidFormerAmount (fixture->split),
g_assert (gnc_numeric_equal (xaccSplitVoidFormerValue (fixture->split),
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->split->reconciled, ==, VREC);
xaccSplitUnvoid (fixture->split);
g_assert (gnc_numeric_equal (fixture->split->value, value));
g_assert (gnc_numeric_equal (fixture->split->amount, amount));
g_assert (gnc_numeric_zero_p (xaccSplitVoidFormerAmount (fixture->split)));
g_assert (gnc_numeric_zero_p (xaccSplitVoidFormerValue (fixture->split)));
g_assert_cmpint (fixture->split->reconciled, ==, NREC);
/* The rest of these are simple setters and getters unworthy of testing:
* qofSplitSetMemo // Not Used
* xaccSplitSetMemo // C: 26 in 13 SCM: 2 in 2 Local: 1:0:0
* qofSplitSetAction // Not Used
* xaccSplitSetAction // C: 16 in 10 SCM: 1 Local: 1:0:0
* qofSplitSetReconcile // Not Used
* xaccSplitSetReconcile // C: 14 in 11 SCM: 7 in 1 Local: 2:0:0
* xaccSplitSetDateReconciledSecs // C: 4 in 2
* xaccSplitSetDateReconciledTS // C: 5 in 5 Local: 1:0:0
* xaccSplitGetDateReconciledTS // C: 1
* xaccSplitRetDateReconciledTS // C: 2 in 2
* xaccSplitGetParent // C: 111 in 30 SCM: 67 in 17 Local: 1:0:0
* xaccSplitGetLot // C: 7 in 6 SCM: 3 in 3
* xaccSplitSetLot // C: 2 in 1 Local: 1:0:0
* xaccSplitGetMemo // C: 26 in 15 SCM: 8 in 7
* xaccSplitGetAction // C: 6 in 6 SCM: 3 in 3
* xaccSplitGetReconcile // C: 18 in 11 SCM: 1
* xaccSplitGetAmount // C: 64 in 20 SCM: 25 in 12 Local: 13:0:0
* xaccSplitGetValue // C: 52 in 17 SCM: 33 in 14 Local: 11:0:0
* xaccSplitGetBook // Not Used
* split_account_guid_getter // Not Used
* DxaccSplitGetShareAmount // Not Used
* no_op // Not Used
* qofSplitSetParentTrans // Not Used
* qofSplitSetAccount // Not Used
/* This is the QofObject initialization function:
* xaccSplitRegister // C: 1 Local: 1:0:0
test_suite_split (void)
GNC_TEST_ADD_FUNC (suitename, "gnc split init", test_gnc_split_init);
GNC_TEST_ADD_FUNC (suitename, "gnc split dispose", test_gnc_split_dispose);
GNC_TEST_ADD_FUNC (suitename, "gnc split set & get property", test_gnc_split_set_get_property);
GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, "xaccMallocSplit", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_xaccMallocSplit, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, "xaccDupeSplit", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_xaccDupeSplit, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, "xaccSplitCloneNoKvp", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_xaccSplitCloneNoKvp, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, "mark split", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_mark_split, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, "xaccSplitEqualCheckBal", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_xaccSplitEqualCheckBal, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, "xaccSplitEqual", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_xaccSplitEqual, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, "xaccSplitCommitEdit", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_xaccSplitCommitEdit, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, "xaccSplitRollbackEdit", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_xaccSplitRollbackEdit, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, "xaccSplitLookup", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_xaccSplitLookup, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, "xaccSplitDetermineGainStatus", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_xaccSplitDetermineGainStatus, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, "get currency denom", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_get_currency_denom, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, "get commodity denom", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_get_commodity_denom, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, "xaccSplitSetSharePriceAndAmount", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_xaccSplitSetSharePriceAndAmount, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, "xaccSplitSetSharePrice", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_xaccSplitSetSharePrice, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, "xaccSplitSetAmount", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_xaccSplitSetAmount, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, "xaccSplitSetValue", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_xaccSplitSetValue, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, "xaccSplitSetBaseValue", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_xaccSplitSetBaseValue, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD_FUNC (suitename, "xaccSplitConvertAmount", test_xaccSplitConvertAmount);
GNC_TEST_ADD_FUNC (suitename, "xaccSplitDestroy", test_xaccSplitDestroy);
GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, "xaccSplitOrder", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_xaccSplitOrder, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, "xaccSplitOrderDateOnly", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_xaccSplitOrderDateOnly, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, "get corr account split", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_get_corr_account_split, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, "xaccSplitGetCorrAccountFullName", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_xaccSplitGetCorrAccountFullName, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, "xaccSplitGetCorrAccountCode", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_xaccSplitGetCorrAccountCode, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, "xaccSplitCompareAccountFullNames", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_xaccSplitCompareAccountFullNames, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, "xaccSplitCompareAccountCodes", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_xaccSplitCompareAccountCodes, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, "xaccSplitCompareOtherAccountFullNames", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_xaccSplitCompareOtherAccountFullNames, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, "xaccSplitCompareOtherAccountCodes", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_xaccSplitCompareOtherAccountCodes, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, "xaccSplitSetParent", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_xaccSplitSetParent, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, "xaccSplitGetSharePrice", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_xaccSplitGetSharePrice, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, "xaccSplitMakeStockSplit", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_xaccSplitMakeStockSplit, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, "xaccSplitGetOtherSplit", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_xaccSplitGetOtherSplit, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (suitename, "xaccSplitVoid", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_xaccSplitVoid, teardown);