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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
Expose variations of xaccParseAmount and xaccParseAmountExtended that will ignore the automatic decimal point user preference. This preference is really only useful for manual number entering in the register. The xaccParseAmountImport variant replaces xaccParseAmountPosSign which was used exclusively by the csv importers. Like xaccParseAmountPosSign, this replacement has the flag to ignore or parse the positive number indicator.
466 lines
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466 lines
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* gnc-ui-util.h -- utility functions for the GnuCash UI *
* Copyright (C) 2000 Dave Peticolas <dave@krondo.com> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as *
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*
* along with this program; if not, contact: *
* *
* Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652 *
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA gnu@gnu.org *
/** @addtogroup GUI
@{ */
/** @addtogroup GuiUtility Utility functions for the GnuCash GUI
* @{ */
/** @file gnc-ui-util.h
@brief utility functions for the GnuCash UI
@author Copyright (C) 2000 Dave Peticolas <dave@krondo.com>
#ifndef GNC_UI_UTIL_H
#define GNC_UI_UTIL_H
#include <glib.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include "Account.h"
#include "gncOwner.h"
#include "qof.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef QofSession * (*QofSessionCB) (void);
gchar *gnc_normalize_account_separator (const gchar* separator);
gboolean gnc_reverse_balance(const Account *account);
/* Backward compatibility *******************************************
* Return that book's support opening balance accounts by equity type slot */
void gnc_set_use_equity_type_opening_balance_account (QofBook* book);
gboolean gnc_using_equity_type_opening_balance_account (QofBook* book);
/* Default directory sections ***************************************/
#define GNC_PREFS_GROUP_OPEN_SAVE "dialogs.open-save"
#define GNC_PREFS_GROUP_EXPORT "dialogs.export-accounts"
#define GNC_PREFS_GROUP_REPORT "dialogs.report"
#define GNC_PREF_AUTO_DECIMAL_POINT "auto-decimal-point"
#define GNC_PREF_AUTO_DECIMAL_PLACES "auto-decimal-places"
/* Default directories **********************************************/
gchar *gnc_get_default_directory (const gchar *section);
void gnc_set_default_directory (const gchar *section,
const gchar *directory);
/* Engine enhancements & i18n ***************************************/
QofBook * gnc_get_current_book (void);
/* If there is no current session, there is no book and we must be dealing
* with a new book. When gnucash is started with --nofile, there is
* initially no session (and no book), but by the time we check, one
* could have been created (for example, if an empty account tree tab is
* opened, a session is created which creates a new, but empty, book).
* A session is created and a book is loaded from a backend when gnucash is
* started with a file, but selecting 'new file' keeps a session open. So we
* need to check as well for a book with no accounts (root with no children). */
gboolean gnc_is_new_book (void);
void gnc_set_current_book_tax_name_type (gboolean name_changed,
const gchar *tax_name,
gboolean type_changed,
const gchar *tax_type);
const gchar * gnc_get_current_book_tax_name (void);
const gchar * gnc_get_current_book_tax_type (void);
/** Calls gnc_book_option_num_field_source_change to initiate registered
* callbacks when num_field_source book option changes so that
* registers/reports can update themselves; sets feature flag */
void gnc_book_option_num_field_source_change_cb (gboolean num_action);
Account * gnc_get_current_root_account (void);
gnc_commodity_table * gnc_get_current_commodities (void);
* Get either the full name of the account or the simple name, depending on the
* configuration parameter general/register/show_leaf_account_names.
* @param account The account to retrieve the name for.
* @return A newly allocated string.
gchar *gnc_get_account_name_for_register(const Account *account);
* Retrieve the account matching the given name starting from the descendants of
* base_account.
* @a name is either considered to be the name of the leaf in the account tree
* or to be the full account path, depending on the configuration parameter
* general.register/show_leaf_account_names.
* @param base_account The account to start the search at.
* @param name The name to search for.
* @return A pointer to the account, or NULL if the account was not found.
Account *gnc_account_lookup_for_register(const Account *base_account, const
gchar *name);
* Get either the full name of the account or the simple name, depending on the
* show_leaf_accounts.
* @param account The account to retrieve the name for.
* @param show_leaf_accounts Whether the full name will be returned.
* @return A newly allocated string.
gchar *gnc_get_account_name_for_split_register(const Account *account,
gboolean show_leaf_accounts);
* This is a wrapper routine around an xaccGetBalanceInCurrency
* function that handles additional needs of the gui.
* @param fn The underlying function in Account.c to call to retrieve
* a specific balance from the account.
* @param account The account to retrieve data about.
* @param recurse Include all sub-accounts of this account.
* @param negative An indication of whether or not the returned value
* is negative. This can be used by the caller to
* easily decode whether or not to color the output.
* @param commodity The commodity in which the account balance should
* be returned. If NULL, the value will be returned in
* the commodity of the account. This is normally used
* to specify a currency, which forces the conversion
* of things like stock account values from share
* values to an amount the requested currency.
const char * gnc_get_reconcile_str (char reconciled_flag);
const char * gnc_get_reconcile_valid_flags (void);
const char * gnc_get_reconcile_flag_order (void);
#define WLINK 'w'
#define FLINK 'f'
/** Get a string containing documentation link valid flags
* @return a string containing the list of valid link_flags
const char *gnc_get_doclink_valid_flags (void);
/** Get a string containing document link flag order
* @return a string containing the document link flag change order
const char *gnc_get_doclink_flag_order (void);
/** Get a string representing the document link type
* @param link_flag The flag to convert into a string
* @return the i18n'd doclink string
const char *gnc_get_doclink_str (char link_flag);
typedef enum
} GNCEquityType;
Account * gnc_find_or_create_equity_account (Account *root,
GNCEquityType equity_type,
gnc_commodity *currency);
gboolean gnc_account_create_opening_balance (Account *account,
gnc_numeric balance,
time64 date,
QofBook *book);
/* Locale functions *************************************************/
* Returns the default currency of the current locale, or NULL if no
* sensible currency could be identified from the locale. */
gnc_commodity * gnc_locale_default_currency_nodefault (void);
* Returns the default currency of the current locale. WATCH OUT: If
* no currency could be identified from the locale, this one returns
* "USD", but this will have nothing to do with the actual locale. */
gnc_commodity * gnc_locale_default_currency (void);
/** Return the default currency set by the user. If the user's
* preference is invalid, then this routine will return the default
* currency for the user's locale.
* @return A pointer to a currency.
gnc_commodity * gnc_default_currency (void);
/** Returns a gnc_commodity that is a currency, suitable for being a
Transaction's currency. The gnc_commodity is taken either from the current
account, or from the next parent account that has a gnc_commodity that is a
currency, or from gnc_default_currency().
If the given account or any of its parent account have a commodity that is a
currency, it is returned and the gboolean currency_from_account_found is set to
TRUE (if non-NULL). If neither this account nor any of its parent accounts have
such a commodity, gnc_default_currency() is returned and the gboolean
currency_from_account_found is set to FALSE (if non-NULL). This can be used to
show an appropriate warning message.
If account is NULL, gnc_default_currency() is returned and
currency_from_account_found is set to FALSE.
@param account The account where the currency should be looked up. May be NULL.
@param currency_from_account_found A gboolean pointer that takes the output
argument of whether the returned currency was found in the account. May be
@return A currency pointer (and never NULL).
gnc_commodity * gnc_account_or_default_currency(const Account* account, gboolean * currency_from_account_found);
/** Return the default currency for use in reports, as set by the
* user. If the user's preference is invalid, then this routine will
* return the default currency for the user's locale.
* @return A pointer to a currency.
gnc_commodity * gnc_default_report_currency (void);
/* Amount printing and parsing **************************************/
typedef struct _GNCPrintAmountInfo
const gnc_commodity *commodity; /* may be NULL */
guint8 max_decimal_places;
guint8 min_decimal_places;
unsigned int use_separators : 1; /* Print thousands separators */
unsigned int use_symbol : 1; /* Print currency symbol */
unsigned int use_locale : 1; /* Use locale for some positioning */
unsigned int monetary : 1; /* Is a monetary quantity */
unsigned int force_fit : 1; /* Don't print more than max_dp places */
unsigned int round : 1; /* Round at max_dp instead of truncating */
} GNCPrintAmountInfo;
GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_default_print_info (gboolean use_symbol);
GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_commodity_print_info (const gnc_commodity *commodity,
gboolean use_symbol);
GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_account_print_info (const Account *account,
gboolean use_symbol);
GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_split_amount_print_info (Split *split,
gboolean use_symbol);
GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_price_print_info (const gnc_commodity *curr,
gboolean use_symbol);
GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_share_print_info_places (int decplaces);
GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_default_share_print_info (void);
GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_default_price_print_info (const gnc_commodity *curr);
GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_integral_print_info (void);
/* WARNING: Garbage in, garbage out. You must check the validity of
the supplied gnc_numeric. If it's invalid, the returned string
could point to ANYTHING. */
* The xaccPrintAmount() and xaccSPrintAmount() routines provide
* i18n'ed convenience routines for printing gnc_numerics.
* amounts. Both routines take a gnc_numeric argument and
* a printing information object.
* The xaccPrintAmount() routine returns a pointer to a statically
* allocated buffer, and is therefore not thread-safe.
* The xaccSPrintAmount() routine accepts a pointer to the buffer to be
* printed to. It returns the length of the printed string.
* Make a string representation of a gnc_numeric. Warning, the
* gnc_numeric is not checked for validity and the returned char* may
* point to random garbage.
const char * xaccPrintAmount (gnc_numeric val, GNCPrintAmountInfo info);
* Make a string representation of a gnc_numeric. Warning, the
* gnc_numeric is not checked for validity and the contents of the
* buffer will be unchanged. It is up to the calling function to
* ensure that buf is large enough for the results.
int xaccSPrintAmount (char *buf, gnc_numeric val, GNCPrintAmountInfo info);
const gchar *printable_value(gdouble val, gint denom);
gchar *number_to_words(gdouble val, gint64 denom);
gchar *numeric_to_words(gnc_numeric val);
/** Parses in_str to obtain a numeric result. The
* routine will parse as much of in_str as it can to obtain a single
* number. The number is parsed using the current locale information
* and the 'monetary' flag. The routine will return TRUE if it
* successfully parsed a number and FALSE otherwise. If TRUE is
* returned and result is non-NULL, the value of the parsed number
* is stored in *result. If FALSE is returned, *result is
* unchanged. If TRUE is returned and endstr is non-NULL, the
* location of the first character in in_str not used by the parser
* will be returned in *endstr. If FALSE is returned and endstr is
* non-NULL, *endstr will point to in_str. */
gboolean xaccParseAmount (const char * in_str, gboolean monetary,
gnc_numeric *result, char **endstr);
* Converts a string to a gnc_numeric. The caller must provide all the
* locale-specific information.
* ignore_list is a list of characters that are completely ignored
* while processing the input string. If ignore_list is NULL, nothing
* is ignored.
xaccParseAmountExtended (const char * in_str, gboolean monetary,
gunichar negative_sign, gunichar decimal_point,
gunichar group_separator, const char *ignore_list,
gnc_numeric *result, char **endstr);
* Similar to xaccParseAmount, but with two differences
* - it exposes a flag to indicate whether the
* locale's positive sign (or in absence the '+') character is
* ignored. Setting skip to TRUE will cause the function to ignore any
* positive sign. Setting it to FALSE, and positive signs will be
* treated as unrecognized characters. xaccParseAmount will run as if
* skip is FALSE for compatibility reasons (gnc-expression-parser
* depends on this behaviour).
* - The other important difference with xaccParseAmount is that this
* function will never apply automatic decimal point logc, whereas
* xaccParseAmount will follow the automatic decimal point preference
* as set by the user.
xaccParseAmountImport (const char * in_str, gboolean monetary,
gnc_numeric *result,
char **endstr, gboolean skip);
* Similar to xaccParseAmountExtended, but will not automatically
* set a decimal point, regardless of what the user has set for this
* option. Primarily meant for cases where numbers are coming into
* gnucash that are not typed in by the user (like via csv import).
xaccParseAmountExtImport (const char * in_str, gboolean monetary,
gunichar negative_sign, gunichar decimal_point,
gunichar group_separator, const char *ignore_list,
gnc_numeric *result, char **endstr);
* Make a string representation of a gnc_numeric. Warning, the
* gnc_numeric is not checked for validity and the returned char* may
* point to random garbage.
* This is the same as xaccPrintAmount but wraps the output with BiDi
* left to right isolate if a symbol is displayed.
const char *
gnc_print_amount_with_bidi_ltr_isolate (gnc_numeric val, GNCPrintAmountInfo info);
* This function helps with GTK's use of 'Unicode Bidirectional
* Text Algorithm'. To keep the format of the text, this function wraps
* the text with a BiDi isolate charatcter and a BiDi closing character.
* This helps with monetary values in RTL languages that display the
* currency symbol.
gchar *
gnc_wrap_text_with_bidi_ltr_isolate (const char *text);
/* Initialization ***************************************************/
void gnc_ui_util_init (void);
/* Remove callback preferences **************************************/
void gnc_ui_util_remove_registered_prefs (void);
/** Returns the incoming text removed of control characters
* @param incoming_text The text to filter
* @return The incoming text filtered of control characters to be
* freed by the caller.
gchar * gnc_filter_text_for_control_chars (const gchar *incoming_text);
/** Updates cursor_position after removal of currency symbols
* @param incoming_text The text to filter
* @param symbol to remove
* @param cursor_position the position of cursor in the incoming text
* @return nothing
void gnc_filter_text_set_cursor_position (const gchar *incoming_text,
const gchar *symbol,
gint *cursor_position);
/** Returns the incoming text removed of a currency symbol
* @param incoming_text The text to filter
* @param symbol to remove
* @param cursor_position the position of cursor in the incoming text
* @return The incoming text with symbol removed to be freed by the caller
gchar * gnc_filter_text_for_currency_symbol (const gchar *incoming_text,
const gchar *symbol);
/** Returns the incoming text removed of currency symbol
* @param comm commodity of entry if known
* @param incoming_text The text to filter
* @param symbol return the symbol used
* @return The incoming text with symbol removed to be freed by the caller
gchar * gnc_filter_text_for_currency_commodity (const gnc_commodity *comm,
const gchar *incoming_text,
const gchar **symbol);
#ifdef __cplusplus
/** @} */
/** @} */