Derek Atkins 2a0f766c34 * fix QueryNew bug: make sure to retain book list
* Update the QueryNew API to take a GList of terms to allow
  for any number of iterative lookups (such as
  GncEntry->GncInvoice->GncAccount->GNCBook->guid) (not that this
  is a useful example ;)

* Update all the business objects to the new API -- don't distinguish
  between a parameter that returns a core type and a parameter that
  returns another object.  Note that this implies that the namespace
  is shared between the objects and core types.  Also note that this
  is not enforced in any way.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 57a11ea4-9604-0410-9ed3-97b8803252fd
2002-02-04 01:55:33 +00:00

504 lines
11 KiB

* gncEntry.c -- the Core Business Entry Interface
* Copyright (C) 2001,2002 Derek Atkins
* Author: Derek Atkins <warlord@MIT.EDU>
#include "config.h"
#include <glib.h>
#include "messages.h"
#include "gnc-numeric.h"
#include "gnc-engine-util.h"
#include "gnc-book-p.h"
#include "GNCIdP.h"
#include "QueryObject.h"
#include "gncBusiness.h"
#include "gncEntry.h"
#include "gncEntryP.h"
#include "gncInvoice.h"
#include "gncOrder.h"
struct _gncEntry {
GNCBook * book;
GUID guid;
Timespec date;
char * desc;
char * action;
gnc_numeric quantity;
gnc_numeric price;
gnc_numeric tax;
gint tax_type;
gnc_numeric discount;
gint disc_type;
Account * account;
Account * taxaccount;
GncOrder * order;
GncInvoice * invoice;
gboolean dirty;
#define CACHE_INSERT(str) g_cache_insert(gnc_engine_get_string_cache(), (gpointer)(str));
#define CACHE_REMOVE(str) g_cache_remove(gnc_engine_get_string_cache(), (str));
#define SET_STR(member, str) { \
char * tmp; \
if (!safe_strcmp (member, str)) return; \
tmp = CACHE_INSERT (str); \
CACHE_REMOVE (member); \
member = tmp; \
static void addObj (GncEntry *entry);
static void remObj (GncEntry *entry);
static char * typeStrs[] = {
const char *gncEntryGetTaxTypeStr (gint type)
return typeStrs[type & 0x01]; /* Only 0, 1 */
const char *gncEntryGetDiscountTypeStr (gint type)
return typeStrs[type & 0x03]; /* Only 0, 1, 2, 3 */
gint gncEntryGetTypeFromStr (const char *type)
gint i;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (!safe_strcmp (typeStrs[i], type))
return i;
return -1;
/* Create/Destroy Functions */
GncEntry *gncEntryCreate (GNCBook *book)
GncEntry *entry;
if (!book) return NULL;
entry = g_new0 (GncEntry, 1);
entry->book = book;
entry->desc = CACHE_INSERT ("");
entry->action = CACHE_INSERT ("");
gnc_numeric zero = gnc_numeric_zero ();
gncEntrySetQuantity (entry, zero);
gncEntrySetPrice (entry, zero);
gncEntrySetTax (entry, zero);
gncEntrySetDiscount (entry, zero);
entry->dirty = FALSE;
xaccGUIDNew (&entry->guid, book);
addObj (entry);
return entry;
void gncEntryDestroy (GncEntry *entry)
if (!entry) return;
CACHE_REMOVE (entry->desc);
CACHE_REMOVE (entry->action);
remObj (entry);
g_free (entry);
/* Set Functions */
void gncEntrySetGUID (GncEntry *entry, const GUID *guid)
if (!entry || !guid) return;
if (guid_equal (guid, &entry->guid)) return;
remObj (entry);
entry->guid = *guid;
addObj (entry);
void gncEntrySetDate (GncEntry *entry, Timespec *date)
if (!entry || !date) return;
entry->date = *date;
entry->dirty = TRUE;
void gncEntrySetDescription (GncEntry *entry, const char *desc)
if (!entry || !desc) return;
SET_STR (entry->desc, desc);
entry->dirty = TRUE;
void gncEntrySetAction (GncEntry *entry, const char *action)
if (!entry || !action) return;
SET_STR (entry->action, action);
entry->dirty = TRUE;
void gncEntrySetQuantity (GncEntry *entry, gnc_numeric quantity)
if (!entry) return;
entry->quantity = quantity;
entry->dirty = TRUE;
void gncEntrySetPrice (GncEntry *entry, gnc_numeric price)
if (!entry) return;
entry->price = price;
entry->dirty = TRUE;
void gncEntrySetTax (GncEntry *entry, gnc_numeric tax)
if (!entry) return;
entry->tax = tax;
entry->dirty = TRUE;
void gncEntrySetDiscount (GncEntry *entry, gnc_numeric discount)
if (!entry) return;
entry->discount = discount;
entry->dirty = TRUE;
void gncEntrySetAccount (GncEntry *entry, Account *acc)
if (!entry) return;
entry->account = acc;
entry->dirty = TRUE;
void gncEntrySetTaxAccount (GncEntry *entry, Account *acc)
if (!entry) return;
entry->taxaccount = acc;
entry->dirty = TRUE;
/* Called from gncOrder when we're added to the Order */
void gncEntrySetOrder (GncEntry *entry, GncOrder *order)
if (!entry) return;
entry->order = order;
entry->dirty = TRUE;
/* called from gncInvoice when we're added to the Invoice */
void gncEntrySetInvoice (GncEntry *entry, GncInvoice *invoice)
if (!entry) return;
entry->invoice = invoice;
entry->dirty = TRUE;
void gncEntrySetTaxType (GncEntry *entry, gint type)
if (!entry) return;
if (type < 0 || type > 1) return;
entry->tax_type = type;
entry->dirty = TRUE;
void gncEntrySetDiscountType (GncEntry *entry, gint type)
if (!entry) return;
if (type < 0 || type > 3) return;
entry->disc_type = type;
entry->dirty = TRUE;
void gncEntrySetDirty (GncEntry *entry, gboolean dirty)
if (!entry) return;
entry->dirty = dirty;
/* Get Functions */
GNCBook * gncEntryGetBook (GncEntry *entry)
if (!entry) return NULL;
return entry->book;
const GUID * gncEntryGetGUID (GncEntry *entry)
if (!entry) return NULL;
return &(entry->guid);
Timespec gncEntryGetDate (GncEntry *entry)
Timespec ts; ts.tv_sec = 0; ts.tv_nsec = 0;
if (!entry) return ts;
return entry->date;
const char * gncEntryGetDescription (GncEntry *entry)
if (!entry) return NULL;
return entry->desc;
const char * gncEntryGetAction (GncEntry *entry)
if (!entry) return NULL;
return entry->action;
gnc_numeric gncEntryGetQuantity (GncEntry *entry)
if (!entry) return gnc_numeric_zero();
return entry->quantity;
gnc_numeric gncEntryGetPrice (GncEntry *entry)
if (!entry) return gnc_numeric_zero();
return entry->price;
gnc_numeric gncEntryGetTax (GncEntry *entry)
if (!entry) return gnc_numeric_zero();
return entry->tax;
gnc_numeric gncEntryGetDiscount (GncEntry *entry)
if (!entry) return gnc_numeric_zero();
return entry->discount;
Account * gncEntryGetAccount (GncEntry *entry)
if (!entry) return NULL;
return entry->account;
Account * gncEntryGetTaxAccount (GncEntry *entry)
if (!entry) return NULL;
return entry->taxaccount;
GncInvoice * gncEntryGetInvoice (GncEntry *entry)
if (!entry) return NULL;
return entry->invoice;
GncOrder * gncEntryGetOrder (GncEntry *entry)
if (!entry) return NULL;
return entry->order;
gint gncEntryGetTaxType (GncEntry *entry)
if (!entry) return 0;
return entry->tax_type;
gint gncEntryGetDiscountType (GncEntry *entry)
if (!entry) return 0;
return entry->disc_type;
GncEntry * gncEntryLookup (GNCBook *book, const GUID *guid)
if (!book || !guid) return NULL;
return xaccLookupEntity (gnc_book_get_entity_table (book),
guid, _GNC_MOD_NAME);
void gncEntryComputeValue (gnc_numeric qty, gnc_numeric price,
gnc_numeric tax, gint tax_type,
gnc_numeric discount, gint discount_type,
gnc_numeric *value, gnc_numeric *tax_value)
gnc_numeric subtotal;
gnc_numeric this_value;
gnc_numeric percent = gnc_numeric_create (100, 1);
/* Compute the value */
subtotal = gnc_numeric_mul (qty, price, 100, /* XXX */ GNC_RND_ROUND);
if (GNC_ENTRY_INTERP_IS_PERCENT (discount_type)) {
discount = gnc_numeric_div (discount, percent, 10000 /* XXX */, GNC_RND_ROUND);
discount = gnc_numeric_mul (subtotal, discount, 10000 /* XXX */, GNC_RND_ROUND);
this_value = gnc_numeric_sub (subtotal, discount, 10000 /* XXX */, GNC_RND_ROUND);
if (discount_type & GNC_ENTRY_PRETAX_FLAG)
subtotal = this_value;
if (value != NULL)
*value = this_value;
/* Now... Compute the tax value (if the caller wants it) */
if (tax_value != NULL) {
tax = gnc_numeric_div (tax, percent, 10000 /* XXX */, GNC_RND_ROUND);
tax = gnc_numeric_mul (subtotal, tax, 10000 /* XXX */, GNC_RND_ROUND);
*tax_value = tax;
void gncEntryGetValue (GncEntry *entry, gnc_numeric *value,
gnc_numeric *tax_value)
if (!entry) return;
return gncEntryComputeValue (gncEntryGetQuantity (entry),
gncEntryGetPrice (entry),
gncEntryGetTax (entry),
gncEntryGetTaxType (entry),
gncEntryGetDiscount (entry),
gncEntryGetDiscountType (entry),
value, tax_value);
void gncEntryCommitEdit (GncEntry *entry)
if (!entry) return;
/* XXX */
int gncEntryCompare (GncEntry *a, GncEntry *b)
int compare;
if (a == b) return 0;
if (!a && b) return -1;
if (a && !b) return 1;
compare = timespec_cmp (&(a->date), &(b->date));
if (!compare) return compare;
compare = safe_strcmp (a->desc, b->desc);
if (!compare) return compare;
compare = safe_strcmp (a->action, b->action);
if (!compare) return compare;
return guid_compare (&(a->guid), &(b->guid));
/* Package-Private functions */
static void addObj (GncEntry *entry)
GHashTable *ht;
xaccStoreEntity (gnc_book_get_entity_table (entry->book),
entry, &entry->guid, _GNC_MOD_NAME);
ht = gnc_book_get_data (entry->book, _GNC_MOD_NAME);
g_hash_table_insert (ht, &entry->guid, entry);
static void remObj (GncEntry *entry)
GHashTable *ht;
xaccRemoveEntity (gnc_book_get_entity_table (entry->book), &entry->guid);
ht = gnc_book_get_data (entry->book, _GNC_MOD_NAME);
g_hash_table_remove (ht, &entry->guid);
static void _gncEntryCreate (GNCBook *book)
GHashTable *ht;
if (!book) return;
ht = guid_hash_table_new ();
gnc_book_set_data (book, _GNC_MOD_NAME, ht);
static void _gncEntryDestroy (GNCBook *book)
GHashTable *ht;
if (!book) return;
ht = gnc_book_get_data (book, _GNC_MOD_NAME);
/* XXX : Destroy the objects? */
g_hash_table_destroy (ht);
static void _gncEntryForeach (GNCBook *book, foreachObjectCB cb,
gpointer user_data)
if (!book || !cb) return;
gncBusinessForeach (book, _GNC_MOD_NAME, cb, user_data);
static GncObject_t gncEntryDesc = {
"Order/Invoice Entry",
NULL /* printable */
gboolean gncEntryRegister (void)
static QueryObjectDef params[] = {
{ ENTRY_GUID, QUERYCORE_GUID, (QueryAccess)gncEntryGetGUID },
{ ENTRY_DATE, QUERYCORE_DATE, (QueryAccess)gncEntryGetDate },
{ ENTRY_DESC, QUERYCORE_STRING, (QueryAccess)gncEntryGetDescription },
{ ENTRY_ACTION, QUERYCORE_STRING, (QueryAccess)gncEntryGetAction },
{ ENTRY_QTY, QUERYCORE_NUMERIC, (QueryAccess)gncEntryGetQuantity },
{ ENTRY_PRICE, QUERYCORE_NUMERIC, (QueryAccess)gncEntryGetPrice },
{ QUERY_PARAM_BOOK, GNC_ID_BOOK, (QueryAccess)gncEntryGetBook },
{ ENTRY_INVOICE, GNC_INVOICE_MODULE_NAME, (QueryAccess)gncEntryGetInvoice },
{ ENTRY_ORDER, GNC_ORDER_MODULE_NAME, (QueryAccess)gncEntryGetOrder },
{ NULL },
gncQueryObjectRegister (_GNC_MOD_NAME, (QuerySort)gncEntryCompare, params);
return gncObjectRegister (&gncEntryDesc);