Richard Cohen 1cec0cb3f3 Use internal extern "C" { ... } for C++
- removes warnings compiling swig engine
[ 10%] Generating swig-engine.cpp
.../libgnucash/engine/engine-helpers.h:31: Warning 313: Unrecognized extern type "C++".
.../libgnucash/engine/gnc-date.h:83: Warning 313: Unrecognized extern type "C++".
.../libgnucash/engine/qofquery.h:90: Warning 302: Identifier 'QofQuery' redefined (ignored),
.../libgnucash/engine/gnc-option.hpp:55: Warning 302: previous definition of 'QofQuery'.
.../libgnucash/engine/gnc-commodity.h:56: Warning 313: Unrecognized extern type "C++".
.../libgnucash/engine/gncBusiness.h:40: Warning 313: Unrecognized extern type "C++".
.../libgnucash/engine/gncEntry.h:37: Warning 313: Unrecognized extern type "C++".
2023-01-23 18:40:01 +00:00

585 lines
22 KiB

* gnc-sql-column-table-entry.hpp: Column Specification for SQL Table. *
* *
* Copyright 2016 John Ralls <> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as *
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, contact: *
* *
* Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652 *
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA *
#include <qof.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "gnc-sql-result.hpp"
struct GncSqlColumnInfo;
using ColVec = std::vector<GncSqlColumnInfo>;
using PairVec = std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>;
using InstanceVec = std::vector<QofInstance*>;
using uint_t = unsigned int;
class GncSqlBackend;
* Basic column type
typedef enum
} GncSqlBasicColumnType;
enum ColumnFlags : int
COL_PKEY = 0x01, /**< The column is a primary key */
COL_NNUL = 0x02, /**< The column may not contain a NULL value */
COL_UNIQUE = 0x04, /**< The column must contain unique values */
COL_AUTOINC = 0x08 /**< The column is an auto-incrementing int */
// Type for conversion of db row to object.
enum GncSqlObjectType
static inline std::string
quote_string(const std::string& str)
if (str == "NULL" || str == "null") return "NULL";
/* FIXME: This is here because transactions.num has a NULL
* constraint, which is dumb; it's often empty.
if (str.empty()) return "''";
std::string retval;
retval.reserve(str.length() + 2);
retval.insert(0, 1, '\'');
for (auto c = str.begin(); c != str.end(); ++c)
if (*c == '\'')
retval += *c;
retval += *c;
retval += '\'';
return retval;
* Contains all of the information required to copy information between an
* object and the database for a specific object property.
* If an entry contains a gobj_param_name value, this string is used as the
* property name for a call to g_object_get() or g_object_set(). If the
* gobj_param_name value is NULL but qof_param_name is not NULL, this value
* is used as the parameter name for a call to
* qof_class_get_parameter_getter(). If both of these values are NULL, getter
* and setter are the addresses of routines to return or set the parameter
* value, respectively.
* The database description for an object consists of an array of
* GncSqlColumnTableEntry objects, with a final member having col_name == NULL.
class GncSqlColumnTableEntry
GncSqlColumnTableEntry (const char* name, const GncSqlObjectType type,
unsigned int s,
int f, const char* gobj_name = nullptr,
const char* qof_name = nullptr,
QofAccessFunc get = nullptr,
QofSetterFunc set = nullptr) :
m_col_name{name}, m_col_type{type}, m_size{s},
m_gobj_param_name{gobj_name}, m_qof_param_name{qof_name}, m_getter{get},
m_setter{set} {}
virtual ~GncSqlColumnTableEntry() = default;
* Load a value into an object from the database row.
virtual void load(const GncSqlBackend* sql_be, GncSqlRow& row,
QofIdTypeConst obj_name, void* pObject) const noexcept = 0;
* Add a GncSqlColumnInfo structure for the column type to a
* ColVec.
virtual void add_to_table(ColVec& vec) const noexcept = 0;
* Add a pair of the table column heading and object's value's string
* representation to a PairVec; used for constructing WHERE clauses and
* UPDATE statements.
virtual void add_to_query(QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
void* pObject, PairVec& vec) const noexcept = 0;
* Retrieve the getter function depending on whether it's an auto-increment
* field, a QofClass getter, or a function passed to the constructor.
QofAccessFunc get_getter(QofIdTypeConst obj_name) const noexcept;
* Retrieve the setter function depending on whether it's an auto-increment
* field, a QofClass getter, or a function passed to the constructor.
QofSetterFunc get_setter(QofIdTypeConst obj_name) const noexcept;
* Retrieve the field name so that we don't need to make
* create_single_col_select_statement and friend.
const char* name() const noexcept { return m_col_name; }
* Report if the entry is an auto-increment field.
bool is_autoincr() const noexcept { return m_flags & COL_AUTOINC; }
/* On the other hand, our implementation class and GncSqlColumnInfo need to
* be able to read our member variables.
template<GncSqlObjectType Otype> friend class GncSqlColumnTableEntryImpl;
friend struct GncSqlColumnInfo;
template<typename T> void load_from_guid_ref(GncSqlRow& row,
QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
void* pObject, T get_ref)
const noexcept
static QofLogModule log_module = G_LOG_DOMAIN;
g_return_if_fail (pObject != NULL);
GncGUID guid;
auto val = row.get_string_at_col (m_col_name);
if (string_to_guid (val.c_str(), &guid))
auto target = get_ref(&guid);
if (target != nullptr)
set_parameter (pObject, target, get_setter(obj_name),
DEBUG("GUID %s returned null %s reference.",
val.c_str(), m_gobj_param_name);
if (val.empty()) DEBUG("Can't load empty guid string for column %s", m_col_name);
else DEBUG("Invalid GUID %s for column %s", val.c_str(), m_col_name);
catch (std::invalid_argument& err) {
DEBUG("set_parameter threw %s for column %s", err.what(), m_col_name);
template <typename T> T
get_row_value_from_object(QofIdTypeConst obj_name, const void* pObject) const;
template <typename T> void
add_value_to_vec(QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
const void* pObject, PairVec& vec) const;
* Adds a name/guid std::pair to a PairVec for creating a query.
* @param sql_be SQL backend struct
* @param obj_name QOF object type name
* @param pObject Object
* @param pList List
void add_objectref_guid_to_query (QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
const void* pObject,
PairVec& vec) const noexcept;
* Adds a column info structure for an object reference GncGUID to a ColVec.
* @param sql_be SQL backend struct
* @param pList List
void add_objectref_guid_to_table (ColVec& vec) const noexcept;
const char* m_col_name = nullptr; /**< Column name */
const GncSqlObjectType m_col_type; /**< Column type */
unsigned int m_size; /**< Column size in bytes, for string columns */
ColumnFlags m_flags; /**< Column flags */
const char* m_gobj_param_name = nullptr; /**< If non-null, g_object param name */
const char* m_qof_param_name = nullptr; /**< If non-null, qof parameter name */
QofAccessFunc m_getter; /**< General access function */
QofSetterFunc m_setter; /**< General setter function */
template <typename T> T get_row_value_from_object(QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
const void* pObject,
std::true_type) const;
template <typename T> T get_row_value_from_object(QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
const void* pObject,
std::false_type) const;
template <typename T> void add_value_to_vec(QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
const void* pObject,
PairVec& vec, std::true_type) const;
template <typename T> void add_value_to_vec(QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
const void* pObject,
PairVec& vec, std::false_type) const;
template <GncSqlObjectType Type>
class GncSqlColumnTableEntryImpl final : public GncSqlColumnTableEntry
GncSqlColumnTableEntryImpl (const char* name, const GncSqlObjectType type,
unsigned int s,
int f, const char* gobj_name = nullptr,
const char* qof_name = nullptr,
QofAccessFunc get = nullptr,
QofSetterFunc set = nullptr) :
GncSqlColumnTableEntry (name, type, s, f, gobj_name,qof_name, get, set)
void load(const GncSqlBackend* sql_be, GncSqlRow& row, QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
void* pObject) const noexcept override;
void add_to_table(ColVec& vec) const noexcept override;
void add_to_query(QofIdTypeConst obj_name, void* pObject, PairVec& vec)
const noexcept override;
using GncSqlColumnTableEntryPtr = std::shared_ptr<GncSqlColumnTableEntry>;
using EntryVec = std::vector<GncSqlColumnTableEntryPtr>;
template <GncSqlObjectType Type>
gnc_sql_make_table_entry(const char* name, unsigned int s, int f)
return std::make_shared<GncSqlColumnTableEntryImpl<Type>>(name, Type, s, f);
template <GncSqlObjectType Type>
gnc_sql_make_table_entry(const char* name, unsigned int s, int f,
const char* param)
return std::make_shared<GncSqlColumnTableEntryImpl<Type>>(name, Type, s,
f, param);
class is_qof : public std::true_type {};
template <GncSqlObjectType Type>
gnc_sql_make_table_entry(const char* name, unsigned int s, int f,
const char* param, bool qofp)
return std::make_shared<GncSqlColumnTableEntryImpl<Type>>(name, Type, s,
f, nullptr,
template <GncSqlObjectType Type>
gnc_sql_make_table_entry(const char* name, unsigned int s, int f,
QofAccessFunc get, QofSetterFunc set)
return std::make_shared<GncSqlColumnTableEntryImpl<Type>>(
name, Type, s, f, nullptr, nullptr, get, set);
template <typename T> T
GncSqlColumnTableEntry::get_row_value_from_object(QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
const void* pObject) const
return get_row_value_from_object<T>(obj_name, pObject,
template <typename T> T
GncSqlColumnTableEntry::get_row_value_from_object(QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
const void* pObject,
std::true_type) const
g_return_val_if_fail(obj_name != nullptr && pObject != nullptr, nullptr);
T result = nullptr;
if (m_gobj_param_name != nullptr)
g_object_get(const_cast<void*>(pObject), m_gobj_param_name,
&result, nullptr);
QofAccessFunc getter = get_getter(obj_name);
if (getter != nullptr)
result = reinterpret_cast<T>((getter)(const_cast<void*>(pObject),
return result;
template <typename T> T
GncSqlColumnTableEntry::get_row_value_from_object(QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
const void* pObject,
std::false_type) const
g_return_val_if_fail(obj_name != nullptr && pObject != nullptr,
T result = static_cast<T>(0);
if (m_gobj_param_name != nullptr)
g_object_get(const_cast<void*>(pObject), m_gobj_param_name,
&result, nullptr);
QofAccessFunc getter = get_getter(obj_name);
if (getter != nullptr)
result = reinterpret_cast<T>((getter)(const_cast<void*>(pObject),
return result;
template <typename T> void
GncSqlColumnTableEntry::add_value_to_vec(QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
const void* pObject,
PairVec& vec) const
add_value_to_vec<T>(obj_name, pObject, vec, std::is_pointer<T>());
template <typename T> void
GncSqlColumnTableEntry::add_value_to_vec(QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
const void* pObject,
PairVec& vec, std::true_type) const
T s = get_row_value_from_object<T>(obj_name, pObject);
if (s != nullptr)
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << *s;
vec.emplace_back(std::make_pair(std::string{m_col_name}, stream.str()));
template <> inline void
GncSqlColumnTableEntry::add_value_to_vec<double*>(QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
const void* pObject,
PairVec& vec, std::true_type) const
double* s = get_row_value_from_object<double*>(obj_name, pObject);
if (s != nullptr)
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << std::setprecision(12) << std::fixed << *s;
vec.emplace_back(std::make_pair(std::string{m_col_name}, stream.str()));
template <typename T> void
GncSqlColumnTableEntry::add_value_to_vec(QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
const void* pObject,
PairVec& vec, std::false_type) const
T s = get_row_value_from_object<T>(obj_name, pObject);
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << s;
vec.emplace_back(std::make_pair(std::string{m_col_name}, stream.str()));
template <> inline void
GncSqlColumnTableEntry::add_value_to_vec<double>(QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
const void* pObject,
PairVec& vec, std::false_type) const
double s = *get_row_value_from_object<double*>(obj_name, pObject);
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << std::setprecision(12) << std::fixed << s;
vec.emplace_back(std::make_pair(std::string{m_col_name}, stream.str()));
* Load an arbitrary object from a result row.
* @param sql_be: GncSqlBackend*, pass-through to the implementation loader.
* @param row: The GncSqlResult
* @param obj_name: The object-name with which to retrieve the setter func.
* @param pObject: The target object being loaded.
* @param table: The table description to interpret the row.
void gnc_sql_load_object (const GncSqlBackend* sql_be, GncSqlRow& row,
QofIdTypeConst obj_name, gpointer pObject,
const EntryVec& table);
* Create a GncGUID from a guid stored in a row.
* @param sql_be: The active GncSqlBackend. Pass-throug to gnc_sql_load_object.
* @param row: The GncSqlResult row.
const GncGUID*
gnc_sql_load_guid (const GncSqlBackend* sql_be, GncSqlRow& row);
* Append the GUIDs of QofInstances to a SQL query.
* @param sql: The SQL Query in progress to which the GncGUIDS should be appended.
* @param instances: The QofInstances
* @return The number of instances
uint_t gnc_sql_append_guids_to_sql (std::stringstream& sql,
const InstanceVec& instances);
* information required to create a column in a table.
struct GncSqlColumnInfo
GncSqlColumnInfo (std::string&& name, GncSqlBasicColumnType type,
unsigned int size = 0, bool unicode = false,
bool autoinc = false, bool primary = false,
bool not_null = false) :
m_name{name}, m_type{type}, m_size{size}, m_unicode{unicode},
m_autoinc{autoinc}, m_primary_key{primary}, m_not_null{not_null}
GncSqlColumnInfo(const GncSqlColumnTableEntry& e, GncSqlBasicColumnType t,
unsigned int size = 0, bool unicode = true) :
m_name{e.m_col_name}, m_type{t}, m_size{size}, m_unicode{unicode},
m_autoinc(e.m_flags & COL_AUTOINC),
m_primary_key(e.m_flags & COL_PKEY),
m_not_null(e.m_flags & COL_NNUL) {}
std::string m_name; /**< Column name */
GncSqlBasicColumnType m_type; /**< Column basic type */
unsigned int m_size; /**< Column size (string types) */
bool m_unicode; /**< Column is unicode (string types) */
bool m_autoinc; /**< Column is autoinc (int type) */
bool m_primary_key; /**< Column is the primary key */
bool m_not_null; /**< Column forbids NULL values */
inline bool operator==(const GncSqlColumnInfo& l,
const GncSqlColumnInfo& r)
return l.m_name == r.m_name && l.m_type == r.m_type;
inline bool operator!=(const GncSqlColumnInfo& l,
const GncSqlColumnInfo& r)
return !(l == r);
* Set an object property with a setter function.
* @param pObject void* to the object being set.
* @param item the value to be set in the property.
* @param setter The function to set the property.
* The void* is an obvious wart occasioned by the fact that we're using GLists
* to hold objects. As the rewrite progresses we'll replace that with another
* template parameter.
template <typename T, typename P, typename F>
void set_parameter(T object, P item, F& setter)
(*setter)(object, item);
template <typename T, typename P>
void set_parameter(T object, P item, QofSetterFunc setter, std::true_type)
(*setter)(object, (void*)item);
template <typename T, typename P>
void set_parameter(T object, P item, QofSetterFunc setter, std::false_type)
(*setter)(object, (void*)(&item));
template <typename T, typename P>
void set_parameter(T object, P item, QofSetterFunc setter)
set_parameter(object, item, setter, std::is_pointer<P>());
* Set an object property with g_object_set.
* @param pObject void* to the object being set.
* @param item the value to set in the property.
* @param property the property name.
* The void* is an obvious wart. So is g_object_set, partly because it's GObject
* but mostly because it works off of string comparisons.
template <typename T, typename P>
void set_parameter(T object, P item, const char* property)
// Properly use qof_begin_edit and qof_commit_edit{_part2}
// here. This is needed to reset the infant state of objects
// when loading them initially from sql. Failing to do so
// could prevent future editing of these objects
// Example of this is
g_object_set(object, property, item, nullptr);
if (!qof_commit_edit(QOF_INSTANCE(object))) return;
// FIXME I can't use object specific callbacks in generic code
// so for now these will silently fail. As the GObject based method
// of setting qof objects should go away eventually I won't bother
// finding a proper solution for this.
qof_commit_edit_part2(QOF_INSTANCE(object), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
* Set an object property with either a g_object_set or a setter.
* See previous templates for the parameter meanings. This is clunky but fits in
* the current architecture for refactoring.
template <typename T, typename P, typename F>
void set_parameter(T object, P item, F setter, const char* property)
if (property)
set_parameter(object, item, property);
set_parameter(object, item, setter);