mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
g_assert() can be compiled out, so should not be used for tests
g_assert_true was removed
to fis https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=792008 because
g_assert_true was introduced in glib-2.38 and at the time GnuCash required
only glib-2.26. GnuCash has required glib >= 2.40 since 8acbc41c6
g_assert_true can be restored.
290 lines
15 KiB
290 lines
15 KiB
* utest-Entry.c: GLib g_test test suite for gncEntry. *
* Copyright 2014 Geert Janssens <geert@kobaltwit.be> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as *
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*
* along with this program; if not, contact: *
* *
* Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652 *
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA gnu@gnu.org *
#include <config.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <qof.h>
#include <unittest-support.h>
#include "../gncEntry.h"
#include "../gncTaxTableP.h"
static const gchar *suitename = "/engine/gncEntry";
void test_suite_gncEntry ( void );
typedef struct
QofBook *book;
Account *account;
Account *vatacct;
GncOwner owner;
GncCustomer *customer;
gnc_commodity *commodity;
GncInvoice *invoice;
} Fixture;
static void
setup( Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData )
fixture->book = qof_book_new();
fixture->account = xaccMallocAccount(fixture->book);
fixture->commodity = gnc_commodity_new(fixture->book, "foo", "bar", "xy", "xy", 100);
xaccAccountSetCommodity(fixture->account, fixture->commodity);
fixture->vatacct = xaccMallocAccount(fixture->book);
xaccAccountSetCommodity(fixture->vatacct, fixture->commodity);
fixture->invoice = gncInvoiceCreate(fixture->book);
gncInvoiceSetCurrency(fixture->invoice, fixture->commodity);
static void
teardown( Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData )
qof_book_destroy( fixture->book );
static void
test_entry_basics ( Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData )
time64 ts1 = gnc_time(NULL), ts2;
const char *desc = "Test description with éà unicode chars";
const char *action = "Test action with éà unicode chars";
const char *note = "Test note with éà unicode chars";
gnc_numeric quantity = {500000, 100};
gboolean is_cn = FALSE;
GncEntry *entry = gncEntryCreate(fixture->book);
g_test_message( "Test basic setters/getters" );
g_test_message( " Date" );
gncEntrySetDate (entry, ts1);
ts2 = gncEntryGetDate (entry);
g_assert_true(ts2 == ts1);
g_test_message( " DateEntered" );
gncEntrySetDateEntered (entry, ts1);
ts2 = gncEntryGetDateEntered (entry);
g_assert_true(ts2 == ts1);
g_test_message( " Description" );
gncEntrySetDescription (entry, desc);
g_assert_true(g_strcmp0 (gncEntryGetDescription (entry), desc) == 0);
g_test_message( " Action" );
gncEntrySetAction (entry, action);
g_assert_true(g_strcmp0 (gncEntryGetAction (entry), action) == 0);
g_test_message( " Notes" );
gncEntrySetNotes (entry, note);
g_assert_true(g_strcmp0 (gncEntryGetNotes (entry), note) == 0);
g_test_message( " Quantity" );
gncEntrySetQuantity (entry, quantity);
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_eq (gncEntryGetQuantity (entry), quantity));
g_test_message( " DocQuantity (with is_cn = FALSE)" );
gncEntrySetDocQuantity (entry, quantity, is_cn);
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_eq (gncEntryGetDocQuantity (entry, is_cn), quantity));
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_eq (gncEntryGetQuantity (entry), quantity));
g_test_message( " DocQuantity (with is_cn = TRUE)");
is_cn = TRUE;
gncEntrySetDocQuantity (entry, quantity, is_cn);
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_eq (gncEntryGetDocQuantity (entry, is_cn), quantity));
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_eq (gncEntryGetQuantity (entry), gnc_numeric_neg (quantity)));
g_test_message( " InvAccount" );
gncEntrySetInvAccount (entry, fixture->account);
g_assert_true(gncEntryGetInvAccount (entry) == fixture->account);
static void
test_entry_rounding ( Fixture *fixture, gconstpointer pData )
GncEntry *entry = gncEntryCreate(fixture->book);
GncTaxTable *taxtable;
GncTaxTableEntry *tt_entry;
taxtable = gncTaxTableCreate(fixture->book);
tt_entry = gncTaxTableEntryCreate();
gncTaxTableSetName(taxtable, "Percent tax");
gncTaxTableEntrySetAccount(tt_entry, fixture->vatacct);
gncTaxTableEntrySetType(tt_entry, GNC_AMT_TYPE_PERCENT);
gncTaxTableEntrySetAmount(tt_entry, gnc_numeric_create(1000000, 100000));
gncTaxTableAddEntry(taxtable, tt_entry);
// 1. Freestanding entry - a default denominator of 100000 is expected during rounding
// Test with numbers that don't require rounding
/* Tax 10% (high precision GncNumeric), tax not included */
gncEntrySetInvTaxable(entry, TRUE);
gncEntrySetInvTaxIncluded(entry, FALSE);
gncEntrySetInvTaxTable(entry, taxtable);
gncEntrySetQuantity(entry, gnc_numeric_create (2, 1));
gncEntrySetInvPrice(entry, gnc_numeric_create (3, 1));
/* Check unrounded result */
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocValue(entry, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (6, 1)));
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocTaxValue(entry, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (6, 10)));
/* Check rounded result */
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocValue(entry, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (6, 1)));
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocTaxValue(entry, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (6, 10)));
// Test with numbers that do require rounding
/* Tax 10% (high precision GncNumeric), tax included */
gncEntrySetInvTaxIncluded(entry, TRUE);
/* Check unrounded result */
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocValue(entry, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (60, 11)));
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocTaxValue(entry, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (60, 110)));
/* Check rounded result */
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocValue(entry, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (545455, 100000)));
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocTaxValue(entry, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (54545, 100000)));
// Use different taxtable percentage precision
/* Tax 10% (low precision GncNumeric), tax included */
gncTaxTableEntrySetAmount(tt_entry, gnc_numeric_create(10, 1));
gncEntrySetInvTaxTable(entry, NULL);
gncEntrySetInvTaxTable(entry, taxtable);
/* Check unrounded result */
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocValue(entry, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (60, 11)));
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocTaxValue(entry, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (60, 110)));
/* Check rounded result */
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocValue(entry, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (545455, 100000)));
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocTaxValue(entry, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (54545, 100000)));
// Test with odd tax percentage (Taken from a mailing list example)
/* Tax 13% (high precision GncNumeric), tax not included */
gncEntrySetInvTaxIncluded(entry, FALSE);
gncTaxTableEntrySetAmount(tt_entry, gnc_numeric_create(1300000, 100000));
gncEntrySetInvTaxTable(entry, NULL);
gncEntrySetInvTaxTable(entry, taxtable);
gncEntrySetQuantity(entry, gnc_numeric_create (1, 1));
gncEntrySetInvPrice(entry, gnc_numeric_create (27750, 100));
/* Check unrounded result */
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocValue(entry, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (27750, 100)));
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocTaxValue(entry, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (36075, 1000)));
/* Check rounded result */
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocValue(entry, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (27750, 100)));
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocTaxValue(entry, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (36075, 1000)));
/* Note on the above expected result: the standard gncEntry denom is 100000 if the entry has no invoice or
* bill set. So with the example above no rounding is required yet */
// Test with odd tax percentage (Taken from a mailing list example)
/* Tax 13% (low precision GncNumeric), tax not included */
gncEntrySetInvTaxIncluded(entry, FALSE);
gncTaxTableEntrySetAmount(tt_entry, gnc_numeric_create(13, 1));
gncEntrySetInvTaxTable(entry, NULL);
gncEntrySetInvTaxTable(entry, taxtable);
/* Check unrounded result */
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocValue(entry, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (27750, 100)));
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocTaxValue(entry, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (36075, 1000)));
/* Check rounded result */
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocValue(entry, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (27750, 100)));
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocTaxValue(entry, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (36075, 1000)));
/* Note on the above expected result: the standard gncEntry denom is 100000 if the entry has no invoice or
* bill set. So with the example above no rounding is required yet */
// 2. gncEntry as part of a gncInvoice - the invoice currency's denominator is expected during rounding
gncInvoiceAddEntry(fixture->invoice, entry);
// Test with numbers that don't require rounding
/* Tax 10% (high precision GncNumeric), tax not included */
gncEntrySetInvTaxIncluded(entry, FALSE);
gncTaxTableEntrySetAmount(tt_entry, gnc_numeric_create(1000000, 100000));
gncEntrySetQuantity(entry, gnc_numeric_create (2, 1));
gncEntrySetInvPrice(entry, gnc_numeric_create (3, 1));
/* Check unrounded result */
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocValue(entry, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (6, 1)));
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocTaxValue(entry, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (6, 10)));
/* Check rounded result */
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocValue(entry, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (6, 1)));
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocTaxValue(entry, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (6, 10)));
// Test with numbers that do require rounding
/* Tax 10% (high precision GncNumeric), tax included */
gncEntrySetInvTaxIncluded(entry, TRUE);
/* Check unrounded result */
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocValue(entry, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (60, 11)));
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocTaxValue(entry, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (60, 110)));
/* Check rounded result */
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocValue(entry, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (545, 100)));
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocTaxValue(entry, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (55, 100)));
// Use different taxtable percentage precision
/* Tax 10% (low precision GncNumeric), tax included */
gncTaxTableEntrySetAmount(tt_entry, gnc_numeric_create(10, 1));
gncEntrySetInvTaxTable(entry, NULL);
gncEntrySetInvTaxTable(entry, taxtable);
/* Check unrounded result */
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocValue(entry, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (60, 11)));
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocTaxValue(entry, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (60, 110)));
/* Check rounded result */
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocValue(entry, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (545, 100)));
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocTaxValue(entry, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (55, 100)));
// Test with odd tax percentage (Taken from a mailing list example)
/* Tax 13% (high precision GncNumeric), tax not included */
gncEntrySetInvTaxIncluded(entry, FALSE);
gncTaxTableEntrySetAmount(tt_entry, gnc_numeric_create(1300000, 100000));
gncEntrySetInvTaxTable(entry, NULL);
gncEntrySetInvTaxTable(entry, taxtable);
gncEntrySetQuantity(entry, gnc_numeric_create (1, 1));
gncEntrySetInvPrice(entry, gnc_numeric_create (27750, 100));
/* Check unrounded result */
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocValue(entry, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (27750, 100)));
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocTaxValue(entry, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (36075, 1000)));
/* Check rounded result */
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocValue(entry, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (27750, 100)));
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocTaxValue(entry, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (3608, 100)));
/* Note on the above expected result: the standard gncEntry denom is 100000 if the entry has no invoice or
* bill set. So with the example above no rounding is required yet */
// Test with odd tax percentage (Taken from a mailing list example)
/* Tax 13% (low precision GncNumeric), tax not included */
gncEntrySetInvTaxIncluded(entry, FALSE);
gncTaxTableEntrySetAmount(tt_entry, gnc_numeric_create(13, 1));
gncEntrySetInvTaxTable(entry, NULL);
gncEntrySetInvTaxTable(entry, taxtable);
/* Check unrounded result */
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocValue(entry, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (27750, 100)));
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocTaxValue(entry, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (36075, 1000)));
/* Check rounded result */
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocValue(entry, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (27750, 100)));
g_assert_true(gnc_numeric_equal (gncEntryGetDocTaxValue(entry, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), gnc_numeric_create (3608, 100)));
/* Note on the above expected result: the standard gncEntry denom is 100000 if the entry has no invoice or
* bill set. So with the example above no rounding is required yet */
test_suite_gncEntry ( void )
GNC_TEST_ADD( suitename, "basics", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_entry_basics, teardown );
GNC_TEST_ADD( suitename, "value rounding", Fixture, NULL, setup, test_entry_rounding, teardown );