David Hampton 0b8a944f30 Update FSF street address.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 57a11ea4-9604-0410-9ed3-97b8803252fd
2005-11-17 05:35:02 +00:00

266 lines
12 KiB

* qofbackend.h: api for data storage backend *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as *
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*
* along with this program; if not, contact: *
* *
* Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652 *
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA *
* *
/** @addtogroup Backend
The QOF Backend is a pseudo-object providing an interface between the
engine and a persistant data store (e.g. a server, a database, or
a file). Backends are not meant to be used directly by an
application; instead the Session should be used to make a
connection with some particular backend.
There are no backend functions that are 'public' to
users of the engine. The backend can, however, report errors to
the GUI & other front-end users. This file defines these errors.
Backends are used to save and restore Entities in a Book.
/** @file qofbackend.h
@brief API for data storage Backend
@author Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Linas Vepstas <>
@author Copyright 2004-2005 Neil Williams <>
#include "qofinstance.h"
#define QOF_MOD_BACKEND "qof-backend"
/** \brief The errors that can be reported to the GUI & other front-end users
* \warning (GnuCash) If you modify QofBackendError, please update
* src/engine/gw-engine-spec.scm
typedef enum {
ERR_BACKEND_NO_HANDLER, /**< no backend handler found for this access method (ENOSYS) */
ERR_BACKEND_NO_BACKEND, /**< Backend * pointer was unexpectedly null */
ERR_BACKEND_BAD_URL, /**< Can't parse url */
ERR_BACKEND_NO_SUCH_DB, /**< the named database doesn't exist */
ERR_BACKEND_CANT_CONNECT, /**< bad dbname/login/passwd or network failure */
ERR_BACKEND_CONN_LOST, /**< Lost connection to server */
ERR_BACKEND_LOCKED, /**< in use by another user (ETXTBSY) */
ERR_BACKEND_READONLY, /**< cannot write to file/directory */
ERR_BACKEND_TOO_NEW, /**< file/db version newer than what we can read */
ERR_BACKEND_DATA_CORRUPT, /**< data in db is corrupt */
ERR_BACKEND_SERVER_ERR, /**< error in response from server */
ERR_BACKEND_ALLOC, /**< internal memory allocation failure */
ERR_BACKEND_PERM, /**< user login successful, but no permissions
to access the desired object */
ERR_BACKEND_MODIFIED, /**< commit of object update failed because
another user has modified the object */
ERR_BACKEND_MOD_DESTROY, /**< commit of object update failed because
another user has deleted the object */
ERR_BACKEND_MISC, /**< undetermined error */
/* QSF add-ons */
ERR_QSF_INVALID_OBJ, /**< The QSF object failed to validate against the QSF object schema */
ERR_QSF_INVALID_MAP, /**< The QSF map failed to validate against the QSF map schema */
ERR_QSF_BAD_OBJ_GUID, /**< The QSF object contains one or more invalid GUIDs. */
ERR_QSF_BAD_QOF_VERSION, /**< QSF map or object doesn't match the current QOF_OBJECT_VERSION. */
ERR_QSF_BAD_MAP, /**< The selected map validates but is unusable.
This is usually because not all the required parameters for the defined objects
have calculations described in the map.
ERR_QSF_NO_MAP, /**< The QSF object file was loaded without a map
The QSF Object file requires a map but it was not provided.
ERR_QSF_WRONG_MAP, /**< The selected map validates but is for different objects.
The list of objects defined in this map does not include all the objects described in
the current QSF object file.
ERR_QSF_MAP_NOT_OBJ, /**< Selected file is a QSF map and cannot be opened as a QSF object */
ERR_QSF_OVERFLOW, /**< EOVERFLOW - generated by strtol or strtoll.
When converting XML strings into numbers, an overflow has been detected. The XML file
contains invalid data in a field that is meant to hold a signed long integer or signed long long
ERR_QSF_OPEN_NOT_MERGE, /** QSF files cannot be opened alone. The data must be merged.
This error is more of a warning that can be ignored by any routine
that uses qof_book_merge on the new session.
/* fileio errors */
ERR_FILEIO_FILE_BAD_READ = 1000, /**< read failed or file prematurely truncated */
ERR_FILEIO_FILE_EMPTY, /**< file exists, is readable, but is empty */
ERR_FILEIO_FILE_LOCKERR, /**< mangled locks (unspecified error) */
ERR_FILEIO_FILE_NOT_FOUND, /**< not found / no such file */
ERR_FILEIO_FILE_TOO_OLD, /**< file version so old we can't read it */
ERR_FILEIO_UNKNOWN_FILE_TYPE, /**< didn't recognize the file type */
ERR_FILEIO_PARSE_ERROR, /**< couldn't parse the data in the file */
ERR_FILEIO_BACKUP_ERROR, /**< couldn't make a backup of the file */
ERR_FILEIO_WRITE_ERROR, /**< couldn't write to the file */
/* network errors */
ERR_NETIO_SHORT_READ = 2000, /**< not enough bytes received */
ERR_NETIO_WRONG_CONTENT_TYPE, /**< wrong kind of server, wrong data served */
ERR_NETIO_NOT_GNCXML, /**< whatever it is, we can't parse it. */
/* database errors */
ERR_SQL_MISSING_DATA = 3000, /**< database doesn't contain expected data */
ERR_SQL_DB_TOO_OLD, /**< database is old and needs upgrading */
ERR_SQL_DB_BUSY, /**< database is busy, cannot upgrade version */
/* RPC errors */
ERR_RPC_HOST_UNK = 4000, /**< Host unknown */
ERR_RPC_CANT_BIND, /**< can't bind to address */
ERR_RPC_CANT_ACCEPT, /**< can't accept connection */
ERR_RPC_NO_CONNECTION, /**< no connection to server */
ERR_RPC_BAD_VERSION, /**< RPC Version Mismatch */
ERR_RPC_FAILED, /**< Operation failed */
ERR_RPC_NOT_ADDED, /**< object not added */
} QofBackendError;
* A structure that declares backend services that can be gotten.
* The Provider specifies a URL access method, and specifies the
* function to create a backend that can handle that URL access
* function.
typedef struct QofBackendProvider_s QofBackendProvider;
/** \brief Pseudo-object providing an interface between the
* engine and a persistant data store (e.g. a server, a database,
* or a file).
* There are no backend functions that are 'public' to users of the
* engine. The backend can, however, report errors to the GUI & other
* front-end users.
typedef struct QofBackend_s QofBackend;
/** \brief DOCUMENT ME! */
typedef void (*QofBePercentageFunc) (const char *message, double percent);
/** @name Allow access to the begin routine for this backend.
QOF_BEGIN_EDIT and QOF_COMMIT_EDIT_PART1 and part2 rely on
calling QofBackend *be->begin and be->commit. This means the
QofBackend struct becomes part of the public API.
These function replaces those calls to allow the macros to be
used when QOF is built as a library. */
void qof_backend_run_begin(QofBackend *be, QofInstance *inst);
gboolean qof_backend_begin_exists(QofBackend *be);
void qof_backend_run_commit(QofBackend *be, QofInstance *inst);
gboolean qof_backend_commit_exists(QofBackend *be);
/** @name Backend Configuration using KVP
The backend uses qof_backend_get_config to pass back a KvpFrame of QofBackendOption
that includes the \b translated strings that serve as description and
tooltip for that option. i.e. backends need to run gettext in the init function.
qof_backend_prepare_frame, qof_backend_prepare_option and qof_backend_complete_frame
are intended to be used by the backend itself to create the options.
qof_backend_get_config, qof_backend_option_foreach and qof_backend_load_config
are intended for either the backend or the frontend to retrieve the option data
from the frame or set new data.
/** A single Backend Configuration Option. */
typedef struct QofBackendOption_s {
KvpValueType type; /**< Only GINT64, DOUBLE, NUMERIC, STRING and TIMESPEC supported. */
const char *option_name; /**< non-translated, key. */
const char *description; /**< translatable description. */
const char *tooltip; /**< translatable tooltip */
gpointer value; /**< The value of the option. */
/** Initialise the backend_configuration */
void qof_backend_prepare_frame(QofBackend *be);
/** Add an option to the backend_configuration. Repeat for more. */
void qof_backend_prepare_option(QofBackend *be, QofBackendOption *option);
/** Complete the backend_configuration and return the frame. */
KvpFrame* qof_backend_complete_frame(QofBackend *be);
/** Backend configuration option foreach callback prototype. */
typedef void (*QofBackendOptionCB)(QofBackendOption*, gpointer data);
/** Iterate over the frame and process each option. */
void qof_backend_option_foreach(KvpFrame *config, QofBackendOptionCB cb, gpointer data);
/** \brief Load configuration options specific to this backend.
@param be The backend to configure.
@param config A KvpFrame of QofBackendOptions that this backend
will recognise. Each backend needs to document their own config
types and acceptable values.
void qof_backend_load_config (QofBackend *be, KvpFrame *config);
/** \brief Get the available configuration options
To retrieve the options from the returned KvpFrame, the caller
needs to parse the XML file that documents the option names and
data types. The XML file itself is part of the backend and is
installed in a directory determined by the backend. Therefore,
loading a new backend requires two paths: the path to the .la file
and the path to the xml. Both paths are available by including a
generated header file, e.g. gncla-dir.h defines GNC_LIB_DIR for
the location of the .la file and GNC_XML_DIR for the xml.
@param be The QofBackend to be configured.
@return A new KvpFrame containing the available options or
NULL on failure.
KvpFrame* qof_backend_get_config(QofBackend *be);
/** \brief Load a QOF-compatible backend shared library.
\param directory Can be NULL if filename is a complete path.
\param filename Name of the .la file that describes the
shared library. This provides platform independence,
courtesy of libtool.
\param init_fcn The QofBackendProvider init function.
\return FALSE in case or error, otherwise TRUE.
qof_load_backend_library (const char *directory,
const char* filename, const char* init_fcn);
/** \brief Retrieve the backend used by this book */
QofBackend* qof_book_get_backend (QofBook *book);
void qof_book_set_backend (QofBook *book, QofBackend *);
#endif /* QOF_BACKEND_H */
/** @} */