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;;; gnc-module.scm
;;; Guile module which allows initialization of the gnucash module
;;; system from Scheme
;;; Copyright 2001 Linux Developers Group
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; if not, contact:
;; Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942
;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652
;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA gnu@gnu.org
(define-module (gnucash gnc-module))
(use-modules (ice-9 match))
(define (deprecate . lst)
;; 4.x deprecation. remove in 5.x
(issue-deprecation-warning (string-concatenate lst)))
(define (no-op-deprecation-warning)
(deprecate "* WARNING * Guile wrappers for the gnc module system have been \
deprecated. This particular function call is now a no-op. Please use \
equivalent (use-modules ...) calls instead."))
(define-public gnc:module-system-init no-op-deprecation-warning)
(define-public gnc:module-system-refresh no-op-deprecation-warning)
(define-public gnc:module-load-optional no-op-deprecation-warning)
(define-public gnc:module-unload no-op-deprecation-warning)
(define-public (gnc:module-load gnc-mod-name mod-sys-version)
(let* ((mod-name-split (string-split gnc-mod-name #\/))
(mod-name-str (string-join mod-name-split " "))
(scm-mod-name (map string->symbol mod-name-split)))
(match gnc-mod-name
(deprecate "* WARNING * 'gnc:module-load (\"gnucash/app-utils\" 0)' has \
been deprecated and will be removed in gnucash 5.0. Use '(use-modules (gnucash \
engine) (gnucash app-utils))' instead. Use of the '(gnucash engine)' guile \
module is optional and depends on whether or not you use functions from \
this module in your code or not.")
(use-modules (gnucash engine) (gnucash app-utils)))
((or "gnucash/tax/de_DE" "gnucash/tax/us")
(set! scm-mod-name `(gnucash locale ,(list-ref scm-mod-name 2) tax))
(set! mod-name-str (string-join (map symbol->string scm-mod-name) " "))
(deprecate "* WARNING * '(gnc:module-load \"" gnc-mod-name "\" 0)' has \
been deprecated. Use '(use-modules (" mod-name-str "))' instead.")
(module-use! (current-module) (resolve-interface scm-mod-name)))
((or "gnucash/gnome-utils" "gnucash/report/report-system")
(when (string=? gnc-mod-name "gnucash/report/report-system")
(set! mod-name-str "gnucash report"))
(set! scm-mod-name '(gnucash report))
(deprecate "* WARNING * '(gnc:module-load \"" gnc-mod-name "\" 0)' has \
been deprecated. Use '(use-modules (gnucash engine) (gnucash app-utils) \
(" mod-name-str "))' instead. Use of the '(gnucash engine)' or \
'(gnucash app-utils)' guile modules is optional and depends on whether \
or not you use functions from this module in your code or not.")
(use-modules (gnucash engine) (gnucash app-utils))
(module-use! (current-module) (resolve-interface scm-mod-name)))
(deprecate "* WARNING * '(gnc:module-load \"gnucash/html\" 0)' has \
been deprecated. Use '(use-modules (gnucash html))' instead.")
(use-modules (gnucash html))
(module-use! (current-module) (resolve-interface scm-mod-name)))
(_ (deprecate "* WARNING * '(gnc:module-load \"" gnc-mod-name "\" 0)' \
has been deprecated. Use '(use-modules (" mod-name-str "))' instead. \
Additional guile modules may have to be loaded depending on your specific code.")
(module-use! (current-module) (resolve-interface scm-mod-name))))))