Christopher Lam fbc7c9027e [scm/utilities] even more efficient list-flatten functions

* list? is O(N), because it needs to test for an improper
list. improper lists are lists whose last pair's cdr cell is not
'(). null? and pair? are both O(1).

* avoids reverse which is also O(N): guile has unlimited stack
therefore we can do non-tail-call loop first to pass as parameter to
the tail-call loop. this removes the need for prepend-and-reverse.
2019-11-19 19:28:27 +08:00

272 lines
11 KiB

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; if not, contact:
;; Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942
;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652
;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
(define-module (gnucash utilities))
;; Turn off the scheme compiler's "possibly unbound variable" warnings.
;; In guile 2.0 we get nearly 7500 of them loading the scheme files.
;; This is the default value for auto-compilation-options without "unbound-variable".
;; See module/ice-9/boot-9.scm */
(if (>= (string->number (major-version)) 2)
(set! %auto-compilation-options
'(#:warnings (arity-mismatch format duplicate-case-datum bad-case-datum))))
(use-modules (gnucash core-utils))
(eval-when (compile load eval expand)
(load-extension "libgncmod-engine" "scm_init_sw_engine_module"))
(use-modules (sw_engine))
;; Load the srfis (eventually, we should see where these are needed
;; and only have the use-modules statements in those files).
(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
(use-modules (srfi srfi-8))
(use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
;; Exports
;; from utilities.scm
(export gnc:warn)
(export gnc:error)
(export gnc:msg)
(export gnc:debug)
(export addto!)
(export sort-and-delete-duplicates)
(export gnc:list-flatten)
;; Do this stuff very early -- but other than that, don't add any
;; executable code until the end of the file if you can help it.
;; These are needed for a guile 1.3.4 bug
(debug-enable 'backtrace)
(read-enable 'positions)
(debug-set! stack 200000)
(define (strify items)
(string-join (map (lambda (x) (format #f "~A" x)) items) ""))
(define (gnc:warn . items)
(gnc-scm-log-warn (strify items)))
(define (gnc:error . items)
(gnc-scm-log-error (strify items )))
(define (gnc:msg . items)
(gnc-scm-log-msg (strify items)))
;; this definition of gnc:debug is different from others because we
;; want to check loglevel is debug *once* at gnc:debug definition
;; instead of every call to gnc:debug. if loglevel isn't debug then
;; gnc:debug becomes a NOOP.
(define gnc:debug
((qof-log-check "gnc" QOF-LOG-DEBUG)
(display "debugging enabled\n")
(lambda items (gnc-scm-log-debug (strify items))))
(lambda items #f))))
;; the following functions are initialized to log message to tracefile
;; and will be redefined in UI initialization to display dialog
;; messages
(define-public (gnc:gui-warn str1 str2) (gnc:warn str1))
(define-public (gnc:gui-error str1 str2) (gnc:error str1))
(define-public (gnc:gui-msg str1 str2) (gnc:msg str1))
(define-syntax addto!
(syntax-rules ()
((addto! alist element)
(set! alist (cons element alist)))))
;; pair of utility functions for use with guile-json which requires
;; lists converted vectors to save as json arrays. traverse list
;; converting into vectors, and vice versa.
(define-public (traverse-list->vec lst)
((list? lst) (list->vector (map traverse-list->vec lst)))
(else lst)))
(define-public (traverse-vec->list vec)
((vector? vec) (map traverse-vec->list (vector->list vec)))
(else vec)))
;; general and efficent string-replace-substring function, based on
;; function designed by Mark H Weaver, core guile developer. avoids
;; string-append which will constantly build new strings. augmented
;; with start and end indices; will selective choose to replace
;; substring if start-idx <= index <= end-idx
(define* (string-replace-substring s substr replacement #:optional
(start 0)
(end (string-length s))
(start-idx #f)
(end-idx #f))
(let ((substr-length (string-length substr))
(start-idx (or start-idx 0))
(end-idx (or end-idx +inf.0)))
(if (zero? substr-length)
(error "string-replace-substring: empty substr")
(let loop ((start start)
(i 0)
(pieces (list (substring s 0 start))))
(let ((idx (string-contains s substr start end)))
(if idx
(loop (+ idx substr-length)
(1+ i)
(cons* (if (<= start-idx i end-idx) replacement substr)
(substring s start idx)
(string-concatenate-reverse (cons (substring s start)
;; gnc:substring-replace
;; Search for all occurrences in string "s1" of string "s2" and
;; replace them with string "s3".
;; Example: (gnc:substring-replace "foobarfoobar" "bar" "xyz")
;; returns "fooxyzfooxyz".
(define-public (gnc:substring-replace s1 s2 s3)
(string-replace-substring s1 s2 s3))
;; gnc:substring-replace-from-to
;; same as gnc:substring-replace extended by:
;; start: from which occurrence onwards the replacement shall start
;; end-after: max. number times the replacement should executed
;; Example: (gnc:substring-replace-from-to "foobarfoobarfoobar" "bar" "xyz" 2 1)
;; returns "foobarfooxyzfoobar".
;; start=1 and end-after<=0 will call gnc:substring-replace (replace all)
;; start>1 and end-after<=0 will the replace from "start" until end of file
(define-public (gnc:substring-replace-from-to s1 s2 s3 start end-after)
s1 s2 s3 0 (string-length s1) (max 0 (1- start))
(and (positive? end-after) (+ (max 0 (1- start)) (1- end-after)))))
;; function to sanitize strings. the resulting string can be safely
;; added to html.
(define-public (gnc:html-string-sanitize str)
(lambda ()
(lambda (c)
(case c
((#\&) "&amp;")
((#\<) "&lt;")
((#\>) "&gt;")
(else c))))
;; avoid using strftime, still broken in guile-2.2. see explanation at
(let ((strftime-old strftime))
(set! strftime
(lambda args
(gnc:warn "strftime may be buggy. use gnc-print-time64 instead.")
(apply strftime-old args))))
;; a basic sort-and-delete-duplicates. because delete-duplicates
;; usually run in O(N^2) and if the list must be sorted, it's more
;; efficient to sort first then delete adjacent elements. guile-2.0
;; uses quicksort internally.
(define* (sort-and-delete-duplicates lst < #:optional (= =))
(define (kons a b) (if (and (pair? b) (= a (car b))) b (cons a b)))
(reverse (fold kons '() (sort lst <))))
;; flattens an arbitrary deep nested list into simple list. this is
;; probably the most efficient algorithm available. '(1 2 (3 4)) -->
;; '(1 2 3 4) thanks to manumanumanu on #guile
(define (gnc:list-flatten . lst)
(let loop ((lst lst) (acc '()))
((null? lst) acc)
((pair? lst) (loop (car lst) (loop (cdr lst) acc)))
(else (cons lst acc)))))
;; compatibility hack for fixing guile-2.0 string handling. this code
;; may be removed when minimum guile is 2.2 or later. see
(when (string=? (effective-version) "2.0")
;; When using Guile 2.0.x, use monkey patching to change the
;; behavior of string ports to use UTF-8 as the internal encoding.
;; Note that this is the default behavior in Guile 2.2 or later.
(let* ((mod (resolve-module '(guile)))
(orig-open-input-string (module-ref mod 'open-input-string))
(orig-open-output-string (module-ref mod 'open-output-string))
(orig-object->string (module-ref mod 'object->string))
(orig-simple-format (module-ref mod 'simple-format)))
(define (open-input-string str)
(with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding "UTF-8"))
(orig-open-input-string str)))
(define (open-output-string)
(with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding "UTF-8"))
(define (object->string . args)
(with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding "UTF-8"))
(apply orig-object->string args)))
(define (simple-format . args)
(with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding "UTF-8"))
(apply orig-simple-format args)))
(define (call-with-input-string str proc)
(proc (open-input-string str)))
(define (call-with-output-string proc)
(let ((port (open-output-string)))
(proc port)
(get-output-string port)))
(module-set! mod 'open-input-string open-input-string)
(module-set! mod 'open-output-string open-output-string)
(module-set! mod 'object->string object->string)
(module-set! mod 'simple-format simple-format)
(module-set! mod 'call-with-input-string call-with-input-string)
(module-set! mod 'call-with-output-string call-with-output-string)
(when (eqv? (module-ref mod 'format) orig-simple-format)
(module-set! mod 'format simple-format))))