
465 lines
19 KiB

* gnc-ui-util.h -- utility functions for the GnuCash UI *
* Copyright (C) 2000 Dave Peticolas <> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as *
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*
* along with this program; if not, contact: *
* *
* Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652 *
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA *
/** @addtogroup GUI
@{ */
/** @addtogroup GuiUtility Utility functions for the GnuCash GUI
* @{ */
/** @file gnc-ui-util.h
@brief utility functions for the GnuCash UI
@author Copyright (C) 2000 Dave Peticolas <>
#ifndef GNC_UI_UTIL_H
#define GNC_UI_UTIL_H
#include <glib.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include "Account.h"
#include "gncOwner.h"
#include "qof.h"
typedef QofSession * (*QofSessionCB) (void);
gchar *gnc_normalize_account_separator (const gchar* separator);
gboolean gnc_reverse_balance(const Account *account);
/* Backward compatibility *******************************************
* Return book's UNREVERSED_BUDGET feature check. */
gboolean gnc_using_unreversed_budgets (QofBook* book);
/* Backward compatibility *******************************************
* Compare book's UNREVERSED_BUDGET with unreverse_check. If they
* match, return account reversal according to global pref. If they
* don't match, return FALSE. */
gboolean gnc_reverse_budget_balance (const Account *account, gboolean unreversed);
/* Backward compatibility *******************************************
* Return that book's support opening balance accounts by equity type slot */
void gnc_set_use_equity_type_opening_balance_account (QofBook* book);
gboolean gnc_using_equity_type_opening_balance_account (QofBook* book);
/* Default directory sections ***************************************/
#define GNC_PREFS_GROUP_EXPORT "dialogs.export-accounts"
#define GNC_PREF_AUTO_DECIMAL_POINT "auto-decimal-point"
#define GNC_PREF_AUTO_DECIMAL_PLACES "auto-decimal-places"
/* Default directories **********************************************/
gchar *gnc_get_default_directory (const gchar *section);
void gnc_set_default_directory (const gchar *section,
const gchar *directory);
/* Engine enhancements & i18n ***************************************/
QofBook * gnc_get_current_book (void);
/* If there is no current session, there is no book and we must be dealing
* with a new book. When gnucash is started with --nofile, there is
* initially no session (and no book), but by the time we check, one
* could have been created (for example, if an empty account tree tab is
* opened, a session is created which creates a new, but empty, book).
* A session is created and a book is loaded from a backend when gnucash is
* started with a file, but selecting 'new file' keeps a session open. So we
* need to check as well for a book with no accounts (root with no children). */
gboolean gnc_is_new_book (void);
void gnc_set_current_book_tax_name_type (gboolean name_changed,
const gchar *tax_name,
gboolean type_changed,
const gchar *tax_type);
const gchar * gnc_get_current_book_tax_name (void);
const gchar * gnc_get_current_book_tax_type (void);
/** Calls gnc_book_option_num_field_source_change to initiate registered
* callbacks when num_field_source book option changes so that
* registers/reports can update themselves; sets feature flag */
void gnc_book_option_num_field_source_change_cb (gboolean num_action);
/** Calls gnc_book_option_book_currency_selected to initiate registered
* callbacks when currency accounting book option changes to book-currency so
* that registers/reports can update themselves; sets feature flag */
void gnc_book_option_book_currency_selected_cb (gboolean use_book_currency);
/** Returns TRUE if both book-currency and default gain/loss policy KVPs exist
* and are valid and trading accounts are not used */
gboolean gnc_book_use_book_currency (QofBook *book);
/** Returns pointer to Book Currency name for book or NULL; determines
* that both book-currency and default gain/loss policy KVPs exist and that
* both are valid, a requirement for the 'book-currency' currency accounting
* method to apply. */
const gchar * gnc_book_get_book_currency_name (QofBook *book);
/** Returns pointer to Book Currency for book or NULL; determines
* that both book-currency and default gain/loss policy KVPs exist and that
* both are valid, a requirement for the 'book-currency' currency accounting
* method to apply. */
gnc_commodity * gnc_book_get_book_currency (QofBook *book);
/** Returns pointer to default gain/loss policy for book or NULL; determines
* that both book-currency and default gain/loss policy KVPs exist and that
* both are valid, a requirement for the 'book-currency' currency accounting
* method to apply. */
const gchar * gnc_book_get_default_gains_policy (QofBook *book);
/** Returns pointer to default gain/loss account for book or NULL; determines
* that both book-currency and default gain/loss policy KVPs exist and that
* both are valid, a requirement for the 'book-currency' currency accounting
* method to apply. */
Account * gnc_book_get_default_gain_loss_acct (QofBook *book);
Account * gnc_get_current_root_account (void);
gnc_commodity_table * gnc_get_current_commodities (void);
* Get either the full name of the account or the simple name, depending on the
* configuration parameter general/register/show_leaf_account_names.
* @param account The account to retrieve the name for.
* @return A newly allocated string.
gchar *gnc_get_account_name_for_register(const Account *account);
* Retrieve the account matching the given name starting from the descendants of
* base_account.
* @a name is either considered to be the name of the leaf in the account tree
* or to be the full account path, depending on the configuration parameter
* general.register/show_leaf_account_names.
* @param base_account The account to start the search at.
* @param name The name to search for.
* @return A pointer to the account, or NULL if the account was not found.
Account *gnc_account_lookup_for_register(const Account *base_account, const
gchar *name);
* Get either the full name of the account or the simple name, depending on the
* show_leaf_accounts.
* @param account The account to retrieve the name for.
* @param show_leaf_accounts Whether the full name will be returned.
* @return A newly allocated string.
gchar *gnc_get_account_name_for_split_register(const Account *account,
gboolean show_leaf_accounts);
* This is a wrapper routine around an xaccGetBalanceInCurrency
* function that handles additional needs of the gui.
* @param fn The underlying function in Account.c to call to retrieve
* a specific balance from the account.
* @param account The account to retrieve data about.
* @param recurse Include all sub-accounts of this account.
* @param negative An indication of whether or not the returned value
* is negative. This can be used by the caller to
* easily decode whether or not to color the output.
* @param commodity The commodity in which the account balance should
* be returned. If NULL, the value will be returned in
* the commodity of the account. This is normally used
* to specify a currency, which forces the conversion
* of things like stock account values from share
* values to an amount the requested currency.
char *gnc_ui_account_get_tax_info_string (const Account *account);
char *gnc_ui_account_get_tax_info_sub_acct_string (const Account *account);
const char * gnc_get_reconcile_str (char reconciled_flag);
const char * gnc_get_reconcile_valid_flags (void);
const char * gnc_get_reconcile_flag_order (void);
#define WLINK 'w'
#define FLINK 'f'
/** Get a string containing documentation link valid flags
* @return a string containing the list of valid link_flags
const char *gnc_get_doclink_valid_flags (void);
/** Get a string containing document link flag order
* @return a string containing the document link flag change order
const char *gnc_get_doclink_flag_order (void);
/** Get a string representing the document link type
* @param link_flag The flag to convert into a string
* @return the i18n'd doclink string
const char *gnc_get_doclink_str (char link_flag);
typedef enum
} GNCEquityType;
Account * gnc_find_or_create_equity_account (Account *root,
GNCEquityType equity_type,
gnc_commodity *currency);
gboolean gnc_account_create_opening_balance (Account *account,
gnc_numeric balance,
time64 date,
QofBook *book);
/* Locale functions *************************************************/
* Returns the default currency of the current locale, or NULL if no
* sensible currency could be identified from the locale. */
gnc_commodity * gnc_locale_default_currency_nodefault (void);
* Returns the default currency of the current locale. WATCH OUT: If
* no currency could be identified from the locale, this one returns
* "USD", but this will have nothing to do with the actual locale. */
gnc_commodity * gnc_locale_default_currency (void);
/** Return the default currency set by the user. If the user's
* preference is invalid, then this routine will return the default
* currency for the user's locale.
* @return A pointer to a currency.
gnc_commodity * gnc_default_currency (void);
/** Returns a gnc_commodity that is a currency, suitable for being a
Transaction's currency. The gnc_commodity is taken either from the current
account, or from the next parent account that has a gnc_commodity that is a
currency, or from gnc_default_currency().
If the given account or any of its parent account have a commodity that is a
currency, it is returned and the gboolean currency_from_account_found is set to
TRUE (if non-NULL). If neither this account nor any of its parent accounts have
such a commodity, gnc_default_currency() is returned and the gboolean
currency_from_account_found is set to FALSE (if non-NULL). This can be used to
show an appropriate warning message.
If account is NULL, gnc_default_currency() is returned and
currency_from_account_found is set to FALSE.
@param account The account where the currency should be looked up. May be NULL.
@param currency_from_account_found A gboolean pointer that takes the output
argument of whether the returned currency was found in the account. May be
@return A currency pointer (and never NULL).
gnc_commodity * gnc_account_or_default_currency(const Account* account, gboolean * currency_from_account_found);
/** Return the default currency for use in reports, as set by the
* user. If the user's preference is invalid, then this routine will
* return the default currency for the user's locale.
* @return A pointer to a currency.
gnc_commodity * gnc_default_report_currency (void);
/* Amount printing and parsing **************************************/
typedef struct _GNCPrintAmountInfo
const gnc_commodity *commodity; /* may be NULL */
guint8 max_decimal_places;
guint8 min_decimal_places;
unsigned int use_separators : 1; /* Print thousands separators */
unsigned int use_symbol : 1; /* Print currency symbol */
unsigned int use_locale : 1; /* Use locale for some positioning */
unsigned int monetary : 1; /* Is a monetary quantity */
unsigned int force_fit : 1; /* Don't print more than max_dp places */
unsigned int round : 1; /* Round at max_dp instead of truncating */
} GNCPrintAmountInfo;
GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_default_print_info (gboolean use_symbol);
GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_commodity_print_info (const gnc_commodity *commodity,
gboolean use_symbol);
GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_account_print_info (const Account *account,
gboolean use_symbol);
GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_split_amount_print_info (Split *split,
gboolean use_symbol);
GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_price_print_info (const gnc_commodity *curr,
gboolean use_symbol);
GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_share_print_info_places (int decplaces);
GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_default_share_print_info (void);
GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_default_price_print_info (const gnc_commodity *curr);
GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_integral_print_info (void);
/* WARNING: Garbage in, garbage out. You must check the validity of
the supplied gnc_numeric. If it's invalid, the returned string
could point to ANYTHING. */
* The xaccPrintAmount() and xaccSPrintAmount() routines provide
* i18n'ed convenience routines for printing gnc_numerics.
* amounts. Both routines take a gnc_numeric argument and
* a printing information object.
* The xaccPrintAmount() routine returns a pointer to a statically
* allocated buffer, and is therefore not thread-safe.
* The xaccSPrintAmount() routine accepts a pointer to the buffer to be
* printed to. It returns the length of the printed string.
* Make a string representation of a gnc_numeric. Warning, the
* gnc_numeric is not checked for validity and the returned char* may
* point to random garbage.
const char * xaccPrintAmount (gnc_numeric val, GNCPrintAmountInfo info);
* Make a string representation of a gnc_numeric. Warning, the
* gnc_numeric is not checked for validity and the contents of the
* buffer will be unchanged. It is up to the calling function to
* ensure that buf is large enough for the results.
int xaccSPrintAmount (char *buf, gnc_numeric val, GNCPrintAmountInfo info);
const gchar *printable_value(gdouble val, gint denom);
gchar *number_to_words(gdouble val, gint64 denom);
gchar *numeric_to_words(gnc_numeric val);
/** Parses in_str to obtain a numeric result. The
* routine will parse as much of in_str as it can to obtain a single
* number. The number is parsed using the current locale information
* and the 'monetary' flag. The routine will return TRUE if it
* successfully parsed a number and FALSE otherwise. If TRUE is
* returned and result is non-NULL, the value of the parsed number
* is stored in *result. If FALSE is returned, *result is
* unchanged. If TRUE is returned and endstr is non-NULL, the
* location of the first character in in_str not used by the parser
* will be returned in *endstr. If FALSE is returned and endstr is
* non-NULL, *endstr will point to in_str. */
gboolean xaccParseAmount (const char * in_str, gboolean monetary,
gnc_numeric *result, char **endstr);
* Parses in_str to a gnc_numeric, with a flag to indicate whether the
* locale's positive sign (or in absence the '+') character is
* ignored. Setting skip to TRUE will cause the function to ignore any
* positive sign. Setting it to FALSE, and positive signs will be
* treated as unrecognized characters. xaccParseAmount will run as if
* skip is FALSE for compatibility reasons (gnc-expression-parser
* depends on this behaviour).
xaccParseAmountPosSign (const char * in_str, gboolean monetary, gnc_numeric *result,
char **endstr, gboolean skip);
* Converts a string to a gnc_numeric. The caller must provide all the
* locale-specific information.
* ignore_list is a list of characters that are completely ignored
* while processing the input string. If ignore_list is NULL, nothing
* is ignored.
xaccParseAmountExtended (const char * in_str, gboolean monetary,
gunichar negative_sign, gunichar decimal_point,
gunichar group_separator, const char *ignore_list,
gnc_numeric *result, char **endstr);
/* Initialization ***************************************************/
void gnc_ui_util_init (void);
/* Remove callback preferences **************************************/
void gnc_ui_util_remove_registered_prefs (void);
/** Returns the incoming text removed of control characters
* @param incoming_text The text to filter
* @return The incoming text filtered of control characters to be
* freed by the caller.
gchar * gnc_filter_text_for_control_chars (const gchar *incoming_text);
/** Updates cursor_position after removal of currency symbols
* @param incoming_text The text to filter
* @param symbol to remove
* @param cursor_position the posistion of cursor in the incoming text
* @return nothing
void gnc_filter_text_set_cursor_position (const gchar *incoming_text,
const gchar *symbol,
gint *cursor_position);
/** Returns the incoming text removed of a currency symbol
* @param incoming_text The text to filter
* @param symbol to remove
* @param cursor_position the posistion of cursor in the incoming text
* @return The incoming text with symbol removed to be freed by the caller
gchar * gnc_filter_text_for_currency_symbol (const gchar *incoming_text,
const gchar *symbol);
/** Returns the incoming text removed of currency symbol
* @param comm commodity of entry if known
* @param incoming_text The text to filter
* @param symbol return the symbol used
* @return The incoming text with symbol removed to be freed by the caller
gchar * gnc_filter_text_for_currency_commodity (const gnc_commodity *comm,
const gchar *incoming_text,
const gchar **symbol);
/** @} */
/** @} */