Christopher Lam 9b52fa685f [html-acct-table] ensure an integer number of empty-cells
tbl-width is not necessarily an even number; tbl-width being odd would
result in a half-fraction when calculating number of
empty-cells. convert to the appropriate integer.

this is the proper fix for the bug fixed by d865b149.
2019-09-05 20:07:32 +08:00

1366 lines
53 KiB

;; html-acct-table.scm : generate a multi-columnar list of accounts
;; including utilities to convert to <html-table> form
;; By David Montenegro 2004.06.23 <>
;; Borrowed largely from html-table.scm by Bill Gribble <>
;; and html-utilities.scm by Christian Stimming <>
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; if not, contact:
;; Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942
;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652
;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
;; The html-acct-table object is a utility object, not an html object.
;; It is used to collect and then render a table whose leftmost column(s)
;; are a list or chart of accounts.
;; You start by creating the object and initializing it with a list of
;; accounts and a few assorted parameters. It generates a table, which
;; can be read using accessor functions, containing information which
;; makes it easy(ier) to create a great variety of html-table forms.
;; add-accounts add-account-balances
;; account-list ------------> html-acct-table ----------> html-table
;; Figure Key:
;; account-list: a list of accounts as would be returned from
;; looking up the value of a report option added with
;; gnc:options-add-account-selection!
;; add-accounts: any method that adds the account list to the
;; html-acct-table. For example, this could be accomplished
;; with gnc:make-html-acct-table/env/acct or
;; gnc:html-acct-table-add-accounts!
;; html-acct-table: the utility object described in this file
;; add-account-balances: any function that maps the internal
;; data of the html-acct-table object into a html-table. For
;; example, one such function is
;; gnc:html-table-add-account-balances.
;; html-table: an <html-table> scheme object representing an
;; HTML table block. See html-table.scm.
;; This utility object was written because of some shortcomings
;; inherent in how the gnc:html-build-acct-table function was
;; designed. Ultimately, the intent is to replace
;; gnc:html-build-acct-table with an html-acct-table with the
;; appropriate thunks. But, because this is new, I'm leaving the
;; original gnc:html-build-acct-table in place, just to be safe.
;; For boolean arguments, #t and #f have their usual meanings. If a
;; boolean argument is not set, a default value may be assumed. For
;; non-boolean arguments, values may be specified. When #f is
;; specified as the value of a non-boolean argument, it generally
;; means to omit whatever function the argument controls. When #t is
;; specified for such an argument, it generally means to use that
;; functionality, but just accept whatever default functionality that
;; option may have.
;; The list of accounts which are to be placed in the
;; gnc:html-acct-table object can be controlled with the
;; gnc:make-html-acct-table/accts, gnc:make-html-acct-table/env/accts,
;; and gnc:html-table-add-accts! functions. But you should only use
;; one of these methods to add accounts.
;; The gnc:html-acct-table parameters should be set BEFORE adding the
;; account list. They can be set with gnc:make-html-acct-table/env
;; or gnc:make-html-acct-table/accts/env and fetched with
;; gnc:html-acct-table-env; accept the following parameters:
;; display-tree-depth: integer 'unlimited ['all] #f
;; the number of levels of accounts to display
;; 'unlimited, 'all, and #f impose no depth limit.
;; the default is 'all. [CAS: ISTM, the default is actually #f,
;; and this case bombs at (< logi-depth depth-limit) anytime the
;; limit behavior is not 'flatten. BUG? Also, setting this
;; parameter to a large integer value has the strange side-effect
;; of pushing the balances column far right, even when the account
;; tree is relatively shallow.]
;; depth-limit-behavior: ['summarize] 'flatten 'truncate
;; when the display tree reaches its depth limit, this option
;; tells gnc:html-acct-table what to do. 'summarize tells it
;; to omit accounts below the depth limit and summarize their
;; contents as belonging to their parent account at the depth
;; limit. 'flatten tells it to display every selected
;; subaccount, all the way down the tree, but to position
;; them, in the chart, at the depth limit. the default value
;; is 'summarize
;; initial-indent: integer
;; the number of table cells to indent the first level of
;; accounts displayed. this is merely a convenience. the
;; default initial-indent is 0.
;; account-less-p: binary_predicate #t #f
;; used for sorting accounts, below each parent account, into
;; the order in which they will be displayed. the function
;; must take two Account arguments and represent a total
;; ordering on Account-space. #t means to use the default
;; sorting function. #f means to preform no sorting. the
;; default sorting function is gnc:account-code-less-p.
;; start-date: time64
;; the starting date of the reporting period over which to
;; report balances for this account. if start-date is #f,
;; will be no limit on how early a counted transaction may
;; ocurr.
;; end-date: time64
;; the ending date of the reporting period over which to
;; report balances for this account. if end-date is #f, there
;; will be no limit on how late a counted transaction may
;; ocurr. note: i do not know if GnuCash, right now, supports
;; transactions in the future. so be prepared for the
;; possibility that this may match transactions which haven't
;; ocurred, yet. [CAS: I don't think end-date of #f works.
;; It bombs.]
;; report-commodity: commodity
;; the commodity into which to convert any balances containing
;; foreign currencies. the balance will be converted using
;; the exchange function exchange-fn. the default is the
;; currency returned by (gnc-default-report-currency). [CAS:
;; what if I don't want the report to have a
;; "report-commodity"? Say e.g. I want to show each account
;; balance in its native commodity? I can see the benefit of
;; individual reports that have a report-commodity using
;; gnc-default-report-currency to set the default value for a
;; report-commodity option. But, with the default sucked in
;; here, in what is supposed to be a more general api, means
;; reports can't specify NO report-commodity. ]
;; CAS: Hypothetical design modification: Instead of specifying a
;; single report commodity and exchange-fn for the whole acct-table,
;; what if we were allowed to specify a *price-source* and an
;; *optional* report-commodity. Then, if the no report commodity is
;; specified, then we can generate the exchange-fn on a per-account
;; basis, using gnc:case-exchange-fn and the account's native
;; commodity and the given price-source. Otherwise (i.e. if there IS
;; a report-commodity specified), we can use *that* commodity for each
;; account's exchange-fn.
;; exchange-fn: commodity_exchange_function
;; the commodity exchange function (you know, that weighted
;; average, most recent, nearest in time fun stuff) used to
;; convert balances which are not exclusively in the report
;; commodity into the report commodity. [CAS: Right now,
;; exchange-fn is not optional. If your accounts have
;; different commodities and you don't specify a valid
;; exchange function then simply adding the accounts to the
;; html-acct-table object will crash, even if you never want
;; to display any values at all. This is bad. UPDATE: As a
;; short-term fix, I've made this parameter optional. If no
;; exchange-fn is given, you can at least add the accounts to
;; the html-acct-table object without crashing. Just don't
;; count on meaningful report-comm-{account|recursive}-bal
;; values (they'll also be #f).]
;; column-header: html-table-header-cell #f #t
;; the table column header cell (TH tag) with which to head
;; the columns containing the account tree. if supplied, the
;; header cell may contain style information. if #f, no
;; column header cell will be used. if #t, a default header
;; cell (reading "Account") will be used. the colspan of any
;; header cell will be automatically set appropriately. this
;; is for convenience only; gnc:html-acct-table does not use
;; this data.
;; account-label-mode: 'name 'anchor
;; tells whether to render account labels as hyperlinks or
;; text. stylesheets, really, should be able to remove
;; link markup.
;; parent-account-subtotal-mode: #t #f 'canonically-tabbed
;; indicates whether or not to add a line, recursively
;; subtotalling an account and its descendents, for any
;; account with children (non-leaf account). if #t or
;; #canonically-tabbed, a subtotal row will be created for
;; each non-leaf account. if #f, no non-leaf account
;; subtotal rows will be created. if 'canonically-tabbed,
;; account total entry labels will be placed at the position
;; specified by accounting texts (indented one column from
;; the accounts being totalled, two columns from where
;; gnc:html-acct-table would otherwise place them). the
;; default is #f.
;; zero-balance-mode: 'show-leaf-acct 'omit-leaf-acct
;; indicates what to do with accounts with zero balance. if
;; 'omit-leaf-acct, no account row will be generated for any
;; account having a balance of zero. otherwise, a row will be
;; generated for the account.
;; balance-mode: 'pre-adjusting 'pre-closing 'post-closing
;; indicates whether or not to ignore adjusting/closing
;; entries when computing account balances. 'pre-closing
;; ignores only closing entries. 'pre-adjusting also ignores
;; adjusting entries. 'post-closing counts all entries.
;; adjusting-pattern: alist of 'str 'cased 'regexp
;; a pattern alist, as accepted by
;; gnc:account-get-trans-type-balance-interval, matching
;; adjusting transactions to be ignored when balance-mode is
;; 'pre-adjusting.
;; closing-pattern: alist of 'str 'cased 'regexp
;; a pattern alist, as accepted by
;; gnc:account-get-trans-type-balance-interval, matching
;; closing transactions to be ignored when balance-mode is
;; 'pre-closing.
;; report-budget: budget
;; (optional) a budget used to ignore accounts with zero
;; budget or balance (if zb-balance-mode is set to omit).
;; account-type: unimplemented
;; account-class: unimplemented
;; row-thunk: unimplemented (for gnc:html-acct-table-render)
;; row-list: unimplemented (list of all the rows ever added)
;; The html-acct-table object lets you generate, store, and access the
;; following parameters:
;; account: Account
;; the account in the current row
;; account-parent: Account #f
;; the parent account of the current account, if one exists.
;; #f if the current account has no parent.
;; account-guid: guid
;; the guid of the account in the current row, as returned by
;; gncAccountGetGUID.
;; account-desc: string?
;; the account description of the account in the current row,
;; as returned by xaccAccountGetDescription.
;; account-notes: string?
;; the account notes of the account in the current row, as
;; returned by xaccAccountGetNotes.
;; account-path: string
;; the full name of the account in the current row. i.e., if
;; the name of the account is "Assets:Current Assets:Cash",
;; the value will be "Assets:Current Assets:Cash".
;; account-name: string
;; the "basename" of the account in the current row. i.e., if
;; the name of the account is "Assets:Current Assets:Cash",
;; the value will be "Cash".
;; account-code: string
;; the account of the account in the current row, as returned
;; by xaccAccountGetCode.
;; account-anchor: text(maybe?)
;; a link to the account in the current row
;; account-label: string
;; the text used to label the account in the current row. if
;; account-label-mode is 'name, this consists of account-name
;; prepended, if row-type is 'subtotal-row, by "Total ". if
;; account-label-mode is 'anchor, this consists of
;; account-anchor prepended, if row-type is 'subtotal-row, by
;; "Total ".
;; account-depth: integer
;; the depth at which the account in the current row resides
;; in the account tree. note that this may differ from
;; display-depth when depth-limit-behavior is 'flatten.
;; unlike in gnc:html-build-acct-table, the first level of
;; accounts is level 0.
;; logical-depth: integer
;; the depth at which the account in the current row resides
;; in the effective account tree. this is the depth the
;; account tree when ignoring unselected parent accounts.
;; note that this may differ from account-depth when a
;; selected account has an unselected ancestor.
;; display-depth: integer
;; the depth at which the account in the current row resides
;; in the display tree. note that this may differ from
;; account-depth when depth-limit-behavior is 'flatten.
;; unlike in gnc:html-build-acct-table, the first level of
;; accounts is level 0. this means that display-depth is also
;; the number of empty cells which should preced the account
;; name in the gnc:html-table being generated.
;; indented-depth: integer
;; the depth at which the account in the current row resides
;; in the indented display tree. also account-depth plus
;; indent. CAS: I think *display-depth* plus indent would
;; make more sense. Then it's like an absolute column index.
;; logical-cols: integer
;; the number of columns in which account labels were placed.
;; label-cols: integer
;; the number of columns in the group of account columns to
;; which a row was assigned. also one more than the maximum
;; column depth at which rows were positioned in the
;; table. this value may be different from logical-cols when
;; parent-account-subtotal-mode is 'canonically-tabbed.
;; account-cols: integer
;; the number of columns in the group of account columns. if
;; display-tree-depth is #f, this is the value of label-cols
;; plus any indent. if display-tree-depth is set, this is the
;; value of display-tree-depth, plus indent plus zero, if
;; parent-account-subotal-mode is not 'canonically-tabbed, or,
;; if parent-account-subtotal-mode is 'canonically-tabbed,
;; plus one. don't you just love english?
;; account-colspan: integer
;; the number of table columns which the account label of the
;; account in the current row should span in the
;; gnc:html-table being generated.
;; account-children: list of Accounts
;; a list of all children of the account in the current row.
;; account-bal: commodity-collector
;; the balance of the account in the current row, exclusive of
;; any balances in any subaccounts. this is for convenience.
;; recursive-bal: commodity-collector
;; the balance of the account in the current row, recursively
;; including all balances in any *selected* subaccounts. this
;; is for convenience.
;; CAS: I think these next two are wrong because they are really of
;; type gnc:monetary, not commodity-collectors.
;; report-comm-account-bal: commodity-collector
;; the balance of the account in the current row, exclusive of
;; any balances in any subaccounts, converted to
;; report-commodity using exchange-fn. this is for
;; convenience.
;; report-comm-recursive-bal: commodity-collector
;; the balance of the account in the current row, recursively
;; including all balances in any *selected* subaccounts,
;; converted to report-commodity using exchange-fn. this is
;; for convenience.
;; account-commodity: commodity
;; returns the default commodity of the account in the current
;; row, as returned by xaccAccountGetCommodity.
;; account-type: account_type
;; returns the type of the account in the current row
;; account-type-string: string
;; returns the type of the account in the current row as a
;; string
;; row-type: 'account-row 'subtotal-row
;; indicates the nature of the current row. 'account-row
;; indicates that the current row represents an account
;; balance. 'subtotal-row indicates that it represents a
;; subtotal.
;; DIFFERENCES FROM PARAMETERS USED BY gnc:html-build-acct-table
;; The show-subaccounts? option of gnc:html-build-acct-table, which
;; used to select an accounts recursively like the "-R" option to ls,
;; has been removed. I find it both confusing, as a user, and
;; obfuscating, as a programmer. Any accounts which are to be
;; included in the report may be selected in the Accounts options
;; widget. While, when selecting whole subtrees of accounts, this may
;; be tedious, this really is a GUI problem. The ideal solution would
;; be to give the Account selection widget a "recursively select"
;; option which selects (i.e., highlights) both the account selected and
;; all its subaccounts. Note that, as a worst-case workaround, the
;; user could always use the spacebar and arrow keys to select entire
;; subtrees rather rapidly. It order to make this shortcoming as
;; benign as possible, reports are advised to make the default account
;; selection that which is closest to what the report user is likely
;; to select. It is my hope that a recursive account selection widget
;; will soon be implemented.
;; The group-types? option of gnc:html-build-acct-table, which
;; would display accounts by account type and supply header and
;; total lines for each type (see source), has been removed.
;; It is easy enough to duplicate this functionality, report-side,
;; using the new gnc:html-acct-table object.
;; The start-percent and delta-percent options of
;; gnc:html-build-acct-table, which told the function to
;; gnc:report-percent-done start-percent to
;; (start-percent+start-delta) percent of the progress bar, has been
;; removed. Most of the report building is done while reading the
;; gnc:html-acct-table object, anyway, so this is not a great loss.
;; This functionality should, however, be included as the amount of
;; work required to build an gnc:html-acct-table object is
;; non-trivial. Being non-critical as it is, this is left as a future
;; project. Since much of the code for this has already been written
;; (in gnc:html-build-acct-table), when the time comes, this
;; functionality should not be difficult to add.
;; Internally, html-acct-table uses an html-table object to store
;; data. Since the html-acct-table object is arguably a more general
;; class than html-table, one might think that the html-table object
;; should be written to use an html-acct-table for data storage,
;; manipulation, and access. The html-table class, as it happens, was
;; written first, so the decision was made to use it rather than
;; redesign the horse around the carriage.
;; It may also be possible to have made html-acct-table a markup/style
;; sheet pair. To do this, the html-acct-table (which would
;; essentially be a markup object) would have to store thunks and call
;; them when rendering its contents to its parent html-doc. This
;; means that report code would be called during stylization, rather
;; than while building the report. Making html-acct-table a utility
;; object means that one can use it in a report generator in a
;; programmatic manner, keeping clear the separation between report
;; generation and stylization.
;; The first cell in each row of the html-table consist of an a-list
;; of row-parameters. These parameters are described in PARAMETERS
;; above. Any remaining cells in the row represent data set by the
;; user. This class simply maps its contents to the html-table.
(use-modules (srfi srfi-9))
;; this is to work around a bug in the HTML export sytmem
;; which causes COLSPAN= attributes not to be exported (!!)
(define gnc:colspans-are-working-right
;; should be deprecated
;; <html-acct-table> class
;; utility class for generating account tables
(define-record-type <html-acct-table>
(gnc:_make-html-acct-table_ matrix env)
(matrix gnc:_html-acct-table-matrix_ gnc:_html-acct-table-set-matrix!_)
(env gnc:_html-acct-table-env_ gnc:_html-acct-table-set-env!_))
(define (gnc:make-html-acct-table)
(gnc:_make-html-acct-table_ (gnc:make-html-table) #f))
(define (gnc:make-html-acct-table/env env)
(let ((acct-table (gnc:make-html-acct-table)))
(gnc:html-acct-table-set-env! acct-table env)
(define (gnc:make-html-acct-table/env/accts env accts)
(let ((acct-table (gnc:make-html-acct-table)))
;; the env must be set *before* the accounts... because the env
;; parameter end-date is required by
;; gnc:html-acct-table-add-accounts!.
(gnc:_html-acct-table-set-env!_ acct-table env)
(gnc:html-acct-table-add-accounts! acct-table accts)
;; some useful predicates to export
(define (gnc:account-code-less-p a b)
(string<? (xaccAccountGetCode a)
(xaccAccountGetCode b)))
(define (gnc:account-name-less-p a b)
(string<? (xaccAccountGetName a)
(xaccAccountGetName b)))
(define (gnc:account-path-less-p a b)
(string<? (gnc-account-get-full-name a)
(gnc-account-get-full-name b)))
(define (gnc:html-acct-table-add-accounts! acct-table accounts)
;; This is where most of the html-acct-table functionality ends up....
;; This function traverses the (current) account tree, adding
;; information about the selected accounts to acct-table.
;; helper for fetching values from the key/val environment alist
(define (get-val alist key)
(let ((lst (assoc-ref alist key)))
(if lst (car lst) lst)))
;; helper to plop <env> in the next available env cell
(define (add-row env)
(let* ((html-table (gnc:_html-acct-table-matrix_ acct-table))
(row (gnc:html-table-num-rows html-table)))
;; Add more stuff to an existing row
(define (append-to-row row env)
(gnc:html-acct-table-set-row-env! acct-table row
(append (gnc:html-acct-table-get-row-env acct-table row) env)))
(let* ((env (gnc:_html-acct-table-env_ acct-table))
;; establish all input parameters and their defaults
(depth-limit (let ((lim (get-val env 'display-tree-depth)))
(if (or (equal? lim 'unlimited)
(equal? lim 'all))
#f ;; BUG? other code expects integer here
(limit-behavior (or (get-val env 'depth-limit-behavior) 'summarize))
(indent (or (get-val env 'initial-indent) 0))
(less-p (let ((pred (get-val env 'account-less-p)))
(if (equal? pred #t) gnc:account-code-less-p pred)))
(start-date (get-val env 'start-date))
(end-date (or (get-val env 'end-date)
(report-commodity (or (get-val env 'report-commodity)
;; BUG: other code expects a real function here, maybe
;; someone was thinking price-source?
(exchange-fn (or (get-val env 'exchange-fn)
(get-balance-fn (or (get-val env 'get-balance-fn) #f))
(column-header (let ((cell (get-val env 'column-header)))
(if (equal? cell #t)
(gnc:make-html-table-cell "Account name")
(subtotal-mode (get-val env 'parent-account-subtotal-mode))
(zero-mode (let ((mode (get-val env 'zero-balance-mode)))
(or (if (equal? mode #t) 'show-leaf-acct mode)
(label-mode (or (get-val env 'account-label-mode) 'anchor))
(balance-mode (or (get-val env 'balance-mode) 'post-closing))
(closing-pattern (or (get-val env 'closing-pattern)
(list 'str (_ "Closing Entries"))
(list 'cased #f)
(list 'regexp #f)
(list 'closing #t)
(adjusting-pattern (or (get-val env 'adjusting-pattern)
(list 'str (_ "Adjusting Entries"))
(list 'cased #f)
(list 'regexp #f)
(report-budget (or (get-val env 'report-budget) #f))
;; local variables
(gnc-account-get-children-sorted (gnc-get-current-root-account)))
(acct-depth-reached 0)
(logi-depth-reached (if depth-limit (- depth-limit 1) 0))
(disp-depth-reached 0)
;; the following function was adapted from html-utilities.scm
;; helper to calculate the balances for all required accounts
(define (calculate-balances accts start-date end-date get-balance-fn)
(define (calculate-balances-helper accts start-date end-date acct-balances)
(if (not (null? accts))
;; using the existing function that cares about balance-mode
;; maybe this should get replaces at some point.
(hash-set! acct-balances (gncAccountGetGUID (car accts))
(get-balance-fn (car accts) start-date end-date))
(calculate-balances-helper (cdr accts) start-date end-date acct-balances)
(define (calculate-balances-simple accts start-date end-date hash-table)
(define (merge-splits splits subtract?)
(lambda (split)
(let* ((acct (xaccSplitGetAccount split))
(guid (gncAccountGetGUID acct))
(acct-comm (xaccAccountGetCommodity acct))
(shares (xaccSplitGetAmount split))
(hash (hash-ref hash-table guid)))
(if (not hash)
(begin (set! hash (gnc:make-commodity-collector))
(hash-set! hash-table guid hash)))
(hash 'add acct-comm (if subtract?
(gnc-numeric-neg shares)
;; If you pass a null account list to gnc:account-get-trans-type-splits-interval
;; it returns splits from all accounts rather than from no accounts. This is
;; probably a bug but we'll work around it for now.
(if (not (null? accts))
(merge-splits (gnc:account-get-trans-type-splits-interval
accts #f start-date end-date)
((equal? balance-mode 'post-closing) #t)
((equal? balance-mode 'pre-closing)
(merge-splits (gnc:account-get-trans-type-splits-interval
accts closing-pattern start-date end-date)
((equal? balance-mode 'pre-adjusting)
(merge-splits (gnc:account-get-trans-type-splits-interval
accts closing-pattern start-date end-date)
(merge-splits (gnc:account-get-trans-type-splits-interval
accts adjusting-pattern start-date end-date)
(else (begin (display "you fail it")
(if get-balance-fn
(calculate-balances-helper accts start-date end-date
(make-hash-table 23))
(calculate-balances-simple accts start-date end-date
(make-hash-table 23))
(define (traverse-accounts! accts acct-depth logi-depth new-balances)
(define (use-acct? acct)
;; BUG? when depth-limit is not integer but boolean?
(and (or (equal? limit-behavior 'flatten) (< logi-depth depth-limit))
(member acct accounts)
;; helper function to return a cached balance from a list of
;; ( acct . balance ) cells
(define (get-balance acct-balances acct)
(let ((this-collector (gnc:make-commodity-collector)))
(or (hash-ref acct-balances (gncAccountGetGUID acct))
;; return a zero commodity collector
;; helper function that returns a cached balance from a list of
;; ( acct . balance ) cells for the given account *and* its
;; sub-accounts.
(define (get-balance-sub acct-balances account)
;; its important to make a *new* collector for this, otherwise we're dealing with
;; pointers to the current collectors in our acct-balances hash and that's a
;; problem -- the balances get changed.
(let ((this-collector (gnc:make-commodity-collector)))
;; get the balance of the parent account and stick it on the collector
;; that nice shiny *NEW* collector!!
(this-collector 'merge (get-balance acct-balances account) #f)
(lambda (x) (if x (this-collector 'merge x #f)))
(lambda (a)
(get-balance acct-balances a ))
(let ((disp-depth
(if (integer? depth-limit)
(min (- depth-limit 1) logi-depth)
(row-added? #f)
(lambda (acct)
(let* ((subaccts (gnc-account-get-children-sorted acct))
;; assign output parameters
(account acct)
(account-name (xaccAccountGetName acct))
(account-code (xaccAccountGetCode acct))
(account-path (gnc-account-get-full-name acct))
(account-anchor (gnc:html-account-anchor acct))
(account-parent (gnc-account-get-parent acct))
(account-children subaccts)
(account-depth acct-depth)
(logical-depth logi-depth)
(account-commodity (xaccAccountGetCommodity acct))
(account-type (xaccAccountGetType acct))
;; N.B.: xaccAccountGetTypeStr really should be
;; called gnc:account-type-get-string
(account-type-string (xaccAccountGetTypeStr
(xaccAccountGetType acct)))
(account-guid (gncAccountGetGUID acct))
(account-description (xaccAccountGetDescription acct))
(account-notes (xaccAccountGetNotes acct))
;; These next two are commodity-collectors.
(account-bal (get-balance
new-balances acct))
(recursive-bal (get-balance-sub
new-balances acct))
;; These next two are of type <gnc:monetary>, right?
account-bal report-commodity exchange-fn))
recursive-bal report-commodity exchange-fn))
(append env
(list 'initial-indent indent)
(list 'account account)
(list 'account-name account-name)
(list 'account-code account-code)
(list 'account-type account-type)
(list 'account-type-string account-type-string)
(list 'account-guid account-guid)
(list 'account-description account-description)
(list 'account-notes account-notes)
(list 'account-path account-path)
(list 'account-parent account-parent)
(list 'account-children account-children)
(list 'account-depth account-depth)
(list 'logical-depth logical-depth)
(list 'account-commodity account-commodity)
(list 'account-anchor account-anchor)
(list 'account-bal account-bal)
(list 'recursive-bal recursive-bal)
(list 'report-comm-account-bal
(list 'report-comm-recursive-bal
(list 'report-commodity report-commodity)
(list 'exchange-fn exchange-fn)
(row-env #f)
(label (or (and (equal? label-mode 'anchor)
(and (equal? label-mode 'name)
(gnc:make-html-text account-name))
(row #f)
(children-displayed? #f)
(set! acct-depth-reached (max acct-depth-reached acct-depth))
(set! logi-depth-reached (max logi-depth-reached logi-depth))
(set! disp-depth-reached (max disp-depth-reached disp-depth))
(or (not (use-acct? acct))
;; ok, so we'll consider parent accounts with zero
;; recursive-bal to be zero balance leaf accounts
(and (gnc-commodity-collector-allzero? recursive-bal)
(or (not report-budget)
report-budget account #f #f)))
(equal? zero-mode 'omit-leaf-acct))
(set! row-env
(append grp-env
(list 'account-label label)
(list 'row-type 'account-row)
(list 'display-depth disp-depth)
(list 'indented-depth
(+ disp-depth indent))
(set! row (add-row row-env))
;; Recurse:
;; Dive into an account even if it isn't selected!
;; why? because some subaccts may be selected.
(set! children-displayed?
(traverse-accounts! subaccts
(+ acct-depth 1)
(if (use-acct? acct)
(+ logi-depth 1)
;; record whether any children were displayed
(if row (append-to-row row (list (list 'children-displayed? children-displayed?))))
;; after the return from recursion: subtotals
(or (not (use-acct? acct))
(not subtotal-mode)
;; ditto that remark concerning zero recursive-bal...
(and (gnc-commodity-collector-allzero? recursive-bal)
(equal? zero-mode 'omit-leaf-acct))
;; ignore use-acct for subtotals...?
;; (not (use-acct? acct))
(not children-displayed?)
(let* ((lbl-txt (gnc:make-html-text (_ "Total") " ")))
(apply gnc:html-text-append! lbl-txt
(gnc:html-text-body label))
(if (equal? subtotal-mode 'canonically-tabbed)
(set! disp-depth (+ disp-depth 1))
(set! disp-depth-reached
(max disp-depth-reached disp-depth))
(set! row-env
(append grp-env
(list 'account-label lbl-txt)
(list 'row-type 'subtotal-row)
(list 'display-depth disp-depth)
(list 'indented-depth
(+ disp-depth indent))
(add-row row-env)
(if (or row-added? children-displayed? row) (set! row-added? #t))
)) ;; end of (lambda (acct) ...)
;; lambda is applied to each item in the (sorted) account list
(if less-p
(sort accts less-p)
) ;; end of for-each
) ;; end of definition of traverse-accounts!
;; do it
(traverse-accounts! toplvl-accts 0 0
(calculate-balances accounts start-date end-date get-balance-fn))
;; now set the account-colspan entries
;; he he... (let ((x 0)) (while (< x 5) (display x) (set! x (+ x 1))))
;; now I know how to loop in scheme... yay!
(let ((row 0)
(rows (gnc:html-acct-table-num-rows acct-table)))
(while (< row rows)
(let* ((orig-env
(gnc:html-acct-table-get-row-env acct-table row))
(display-depth (get-val orig-env 'display-depth))
(depth-limit (get-val orig-env 'display-tree-depth))
(indent (get-val orig-env 'initial-indent))
(indented-depth (get-val orig-env 'indented-depth))
(get-val orig-env 'parent-account-subtotal-mode))
(label-cols (+ disp-depth-reached 1))
(logical-cols (if depth-limit
(+ logi-depth-reached 1)
;; BUG? when depth-limit is not integer?
(+ logi-depth-reached 1)))
(colspan (- label-cols display-depth))
;; these parameters *should* always, by now, be set...
(list 'account-colspan colspan)
(list 'label-cols label-cols)
(list 'logical-cols logical-cols)
(list 'account-cols
(+ indent
(max label-cols
(if depth-limit depth-limit 0)
(gnc:html-acct-table-set-row-env! acct-table row new-env)
(set! row (+ row 1))))
;; done
(define (gnc:html-acct-table-num-rows acct-table)
(gnc:html-table-num-rows (gnc:_html-acct-table-matrix_ acct-table)))
(define (gnc:html-acct-table-num-cols acct-table)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:html-acct-table-num-cols is unused.")
(- (gnc:html-table-num-columns (gnc:_html-acct-table-matrix_ acct-table)) 1))
(define (gnc:html-acct-table-get-cell acct-table row col)
;; we'll only ever store one object in an html-table-cell
;; returns the first object stored in that cell
(let* ((cell (gnc:html-table-get-cell
(gnc:_html-acct-table-matrix_ acct-table)
row (+ col 1))))
(and cell (car (gnc:html-table-cell-data cell)))
(define (gnc:html-acct-table-set-cell! acct-table row col obj)
(gnc:_html-acct-table-matrix_ acct-table)
row (+ col 1)
(define (gnc:html-acct-table-get-row-env acct-table row)
(gnc:html-acct-table-get-cell acct-table row -1)
(define (gnc:html-acct-table-set-row-env! acct-table row env)
(gnc:html-acct-table-set-cell! acct-table row -1 env))
(define (gnc:html-acct-table-append-row! acct-table newrow)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:html-acct-table-append-row! is unused.")
(gnc:_html-acct-table-matrix_ acct-table)
(lambda (x) (gnc:make-html-table-cell (list x)))
(define (gnc:html-acct-table-prepend-row! acct-table newrow)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:html-acct-table-prepend-row! is unused.")
(gnc:_html-acct-table-matrix_ acct-table)
(lambda (x) (gnc:make-html-table-cell (list x)))
(define (gnc:html-acct-table-append-col! acct-table newcol)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:html-acct-table-append-col! is unused.")
(gnc:_html-acct-table-matrix_ acct-table)
(lambda (x) (gnc:make-html-table-cell (list x)))
(define (gnc:html-acct-table-prepend-col! acct-table newrow)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:html-acct-table-prepend-col! is unused.")
(gnc:_html-acct-table-matrix_ acct-table)
(lambda (x) (gnc:make-html-table-cell (list x)))
(define (gnc:html-acct-table-remove-last-row! acct-table)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:html-acct-table-remove-last-row! is unused.")
(gnc:html-table-remove-last-row! (gnc:_html-acct-table-matrix_ acct-table)))
(define (gnc:html-acct-table-render acct-table doc)
;; this will be used if we ever decide to let the utility object
;; render a document by calling thunks registered in the row-envs...
;; but, for now, this (optional) feature is left unimplemented...
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:html-acct-table-render is unused.")
;; Here are some standard functions to help process gnc:html-acct-tables.
(define (gnc:html-make-nbsps n)
(let lp ((n n) (res '()))
(if (positive? n)
(lp (1- n) (cons "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" res))
(string-join res ""))))
;; Stylesheets define the following cell styles which these functions
;; use: "text-cell" "total-label-cell" "number-cell"
;; "total-number-cell". Row styles include "normal-row",
;; "alternate-row", "primary-subheading", "secondary-subheading", and
;; "grand-total".
;; There really should also be a "first-number-cell"
;; and "last-number-cell" to put currency symbols and underlines,
;; respectively, on the numbers.
;; Note: arguably, this procedure belongs in html-table.scm instead of here.
(define (gnc:html-table-add-labeled-amount-line!
;; function to add a label and/or amount (which we'll call a "line")
;; to the end of a gnc:html-table. all depths are zero-indexed.
table-width ;; if #f defaults to (amount-depth + amount-colspan)
row-markup ;; optional
total-rule? ;; Place an <hr> in the cell previous to label?
label ;; the actual label text
label-depth ;; defaults to zero
label-colspan ;; defaults to one
label-markup ;; optional
amount ;; a <gnc:monetary> or #f
amount-depth ;; defaults to (label-depth + label-colspan)
amount-colspan ;; defaults to one
amount-markup) ;; optional
(let* ((lbl-depth (or label-depth 0))
(lbl-colspan 1)
(amt-depth (or amount-depth (+ lbl-depth lbl-colspan)))
(amt-colspan 1)
(tbl-width (or table-width (+ amt-depth amt-colspan)))
(if label-markup ;; the actual label
1 1 label-markup (gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-make-nbsps lbl-depth)) label)
1 1 (gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-make-nbsps lbl-depth)) label))
(gnc:html-make-empty-cells ;; padding after label
(+ (- amt-depth (floor (/ tbl-width 2)))
(if total-rule? -1 0)
(if total-rule? ;; include <hr>?
(list (gnc:make-html-table-cell
(gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-hr))))
(if amount-markup ;; the amount
1 amt-colspan amount-markup amount)
1 amt-colspan amount))
(gnc:html-make-empty-cells ;; padding out to full width
(- tbl-width (+ amt-depth amt-colspan)))
) ;; end of row
(if row-markup
(gnc:html-table-append-row/markup! html-table row-markup row)
(gnc:html-table-append-row! html-table row))))
(define (gnc-commodity-table amount report-commodity exchange-fn)
;; this creates a small two-column table listing each commodity
;; balance and its respective report balance. note that this
;; shows report-commodity amounts twice: first as a commodity
;; and second in the report commodity. though this may arguably
;; be a bit redundant, i beleive that it makes the report more
;; readable.
(let* ((table (gnc:make-html-table))
(spacer (gnc:make-html-table-cell))
(list-of-balances (amount 'format gnc:make-gnc-monetary #f)))
(gnc:html-table-cell-set-style! spacer "td"
'attribute (list "style" "min-width: 1em"))
(lambda (bal)
table (list (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "number-cell" bal)
"number-cell" (exchange-fn bal report-commodity)))))
(gnc:html-table-set-style! table "table"
'attribute (list "style" "width:100%; max-width:20em")
'attribute (list "cellpadding" "0"))
;; This function adds all the lines from a gnc:html-acct-table to a
;; gnc:html-table in "labeled amount" form. IOW, it uses
;; gnc:html-table-add-labeled-amount-line!
;; The returned gnc:html-table is similar to what
;; gnc:html-build-acct-table used to (and still should) produce.
;; this function accepts the following additional parameters:
;; parent-account-balance-mode: 'immediate-bal 'recursive-bal ['omit-bal/#f]
;; zero-balance-display-mode: ['show-balance] 'omit-balance
;; multicommodity-mode: [#f] 'table/#t
;; rule-mode: #t [#f] (not meant to affect subtotal rules)
(define (gnc:html-table-add-account-balances
html-table ;; can be #f to create a new table
(let* ((num-rows (gnc:html-acct-table-num-rows acct-table))
(rownum 0)
(html-table (or html-table (gnc:make-html-table)))
(get-val (lambda (alist key)
(let ((lst (assoc-ref alist key)))
(if lst (car lst) lst))))
(while (< rownum num-rows)
(let* ((env (append
(gnc:html-acct-table-get-row-env acct-table rownum)
(acct (get-val env 'account))
(children (get-val env 'account-children))
(children-displayed? (get-val env 'children-displayed?))
(label (get-val env 'account-label))
(acct-name (get-val env 'account-name)) ;; for diagnostics...
(report-commodity (get-val env 'report-commodity))
(exchange-fn (get-val env 'exchange-fn))
(account-cols (get-val env 'account-cols))
(logical-cols (get-val env 'logical-cols))
(label-cols (get-val env 'label-cols))
(logical-depth (get-val env 'logical-depth))
(display-depth (get-val env 'display-depth))
(display-tree-depth (get-val env 'display-tree-depth))
(subtotal-mode (get-val env 'subtotal-mode))
(row-type (get-val env 'row-type))
(rule-mode (and (equal? row-type 'subtotal-row)
(get-val env 'rule-mode)))
(row-markup (and (equal? row-type 'subtotal-row)
(multicommodity-mode (get-val env 'multicommodity-mode))
(or (get-val env 'depth-limit-behavior)
(or (get-val env 'parent-account-balance-mode)
;; figure out how to calculate our balance:
;; 'immediate-bal|'recursive-bal ('omit-bal handled below)
(or (and (equal? row-type 'subtotal-row) 'recursive-bal)
(and (equal? (+ display-depth 1) display-tree-depth)
(or (and (equal? limit-behavior 'summarize)
(and (null? children) 'immediate-bal)
;; otherwise, parent account at depth limit,
;; with either 'truncate or 'flatten...
(if (null? children) #f parent-acct-bal-mode)
;; this will be the immediate/recursive commodity
;; balance (a commodity collector) or #f.
(get-val env (assq-ref '((immediate-bal . account-bal)
(recursive-bal . recursive-bal)
(omit-bal . #f))
(zero-mode (let ((mode
env 'zero-balance-display-mode)))
(or (if (equal? mode #t) 'show-balance mode)
(reverse-balance (gnc-reverse-balance acct))
(lambda (amt)
(gnc:uniform-commodity? amt report-commodity)))
;; amount is either a <gnc:monetary> or #f
(amount (and comm-amt
(if (and (equal? zero-mode 'omit-balance)
;; else:
;; this let* block evals to a <gnc:monetary>
((amt (gnc:make-commodity-collector)))
(if reverse-balance
(amt 'minusmerge comm-amt #f)
(set! amt comm-amt))
(or (and (native-comm? amt)
((if (and (equal?
multicommodity-mode 'table)
row-type 'account-row)
) ;; factored from below
; (if (and (equal?
; multicommodity-mode 'table)
; (equal?
; row-type 'account-row)
; )
; (gnc-commodity-table
; amt
; report-commodity
; exchange-fn)
; (gnc:sum-collector-commodity
; amt
; report-commodity
; exchange-fn)
; )
) ;; end of let*
) ;; end of if
(indented-depth (get-val env 'indented-depth))
(account-colspan (get-val env 'account-colspan))
;; for each row do:
(+ account-cols logical-cols) ;; table-width
row-markup ;; row-markup
account-colspan ;; label-colspan
"anchor-cell" ;; label-markup
(+ account-cols (- 0 1)
(- logical-cols display-depth)
;; account for 'immediate-bal parents displaying children
;; NOTE: before you go mucking with this, BE ABSOLUTELY
;; SURE you know what you're doing... i spent A LOT of
;; time trying to make sure this is right. i know, in
;; some reports, the output might look incorrect. but,
;; if you think long and hard about it, i think you'll
;; find the current treatment correct... i think. -DM-
(- 0 (if (if (not children-displayed?)
(equal? bal-method 'immediate-bal))
1 0)
(if (equal? subtotal-mode 'canonically-tabbed) 1 0)
) ;; amount-depth
1 ;; amount-colspan
"number-cell" ;; amount-markup
(set! rownum (+ rownum 1)) ;; increment rownum
) ;; end of while
(define (gnc:second-html-build-acct-table
start-date end-date
tree-depth show-subaccts? accounts
start-percent delta-percent
show-total? get-total-fn
total-name group-types? show-parent-balance? show-parent-total?
show-other-curr? report-commodity exchange-fn show-zero-entries?)
;; of these options: start-percent/delta-percent, the balance column
;; header, show-total?/get-total-fn/total-name, and group-types? are
;; presently unimplemented. many of these functions are better left
;; to the renderer, anyway. but if you *really* need them, you may
;; still use gnc:first-html-build-acct-table.
"gnc:second-html-build-acct-table is unused. use gnc:html-build-acct-table.")
(let* ((env (list
(list 'start-date start-date)
(list 'end-date end-date)
(list 'display-tree-depth tree-depth)
;;(list 'progress-start-percent start-percent)
;;(list 'progress-length-percent delta-percent)
(list 'column-header show-col-headers?)
(list 'parent-account-subtotal-mode show-parent-total?)
(list 'report-commodity report-commodity)
(list 'exchange-fn exchange-fn)
(list 'zero-balance-display-mode
(if show-zero-entries?
(html-table (gnc:make-html-table))
(acct-table (gnc:make-html-acct-table/env/accts env accounts))
(params (list
(list 'parent-account-balance-mode
(if show-parent-balance? 'immediate-bal))
(gnc:html-table-add-account-balances html-table acct-table params)
;; END