Richard Cohen 1cec0cb3f3 Use internal extern "C" { ... } for C++
- removes warnings compiling swig engine
[ 10%] Generating swig-engine.cpp
.../libgnucash/engine/engine-helpers.h:31: Warning 313: Unrecognized extern type "C++".
.../libgnucash/engine/gnc-date.h:83: Warning 313: Unrecognized extern type "C++".
.../libgnucash/engine/qofquery.h:90: Warning 302: Identifier 'QofQuery' redefined (ignored),
.../libgnucash/engine/gnc-option.hpp:55: Warning 302: previous definition of 'QofQuery'.
.../libgnucash/engine/gnc-commodity.h:56: Warning 313: Unrecognized extern type "C++".
.../libgnucash/engine/gncBusiness.h:40: Warning 313: Unrecognized extern type "C++".
.../libgnucash/engine/gncEntry.h:37: Warning 313: Unrecognized extern type "C++".
2023-01-23 18:40:01 +00:00

1082 lines
40 KiB

* gnc-option-impl.hpp -- Application options system *
* Copyright (C) 2019 John Ralls <> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as *
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*
* along with this program; if not, contact: *
* *
* Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652 *
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA *
* *
/** @addtogroup Engine
@{ */
/** @addtogroup Options
@{ */
/** @file gnc-option-impl.hpp
@brief Implementation templates and specializtions for GncOption values.
Objecte created by these templates are wrapped by the GncOption variant.
@author Copyright 2019-2021 John Ralls <>
#include "gnc-option.hpp"
#include <config.h>
#include "qof.h"
#include "Account.h"
#include "gnc-budget.h"
#include "gnc-commodity.h"
#include "gnc-datetime.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <exception>
#include <functional>
#include <variant>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include "gnc-option-uitype.hpp"
#ifndef SWIG
size_t constexpr classifier_size_max{50};
size_t constexpr sort_tag_size_max{10};
/** @struct OptionClassifier
* This class is the parent of all option implmentations. It contains the
* elements that the optiondb uses to retrieve option values and that the
* options dialog determines on which tab to place the option, in what order,
* and what string to display as a tooltip.
struct OptionClassifier
std::string m_section;
std::string m_name;
std::string m_sort_tag;
// std::type_info m_kvp_type;
std::string m_doc_string;
#ifndef SWIG
auto constexpr uint16_t_max = std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max();
/** @class GncOptionValue
* The generic option-value class. Most option types can use this template.
template <typename ValueType>
class GncOptionValue : public OptionClassifier
GncOptionValue<ValueType>(const char* section, const char* name,
const char* key, const char* doc_string,
ValueType value,
GncOptionUIType ui_type = GncOptionUIType::INTERNAL) :
OptionClassifier{section, name, key, doc_string},
m_ui_type(ui_type), m_value{value}, m_default_value{value} { }
GncOptionValue<ValueType>(const GncOptionValue<ValueType>& from) :
OptionClassifier{from.m_section, from.m_name, from.m_sort_tag,
m_ui_type(from.get_ui_type()), m_value{from.get_value()},
GncOptionValue<ValueType>(GncOptionValue<ValueType>&&) = default;
GncOptionValue<ValueType>& operator=(const GncOptionValue<ValueType>&) = default;
GncOptionValue<ValueType>& operator=(GncOptionValue<ValueType>&&) = default;
~GncOptionValue<ValueType>() = default;
ValueType get_value() const { return m_value; }
ValueType get_default_value() const { return m_default_value; }
void set_value(ValueType new_value);
void set_default_value(ValueType new_value);
void reset_default_value();
bool is_changed() const noexcept { return m_value != m_default_value; }
GncOptionUIType get_ui_type() const noexcept { return m_ui_type; }
void make_internal() { m_ui_type = GncOptionUIType::INTERNAL; }
bool is_internal() { return m_ui_type == GncOptionUIType::INTERNAL; }
std::string serialize() const noexcept;
bool deserialize(const std::string& str) noexcept;
GncOptionUIType m_ui_type;
ValueType m_value;
ValueType m_default_value;
using GncItem = std::pair<QofIdTypeConst, GncGUID>;
class GncOptionQofInstanceValue: public OptionClassifier {
const char* section, const char* name,
const char* key, const char* doc_string,
const QofInstance* value,
GncOptionUIType ui_type = GncOptionUIType::INTERNAL);
GncOptionQofInstanceValue(const GncOptionQofInstanceValue& from);
GncOptionQofInstanceValue(GncOptionQofInstanceValue&&) = default;
GncOptionQofInstanceValue& operator=(GncOptionQofInstanceValue&&) = default;
~GncOptionQofInstanceValue() = default;
const QofInstance* get_value() const;
const QofInstance* get_default_value() const;
GncItem get_item() const { return m_value; }
GncItem get_default_item() const { return m_default_value; }
void set_value(const QofInstance* new_value);
void set_default_value(const QofInstance* new_value);
void reset_default_value();
bool is_changed() const noexcept;
GncOptionUIType get_ui_type() const noexcept { return m_ui_type; }
void make_internal() { m_ui_type = GncOptionUIType::INTERNAL; }
bool is_internal() { return m_ui_type == GncOptionUIType::INTERNAL; }
std::string serialize() const noexcept;
bool deserialize(const std::string& str) noexcept;
GncOptionUIType m_ui_type;
GncItem m_value;
GncItem m_default_value;
/** class GncOptionCommodityValue
* Commodities are stored with their namespace and mnemonic instead of their gncGIUD
* so that they can be correctly retrieved even if they're deleted and recreated.
* Additionally if GncOptionCommodityValue is created with GncOptionUIType::CURRENCY
* it will throw std::invalid_argument if one attempts to set a value that isn't a
* currency.
class GncOptionCommodityValue : public OptionClassifier
GncOptionCommodityValue() = delete;
GncOptionCommodityValue(const char* section, const char* name,
const char* key, const char* doc_string,
gnc_commodity* value,
GncOptionUIType ui_type = GncOptionUIType::COMMODITY) :
OptionClassifier{section, name, key, doc_string},
m_ui_type{ui_type}, m_is_currency{ui_type == GncOptionUIType::CURRENCY},
if (!validate(value))
throw std::invalid_argument("Attempt to create GncOptionCommodityValue with currency UIType and non-currency value.");
GncOptionCommodityValue(const GncOptionCommodityValue&) = default;
GncOptionCommodityValue(GncOptionCommodityValue&&) = default;
GncOptionCommodityValue& operator=(const GncOptionCommodityValue&) = default;
GncOptionCommodityValue& operator=(GncOptionCommodityValue&&) = default;
gnc_commodity* get_value() const;
gnc_commodity* get_default_value() const;
bool validate(gnc_commodity*) const noexcept;
void set_value(gnc_commodity* value);
void set_default_value(gnc_commodity* value);
void reset_default_value();
bool is_changed() const noexcept;
GncOptionUIType get_ui_type() const noexcept { return m_ui_type; }
void make_internal() { m_ui_type = GncOptionUIType::INTERNAL; }
bool is_internal() { return m_ui_type == GncOptionUIType::INTERNAL; }
std::string serialize() const noexcept;
bool deserialize(const std::string& str) noexcept;
GncOptionUIType m_ui_type;
bool m_is_currency;
std::string m_namespace;
std::string m_mnemonic;
std::string m_default_namespace;
std::string m_default_mnemonic;
QofInstance* qof_instance_from_string(const std::string& str,
GncOptionUIType type);
QofInstance* qof_instance_from_guid(GncGUID*, GncOptionUIType type);
std::string qof_instance_to_string(const QofInstance* inst);
template <typename T>
struct is_QofInstanceValue
static constexpr bool value =
std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<T>, GncOptionQofInstanceValue>;
template <typename T> inline constexpr bool
is_QofInstanceValue_v = is_QofInstanceValue<T>::value;
template <typename T>
struct is_QofQueryValue
static constexpr bool value =
std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<T>, GncOptionValue<const QofQuery*>>;
template <typename T> inline constexpr bool
is_QofQueryValue_v = is_QofQueryValue<T>::value;
/* These will work when m_value is a built-in class; GnuCash class and container
* values will need specialization unless they happen to define operators << and
* >>.
* Note that SWIG 3.0.12 chokes on elaborate enable_if so just hide the
* following templates from SWIG. (Ignoring doesn't work because SWIG still has
* to parse the templates to figure out the symbols.
#ifndef SWIG
template<class OptType,
typename std::enable_if_t<is_OptionClassifier_v<OptType> &&
! (is_QofInstanceValue_v<OptType> ||
is_RangeValue_v<OptType>), int> = 0>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& oss, const OptType& opt)
oss << opt.get_value();
return oss;
template<> inline std::ostream&
operator<< <GncOptionValue<bool>>(std::ostream& oss,
const GncOptionValue<bool>& opt)
oss << (opt.get_value() ? "#t" : "#f");
return oss;
inline std::ostream&
operator<< (std::ostream& oss, const GncOptionCommodityValue& opt)
oss << opt.serialize();
return oss;
template<class OptType,
typename std::enable_if_t<is_QofInstanceValue_v<OptType>, int> = 0>
inline std::ostream&
operator<< (std::ostream& oss, const OptType& opt)
auto value = opt.get_value();
oss << qof_instance_to_string(value);
return oss;
template<class OptType,
typename std::enable_if_t<is_OptionClassifier_v<OptType> &&
!(is_QofInstanceValue_v<OptType> ||
is_RangeValue_v<OptType>), int> = 0>
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& iss, OptType& opt)
std::decay_t<decltype(opt.get_value())> value;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<decltype(opt.get_value())>, const _gncOwner*> ||
std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<decltype(opt.get_value())>, const _QofQuery*>)
return iss;
iss >> value;
return iss;
std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& iss, GncOptionCommodityValue& opt);
template<class OptType,
typename std::enable_if_t<is_QofInstanceValue_v<OptType>, int> = 0>
operator>> (std::istream& iss, OptType& opt)
std::string instr;
iss >> instr;
opt.set_value(qof_instance_from_string(instr, opt.get_ui_type()));
return iss;
template<> inline std::istream&
operator>> <GncOptionValue<bool>>(std::istream& iss,
GncOptionValue<bool>& opt)
std::string instr;
iss >> instr;
opt.set_value(instr == "#t" ? true : false);
return iss;
template<> inline std::istream&
operator>> <GncOptionValue<GncOptionReportPlacementVec>>(std::istream& iss,
GncOptionValue<GncOptionReportPlacementVec>& opt)
uint32_t id, wide, high;
iss >> id >> wide >> high;
opt.set_value(GncOptionReportPlacementVec{{id, wide, high}});
return iss;
#endif // SWIG
/** @class GncOptionRangeValue
* Used for numeric ranges and plot sizes.
template <typename ValueType>
class GncOptionRangeValue : public OptionClassifier
GncOptionRangeValue<ValueType>(const char* section, const char* name,
const char* key, const char* doc_string,
ValueType value, ValueType min,
ValueType max, ValueType step) :
OptionClassifier{section, name, key, doc_string},
m_value{value >= min && value <= max ? value : min},
m_default_value{value >= min && value <= max ? value : min},
m_min{min}, m_max{max}, m_step{step} {
if constexpr(is_same_decayed_v<ValueType, int>)
GncOptionRangeValue<ValueType>(const GncOptionRangeValue<ValueType>&) = default;
GncOptionRangeValue<ValueType>(GncOptionRangeValue<ValueType>&&) = default;
GncOptionRangeValue<ValueType>& operator=(const GncOptionRangeValue<ValueType>&) = default;
GncOptionRangeValue<ValueType>& operator=(GncOptionRangeValue<ValueType>&&) = default;
ValueType get_value() const { return m_value; }
ValueType get_default_value() const { return m_default_value; }
bool validate(ValueType value) { return value >= m_min && value <= m_max; }
void set_value(ValueType value)
if (this->validate(value))
m_value = value;
throw std::invalid_argument("Validation failed, value not set.");
void set_default_value(ValueType value)
if (this->validate(value))
m_value = m_default_value = value;
throw std::invalid_argument("Validation failed, value not set.");
void get_limits(ValueType& upper, ValueType& lower, ValueType& step) const noexcept
upper = m_max;
lower = m_min;
step = m_step;
void reset_default_value() { m_value = m_default_value; }
bool is_changed() const noexcept { return m_value != m_default_value; }
GncOptionUIType get_ui_type() const noexcept { return m_ui_type; }
void make_internal() { m_ui_type = GncOptionUIType::INTERNAL; }
bool is_internal() { return m_ui_type == GncOptionUIType::INTERNAL; }
bool is_alternate() const noexcept { return m_alternate; }
void set_alternate(bool value) noexcept { m_alternate = value; }
std::string serialize() const noexcept;
bool deserialize(const std::string& str) noexcept;
GncOptionUIType m_ui_type = GncOptionUIType::NUMBER_RANGE;
ValueType m_value;
ValueType m_default_value;
ValueType m_min;
ValueType m_max;
ValueType m_step;
bool m_alternate = false;
template<class OptType,
typename std::enable_if_t<is_RangeValue_v<OptType>, int> = 0>
inline std::ostream&
operator<< (std::ostream& oss, const OptType& opt)
if (opt.get_ui_type() == GncOptionUIType::PLOT_SIZE)
oss << (opt.is_alternate() ? "pixels" : "percent") << " ";
oss << opt.get_value();
return oss;
template<class OptType,
typename std::enable_if_t<is_RangeValue_v<OptType>, int> = 0>
inline std::istream&
operator>> (std::istream& iss, OptType& opt)
if (opt.get_ui_type() == GncOptionUIType::PLOT_SIZE)
std::string alt;
iss >> alt;
opt.set_alternate(strncmp(alt.c_str(), "percent",
strlen("percent")) == 0);
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<OptType>,
double d;
iss >> d;
int i;
iss >> i;
return iss;
using GncMultichoiceOptionEntry = std::tuple<const std::string,
const std::string,
using GncMultichoiceOptionIndexVec = std::vector<uint16_t>;
using GncMultichoiceOptionChoices = std::vector<GncMultichoiceOptionEntry>;
/** @class GncOptionMultichoiceValue
* Multichoice options have a vector of valid options
* (GncMultichoiceOptionChoices) and validate the selection as being one of
* those values. The value is the index of the selected item in the vector.
* GncMultichoiceOptionEntry is a tuple of two strings and a
* GncOptionMultichoiceKeyType value; the first string is the internal value of
* the option, the second is the display name that should be localized at the
* point of use (so mark it with N_() or (N_ ) when creating the multichoices)
* and the third is an enum value indicating whether the key should be
* interpreted as a Scheme symbol, a string, or a number.
class GncOptionMultichoiceValue : public OptionClassifier
GncOptionMultichoiceValue(const char* section, const char* name,
const char* key, const char* doc_string,
const char* value,
GncMultichoiceOptionChoices&& choices,
GncOptionUIType ui_type = GncOptionUIType::MULTICHOICE) :
OptionClassifier{section, name, key, doc_string},
m_value{}, m_default_value{}, m_choices{std::move(choices)}
if (value)
if (auto index = find_key(value);
index != uint16_t_max)
GncOptionMultichoiceValue(const char* section, const char* name,
const char* key, const char* doc_string,
uint16_t index,
GncMultichoiceOptionChoices&& choices,
GncOptionUIType ui_type = GncOptionUIType::MULTICHOICE) :
OptionClassifier{section, name, key, doc_string},
m_value{}, m_default_value{}, m_choices{std::move(choices)}
if (index < m_choices.size())
GncOptionMultichoiceValue(const char* section, const char* name,
const char* key, const char* doc_string,
GncMultichoiceOptionIndexVec&& indices,
GncMultichoiceOptionChoices&& choices,
GncOptionUIType ui_type = GncOptionUIType::LIST) :
OptionClassifier{section, name, key, doc_string},
m_value{indices}, m_default_value{std::move(indices)},
m_choices{std::move(choices)} {}
GncOptionMultichoiceValue(const GncOptionMultichoiceValue&) = default;
GncOptionMultichoiceValue(GncOptionMultichoiceValue&&) = default;
GncOptionMultichoiceValue& operator=(const GncOptionMultichoiceValue&) = default;
GncOptionMultichoiceValue& operator=(GncOptionMultichoiceValue&&) = default;
const std::string& get_value() const
auto vec{m_value.size() > 0 ? m_value : m_default_value};
if (vec.size() == 0)
return c_empty_string;
if (vec.size() == 1)
return std::get<0>([0]));
return c_list_string;
const std::string& get_default_value() const
if (m_default_value.size() == 1)
return std::get<0>([0]));
else if (m_default_value.size() == 0)
return c_empty_string;
return c_list_string;
uint16_t get_index() const
if (m_value.size() > 0)
return m_value[0];
if (m_default_value.size() > 0)
return m_default_value[0];
return 0;
const GncMultichoiceOptionIndexVec& get_multiple() const noexcept
return m_value;
const GncMultichoiceOptionIndexVec& get_default_multiple() const noexcept
return m_default_value;
bool validate(const std::string& value) const noexcept
auto index = find_key(value);
return index != uint16_t_max;
bool validate(const GncMultichoiceOptionIndexVec& indexes) const noexcept
for (auto index : indexes)
if (index >= m_choices.size())
return false;
return true;
void set_value(const std::string& value)
auto index = find_key(value);
if (index != uint16_t_max)
throw std::invalid_argument("Value not a valid choice.");
void set_value(uint16_t index)
if (index < m_choices.size())
throw std::invalid_argument("Value not a valid choice.");
void set_default_value(const std::string& value)
auto index = find_key(value);
if (index != uint16_t_max)
throw std::invalid_argument("Value not a valid choice.");
void set_default_value(uint16_t index)
if (index < m_choices.size())
throw std::invalid_argument("Value not a valid choice.");
void set_multiple(const GncMultichoiceOptionIndexVec& indexes)
if (validate(indexes))
m_value = indexes;
throw std::invalid_argument("One of the supplied indexes was out of range.");
void set_default_multiple(const GncMultichoiceOptionIndexVec& indexes)
if (validate(indexes))
m_value = m_default_value = indexes;
throw std::invalid_argument("One of the supplied indexes was out of range.");
uint16_t num_permissible_values() const noexcept
return m_choices.size();
uint16_t permissible_value_index(const char* key) const noexcept
return find_key(key);
const char* permissible_value(uint16_t index) const
return std::get<0>(;
const char* permissible_value_name(uint16_t index) const
return std::get<1>(;
void reset_default_value() { m_value = m_default_value; }
bool is_changed() const noexcept { return m_value != m_default_value; }
GncOptionUIType get_ui_type() const noexcept { return m_ui_type; }
void make_internal() { m_ui_type = GncOptionUIType::INTERNAL; }
bool is_internal() { return m_ui_type == GncOptionUIType::INTERNAL; }
GncOptionMultichoiceKeyType get_keytype(unsigned i) const { return std::get<2>(; }
std::string serialize() const noexcept;
bool deserialize(const std::string& str) noexcept;
uint16_t find_key (const std::string& key) const noexcept
auto iter = std::find_if(m_choices.begin(), m_choices.end(),
[key](auto choice) {
return std::get<0>(choice) == key; });
if (iter != m_choices.end())
return iter - m_choices.begin();
return uint16_t_max;
GncOptionUIType m_ui_type;
GncMultichoiceOptionIndexVec m_value;
GncMultichoiceOptionIndexVec m_default_value;
GncMultichoiceOptionChoices m_choices;
static const std::string c_empty_string;
static const std::string c_list_string;
template<> inline std::ostream&
operator<< <GncOptionMultichoiceValue>(std::ostream& oss,
const GncOptionMultichoiceValue& opt)
auto vec{opt.get_multiple()};
bool first{true};
for (auto index : vec)
if (first)
first = false;
oss << " ";
oss << opt.permissible_value(index);
return oss;
template<> inline std::istream&
operator>> <GncOptionMultichoiceValue>(std::istream& iss,
GncOptionMultichoiceValue& opt)
GncMultichoiceOptionIndexVec values;
while (true)
std::string str;
std::getline(iss, str, ' ');
if (!str.empty())
auto index = opt.permissible_value_index(str.c_str());
if (index != uint16_t_max)
std::string err = str + " is not one of ";
err += opt.m_name;
err += "'s permissible values.";
throw std::invalid_argument(err);
return iss;
using GncOptionAccountList = std::vector<GncGUID>;
using GncOptionAccountTypeList = std::vector<GNCAccountType>;
/** @class GncOptionAccountListValue
* Set one or more accounts on which to report, optionally restricted to certain
* account types. Many calls to make-account-list-option will pass a get-default
* function that retrieves all of the accounts of a list of types.
* Some reports (examples/daily-reports.scm and standard/ account-piechart.scm,
* advanced-portfolio.scm, category-barchart.scm, net-charts.scm, and
* portfolio.scm) also provide a validator that rejects accounts that don't meet
* an account-type criterion.
* There are two types of option, account-list which permits more than one
* account selection and account-sel, which doesn't.
class GncOptionAccountListValue : public OptionClassifier
GncOptionAccountListValue(const char* section, const char* name,
const char* key, const char* doc_string,
GncOptionUIType ui_type, bool multi=true) :
OptionClassifier{section, name, key, doc_string}, m_ui_type{ui_type},
m_value{}, m_default_value{}, m_allowed{}, m_multiselect{multi} {}
GncOptionAccountListValue(const char* section, const char* name,
const char* key, const char* doc_string,
GncOptionUIType ui_type,
const GncOptionAccountList& value, bool multi=true) :
OptionClassifier{section, name, key, doc_string}, m_ui_type{ui_type},
m_value{value}, m_default_value{std::move(value)}, m_allowed{},
m_multiselect{multi} {}
GncOptionAccountListValue(const char* section, const char* name,
const char* key, const char* doc_string,
GncOptionUIType ui_type,
GncOptionAccountTypeList&& allowed, bool multi=true) :
OptionClassifier{section, name, key, doc_string}, m_ui_type{ui_type},
m_value{}, m_default_value{}, m_allowed{std::move(allowed)},
m_multiselect{multi} {}
GncOptionAccountListValue(const char* section, const char* name,
const char* key, const char* doc_string,
GncOptionUIType ui_type,
const GncOptionAccountList& value,
GncOptionAccountTypeList&& allowed, bool multi=true) :
OptionClassifier{section, name, key, doc_string}, m_ui_type{ui_type},
m_value{}, m_default_value{}, m_allowed{std::move(allowed)},
m_multiselect{multi} {
if (!validate(value))
throw std::invalid_argument("Supplied Value not in allowed set.");
m_value = value;
m_default_value = std::move(value);
/* These aren't const& because if m_default_value hasn't been set
* get_default_value finds the first account that matches the allowed types
* and returns a GncOptionAccountList containing it. That's a stack variable
* and must be returned by value.
GncOptionAccountList get_value() const;
GncOptionAccountList get_default_value() const;
bool validate (const GncOptionAccountList& values) const;
void set_value (GncOptionAccountList values) {
if (validate(values))
m_value = values;
void set_default_value (GncOptionAccountList values) {
if (validate(values))
m_value = m_default_value = values;
GList* account_type_list() const noexcept;
void reset_default_value() { m_value = m_default_value; }
bool is_changed() const noexcept;
GncOptionUIType get_ui_type() const noexcept { return m_ui_type; }
void make_internal() { m_ui_type = GncOptionUIType::INTERNAL; }
bool is_internal() { return m_ui_type == GncOptionUIType::INTERNAL; }
bool is_multiselect() const noexcept { return m_multiselect; }
std::string serialize() const noexcept;
bool deserialize(const std::string& str) noexcept;
GncOptionUIType m_ui_type;
GncOptionAccountList m_value;
GncOptionAccountList m_default_value;
GncOptionAccountTypeList m_allowed;
bool m_multiselect;
template<> inline std::ostream&
operator<< <GncOptionAccountListValue>(std::ostream& oss,
const GncOptionAccountListValue& opt)
auto values{opt.get_value()};
bool first = true;
for (auto value : values)
if (first)
first = false;
oss << " ";
oss << guid_to_string(&value);
return oss;
template<> inline std::istream&
operator>> <GncOptionAccountListValue>(std::istream& iss,
GncOptionAccountListValue& opt)
GncOptionAccountList values;
while (true)
std::string str;
std::getline(iss, str, ' ');
if (!str.empty())
auto guid{qof_entity_get_guid(qof_instance_from_string(str, opt.get_ui_type()))};
return iss;
/* @class GncOptionAccountSelValue
* Like GncOptionAccountListValue but contains only a single account.
class GncOptionAccountSelValue : public OptionClassifier
GncOptionAccountSelValue(const char* section, const char* name,
const char* key, const char* doc_string,
GncOptionUIType ui_type) :
OptionClassifier{section, name, key, doc_string}, m_ui_type{ui_type},
m_value{*guid_null()}, m_default_value{*guid_null()}, m_allowed{} {}
GncOptionAccountSelValue(const char* section, const char* name,
const char* key, const char* doc_string,
GncOptionUIType ui_type,
const Account* value) :
OptionClassifier{section, name, key, doc_string}, m_ui_type{ui_type},
m_default_value{*qof_entity_get_guid(value)}, m_allowed{} {}
GncOptionAccountSelValue(const char* section, const char* name,
const char* key, const char* doc_string,
GncOptionUIType ui_type,
GncOptionAccountTypeList&& allowed) :
OptionClassifier{section, name, key, doc_string}, m_ui_type{ui_type},
m_value{*guid_null()}, m_default_value{*guid_null()},
m_allowed{std::move(allowed)} {}
GncOptionAccountSelValue(const char* section, const char* name,
const char* key, const char* doc_string,
GncOptionUIType ui_type,
const Account* value,
GncOptionAccountTypeList&& allowed) :
OptionClassifier{section, name, key, doc_string}, m_ui_type{ui_type},
m_value{*guid_null()}, m_default_value{*guid_null()}, m_allowed{std::move(allowed)} {
if (!validate(value))
throw std::invalid_argument("Supplied Value not in allowed set.");
m_value = m_default_value = *qof_entity_get_guid(value);
const Account* get_value() const;
const Account* get_default_value() const;
bool validate (const Account* value) const;
void set_value (const Account* value) {
if (validate(value))
auto guid{qof_entity_get_guid(value)};
m_value = *guid;
//else throw
void set_default_value (const Account* value) {
if (validate(value))
auto guid{qof_entity_get_guid(value)};
m_value = m_default_value = *guid;
//else throw
GList* account_type_list() const noexcept;
void reset_default_value() { m_value = m_default_value; }
bool is_changed() const noexcept { return !guid_equal(&m_value, &m_default_value); }
GncOptionUIType get_ui_type() const noexcept { return m_ui_type; }
void make_internal() { m_ui_type = GncOptionUIType::INTERNAL; }
bool is_internal() { return m_ui_type == GncOptionUIType::INTERNAL; }
std::string serialize() const noexcept;
bool deserialize(const std::string& str) noexcept;
GncOptionUIType m_ui_type;
GncGUID m_value;
GncGUID m_default_value;
GncOptionAccountTypeList m_allowed;
template<> inline std::ostream&
operator<< <GncOptionAccountSelValue>(std::ostream& oss,
const GncOptionAccountSelValue& opt)
auto value{opt.get_value()};
oss << qof_instance_to_string(QOF_INSTANCE(value));
return oss;
template<> inline std::istream&
operator>> <GncOptionAccountSelValue>(std::istream& iss,
GncOptionAccountSelValue& opt)
Account* value{nullptr};
std::string str;
std::getline(iss, str, ' ');
if (!str.empty())
value = (Account*)qof_instance_from_string(str, opt.get_ui_type());
return iss;
/** @class GncOptionDateValue
* A legal date value is a pair of either a RelativeDatePeriod, the absolute
* flag and a time64, or for legacy purposes the absolute flag and a timespec.
gnc-date-option-show-time? -- option_data[1]
gnc-date-option-get-subtype -- option_data[0]
gnc-date-option-value-type m_value
gnc-date-option-absolute-time m_type == RelativeDatePeriod::ABSOLUTE
gnc-date-option-relative-time m_type != RelativeDatePeriod::ABSOLUTE
class GncOptionDateValue : public OptionClassifier
GncOptionDateValue(const char* section, const char* name,
const char* key, const char* doc_string,
GncOptionUIType ui_type) :
OptionClassifier{section, name, key, doc_string},
m_ui_type{ui_type}, m_date{INT64_MAX}, m_default_date{INT64_MAX},
m_period_set{} {}
GncOptionDateValue(const char* section, const char* name,
const char* key, const char* doc_string,
GncOptionUIType ui_type, time64 time) :
OptionClassifier{section, name, key, doc_string},
m_ui_type{ui_type}, m_date{time}, m_default_date{time},
m_period_set{} {}
GncOptionDateValue(const char* section, const char* name,
const char* key, const char* doc_string,
GncOptionUIType ui_type,
RelativeDatePeriod period) :
OptionClassifier{section, name, key, doc_string},
m_ui_type{ui_type}, m_date{INT64_MAX}, m_default_date{INT64_MAX},
m_period{period}, m_default_period{period},
m_period_set{} {}
GncOptionDateValue(const char* section, const char* name,
const char* key, const char* doc_string,
GncOptionUIType ui_type,
const RelativeDatePeriodVec& period_set) :
OptionClassifier{section, name, key, doc_string},
m_ui_type{ui_type}, m_date{INT64_MAX}, m_default_date{INT64_MAX},
m_period_set{period_set} {}
GncOptionDateValue(const GncOptionDateValue&) = default;
GncOptionDateValue(GncOptionDateValue&&) = default;
GncOptionDateValue& operator=(const GncOptionDateValue&) = default;
GncOptionDateValue& operator=(GncOptionDateValue&&) = default;
time64 get_value() const noexcept;
time64 get_default_value() const noexcept;
RelativeDatePeriod get_period() const noexcept { return m_period; }
RelativeDatePeriod get_default_period() const noexcept { return m_default_period; }
uint16_t get_period_index() const noexcept;
uint16_t get_default_period_index() const noexcept;
std::ostream& out_stream(std::ostream& oss) const noexcept;
std::istream& in_stream(std::istream& iss);
bool validate(RelativeDatePeriod value);
bool validate(time64 time) {
if (time > MINTIME && time < MAXTIME)
return true;
return false;
void set_value(RelativeDatePeriod value) {
if (validate(value))
m_period = value;
m_date = INT64_MAX;
void set_value(time64 time) {
if (validate(time))
m_period = RelativeDatePeriod::ABSOLUTE;
m_date = time;
void set_value(uint16_t index) noexcept;
void set_default_value(RelativeDatePeriod value) {
if (validate(value))
m_period = m_default_period = value;
m_date = m_default_date = INT64_MAX;
void set_default_value(time64 time) {
if (validate(time))
m_period = m_default_period = RelativeDatePeriod::ABSOLUTE;
m_date = m_default_date = time;
uint16_t num_permissible_values() const noexcept
return m_period_set.size();
uint16_t permissible_value_index(const char* key) const noexcept;
const char* permissible_value(uint16_t index) const
return gnc_relative_date_storage_string(;
const char* permissible_value_name(uint16_t index) const
return gnc_relative_date_display_string(;
void reset_default_value() {
m_period = m_default_period;
m_date = m_default_date;
bool is_changed() const noexcept { return m_period != m_default_period &&
m_date != m_default_date; }
GncOptionUIType get_ui_type() const noexcept { return m_ui_type; }
void make_internal() { m_ui_type = GncOptionUIType::INTERNAL; }
bool is_internal() { return m_ui_type == GncOptionUIType::INTERNAL; }
const RelativeDatePeriodVec& get_period_set() const { return m_period_set; }
std::string serialize() const noexcept;
bool deserialize(const std::string& str) noexcept;
GncOptionUIType m_ui_type;
time64 m_date;
time64 m_default_date;
RelativeDatePeriod m_period;
RelativeDatePeriod m_default_period;
RelativeDatePeriodVec m_period_set;
template<> inline std::ostream&
operator<< <GncOptionDateValue>(std::ostream& oss,
const GncOptionDateValue& opt)
return opt.out_stream(oss);
template<> inline std::istream&
operator>> <GncOptionDateValue>(std::istream& iss,
GncOptionDateValue& opt)
return opt.in_stream(iss);
@} */