Dave Peticolas 0b2ec040f3 Christian Stimming's glossary patch.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 57a11ea4-9604-0410-9ed3-97b8803252fd
2001-06-10 23:53:16 +00:00

155 lines
17 KiB

"Glossary of terms for Gnucash"
"Last edited: 2001-06-10 12:00+0200 by Christian Stimming <>"
"Term" "Explanation" "DE old" "DE new" "DA" "FR" "JA" "pt_PT"
"account" "A detailed record of money spent and received" "Konto" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"account code" "-" "Kontonummer (intern)" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"account hierarchy" "the tree view of all accounts" "Kontenhierarchie" "(Kontenrahmen)" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"account name" "-" "Kontobezeichnung" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"account type: Asset" "A thing, esp. owned by a person or company, that has value and can be used or sold to pay debts" "Anlagevermögen" "Aktiva" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"account type: checking" "(esp. US) (Brit = current account) a bank account from which money can be withdrawn without previous notice" "Girokonto" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"account type: currency" "-" "-" "Währung (Währungskonto)" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"account type: Equity" "see: Equity" "Eigenkapital" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"account type: Expense" "-" "Ausgabe" "Aufwand (pl. Aufwendungen)" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"account type: Income" "-" "Einnahme" "Ertrag" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"account type: Liability" "A debt, a financial obligation" "Verbindlichkeiten" "Passiva" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"account type: money-market" "-" "Geldmarktfonds" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"account type: Mutual fund" "-" "Investmentfonds" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"account type: saving" "1. (US) any type of account that earns interest 2. (Brit) any type of bank account that earns a higher level of interest than a current account or deposit account" "Sparkonto" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"account type: Stock" "-" "Depot" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"account: parent account" "-" "Hauptkonto" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"account: subaccount" "-" "Unterkonto" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"account: top level account" "-" "Top-Level-Konto" "(Oberkonto) ??" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"Action (register)" "The process of doing something that caused a transaction to happen" "Aktion" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"action: ATM" "Automated teller machine" "Geldautomat" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"action: autoDep" "Transaction was an auto deposit" "AutoDepot" "Gutschrift" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"action: buy" "-" "Kauf" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"action: deposit" "-" "(Gutschrift)" "Einzahlung" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"action: direct debit" "When people can automatically deduct money straight from your account. The reverse of Direct Deposit." "(Sol)l" "Lastschrift" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"action: dist" "transaction is a distribution (???)" "-" "Ausschüttung" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"action: div" "transaction is a dividend" "Dividende" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"action: fee" "-" "Gebühr" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"action: int" "transaction comes from interest" "(Beteiligung)" "Zins" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"action: loan" "-" "Darlehen" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"action: payment" "see: payment 1." "(Belastung)" "Zahlung" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"action: POS" "-" "Karten-Terminal" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"action: rebate" "-" "Rabatt" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"action: sell" "-" "Verkauf" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"action: Teller" "-" "(Zähler)" "Bankschalter" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"action: transfer" "see: transfer 2. (=credit transfer)" "-" "(Überweisung)" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"action: wire" "-" "(Telegrafische Zahlung)" "Überweisung" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"action: withdraw" "-" "Abhebung" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"amount" "A sum of money" "Betrag" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"average" "The result of adding several amounts together and then dividing this total by the number of amounts" "Durchschnitt/Durchschnittlich" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"balance (noun)" "The amount of money that is in one's account" "Saldo" "(Bestand, Kontostand?)" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"balance sheet" "A written record of money received and paid out, showing the difference between the two total amounts" "Bilanz" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"balance, to" "To arrange for income and spending to be equal" "Ausgleichen " "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"bank" "-" "Bank" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"business (adjective)" "-" "Geschäftlich" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"capital gains" "Profits made from the sale of investments or property" "Kapitalertrag" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"case sensitive" "Distinguishing the uppercase and lowercase letters" "Groß-/Kleinschreibung beachten" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"cash" "Money in coins or notes" "Bargeld" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"check" "(esp. US) (= cheque) A special printed form on which one writes an order to a bank to pay a sum of money from one's account to another person" "Scheck" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"close, to" "To end an application's relationship with an open file so that the application will no longer be able to access the file without opening it again. " "Schliessen" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"commodity" "An article that is bought and sold. The most general term of what an account keeps track of, e.g. a currency or a stock." "Währung/Aktie, Ware, Ware/Währung" "Währung/Aktie" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"commodity listing" "e.g. NASDAQ" "(Börsennotierung)" "Börsenplatzkürzel" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"commodity option: fraction" "the smallest amount of a commodity that's traded (e.g. 1/100 for USD, 1 for most stocks)" "Stückelung, Bruchteile" "Stückelung" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"commodity option: Symbol" "e.g. USD, DEM" "Symbol" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"Credit (column in register)" "(a) A sum of money paid into an account. (b) A record of such a payment. (c) The state of having money in one's bank account." "Haben " "Gutschrift, (Haben, Eingang?)" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"Credit Card" "-" "Kreditkarte" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"credit transfer" "A transfer of money direct from one bank account to another, without using a cheque" "-" "Überweisung" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"currency" "The system of money used in a country" "Währung" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"Custom" "Custom print format (i.e. according to the user's wishes) as opposed to a template choice." "-" "Benutzerdefiniert" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"database" "The backend where the data is stored." "Datei " "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"Date" "A specific numbered day of the month" "Datum" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"date format" "DD/MM/YY or MM/DD/YY or something else" "Datumsformat" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"date range" "A range in time that is delimited by two distinct dates." "Zeitraum" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"Debit (column in register)" "(a) A written note in an account of a sum owed or paid out. (b) A sum withdrawn from an account." "Soll " "Belastung, (Soll, Ausgang?)" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"default" "Each option has a default setting that it is shipped with, until the user changes the setting." "Voreinstellung" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"deposit (in the reconcile dialog)" "see credit" "-" "Gutschrift" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"depreciation" "The process of something becoming less valuable" "Abschreibung" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"Description (column in register)" "1. One textfield per transaction. The text in it should describe what the transaction was about. A short descriptive phrase (up to 40 chars) 2. One textfield per account. It is intended to be a longer, 1-5 sentence description of what this account is all about." "Beschreibung" "(Verwendungszweck, Buchungstext, Text?)" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"double entry" "Important Buzzword :)" "Doppelte Buchführung" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"equity" "1. The money value of a property after all charges on it have been paid. Equity isn't debt, it's a representation of long-term capital (So combining it with liability isn't really very meaningful, except in the balance sheet. 2. (a) The value of the shares issued by a company. (b) Ordinary stocks and shares that carry no fixed interest." "Eigenkapital" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"exchange rate" "The relation in value between the money used in different countries" "Wechselkurs" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"field" "in the account creation dialog??" "Feld" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"file" "Any piece of information (text, graphics, executable) put together and given a name. All the information you have on the hard drive is arranged as a collection of files." "Datei" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"file type" "-" "Dateityp" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"financial calculator: interest rate" "-" "Zinsrate" "Zinssatz" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"financial calculator: payments" "see: payment" "Raten" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"gain" "An increase in wealth; profit; advantage (See also: capital gains)" "-" "Wertzuwachs (Gewinn, Zunahme, Profit, Ertrag)" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"imbalance" "name of an automaticly created account to get imbalanced transactions back in balance" "unausgeglichenes Saldo" "Ausgleichskonto" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"import" "Process of extracting data from a non-Gnucash format into a Gnucash file. E.g. QIF Import." "Import" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"interest" "Money charged for borrowing money, or paid to somebody who invests money" "Zinsen" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"invoice" "A list of goods sold or services provided together with the prices charged; a bill" "Rechnung" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"ledger" "A book in which a bank, business firm, etc. records its financial accounts" "-" "Hauptbuch" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"liabilities/equity" "The heading for the right side of the balance sheet. See also: Equity." "Passiva" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"loss" "The money lost in business activity" "-" "Verlust" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"Lost Accounts" "name of an automatically created account" "Verlorene Konten" "?" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"marker" "The thing that the scatter plot uses to mark each data point" "" "Markierung" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"MDI modus" "The way how more than one window is displayed in GnuCash at the same time. MDI = Multiple Document Interface." "" "Fenstermodus" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"Memo" "One textfield per split that should help you remember what this split was about." "Memo" "Buchungstext, (Verwendungszweck, Text, Erklärung?)" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"national currency" "e.g. USD, DEM, see Currency." "Nationale Währung" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"net" "(of money) remaining when nothing more is to be taken away" "" "netto, rein-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"net assets" "net total of all assets" "Gesamt Anlagevermögen" "Netto Anlagevermögen" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"net profit" "The total income minus the total expenses of a given time period." "-" "Reingewinn, (Ergebnis)" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"net worth" "Your net worth is your assets minus your liabilities. If your accounts are balanced, your net worth should equal your equity plus your net profit." "-" "Reinvermögen" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"notes (register)" "One textfield per transaction that can hold explanatory text about the transaction." "Notizen" "Bemerkung" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"Num (column in register)" "Abbreviation for: number; Field in a transaction. If this transaction was done by check, then the check number should be noted in this field." "Num " "Nr" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"open, to" "to make accessible" "Öffnen" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"opening balance" "If an account starts with a non-zero balance, then this amount is called the opening balance." "Eröffnungssaldo" "Anfangsbestand" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"options" "A menu choice in the graphical user interface that allows the user to specify how the application will act each time it is used. " "Berichtsoptionen" "Optionen" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"orphan" "A split whose account has been scrubbed" "Waisenkind" "Ausbuchungskonto" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"passphrase" "A secret phrase that one needs to know in order to get access to a user account " "-" "Mantra (Passphrase)" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"Payables/Receivables" "An amount that must be paid / An amount for which money has not yet been received" "-" "Verbindlichkeiten/Forderungen (an Lieferungen und Leistungen)" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"payee" "A person to whom sth is paid" "Zahlungsempfänger" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"payer" "A person who pays or who has to pay for sth" "-" "Zahlungspflichtiger" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"payment" "1. The action of paying sb/sth or of being paid. 2. A sum of money paid." "-" "Zahlung" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"portfolio" "A set of investments owned by a person" "Portfolio" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"preferences" "A menu choice in many graphical user interface applications that allows the user to specify how the application will act each time it is used. " "Einstellungen" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"price (in a split)" "An amount of money for which sth may be bought or sold" "Preis" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"price type: ask" "An ask is an offer to sell, and the price you want to sell at." "Briefkurs" "Briefkurs" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"price type: bid" "A bid is an offer to buy, and the price you want to buy at." "Gebot" "Geldkurs" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"price: quotes" "online quotes (rather: quotation!?) A statement of the current price of stocks or commodities" "-" "Börsenkurs, (Kurs, Börsennotierung, Marktwert)" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"profit" "Money gained in business, esp. the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent" "Gewinn" "Ergebnis, Gewinn" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"Profit & Loss" "(rather: profit and loss account!?) A list that shows the amount of money spent compared with the amount earned by a business in a particular period" "Einnahmen-/Ausgabenrechnung" "Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung (GuV)" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"quick-fill" "-" "-" "Quick-Fill" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"rebalance, to (a transaction)" "-" "neu kalkulieren " "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"reconcile, to" "reconcile an account, a reconciled split. To find a way to make the bank's account statement agree with the user's recorded transactions in an account." "Ausgleichen, Abstimmen" "Abgleichen (In Einklang bringen, Abstimmen, Ausgleichen?)" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"record keeping" "-" "Buchführung" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"register" "A list of items; a book containing such a list" "Register" "Kassenbericht" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"register entry: split transaction" "A transaction that is divided into two or more parts" "Split Buchung " "Mehrteilig (Mehrteiliger Geschäftsvorgang)" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"register entry: stock split" "-" "Aktien Split " "Aktienteilung" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"register: auto-split ledger" "one form of register" "-" "Auto-Mehrteiliges Hauptbuch" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"register: basic ledger" "another form of register" "Hauptbuch" "Vereinfachtes Hauptbuch" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"register: general ledger" "another form of register" "Hauptbuch" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"register: transaction journal" "another form of register" "Buchungsbericht" "Amerikanisches Journal" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"reload, to" "reload the current document" "Erneut laden" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"Retained Earnings" "name of an equity account (?); to be distinguished from the opening balance." "Gewinnrücklagen" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"save, to (to a file)" "To write data (typically a file) to a storage medium, such as a disk or tape." "speichern" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"scrub, to" "To clean up and delete an account" "Ausbuchen" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"security" "A document or certificate showing who owns shares" "Wertpapier" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"Share Balance (register)" "-" "Aktiensaldo" "(Wertpapierbestand?)" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"shares" "Any of the equal parts into which the money of a business company is divided, giving the holder a right to a portion of the profits" "Anteile " "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"source" "(of a price) A place wfrom which sth comes or is obtained" "Quelle" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"split" "One of the two or several parts a transaction is divided into" "Split " "Buchung" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"style sheet" "This sets the particular design or shape of a report." "Stil" "Stilvorlage" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"subtotal" "The total of a set of figures that are part of a larger group of figures" "Zwischensumme" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"tax info" "field of an account" "Steuerrelevante Informationen" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"template" "if you create a new e.g. style sheet, you can start from a template" "Vorlage" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"time period" "see: date range" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"Tot" "as abbreviation for Total" "Gesamt" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"total" "The full number or amount: total of some balances, of any account's running balance etc." "Gesamt" "Betrag" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"transaction" "A piece of business done; the transfer of money from one account to one or more other accounts" "Buchung" "Geschäftsvorgang" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"transaction state: cleared" "-" "Abgestimmt" "Bestätigt" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"transaction state: frozen" "-" "Eingefroren" "Fixiert" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"transaction state: reconciled" "A transaction that was reconciled with the bank's statement." "Ausgeglichen" "Abgeglichen" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"transfer (noun)" "1. The action of transferring sth. 2. see: credit transfer" "-" "Überweisung, ([Aktien-] Übertragung)" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"transfer account" "The account where an amount is transferred to" "Gegenkonto" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"transfer, to (register toolbar)" "To move money from one account to another. Will create a transaction." "buchen, transferieren" "Buchen" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"type" "A class or things that have characteristics in common; type of an account, of a commodity etc." "Art" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"units" "A fixed amount or number used as a standard of measurement; e.g. millimeters, inch; for absolute positioning in the custom check format." "Einheiten" "Maßeinheiten" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"URL" "-" "URL" "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"value (in a split)" "The worth of sth in terms of money or other commodities for which it can be exchanged" "Wert " "-" "-" "-" "-" "-"
"withdraw (in the reconcile dialog)" "see debit" "-" "Belastung" "-" "-" "-" "-"