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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
* rpm/gnucash.spec.in: simplify * configure.in: add 'da' to language list git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gnucash.org/repo/gnucash/trunk@3783 57a11ea4-9604-0410-9ed3-97b8803252fd
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Main Developers:
Robin Clark <rclark@hmc.edu> wrote the original X-Accountant in Motif
as a school project, taking it to version 0.9 by October 1997.
Linas Vepstas <linas@linas.org> liked what he saw: the GUI was slick,
the code was documented and well structured, and it was all GPL'ed.
And so he re-wrote it: adding cell-widgets to XbaeMatrix, so that
the combobox and arrows would make an even slicker GUI, rewrote the
X-Accountant internals to add double-entry, an account hierarchy,
split out a transaction mini-engine, add support for stocks, and spiff
up the help menus. This was version 1.0 as of January 1998. Since
then, for version 1.1, the engine was expanded & refined, and the
register window code completely redesigned and made mostly
Motif-(and GUI-)independent. Did some prototype OFX work.
Jeremy Collins <jcollins@gnucash.org> publicized the GnoMoney project
widely and broadly, and then changed its name to GnuCash. Jeremy
created the gnucash.org web site, registered the domain, got the
initial GTK/gnome code working.
Rob Browning <rlb@cs.utexas.edu> abused everyone for not using perl,
and then added guile/scheme support. Rob maintains the build
infrastructure, is handling the whole guile/perl extension language
thing, and is dealing with configuration & configurability.
Dave Peticolas <dave@krondo.com> hacks obsessively on
GnuCash. But he can stop anytime he wants to. Really.
Bill Gribble <grib@billgribble.com> works magic. If your checks print
wrong, blame him. If you don't like the amount printed on your
checks, blame him. If you don't like your your bank balances,
your bank, or your life, blame him too.
Robert Graham Merkel <rgmerk@mira.net> reporting, gnome, and config patches
Fixes & Patches:
Andrew Arensburger <arensb@cfar.umd.edu> for FreeBSD & other patches
Matt Armstrong <matt_armstrong@bigfoot.com> for misc fixes
Derek Atkins <warlord@MIT.EDU> build system patch
Fred Baube <fred@moremagic.com> for attempted Java port/MoneyDance
Dennis Bj<42>rklund <dennisb@cs.chalmers.se> Swedish translation
Per Bojsen <bojsen@worldnet.att.net> several core dump fixes
Terry Boldt <tboldt@attglobal.net> financial calculator and expression parser
Simon Britnell <simon.britnell@peace.com> patch to RPM spec
Christopher B. Browne <cbbrowne@hex.net> for perl and lots of scheme
Conrad Canterford <conrad@mail.watersprite.com.au> register bug fix
Bill Carlson <wwc@wwcnet.nu> performance improvements
Carol Champagne <carol@gnumatic.com> documentation
Graham Chapman <grahamc@zeta.org.au> for the xacc-rpts addon package
George Chen <georgec@sco.com> for MS-Money QIF's & fixes
Albert Chin-A-Young <china@thewrittenword.com> configure.in patch
Kenneth Christiansen <kenneth@gnome.org> Danish translation
Jeremey Collins <jcollins@gnucash.org> for GnoMoney & GTK port
Matthew Condell <mcondell@bbn.com> FreeBSD patch
Patrick Condron <pcondon@rackspace.com> for webserver and T1 connection.
Raphael Dechenaux <raphael.dechenaux@worldonline.fr> register patch
Ciaran Deignan <Ciaran.Deignan@bull.net> for AIX binary version
Glen Ditchfield <gjditchfield@acm.org> updated documentation
Tyson Dowd <tyson@tyse.net> for config/make patches & debian maint
Koen D'Hondt <ripley@xs4all.nl> for Solaris patches to XmHTML
Bob Drzyzgula <bob@mostly.com> for budgeting design notes
Paul Fenwick <pjf@schools.net.au> ASX support, Finance::Quote
Hubert Figuiere <hfiguiere@teaser.fr> patch to gnc-prices
Valek Filippov <frob@df.ru> Russian translation
Jan-Uwe Finck <jufi@nerdnet.de> for German message translation
Kevin Finn <kevinfinn@mediaone.net> auto-decimal point patch, options patch
Ron Forrester <rjf@aracnet.com> for gnome patches
Dave Freese <DFreese@osc.uscg.mil> for leap-year fix
John Goerzen <jgoerzen@complete.org> file i/o fix for 64-bit architectures
Hans de Graaff <hans@degraaff.org> xml patches
Bill Gribble <grib@billgribble.com> qif importation code
Mitsuo Hamada <mhamada@redhat.com> Japanese translations
Otto Hammersmith <otto@bug.redhat.com> for RedHat RPM version
Eric Hanchrow <offby1@blarg.net> updated currency documentation
Alexandru Harsanyi <haral@codec.ro> for core dumps, lockups, gtk work
John Hasler <john@dhh.gt.org> engine patch
Jon K<>re Hellan <hellan@acm.org> misc core dump fixes
Claus Hindsgaul <claus_h@image.dk> Danish translation
Miquel Jordana Spanish translation of manual
Prakash Kailasa <PrakashK@bigfoot.com> for gnome build fixes
Alexey Kakunin <small@arcadia.spb.ru> quickfill patch for cyrillic
Ben Kelly <ben.kelly@ieee.org> for motif menu bug fix, core dump fixes
Tom Kludy <tkludy@csd.sgi.com> for SGI Irix port
Sven Kuenzler <sk@xgm.de> for SuSE README file
Bryan Larsen <blarsen@ada-works.com> guile budget report
Graham Leggett <minfrin@sharp.fm> for fixing a hang
Ted Lemon <mellon@andare.fugue.com> for NetBSD port
Grant Likely <glikely@nortelnetworks.com> gnome and engine patches
Heath Martin <martinh@pegasus.cc.ucf.edu> gnome patches, major register work
Matt Martin <mgmartin@abacusnet.net> guile error handling code
Robert Graham Merkel <rgmerk@mira.net> reporting, gnome, and config patches
Juan Manuel Garc<72>a Molina <juanmagm@mail.com> spanish translation
Christopher Molnar <molnarc@mandrakesoft.com> build system patch
Tim Mooney <mooney@dogbert.cc.ndsu.NoDak.edu> port to alpha-dec-osf4.0f
G. Allen Morris III <gam3@ann.softgams.com> for QIF core dump
James LewisMoss <dres@debian.org> design doc patches
Steven Murdoch <sjmurdoch@linuxfan.com> gnc-prices fix for London exchange
Brent Neal <brent@baton.phys.lsu.edu> TIAA-CREF support.
Johnny Ernst Nielsen <j.e.nielsen@iname.com> Danish translation
Stefan Nobis <stefan-ml@snobis.de> German translation patch
Peter Norton <spacey@inch.com> for a valiant attempt at a GTK port
Yannick Le Ny <y-le-ny@ifrance.com> pour la traduction en francais
OmNiBuS <webmaster@obsidian.uia.net> web site graphics & content
Gordon Oliver <gordo@pincoya.com> multiple currency status line patch
Myroslav Opyr <mopyr@IPM.Lviv.UA> for misc patches
Dave Peticolas <dave@krondo.com> extensive intelligent patches
Laurent P{'e}lecq <laurent.pelecq@wanadoo.fr> i18n patches with gettext
Alain Peyrat <Alain.Peyrat@nmu.alcatel.fr> for configure.in patches
Peter Pointner <peter@wuzel.m.isar.de> QIF import fixes, Qt patches
Gavin Porter <maufk@csv.warwick.ac.uk> for euro style dates
Tomas Pospisek <tpo@spin.ch> debian patches
Ron Record <rr@sco.com> for SCO Unixware & OpenServer binaries
Keith Refson <Keith.Refson@earth.ox.ac.uk> Solaris fixes
Dirk Schoenberger <schoenberger@signsoft.com> Qt/KDE work
Jan Schrage <jan.schrage@urz.uni-heidelberg.de> documentation patches
Christopher Seawood <cls@seawood.org> for XbaeMatrix core dump
Alessandro Seveso <aleseveso@tiscalinet.it> Italian translations
Mike Simons <msimons@fsimons01.erols.com> misc configure.in patches
Keld Simonsen <keld@dkuug.dk> Danish translation
Richard Skelton <rich@brake.demon.co.uk> for Solaris cleanup
Henning Spruth <spruth@bigfoot.com> for German text & euro date rework
Robby Stephenson <robby.stephenson@usa.net> register & file history patches
Christian Stimming <stimming@uclink.berkeley.edu> report patch
Bartek Szady <bszx@bszxdomain.edu.eu.org> engine and build system patches
Herbert Thoma <tma@iis.fhg.de> gnome register & euro support patches
Diane Trout <detrout@earthlink.net> scheme qif import patch
Richard -Gilligan- Uschold <uschold@cs.ucf.edu> tax report & txf export
Richard Wackerbarth <rkw@dataplex.net> patch to gnc-prices, qif import fixes
Rob Walker <rob@valinux.com> guile and register patches
David Woodhouse <dwmw2@infradead.org> Great Britain translations
Ken Yamaguchi <gooch@ic.EECS.Berkeley.EDU> QIF import fixes; MYM import
Shimpei Yamashita <shimpei@gol.com> Japanese translation
... and I am sure that I have missed many others ...