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* GLib test suite for the C interface to guid.cpp *
* Copyright 2014 Aaron Laws <dartmetrash@gmail.com> *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as *
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*
* along with this program; if not, you can retrieve it from *
* https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html *
* or contact: *
* *
* Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652 *
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA gnu@gnu.org *
#include <glib.h>
#include "../guid.hpp"
extern "C"
#include <config.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unittest-support.h>
void test_suite_gnc_guid (void);
/*Can be included as c++, because it's c++ tolerant*/
#include "../guid.h"
#include <random>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
static const gchar * suitename {"/qof/gnc-guid"};
/*Create a GUID and free it.*/
static void test_create_gnc_guid (void){
GncGUID * guid {guid_malloc ()};
g_assert (guid != nullptr);
guid_replace (guid);
/*We apparently don't need to free guid_null (based on its being const)*/
const GncGUID * guidnull {guid_null ()};
g_assert (!guid_equal (guid, guidnull));
guid_free (guid);
/*We create a GUID, create a copy, and compare them to ensure they're not different.*/
static void test_gnc_guid_copy (void) {
GncGUID * guid {guid_malloc ()};
g_assert (guid != nullptr);
guid_replace (guid);
GncGUID * cp {guid_copy (guid)};
g_assert (guid_equal (guid, cp));
guid_free (cp);
guid_free (guid);
/* We create a GUID, then convert it to a string using the two methods
defined in the guid api. We then compare them.*/
static void test_gnc_guid_to_string (void) {
GncGUID * guid {guid_malloc()};
gchar guidstrp [GUID_ENCODING_LENGTH+1];
gchar guidstrp2[GUID_ENCODING_LENGTH+1];
g_assert (guid != nullptr);
guid_replace (guid);
string message {" using guid_to_string (deprecated): "};
guid_to_string_buff (guid,guidstrp);
string guidstr {guidstrp};
g_assert (guidstr.size () == GUID_ENCODING_LENGTH);
message += guidstr;
g_test_message ("%s", message.c_str ());
message = " using guid_to_string_buff: ";
gchar * ret {guid_to_string_buff (guid, guidstrp2)};
g_assert (ret == guidstrp2 + GUID_ENCODING_LENGTH);
string guidstr2 {guidstrp2};
g_assert (guidstr2.size () == GUID_ENCODING_LENGTH);
message += guidstr2;
g_test_message ("%s", message.c_str ());
g_assert (guidstr2 == guidstr);
guid_free (guid);
/*We fill a stringstream with random data, convert those to
two GUIDs, then ensure that they are equal*/
static void test_gnc_guid_equals (void) {
GncGUID * guid1 {guid_malloc ()};
g_assert (guid1 != nullptr);
GncGUID * guid2 {guid_malloc ()};
g_assert (guid2 != nullptr);
GncGUID * guidold {guid_malloc ()};
g_assert (guidold != nullptr);
mt19937 m;
uniform_int_distribution<unsigned> dist;
/*we use the same seed every time for reproducibility's sake, and
for sanity's sake. It may be nerve-wracking for this test to fail
only sometimes, or in different ways.*/
m.seed (0);
unsigned num_tests {200};
for (unsigned test {0}; test < num_tests; ++test){
ostringstream o;
o << hex << setfill ('0') << right;
/*Now we put a GUID into the stringstream*/
for (unsigned spot {0}; spot < 4; ++spot)
o << setw (8) << dist (m);
string guids {o.str ()};
g_assert (guids.size() == GUID_ENCODING_LENGTH);
g_assert (string_to_guid (guids.c_str (), guid1));
g_assert (string_to_guid (guids.c_str (), guid2));
g_assert (guid_equal (guid1, guid2));
/*Assuming that our distribution won't give the same
GUID twice in a row.*/
g_assert (!guid_equal (guid1, guidold));
g_assert (string_to_guid (guids.c_str (), guidold));
guid_free (guidold);
guid_free (guid2);
guid_free (guid1);
/*We create a new guid, convert it to string, and convert that to
a guid, ensuring that we end up with an equivalent structure*/
static void test_gnc_guid_roundtrip (void) {
GncGUID * guid1 {guid_malloc ()};
g_assert (guid1 != nullptr);
GncGUID * guid2 {guid_malloc ()};
g_assert (guid2 != nullptr);
guid_replace (guid1);
gchar guidstrp [GUID_ENCODING_LENGTH+1];
gchar * temp {guid_to_string_buff (guid1, guidstrp)};
g_assert (temp == guidstrp + GUID_ENCODING_LENGTH);
g_assert (string_to_guid (guidstrp, guid2));
g_assert (guid_equal (guid1, guid2));
guid_free (guid2);
guid_free (guid1);
* guid_replace should put a newly generated guid into the parameter. In
* this test, we ensure that the first "new" guid doesn't match a subsequent
* "new" guid in the same memory location.
static void test_gnc_guid_replace (void)
GncGUID * guid1 {guid_malloc ()};
guid_replace (guid1);
GncGUID * guid2 {guid_copy (guid1)};
guid_replace (guid1);
g_assert (! guid_equal (guid1, guid2));
guid_free (guid2);
guid_free (guid1);
* We create a bogus guid and ensure that it doesn't get parsed successfully,
* then we pass in a good GUID from string and ensure that the function returns true.
static void test_gnc_guid_from_string (void) {
GncGUID * guid {guid_malloc ()};
const char * bogus {"01-23-45-6789a.cDeF0123z56789abcdef"};
/* string_to_guid should return false if either parameter is null*/
g_assert (!string_to_guid (nullptr, guid));
g_assert (!string_to_guid (bogus, nullptr));
g_assert (!string_to_guid (bogus, guid));
const char * good {"0123456789abcdef1234567890abcdef"};
g_assert (string_to_guid (good, guid));
guid_free (guid);
void test_suite_gnc_guid (void)
GNC_TEST_ADD_FUNC (suitename, "gnc create guid", test_create_gnc_guid);
GNC_TEST_ADD_FUNC (suitename, "gnc copy guid", test_gnc_guid_copy);
GNC_TEST_ADD_FUNC (suitename, "gnc guid to string", test_gnc_guid_to_string);
GNC_TEST_ADD_FUNC (suitename, "gnc guid equal", test_gnc_guid_equals);
GNC_TEST_ADD_FUNC (suitename, "gnc guid string roundtrip", test_gnc_guid_roundtrip);
GNC_TEST_ADD_FUNC (suitename, "gnc guid from string", test_gnc_guid_from_string);
GNC_TEST_ADD_FUNC (suitename, "gnc guid replace", test_gnc_guid_replace);