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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
There's no need to save internal options as SCM when we support the underlying type in C++.
440 lines
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440 lines
24 KiB
;; Scheme code for supporting options
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; if not, contact:
;; Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942
;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652
;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA gnu@gnu.org
(define-module (gnucash app-utils options))
(eval-when (compile load eval expand)
(load-extension "libgnc-app-utils" "scm_init_sw_app_utils_module"))
(use-modules (gnucash core-utils))
(use-modules (gnucash engine))
(use-modules (sw_app_utils))
(use-modules (gnucash utilities))
(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
(use-modules (ice-9 regex))
(use-modules (ice-9 format))
(use-modules (ice-9 pretty-print))
(define-public (gnc:lookup-option options section name)
(if options
(gnc-lookup-option (options 'lookup) section name)
(define-public (gnc:option-setter option)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:option-setter is deprecated. Option values are set and retrieved by gnc-set-option and gnc-option-db-lookup.")
(lambda (value)
(GncOption-set-value-from-scm option value)
(define-public (gnc:option-set-value option value)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:option-set-value and indeed all direct option access is deprecated. Use gnc-set-option instead.")
(GncOption-set-value-from-scm option value))
(define-public (gnc:option-set-default-value option value)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:option-set-default-value and indeed all direct option access is deprecated. Use gnc-set-option instead.")
(GncOption-set-default-value-from-scm option value))
(define-public (gnc:option-section option)
(GncOption-get-section option))
(define-public (gnc:option-name option)
(GncOption-get-name option))
(define-public (gnc:option-default-value option)
(GncOption-get-scm-default-value option))
(define-public (gnc:option-value option)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:option-value and indeed all direct option access is deprecated. Use gnc-option-db-lookup-option instead.")
(GncOption-get-scm-value option))
(define-public (gnc:color-option->html opt)
;; HTML doesn't like alpha values.
(let* ((color (GncOption-get-scm-value opt))
(html-color (if (> (string-length color) 6)
(substring color 0 6)
(format #f "#~a" html-color)))
(define-public (gnc:color-option->hex-string opt)
(format #f "~a" (GncOption-get-scm-value opt)))
(define-public (gnc:option-get-value book category key)
(define acc (if (pair? key) cons list))
(qof-book-get-option book (acc category key)))
(define-public (gnc:option-make-internal! options section name)
(let ((option (gnc-lookup-option (options 'lookup) section name)))
(and option (GncOption-make-internal option))))
(define-public (gnc:option-type option)
(GncOption-get-type option))
;; Used only by test-stress-options.scm
(define-public (gnc:option-data option)
; (define num-values (GncOption-num-permissible-values option))
; (let loop ((i 0) (retval '()))
; (if (>= i num-values) (reverse retval)
; (let ((value (GncOption-permissible-value option i))
; (name (GncOption-permissible-value-name option i)))
; (loop (1+ i) (cons (vector value name) retval))))))
(list (vector 1 2)))
;; Create the database and return a dispatch function.
(define-public (gnc:new-options)
(let ((optiondb (new-gnc-optiondb)))
(define (dispatch key)
;; Use the dispatch function to get the optiondb
(define-public (gnc:options-get dispatch)
(dispatch 'get))
(define-public (gnc:options-set-default-section optiondb section)
(GncOptionDB-set-default-section (GncOptionDBPtr-get (optiondb 'set-default-section)) section))
(define-public (gnc:options-for-each func optdb)
(gnc-optiondb-foreach (optdb 'foreach) func))
;; Copies all values from src-options to dest-options, that is, it
;; copies the values of all options from src which exist in dest to
;; there.
(define-public (gnc:options-copy-values src-options dest-options)
(lambda (src-option)
(let ((dest-option (gnc:lookup-option dest-options
(gnc:option-section src-option)
(gnc:option-name src-option))))
(if dest-option
(gnc:option-set-value dest-option
(gnc:option-value src-option)))))
;; Get scheme commands to set changed options, used to write a file that will
;; restore a customized report or stylesheet.
(define-public (gnc:value->string value)
(format #f "~s" value))
(define-public (gnc:generate-restore-forms options toplevel-name)
(define (section-op section-name)
(string-append "\n; Section: " section-name "\n\n")))
(define (gnc:option-is-budget? option)
(GncOption-is-budget-option option))
(define (option-op option)
(let ((value (gnc:option-value option))
(default-value (gnc:option-default-value option)))
(if (not (equal? value default-value))
(display (string-append
"(let ((option (gnc:lookup-option " toplevel-name "\n"
" "
(gnc:value->string (gnc:option-section option)) "\n"
" "
(gnc:value->string (gnc:option-name option)) ")))\n"
" ("
((gnc:option-is-budget? option)
(let* ((budget (gnc:option-value option))
(guid (gncBudgetGetGUID budget))
(guid-string (gnc:value->string guid)))
(if (string? guid-string)
"(lambda (option) "
"(if option ((gnc:option-setter option) "
"(gnc-budget-lookup " guid-string
" (gnc-get-current-book)))))"
("Failed to get GUID for budget option."))))
"(lambda (o) (if o (gnc:option-set-value o "
(GncOption-save-scm-value option) ")))"
" option))\n\n")))))
(define (generate-forms)
(let ((odb (options 'generate-restore-forms)))
(gnc-optiondb-foreach2 odb section-op option-op)))
(with-output-to-string generate-forms))
;; FIXME: Fake callback functions for boolean-complex and multichoice-callback
(define-public (gnc:options-register-callback section name callback options) (options 'register-callback) 1)
(define-public (gnc:options-register-c-callback section name callback data options) (options 'register-c-callback) 1)
(define-public (gnc:options-unregister-callback-id id) 0 (options 'unregister-callback-id))
;; The following implement the old API that separated creation from registration.
(define-public (gnc:register-option optdb opt)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:register-option is deprecated. Use gnc-register-foo-option instead.")
(GncOptionDB-register-option (GncOptionDBPtr-get (optdb 'register-option))
(GncOption-get-section opt) opt))
(define-public (gnc:unregister-option optdb section name)
(GncOptionDB-unregister-option (GncOptionDBPtr-get (optdb 'unregister-option)) section name))
(define-public (gnc:make-string-option section name key docstring default)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:make-string-option is deprecated. Make and register the option in one command with gnc-register-string-option.")
(gnc-make-string-option section name key docstring default (GncOptionUIType-STRING)))
(define-public (gnc:make-text-option section name key docstring default)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:make-text-option is deprecated. Make and register the option in one command with gnc-register-text-option.")
(gnc-make-string-option section name key docstring default (GncOptionUIType-TEXT)))
(define-public (gnc:make-font-option section name key docstring default)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:make-font-option is deprecated. Make and register the option in one command with gnc-register-font-option.")
(gnc-make-string-option section name key docstring default (GncOptionUIType-FONT)))
(define-public (gnc:make-color-option section name key docstring colors range use-alpha)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:make-color-option is deprecated. Make and register the option in one command with gnc-register-color-option.")
(let ((color-str (if use-alpha ;; It's always false...
(format #f "~x~x~x~x" (car colors) (cadr colors) (caddr colors) (cadddr colors))
(format #f "~x~x~x" (car colors) (cadr colors) (caddr colors)))))
(gnc-make-string-option section name key docstring color-str (GncOptionUIType-COLOR))))
(define-public (gnc:make-budget-option section name key docstring)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:make-budget-option is deprecated. Make and register the option in one command with gnc-register-color-option.")
(let ((option (gnc-make-qofinstance-option section name key docstring #f (GncOptionUIType-BUDGET))))
(gnc:option-set-default-value option
(gnc-budget-get-default (gnc-get-current-book)))
(define-public (gnc:make-commodity-option section name key docstring default)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:make-commodity-option is deprecated. Make and register the option in one command with gnc-register-commodity-option.")
(gnc-make-commodity-option section name key docstring default))
(define-public (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option section name key docstring default)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:make-simple-boolean-option is deprecated. Make and register the option in one command with gnc-register-simple-boolean-option.")
(gnc-make-bool-option section name key docstring default (GncOptionUIType-BOOLEAN)))
(define-public (gnc:make-complex-boolean-option section name key docstring default setter-cb widget-changed-cb)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:make-complex-boolean-option is deprecated and its functionality removed. Make and register a simple-boolean in one command with gnc-register-simple-boolean-option and figure out some other way to change widget sensitivity.")
(gnc-make-bool-option section name key docstring default (GncOptionUIType-BOOLEAN)))
(define-public (gnc:make-pixmap-option section name key docstring default)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:make-pixmap-option is deprecated. Make and register the option in one command with gnc-register-pixmap-option.")
(gnc-make-string-option section name key docstring default (GncOptionUIType-PIXMAP)))
;; gnc:make-account-list-option's getter and validator parameters are functions.
(define-public (gnc:make-account-list-option section name key docstring default validator multi)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:make-account-list-option is deprecated. Make and register the option in one command with gnc-register-account-list-option.")
(gnc-make-account-list-option section name key docstring (default)))
(define-public (gnc:make-account-list-limited-option section name key docstring default validator multi permitted)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:make-account-list-limited-option is deprecated. Make and register the option in one command with gnc-register-account-list-limited-option.")
(gnc-make-account-list-limited-option section name key docstring (default) permitted))
(define-public (gnc:make-account-sel-limited-option section name key docstring default validator permitted)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:make-account-sel-limited-option is deprecated. Make and register the option in one command with gnc-register-account-sel-limited-option.")
(let ((defval (if default (default) '())))
(gnc-make-account-sel-limited-option section name key docstring defval permitted)))
(define-public (gnc:make-account-sel-option section name key docstring default validator)
(let ((defval (if default (default) '())))
(gnc-make-account-sel-limited-option section name key docstring defval '())))
(define-public (gnc:make-multichoice-option section name key docstring default multichoice)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:make-multichoice-option is deprecated. Make and register the option in one command with gnc-register-multichoice-option.")
(let ((defval (cond ((symbol? default)
(symbol->string default))
((number? default)
(number->string default))
(else default))))
(gnc-make-multichoice-option section name key docstring defval multichoice)))
(define-public (gnc:make-multichoice-callback-option section name key docstring default multichoice setter-cb widget-changed-cb)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:make-multichoice-callback-option is deprecated in favor of a not-yet-written but more sensible way to conditionally enable and disable option widgets.")
(gnc:make-multichoice-option section name key docstring default multichoice))
(define-public (gnc:make-list-option section name key docstring default multichoice)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:make-list-option is deprecated. Make and register the option in one command with gnc-register-list-option.")
(let ((indexes (if default (map (lambda (def-item)
(list-index (lambda (choice)
(eq? def-item
(vector-ref choice 0)))
default) 0)))
(gnc-make-list-option section name key docstring indexes multichoice)))
(define-public (gnc:make-radiobutton-option section name key docstring default multichoice)
(gnc:warn "gnc:make-radiobutton-option is no longer available. Using gnc:make-multichoice-option instead.")
(gnc:make-multichoice-option section name key docstring default multichoice))
(define-public (gnc:make-number-range-option section name key docstring default min max dec-places step)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:make-number-range-option is deprecated. Make and register the option in one command with gnc-register-number-range-option.")
(gnc-make-range-value-option section name key docstring default min max step))
(define-public (gnc:make-number-plot-size-option section name key docstring default min max dec-places step)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:make-number-plot-size-option is deprecated. Make and register the option in one command with gnc-register-plot-size-range-option.")
;; Ignore what the call asks for, only 10-100% makes sense.
(gnc-make-plot-size-option section name key docstring 100 10 100 1))
(define-public (gnc:make-query-option section name default)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:make-query-option is deprecated. Make and register the option in one command with gnc-register-query-option.")
(let ((defv (if (list? default) default (gnc-query2scm default))))
(gnc-make-query-option section name "" "query" defv (GncOptionUIType-INTERNAL))))
(define-public (gnc:make-internal-option section name default)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:make-internal-option is deprecated. Make and register the option in one command with gnc-register-internal-option.")
(let ((type (GncOptionUIType-INTERNAL))
(key "_")
(desc "internal"))
((boolean? default) (gnc-make-bool-option section name key desc default
((string? default) (gnc-make-string-option section name key desc default
(gnc-make-SCM-option section name key desc default type)))))
(define-public (gnc:make-owner-option section name key docstring getter validator owner-type)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:make-owner-option is deprecated. Make and register the option in one command with gnc-register-owner-option.")
(let* ((ui-type (cond
((eqv? owner-type GNC-OWNER-CUSTOMER) (GncOptionUIType-CUSTOMER))
((eqv? owner-type GNC-OWNER-VENDOR) (GncOptionUIType-VENDOR))
((eqv? owner-type GNC-OWNER-EMPLOYEE) (GncOptionUIType-EMPLOYEE))
((eqv? owner-type GNC-OWNER-JOB) (GncOptionUIType-JOB))
(else (GncOptionUIType-INTERNAL))))
(guid (gncOwnerReturnGUID (getter)))
(book (gnc-get-current-book))
(defval (cond
((eqv? owner-type GNC-OWNER-CUSTOMER) (gncCustomerLookupFlip guid book))
((eqv? owner-type GNC-OWNER-VENDOR) (gncVendorLookupFlip guid book))
((eqv? owner-type GNC-OWNER-EMPLOYEE) (gncEmployeeLookupFlip guid book))
((eqv? owner-type GNC-OWNER-JOB) (gncJobLookupFlip guid book)))))
(gnc-make-owner-option section name key docstring defval ui-type)))
(define-public (gnc:make-invoice-option section name key docstring getter validator)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:make-invoice-option is deprecated. Make and register the option in one command with gnc-register-ionvoice-option.")
(let ((defval (if getter (getter) #f)))
(gnc-make-qofinstance-option section name key docstring defval (GncOptionUIType-INVOICE))))
(define-public (gnc:make-taxtable-option section name key docstring default)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:make-taxtable-option is deprecated. Make and register the option in one command with gnc-register-taxtable-option.")
(gnc-make-qofinstance-option section name key docstring default (GncOptionUIType-TAX_TABLE)))
(define-public (gnc:make-counter-option section name key docstring default)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:make-number-range-option is deprecated. Make and register the option in one command with gnc-register-number-range-option.")
(gnc-make-range-value-option section name key docstring default 0.0 999999999.0, 1.0))
(define-public (gnc:make-counter-format-option section name key docstring default)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:make-counter-format-option is deprecated. Make and register the option in one command with gnc-register-counter-format-option.")
(gnc-make-string-option section name key docstring default (GncOptionUIType-STRING)))
(define-public (gnc:make-date-format-option section name key docstring default)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:make-date-format-option is deprecated. Make and register the option in one command with gnc-register-date-format-option.")
(gnc-make-string-option section name key docstring default (GncOptionUIType-DATE_FORMAT)))
(define-public (gnc:make-currency-option section name key docstring default)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:make-currency-option is deprecated. Make and register the option in one command with gnc-register-currency-option.")
(gnc-make-currency-option section name key docstring default))
(define-public (gnc:make-date-option section name key docstring getter showtime
subtype relative-date-list)
(let ((default (getter))
(both (if (eq? subtype 'both) #t #f)))
(gnc-make-date-option section name key docstring default relative-date-list both)))
(define-public (gnc:options-make-end-date! optiondb pagename optname sort-tag docstring)
(gnc-register-end-date-option (optiondb 'make-option) pagename optname sort-tag docstring))
(define-public (gnc:options-make-date-interval! optiondb pagename name-from info-from name-to info-to sort-tag)
(gnc-register-start-date-option (optiondb 'make-option) pagename name-from
(string-append sort-tag "a") info-from)
(gnc-register-end-date-option (optiondb 'make-option) pagename name-to
(string-append sort-tag "b") info-to))
(define-public (gnc:date-option-absolute-time option-value)
(if (pair? option-value)
(if (eq? (car option-value) 'absolute)
(cdr option-value)
(gnc-relative-date-to-time64 (cdr option-value)))
;; This is a special case where we can't use the exported registration function
;; because we need to transform the default argument first depending on its
;; Scheme type.
(define-public (gnc:register-multichoice-option options section name key docstring default multichoice)
(issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:make-multichoice-option is deprecated. Make and register the option in one command with gnc-register-multichoice-option.")
(let ((defval (cond ((symbol? default)
(symbol->string default))
((number? default)
(number->string default))
(else default))))
(gnc-register-multichoice-option options section name key docstring defval multichoice)))
;; Scheme code for supporting options for the business modules
;; Created by: Derek Atkins <derek@ihtfp.com>
;; Internally, values are always a guid. Externally, both guids and
;; invoice pointers may be used to set the value of the option. The
;; option always returns a single invoice pointer.
(use-modules (gnucash core-utils))
(use-modules (gnucash engine))
(use-modules (gnucash utilities))
(use-modules (gnucash app-utils options))
(use-modules (sw_app_utils))
(export gnc:*business-label*)
(export gnc:*company-name*)
(export gnc:*company-addy*)
(export gnc:*company-id*)
(export gnc:*company-phone*)
(export gnc:*company-fax*)
(export gnc:*company-url*)
(export gnc:*company-email*)
(export gnc:*company-contact*)
(export gnc:*fancy-date-label*)
(export gnc:*fancy-date-format*)
(export gnc:*tax-label*)
(export gnc:*tax-nr-label*)
(export gnc:company-info)
(export gnc:fancy-date-info)
(export gnc:*option-section-budgeting*)
(export gnc:*option-name-auto-readonly-days*)
(export gnc:*option-name-num-field-source*)
(export gnc:*kvp-option-path*)
(export gnc:options-fancy-date)
(export gnc:*option-name-default-budget*)
(define gnc:*kvp-option-path* (list KVP-OPTION-PATH))
(define gnc:*option-name-auto-readonly-days* OPTION-NAME-AUTO-READONLY-DAYS)
(define gnc:*option-name-num-field-source* OPTION-NAME-NUM-FIELD-SOURCE)
(define gnc:*option-section-budgeting* OPTION-SECTION-BUDGETING)
(define gnc:*option-name-default-budget* OPTION-NAME-DEFAULT-BUDGET)
(define gnc:*business-label* (N_ "Business"))
(define gnc:*company-name* (N_ "Company Name"))
(define gnc:*company-addy* (N_ "Company Address"))
(define gnc:*company-id* (N_ "Company ID"))
(define gnc:*company-phone* (N_ "Company Phone Number"))
(define gnc:*company-fax* (N_ "Company Fax Number"))
(define gnc:*company-url* (N_ "Company Website URL"))
(define gnc:*company-email* (N_ "Company Email Address"))
(define gnc:*company-contact* (N_ "Company Contact Person"))
(define gnc:*fancy-date-label* (N_ "Fancy Date Format"))
(define gnc:*fancy-date-format* (N_ "custom"))
(define gnc:*tax-label* (N_ "Tax"))
(define gnc:*tax-nr-label* (N_ "Tax Number"))
(define (gnc:options-fancy-date book)
(let ((date-format (gnc:fancy-date-info book gnc:*fancy-date-format*)))
(if (boolean? date-format) ;; date-format does not exist
(qof-date-format-get-string (qof-date-format-get))
(define (gnc:company-info book key)
;; Access company info from key-value pairs for current book
(gnc:option-get-value book gnc:*business-label* key))
(define (gnc:fancy-date-info book key)
;; Access fancy date info from key-value pairs for current book
(gnc:option-get-value book gnc:*business-label* (list gnc:*fancy-date-label* key)))
(define (gnc:options-fancy-date book)
(let ((date-format (gnc:fancy-date-info book gnc:*fancy-date-format*)))
(if (boolean? date-format) ;; date-format does not exist
(qof-date-format-get-string (qof-date-format-get))