mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
This may not be the correct fix, but it is plausible and it makes the test build and run.
694 lines
24 KiB
694 lines
24 KiB
* utest-backend-dbi-basic.c
* Created on: 2011-04-23
* Author: phil
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as *
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*
* along with this program; if not, contact: *
* *
* Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652 *
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA gnu@gnu.org *
* *
#include <kvp-frame.hpp>
extern "C"
#include <config.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <glib/gstdio.h>
#include <glib/gi18n.h>
#include <qof.h>
/* For cleaning up the database */
#include <dbi/dbi.h>
#include <gnc-uri-utils.h>
/* For setup_business */
#include "Account.h"
#include <TransLog.h>
#include "Transaction.h"
#include "Split.h"
#include "gnc-commodity.h"
#include "gncAddress.h"
#include "gncCustomer.h"
#include "gncInvoice.h"
/* For version_control */
#include <gnc-prefs.h>
/* For test_conn_index_functions */
#include "../gnc-backend-dbi.hpp"
#include "../gnc-backend-dbi.h"
extern "C"
#include <unittest-support.h>
#include <test-stuff.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include "test-dbi-stuff.h"
#include "test-dbi-business-stuff.h"
#define HAVE_LIBDBI_R 1
static dbi_inst dbi_instance = NULL;
#define HAVE_LIBDBI_R 0
static const gchar* suitename = "/backend/dbi";
void test_suite_gnc_backend_dbi (void);
using StrVec = std::vector<std::string>;
typedef struct
QofSession* session;
gchar* filename;
GSList* hdlrs;
} Fixture;
static void
setup (Fixture* fixture, gconstpointer pData)
gchar* url = (gchar*)pData;
fixture->session = qof_session_new ();
/* When running distcheck the source directory is read-only, which
* prevents creating the lock file. Force the session to get
* around that.
qof_session_begin (fixture->session, DBI_TEST_XML_FILENAME, TRUE,
g_assert_cmpint (qof_session_get_error (fixture->session), == ,
qof_session_load (fixture->session, NULL);
if (g_strcmp0 (url, "sqlite3") == 0)
fixture->filename = g_strdup_printf ("/tmp/test-sqlite-%d", getpid ());
fixture->filename = NULL;
static void
setup_memory (Fixture* fixture, gconstpointer pData)
QofSession* session = nullptr;
gchar* url = (gchar*)pData;
QofBook* book;
Account* root, *acct1, *acct2;
Transaction* tx;
Split* spl1, *spl2;
gnc_commodity_table* table;
gnc_commodity* currency;
session = qof_session_new ();
book = qof_session_get_book (session);
root = gnc_book_get_root_account (book);
table = gnc_commodity_table_get_table (book);
currency = gnc_commodity_table_lookup (table, GNC_COMMODITY_NS_CURRENCY,
acct1 = xaccMallocAccount (book);
xaccAccountSetType (acct1, ACCT_TYPE_BANK);
xaccAccountSetName (acct1, "Bank 1");
xaccAccountSetCommodity (acct1, currency);
auto frame = qof_instance_get_slots (QOF_INSTANCE (acct1));
frame->set ({"int64-val"}, new KvpValue (INT64_C (100)));
frame->set ({"double-val"}, new KvpValue (3.14159));
frame->set ({"numeric-val"}, new KvpValue (gnc_numeric_zero ()));
frame->set ({"time-val"}, new KvpValue (gnc_time(nullptr)));
frame->set ({"string-val"}, new KvpValue (g_strdup ("abcdefghijklmnop")));
auto guid = qof_instance_get_guid (QOF_INSTANCE (acct1));
frame->set ({"guid-val"}, new KvpValue (const_cast<GncGUID*> (guid_copy (
gnc_account_append_child (root, acct1);
acct2 = xaccMallocAccount (book);
xaccAccountSetType (acct2, ACCT_TYPE_BANK);
xaccAccountSetName (acct2, "Bank 1");
tx = xaccMallocTransaction (book);
xaccTransBeginEdit (tx);
xaccTransSetCurrency (tx, currency);
spl1 = xaccMallocSplit (book);
xaccTransAppendSplit (tx, spl1);
spl2 = xaccMallocSplit (book);
xaccTransAppendSplit (tx, spl2);
xaccTransCommitEdit (tx);
fixture->session = session;
if (g_strcmp0 (url, "sqlite3") == 0)
fixture->filename = g_strdup_printf ("/tmp/test-sqlite-%d", getpid ());
fixture->filename = NULL;
static void
setup_business (Fixture* fixture, gconstpointer pData)
gnc_module_init_backend_dbi ();
QofSession* session = qof_session_new ();
gchar* url = (gchar*)pData;
QofBook* book = qof_session_get_book (session);
Account* root = gnc_book_get_root_account (book);
Account* acct1;
Account* acct2;
gnc_commodity_table* table;
gnc_commodity* currency;
GncAddress* addr;
GncCustomer* cust;
GncEmployee* emp;
GncTaxTable* tt;
GncTaxTableEntry* tte;
table = gnc_commodity_table_get_table (book);
currency = gnc_commodity_table_lookup (table, GNC_COMMODITY_NS_CURRENCY,
acct1 = xaccMallocAccount (book);
xaccAccountSetType (acct1, ACCT_TYPE_BANK);
xaccAccountSetName (acct1, "Bank 1");
xaccAccountSetCommodity (acct1, currency);
xaccAccountSetHidden (acct1, FALSE);
xaccAccountSetPlaceholder (acct1, FALSE);
gnc_account_append_child (root, acct1);
acct2 = xaccMallocAccount (book);
xaccAccountSetType (acct2, ACCT_TYPE_BANK);
xaccAccountSetName (acct2, "Bank 2");
xaccAccountSetCommodity (acct2, currency);
xaccAccountSetHidden (acct2, FALSE);
xaccAccountSetPlaceholder (acct2, FALSE);
gnc_account_append_child (root, acct2);
tt = gncTaxTableCreate (book);
gncTaxTableSetName (tt, "tt");
tte = gncTaxTableEntryCreate ();
gncTaxTableEntrySetAccount (tte, acct1);
gncTaxTableEntrySetType (tte, GNC_AMT_TYPE_VALUE);
gncTaxTableEntrySetAmount (tte, gnc_numeric_zero ());
gncTaxTableAddEntry (tt, tte);
tte = gncTaxTableEntryCreate ();
gncTaxTableEntrySetAccount (tte, acct2);
gncTaxTableEntrySetType (tte, GNC_AMT_TYPE_PERCENT);
gncTaxTableEntrySetAmount (tte, gnc_numeric_zero ());
gncTaxTableAddEntry (tt, tte);
cust = gncCustomerCreate (book);
gncCustomerSetID (cust, "0001");
gncCustomerSetName (cust, "MyCustomer");
gncCustomerSetNotes (cust, "Here are some notes");
gncCustomerSetCurrency (cust, currency);
addr = gncAddressCreate (book, QOF_INSTANCE (cust));
gncAddressSetName (addr, "theAddress");
gncAddressSetAddr1 (addr, "Address line #1");
gncAddressSetAddr2 (addr, "Address line #2");
gncAddressSetAddr3 (addr, "Address line #3");
gncAddressSetAddr4 (addr, "Address line #4");
gncAddressSetPhone (addr, "(123) 555-1212");
gncAddressSetPhone (addr, "(123) 555-2121");
gncAddressSetEmail (addr, "cust@mycustomer.com");
emp = gncEmployeeCreate (book);
gncEmployeeSetID (emp, "0001");
gncEmployeeSetUsername (emp, "gnucash");
gncEmployeeSetLanguage (emp, "english");
gncEmployeeSetCurrency (emp, currency);
fixture->session = session;
if (g_strcmp0 (url, "sqlite3") == 0)
fixture->filename = g_strdup_printf ("/tmp/test-sqlite-%d", getpid ());
fixture->filename = NULL;
static void
destroy_database (gchar* url)
gchar* scheme = NULL;
gchar* host = NULL;
gchar* dbname = NULL;
gchar* username = NULL;
gchar* password = NULL;
gchar* basename = NULL;
gint portnum = 0;
gchar* port = NULL;
auto pgsql = "pgsql";
dbi_conn conn = NULL;
auto errfmt = "Unable to delete tables in %s: %s";
gint fail = 0;
dbi_result tables;
StrVec tblnames;
gnc_uri_get_components (url, &scheme, &host, &portnum,
&username, &password, &dbname);
if (g_strcmp0 (scheme, "postgres") == 0)
conn = dbi_conn_new_r (pgsql, dbi_instance);
conn = dbi_conn_new (pgsql);
conn = dbi_conn_new_r (scheme, dbi_instance);
conn = dbi_conn_new (scheme);
port = g_strdup_printf ("%d", portnum);
if (conn == NULL)
g_printf (errfmt, url, "failed to create connection");
fail = dbi_conn_set_option (conn, "host", host);
if (!fail && portnum)
fail = dbi_conn_set_option (conn, "port", port);
if (!fail)
fail = dbi_conn_set_option (conn, "dbname", dbname);
if (!fail)
fail = dbi_conn_set_option (conn, "username", username);
if (!fail)
fail = dbi_conn_set_option (conn, "password", password);
if (!fail)
fail = dbi_conn_set_option (conn, "encoding", "UTF-8");
g_free (port);
if (fail != 0)
g_printf (errfmt, url, "failed to set an option");
dbi_conn_close (conn);
fail = dbi_conn_connect (conn);
if (fail != 0)
const gchar* error;
gint errnum = dbi_conn_error (conn, &error);
g_printf (errfmt, url, error);
dbi_conn_close (conn);
tables = dbi_conn_get_table_list (conn, dbname, NULL);
while (dbi_result_next_row (tables) != 0)
const std::string table{dbi_result_get_string_idx (tables, 1)};
dbi_result_free (tables);
std::for_each(tblnames.begin(), tblnames.end(),
[conn](std::string table) {
std::string query{"DROP TABLE "};
query += table;
dbi_result rslt = dbi_conn_query (conn, query.c_str());
static void
teardown (Fixture* fixture, gconstpointer pData)
auto lockfile = g_strdup_printf ("%s/test-dbi.xml.LCK",
g_path_get_dirname (DBI_TEST_XML_FILENAME));
auto msg =
g_strdup_printf ("[GncXmlBackend::session_end()] Error on g_unlink(%s): 2: No such file or directory",
auto logdomain = "gnc.backend";
auto loglevel = static_cast<GLogLevelFlags> (G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING |
TestErrorStruct* check = test_error_struct_new (logdomain, loglevel, msg);
fixture->hdlrs = test_log_set_fatal_handler (fixture->hdlrs, check,
qof_session_end (fixture->session);
qof_session_destroy (fixture->session);
if (fixture->filename)
g_unlink (fixture->filename);
g_free (fixture->filename);
destroy_database ((gchar*)pData);
g_free (msg);
g_free (lockfile);
g_slist_free_full (fixture->hdlrs, test_free_log_handler);
test_clear_error_list ();
#if 0 //temporarily disable test pending refactor.
static void
test_conn_index_functions (QofBackend* qof_be)
GncDbiBackend* dbi_be = reinterpret_cast<decltype(dbi_be)>(qof_be);
auto index_list = conn->provider()->get_index_list (dbi_be->conn);
g_test_message ("Returned from index list\n");
g_assert_cmpint (index_list.size(), == , 4);
for (auto index : index_list)
const char* errmsg;
conn->provider()->drop_index (dbi_be->conn, index);
g_assert (DBI_ERROR_NONE == dbi_conn_error (conn->conn(), &errmsg));
/* Given a synthetic session, use the same logic as
* QofSession::save_as to save it to a specified sql url, then load it
* back and compare. */
static void
test_dbi_store_and_reload (Fixture* fixture, gconstpointer pData)
const gchar* url = (const gchar*)pData;
QofSession* session_2;
QofSession* session_3;
auto msg = "[GncDbiSqlConnection::unlock_database()] There was no lock entry in the Lock table";
auto log_domain = nullptr;
auto loglevel = static_cast<GLogLevelFlags> (G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING |
TestErrorStruct* check = test_error_struct_new (log_domain, loglevel, msg);
fixture->hdlrs = test_log_set_fatal_handler (fixture->hdlrs, check,
if (fixture->filename)
url = fixture->filename;
// Save the session data
session_2 = qof_session_new ();
qof_session_begin (session_2, url, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE);
g_assert (session_2 != NULL);
g_assert_cmpint (qof_session_get_error (session_2), == , ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR);
qof_session_swap_data (fixture->session, session_2);
qof_book_mark_session_dirty (qof_session_get_book (session_2));
qof_session_save (session_2, NULL);
g_assert (session_2 != NULL);
g_assert_cmpint (qof_session_get_error (session_2), == , ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR);
// Reload the session data
session_3 = qof_session_new ();
g_assert (session_3 != NULL);
qof_session_begin (session_3, url, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);
g_assert (session_3 != NULL);
g_assert_cmpint (qof_session_get_error (session_3), == , ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR);
qof_session_load (session_3, NULL);
g_assert (session_3 != NULL);
g_assert_cmpint (qof_session_get_error (session_3), == , ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR);
// Compare with the original data
compare_books (qof_session_get_book (session_2),
qof_session_get_book (session_3));
/* fixture->session belongs to the fixture and teardown() will clean it up */
qof_session_end (session_2);
qof_session_destroy (session_2);
qof_session_end (session_3);
qof_session_destroy (session_3);
/** Test the safe_save mechanism. Beware that this test used on its
* own doesn't ensure that the resave is done safely, only that the
* database is intact and unchanged after the save. To observe the
* safety one must run the test in a debugger and break after the
* rename step of gnc_dbi_safe_sync, then examine the database in the
* appropriate shell.
static void
test_dbi_safe_save (Fixture* fixture, gconstpointer pData)
auto url = (gchar*)pData;
QofSession* session_1 = NULL, *session_2 = NULL;
auto msg = "[GncDbiSqlConnection::unlock_database()] There was no lock entry in the Lock table";
auto log_domain = nullptr;
auto loglevel = static_cast<GLogLevelFlags> (G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING |
TestErrorStruct* check = test_error_struct_new (log_domain, loglevel, msg);
if (fixture->filename)
url = fixture->filename;
// Load the session data
session_1 = qof_session_new ();
qof_session_begin (session_1, url, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE);
if (session_1 &&
qof_session_get_error (session_1) != ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR)
g_warning ("Session Error: %d, %s", qof_session_get_error (session_1),
qof_session_get_error_message (session_1));
g_test_message ("DB Session Creation Failed");
g_assert (FALSE);
goto cleanup;
qof_session_swap_data (fixture->session, session_1);
qof_book_mark_session_dirty (qof_session_get_book (session_1));
qof_session_save (session_1, NULL);
/* Do a safe save */
qof_session_safe_save (session_1, NULL);
if (session_1 && qof_session_get_error (session_1) != ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR)
g_warning ("Session Error: %s",
qof_session_get_error_message (session_1));
g_test_message ("DB Session Safe Save Failed");
g_assert (FALSE);
goto cleanup;
/* Destroy the session and reload it */
session_2 = qof_session_new ();
qof_session_begin (session_2, url, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);
if (session_2 &&
qof_session_get_error (session_2) != ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR)
g_warning ("Session Error: %d, %s", qof_session_get_error (session_2),
qof_session_get_error_message (session_2));
g_test_message ("DB Session re-creation Failed");
g_assert (FALSE);
goto cleanup;
qof_session_load (session_2, NULL);
compare_books (qof_session_get_book (session_1),
qof_session_get_book (session_2));
// auto qof_be = qof_book_get_backend (qof_session_get_book (session_2));
// test_conn_index_functions (qof_be);
fixture->hdlrs = test_log_set_fatal_handler (fixture->hdlrs, check,
if (session_2 != NULL)
qof_session_end (session_2);
qof_session_destroy (session_2);
if (session_1 != NULL)
qof_session_end (session_1);
qof_session_destroy (session_1);
/* Test the gnc_dbi_load logic that forces a newer database to be
* opened read-only and an older one to be safe-saved. Again, it would
* be better to do this starting from a fresh file, but instead we're
* being lazy and using an existing one. */
static void
test_dbi_version_control (Fixture* fixture, gconstpointer pData)
auto url = (gchar*)pData;
QofSession* sess;
QofBook* book;
QofBackendError err;
gint ourversion = gnc_prefs_get_long_version ();
GncSqlBackend* sql_be = nullptr;
// Load the session data
if (fixture->filename)
url = fixture->filename;
sess = qof_session_new ();
qof_session_begin (sess, url, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE);
if (sess && qof_session_get_error (sess) != ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR)
g_warning ("Session Error: %d, %s", qof_session_get_error (sess),
qof_session_get_error_message (sess));
g_test_message ("DB Session Creation Failed");
g_assert (FALSE);
goto cleanup;
qof_session_swap_data (fixture->session, sess);
qof_book_mark_session_dirty (qof_session_get_book (sess));
qof_session_save (sess, NULL);
sql_be = reinterpret_cast<decltype(sql_be)>(qof_session_get_backend (sess));
book = qof_session_get_book (sess);
qof_book_begin_edit (book);
sql_be->set_table_version ("Gnucash", GNUCASH_RESAVE_VERSION - 1);
qof_book_commit_edit (book);
qof_session_end (sess);
qof_session_destroy (sess);
sess = qof_session_new ();
qof_session_begin (sess, url, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);
qof_session_load (sess, NULL);
err = qof_session_pop_error (sess);
g_assert_cmpint (err, == , ERR_SQL_DB_TOO_OLD);
sql_be = reinterpret_cast<decltype(sql_be)>(qof_session_get_backend (sess));
book = qof_session_get_book (sess);
qof_book_begin_edit (book);
sql_be->set_table_version ("Gnucash", ourversion);
sql_be->set_table_version ("Gnucash-Resave", ourversion + 1);
qof_book_commit_edit (book);
qof_session_end (sess);
qof_session_destroy (sess);
sess = qof_session_new ();
qof_session_begin (sess, url, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);
qof_session_load (sess, NULL);
qof_session_ensure_all_data_loaded (sess);
err = qof_session_pop_error (sess);
g_assert_cmpint (err, == , ERR_SQL_DB_TOO_NEW);
sql_be = reinterpret_cast<decltype(sql_be)>(qof_session_get_backend (sess));
book = qof_session_get_book (sess);
qof_book_begin_edit (book);
sql_be->set_table_version ("Gnucash-Resave", GNUCASH_RESAVE_VERSION);
qof_book_commit_edit (book);
qof_session_end (sess);
qof_session_destroy (sess);
static void
test_dbi_business_store_and_reload (Fixture* fixture, gconstpointer pData)
QofSession* session_2;
QofSession* session_3;
const gchar* url = (gchar*)pData;
auto msg = "[GncDbiSqlConnection::unlock_database()] There was no lock entry in the Lock table";
auto log_domain = nullptr;
auto loglevel = static_cast<GLogLevelFlags> (G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING |
TestErrorStruct* check = test_error_struct_new (log_domain, loglevel, msg);
if (fixture->filename)
url = fixture->filename;
// Save the session data
session_2 = qof_session_new ();
qof_session_begin (session_2, url, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE);
qof_session_swap_data (fixture->session, session_2);
qof_book_mark_session_dirty (qof_session_get_book (session_2));
qof_session_save (session_2, NULL);
// Reload the session data
session_3 = qof_session_new ();
qof_session_begin (session_3, url, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);
qof_session_load (session_3, NULL);
// Compare with the original data
compare_business_books (qof_session_get_book (session_2),
qof_session_get_book (session_3));
qof_session_end (session_2);
qof_session_destroy (session_2);
fixture->hdlrs = test_log_set_fatal_handler (fixture->hdlrs, check,
qof_session_end (session_3);
qof_session_destroy (session_3);
static void
test_adjust_sql_options_string (void)
const char* in[] = {
"NO_ZERO_DATExx,something_ else",
"something,NO_ZERO_DATExx,something_ else",
const char* out[] = {
"NO_ZERO_DATExx,something_ else",
"something,NO_ZERO_DATExx,something_ else",
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(in) / sizeof(char*); i++)
std::string adjusted_str = adjust_sql_options_string(in[i]);
g_assert_cmpstr(out[i], ==, adjusted_str.c_str());
static void
create_dbi_test_suite (const char* dbm_name, const char* url)
auto subsuite = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", suitename, dbm_name);
GNC_TEST_ADD (subsuite, "store_and_reload", Fixture, url, setup,
test_dbi_store_and_reload, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (subsuite, "safe_save", Fixture, url, setup_memory,
test_dbi_safe_save, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (subsuite, "version_control", Fixture, url, setup_memory,
test_dbi_version_control, teardown);
GNC_TEST_ADD (subsuite, "business_store_and_reload", Fixture, url,
setup_business, test_dbi_version_control, teardown);
g_free (subsuite);
test_suite_gnc_backend_dbi (void)
dbi_driver driver = nullptr;
StrVec drivers;
if (dbi_instance == NULL)
dbi_initialize_r (NULL, &dbi_instance);
while ((driver = dbi_driver_list_r (driver, dbi_instance)))
dbi_initialize (NULL);
while ((driver = dbi_driver_list (driver)))
drivers.push_back(dbi_driver_get_name (driver));
for (auto name : drivers)
if (name == "sqlite3")
create_dbi_test_suite ("sqlite3", "sqlite3");
if (strlen (TEST_MYSQL_URL) > 0 && name == "mysql")
create_dbi_test_suite ("mysql", TEST_MYSQL_URL);
if (strlen (TEST_PGSQL_URL) > 0 && name == "pgsql")
g_setenv ("PGOPTIONS", "-c client_min_messages=WARNING", FALSE);
create_dbi_test_suite ("postgres", TEST_PGSQL_URL);
GNC_TEST_ADD_FUNC( suitename, "adjust sql options string localtime",
test_adjust_sql_options_string );