Geert Janssens 83d14e1c1c Restructure the src directory
It is split into
- /libgnucash (for the non-gui bits)
- /gnucash (for the gui)
- /common (misc source files used by both)
- /bindings (currently only holds python bindings)

This is the first step in restructuring the code. It will need much
more fine tuning later on.
2017-08-10 18:45:00 +02:00

246 lines
8.1 KiB

* test-dbi-stuff.c
* Tests saving and loading to a dbi/sqlite3 db
* Copyright (C) 2009 Phil Longstaff <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301, USA.
extern "C"
#include <config.h>
#include <qof.h>
#include <cashobjects.h>
#include <test-dbi-stuff.h>
#include <unittest-support.h>
#include <Account.h>
#include <Split.h>
#include <Transaction.h>
#include <gnc-commodity.h>
#include <SX-book.h>
#include <gnc-lot.h>
#include <kvp-frame.hpp>
#include "../gnc-backend-dbi.hpp"
G_GNUC_UNUSED static QofLogModule log_module = "test-dbi";
/* Placeholder for some old functions that need to be re-written and enabled */
static void do_test (G_GNUC_UNUSED gboolean foo, G_GNUC_UNUSED gchar* bar)
do_compare (QofBook* book_1, QofBook* book_2, const gchar* id,
QofInstanceForeachCB cb, const gchar* msg)
QofCollection* coll;
CompareInfoStruct info;
coll = qof_book_get_collection (book_1, id);
info.book_1 = book_1;
info.book_2 = book_2;
info.result = TRUE;
qof_collection_foreach (coll, cb, &info);
static void
compare_account_trees (QofBook* book_1, QofBook* book_2)
Account* root_1 = gnc_book_get_root_account (book_1);
Account* root_2 = gnc_book_get_root_account (book_2);
xaccAccountSetHidden (root_1, xaccAccountGetHidden (root_1));
g_assert (xaccAccountEqual (root_1, root_2, FALSE));
static void
compare_single_tx (QofInstance* inst, gpointer user_data)
CompareInfoStruct* info = (CompareInfoStruct*)user_data;
Transaction* tx_1 = GNC_TRANS (inst);
Transaction* tx_2 = xaccTransLookup (qof_instance_get_guid (inst),
g_assert (xaccTransEqual (tx_1, tx_2, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE));
static void
compare_txs (QofBook* book_1, QofBook* book_2)
do_compare (book_1, book_2, GNC_ID_TRANS,
compare_single_tx, "Transaction lists match");
static SchedXaction*
get_sx_by_guid (QofBook* book, const GncGUID* guid)
SchedXactions* sxes = gnc_book_get_schedxactions (book);
GList* sxitem;
for (sxitem = sxes->sx_list; sxitem != NULL; sxitem = sxitem->next)
const GncGUID* sx_guid;
sx_guid = qof_instance_get_guid (QOF_INSTANCE (sxitem->data));
if (guid_equal (sx_guid, guid))
return static_cast<SchedXaction*> (sxitem->data);
return NULL;
/* Be sure to put the control GDate first, otherwise a date that isn't
* properly carried over from the first instance won't assert.
#define TEST_GDATES_EQUAL(gd1, gd2) \
if (g_date_valid (gd1)) \
{ \
g_assert (g_date_valid (gd2)); \
g_assert (g_date_compare (gd1, gd2) == 0);\
static void
compare_recurrences (GList* rl_1, GList* rl_2)
GList* ritem1, *ritem2;
if (rl_1 == NULL)
g_assert (rl_2 != NULL);
g_assert_cmpint (g_list_length (rl_1), == , g_list_length (rl_2));
for (ritem1 = rl_1, ritem2 = rl_2; ritem1 != NULL && ritem2 != NULL;
ritem1 = g_list_next (ritem1), ritem2 = g_list_next (ritem2))
auto r1 = static_cast<Recurrence*> (ritem1->data);
auto r2 = static_cast<Recurrence*> (ritem2->data);
TEST_GDATES_EQUAL (&r1->start, &r2->start);
g_assert_cmpint (r1->ptype, == , r2->ptype);
g_assert_cmpint (r1->mult, == , r2->mult);
g_assert_cmpint (r1->wadj, == , r2->wadj);
static void
compare_single_sx (QofInstance* inst, gpointer user_data)
CompareInfoStruct* info = (CompareInfoStruct*)user_data;
SchedXaction* sx_1 = GNC_SCHEDXACTION (inst);
SchedXaction* sx_2 = get_sx_by_guid (info->book_2,
qof_instance_get_guid (inst));
g_assert (sx_2 != NULL);
g_assert_cmpstr (sx_1->name, == , sx_2->name);
compare_recurrences (sx_2->schedule, sx_1->schedule);
TEST_GDATES_EQUAL (&sx_2->last_date, &sx_1->last_date);
TEST_GDATES_EQUAL (&sx_2->start_date, &sx_1->start_date);
TEST_GDATES_EQUAL (&sx_2->end_date, &sx_1->end_date);
g_assert_cmpint (sx_2->num_occurances_total, == ,
g_assert_cmpint (sx_2->num_occurances_remain, == ,
g_assert_cmpint (sx_2->instance_num, == , sx_1->instance_num);
g_assert_cmpint (sx_2->enabled, == , sx_1->enabled);
g_assert_cmpint (sx_2->autoCreateOption, == , sx_1->autoCreateOption);
g_assert_cmpint (sx_2->autoCreateNotify, == , sx_1->autoCreateNotify);
g_assert_cmpint (sx_2->advanceCreateDays, == , sx_1->advanceCreateDays);
g_assert_cmpint (sx_2->advanceRemindDays, == , sx_1->advanceRemindDays);
static void
compare_sxs (QofBook* book_1, QofBook* book_2)
do_compare (book_1, book_2, GNC_ID_SCHEDXACTION,
compare_single_sx, "Scheduled transaction lists match");
extern KvpFrame* qof_instance_get_slots (const QofInstance*);
static void
compare_single_lot (QofInstance* inst, gpointer user_data)
CompareInfoStruct* info = (CompareInfoStruct*)user_data;
GNCLot* lot_1 = GNC_LOT (inst);
GNCLot* lot_2 = gnc_lot_lookup (qof_instance_get_guid (inst),
GList* split1, *splits1, *splits2;
g_assert (xaccAccountEqual (gnc_lot_get_account (lot_1),
gnc_lot_get_account (lot_2), FALSE));
g_assert_cmpint (gnc_lot_is_closed (lot_1), == , gnc_lot_is_closed (lot_2));
g_assert (compare (qof_instance_get_slots (QOF_INSTANCE (lot_1)),
qof_instance_get_slots (QOF_INSTANCE (lot_2))) == 0);
splits1 = gnc_lot_get_split_list (lot_1);
splits2 = gnc_lot_get_split_list (lot_2);
g_assert_cmpint (g_list_length (splits1), == , g_list_length (splits2));
for (split1 = splits1; split1 != NULL; split1 = g_list_next (split1))
Split* split2;
g_assert (GNC_IS_SPLIT (split1->data));
split2 = xaccSplitLookup (qof_instance_get_guid (split1->data),
g_assert (GNC_IS_SPLIT (split2));
g_assert (xaccSplitEqual (static_cast<Split*> (split1->data),
split2, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE));
static void
compare_lots (QofBook* book_1, QofBook* book_2)
do_compare (book_1, book_2, GNC_ID_LOT, compare_single_lot, "Lot lists match");
#if 0 //Disable test temporarily
static void
test_conn_index_functions (QofBackend* qof_be)
GncDbiBackend* dbi_be = reinterpret_cast<decltype(dbi_be)>(qof_be);
auto index_list = conn->provider()->get_index_list (dbi_be->conn);
g_test_message ("Returned from index list\n");
g_assert_cmpint (index_list.size(), == , 4);
for (auto index : index_list)
const char* errmsg;
conn->provider()->drop_index (dbi_be->conn, index);
g_assert (DBI_ERROR_NONE == dbi_conn_error (conn->conn(), &errmsg));
static void
compare_pricedbs (QofBook* book_1, QofBook* book_2)
do_compare (book_1, book_2, GNC_ID_TRANS,
compare_single_tx, "Transaction lists match");
compare_books (QofBook* book_1, QofBook* book_2)
compare_account_trees (book_1, book_2);
compare_pricedbs (book_1, book_2);
compare_txs (book_1, book_2);
compare_sxs (book_1, book_2);
compare_lots (book_1, book_2);