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Executable File
* gnc-uri-utils.c -- utility functions to convert uri in separate
* components and back.
* Copyright (C) 2010 Geert Janssens <janssens.geert@telenet.be>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, contact:
* Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA gnu@gnu.org
#include <glib.h>
#include "gnc-uri-utils.h"
#include "gnc-filepath-utils.h"
#include "qofsession.h"
/* Checks if the given uri is a valid uri
gboolean gnc_uri_is_uri (const gchar *uri)
gchar *scheme = NULL, *hostname = NULL;
gchar *username = NULL, *password = NULL;
gchar *path = NULL;
gint port = 0;
gboolean is_uri = FALSE;
gnc_uri_get_components ( uri, &scheme, &hostname, &port,
&username, &password, &path );
/* For gnucash to consider a uri valid the following must be true:
* - scheme and path must not be NULL
* - for anything but local filesystem uris, hostname must be valid as well */
is_uri = (scheme && path && (gnc_uri_is_file_scheme(scheme) || hostname));
g_free (scheme);
g_free (hostname);
g_free (username);
g_free (password);
g_free (path);
return is_uri;
/* Checks if the given scheme is used to refer to a file
* (as opposed to a network service)
gboolean gnc_uri_is_known_scheme (const gchar *scheme)
gboolean is_known_scheme = FALSE;
GList *node;
GList *known_scheme_list = qof_backend_get_registered_access_method_list();
for ( node = known_scheme_list; node != NULL; node = node->next )
gchar *known_scheme = node->data;
if ( !g_ascii_strcasecmp (scheme, known_scheme) )
is_known_scheme = TRUE;
g_list_free (known_scheme_list);
return is_known_scheme;
/* Checks if the given scheme is used to refer to a file
* (as opposed to a network service)
* Note unknown schemes are always considered network schemes.
* *Compatibility note:*
* This used to be the other way around before gnucash 3.4. Before
* that unknown schemes were always considered local file system
* uri schemes.
gboolean gnc_uri_is_file_scheme (const gchar *scheme)
return (scheme &&
(!g_ascii_strcasecmp (scheme, "file") ||
!g_ascii_strcasecmp (scheme, "xml") ||
!g_ascii_strcasecmp (scheme, "sqlite3")));
/* Checks if the given uri defines a file
* (as opposed to a network service)
gboolean gnc_uri_is_file_uri (const gchar *uri)
gchar *scheme = gnc_uri_get_scheme ( uri );
gboolean result = gnc_uri_is_file_scheme ( scheme );
g_free ( scheme );
return result;
/* Checks if the given uri is a valid uri
gboolean gnc_uri_targets_local_fs (const gchar *uri)
gchar *scheme = NULL, *hostname = NULL;
gchar *username = NULL, *password = NULL;
gchar *path = NULL;
gint port = 0;
gboolean is_local_fs = FALSE;
gnc_uri_get_components ( uri, &scheme, &hostname, &port,
&username, &password, &path );
/* For gnucash to consider a uri to target the local fs:
* path must not be NULL
* scheme should be NULL
* OR
* scheme must be file type scheme (file, xml, sqlite) */
is_local_fs = (path && (!scheme || gnc_uri_is_file_scheme(scheme)));
g_free (scheme);
g_free (hostname);
g_free (username);
g_free (password);
g_free (path);
return is_local_fs;
/* Splits a uri into its separate components */
void gnc_uri_get_components (const gchar *uri,
gchar **scheme,
gchar **hostname,
gint32 *port,
gchar **username,
gchar **password,
gchar **path)
gchar **splituri;
gchar *url = NULL, *tmpusername = NULL, *tmphostname = NULL;
gchar *delimiter = NULL;
*scheme = NULL;
*hostname = NULL;
*port = 0;
*username = NULL;
*password = NULL;
*path = NULL;
g_return_if_fail( uri != NULL && strlen (uri) > 0);
splituri = g_strsplit ( uri, "://", 2 );
if ( splituri[1] == NULL )
/* No scheme means simple file path.
Set path to copy of the input. */
*path = g_strdup ( uri );
g_strfreev ( splituri );
/* At least a scheme was found, set it here */
*scheme = g_strdup ( splituri[0] );
if ( gnc_uri_is_file_scheme ( *scheme ) )
/* a true file uri on windows can start file:///N:/
so we come here with /N:/, it could also be /N:\
if (g_str_has_prefix (splituri[1], "/") &&
((g_strstr_len (splituri[1], -1, ":/") != NULL) || (g_strstr_len (splituri[1], -1, ":\\") != NULL)))
gchar *ptr = splituri[1];
*path = gnc_resolve_file_path ( ptr + 1 );
*path = gnc_resolve_file_path ( splituri[1] );
g_strfreev ( splituri );
/* Protocol indicates full network style uri, let's see if it
* has a username and/or password
url = g_strdup (splituri[1]);
g_strfreev ( splituri );
/* Check for "@" sign, but start from the end - the password may contain
* this sign as well
delimiter = g_strrstr ( url, "@" );
if ( delimiter != NULL )
/* There is at least a username in the url */
delimiter[0] = '\0';
tmpusername = url;
tmphostname = delimiter + 1;
/* Check if there's a password too by looking for a :
* Start from the beginning this time to avoid possible :
* in the password */
delimiter = g_strstr_len ( tmpusername, -1, ":" );
if ( delimiter != NULL )
/* There is password in the url */
delimiter[0] = '\0';
*password = g_strdup ( (const gchar*)(delimiter + 1) );
*username = g_strdup ( (const gchar*)tmpusername );
/* No username and password were given */
tmphostname = url;
/* Find the path part */
delimiter = g_strstr_len ( tmphostname, -1, "/" );
if ( delimiter != NULL )
delimiter[0] = '\0';
if ( gnc_uri_is_file_scheme ( *scheme ) ) /* always return absolute file paths */
*path = gnc_resolve_file_path ( (const gchar*)(delimiter + 1) );
else /* path is no file path, so copy it as is */
*path = g_strdup ( (const gchar*)(delimiter + 1) );
/* Check for a port specifier */
delimiter = g_strstr_len ( tmphostname, -1, ":" );
if ( delimiter != NULL )
delimiter[0] = '\0';
*port = g_ascii_strtoll ( delimiter + 1, NULL, 0 );
*hostname = g_strdup ( (const gchar*)tmphostname );
g_free ( url );
gchar *gnc_uri_get_scheme (const gchar *uri)
gchar *scheme = NULL;
gchar *hostname = NULL;
gint32 port = 0;
gchar *username = NULL;
gchar *password = NULL;
gchar *path = NULL;
gnc_uri_get_components ( uri, &scheme, &hostname, &port,
&username, &password, &path );
g_free (hostname);
g_free (username);
g_free (password);
g_free (path);
return scheme;
gchar *gnc_uri_get_path (const gchar *uri)
gchar *scheme = NULL;
gchar *hostname = NULL;
gint32 port = 0;
gchar *username = NULL;
gchar *password = NULL;
gchar *path = NULL;
gnc_uri_get_components ( uri, &scheme, &hostname, &port,
&username, &password, &path );
g_free (scheme);
g_free (hostname);
g_free (username);
g_free (password);
return path;
/* Generates a normalized uri from the separate components */
gchar *gnc_uri_create_uri (const gchar *scheme,
const gchar *hostname,
gint32 port,
const gchar *username,
const gchar *password,
const gchar *path)
gchar *userpass = NULL, *portstr = NULL, *uri = NULL;
g_return_val_if_fail( path != 0, NULL );
if (!scheme || gnc_uri_is_file_scheme (scheme))
/* Compose a file based uri, which means ignore everything but
* the scheme and the path
* We return an absolute pathname if the scheme is known or
* no scheme was given. For an unknown scheme, we return the
* path info as is.
gchar *abs_path;
gchar *uri_scheme;
if (scheme && (!gnc_uri_is_known_scheme (scheme)) )
abs_path = g_strdup ( path );
abs_path = gnc_resolve_file_path ( path );
if (!scheme)
uri_scheme = g_strdup ("file");
uri_scheme = g_strdup (scheme);
/* Arrive here with...
* /my/path/to/file with space.txt
* becomes file:///my/path/to/file with space.txt
* c:\my\path\to\file with space.txt
* becomes file:///c:\my\path\to\file with space.txt
* \\myserver\share\path\to\file with space.txt
* becomes file://\\myserver\share\path\to\file with space.txt
* probably they should all be forward slashes and spaces escaped
* also with UNC it could be file://myserver/share/path/to/file with space.txt
if (g_str_has_prefix (abs_path, "/") || g_str_has_prefix (abs_path, "\\"))
uri = g_strdup_printf ( "%s://%s", uri_scheme, abs_path );
else // for windows add an extra "/"
uri = g_strdup_printf ( "%s:///%s", uri_scheme, abs_path );
g_free (uri_scheme);
g_free (abs_path);
return uri;
/* Not a file based uri, we need to setup all components that are not NULL
* For this scenario, hostname is mandatory.
g_return_val_if_fail( hostname != 0, NULL );
if ( username != NULL && *username )
if ( password != NULL && *password )
userpass = g_strdup_printf ( "%s:%s@", username, password );
userpass = g_strdup_printf ( "%s@", username );
userpass = g_strdup ( "" );
if ( port != 0 )
portstr = g_strdup_printf ( ":%d", port );
portstr = g_strdup ( "" );
// XXX Do I have to add the slash always or are there situations
// it is in the path already ?
uri = g_strconcat ( scheme, "://", userpass, hostname, portstr, "/", path, NULL );
g_free ( userpass );
g_free ( portstr );
return uri;
gchar *gnc_uri_normalize_uri (const gchar *uri, gboolean allow_password)
gchar *scheme = NULL;
gchar *hostname = NULL;
gint32 port = 0;
gchar *username = NULL;
gchar *password = NULL;
gchar *path = NULL;
gchar *newuri = NULL;
gnc_uri_get_components ( uri, &scheme, &hostname, &port,
&username, &password, &path );
if (allow_password)
newuri = gnc_uri_create_uri ( scheme, hostname, port,
username, password, path);
newuri = gnc_uri_create_uri ( scheme, hostname, port,
username, /* no password */ NULL, path);
g_free (scheme);
g_free (hostname);
g_free (username);
g_free (password);
g_free (path);
return newuri;
gchar *gnc_uri_add_extension ( const gchar *uri, const gchar *extension )
g_return_val_if_fail( uri != 0, NULL );
/* Only add extension if the user provided the extension and the uri is
* file based.
if ( !extension || !gnc_uri_is_file_uri( uri ) )
return g_strdup( uri );
/* Don't add extension if it's already there */
if ( g_str_has_suffix( uri, extension ) )
return g_strdup( uri );
/* Ok, all tests passed, let's add the extension */
return g_strconcat( uri, extension, NULL );