Christopher Lam 346499ae04 [gnc-commodity.cpp] gnc_quote_source_set_fq_installed takes a StrVec
instead of a GList* of strdup'd chars
2024-02-17 22:55:40 +08:00

436 lines
13 KiB

* gnucash-cli.cpp -- The command line entry point for GnuCash
* Copyright (C) 2020 Geert Janssens <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, contact:
* Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include <config.h>
#include <libguile.h>
#include <guile-mappings.h>
#ifdef __MINGW32__
#include <Windows.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "gnucash-commands.hpp"
#include "gnucash-core-app.hpp"
#include <gnc-filepath-utils.h>
#include <gnc-engine-guile.h>
#include <gnc-prefs.h>
#include <gnc-prefs-utils.h>
#include <gnc-session.h>
#include <qoflog.h>
#include <boost/locale.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <gnc-report.h>
#include <gnc-quotes.hpp>
namespace bl = boost::locale;
static std::string empty_string{};
/* This static indicates the debugging module that this .o belongs to. */
static QofLogModule log_module = GNC_MOD_GUI;
static int
cleanup_and_exit_with_failure (QofSession *session)
if (session)
auto error{qof_session_get_error (session)};
if (error != ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR)
if (error == ERR_BACKEND_LOCKED)
PERR ("File is locked, won't open.");
PERR ("Session Error: %s\n",
qof_session_get_error_message (session));
qof_session_destroy (session);
return 1;
static void gnc_shutdown_cli (int exit_status)
gnc_hook_run (HOOK_SHUTDOWN, NULL);
gnc_engine_shutdown ();
exit (exit_status);
/* scm_boot_guile doesn't expect to return, so call shutdown ourselves here */
static void
scm_cleanup_and_exit_with_failure (QofSession *session)
cleanup_and_exit_with_failure (session);
gnc_shutdown_cli (1);
static void
report_session_percentage (const char *message, double percent)
static double previous = 0.0;
if ((percent - previous) < 5.0)
PINFO ("\r%3.0f%% complete...", percent);
previous = percent;
/* Don't try to use std::string& for the members of the following struct, it
* results in the values getting corrupted as it passes through initializing
* Scheme when compiled with Clang.
struct run_report_args {
const std::string& file_to_load;
const std::string& run_report;
const std::string& export_type;
const std::string& output_file;
static inline void
write_report_file (const char *html, const char* file)
if (!file || !html || !*html) return;
auto ofs{gnc_open_filestream(file)};
if (!ofs)
std::cerr << "Failed to open file " << file << " for writing\n";
ofs << html << std::endl;
// ofs destructor will close the file
static void
scm_run_report (void *data,
[[maybe_unused]] int argc, [[maybe_unused]] char **argv)
auto args = static_cast<run_report_args*>(data);
scm_c_eval_string("(debug-set! stack 200000)");
scm_c_use_module ("gnucash utilities");
scm_c_use_module ("gnucash app-utils");
scm_c_use_module ("gnucash reports");
gnc_report_init ();
Gnucash::gnc_load_scm_config ([](const gchar *msg){ PINFO ("%s", msg); });
gnc_prefs_init ();
qof_event_suspend ();
auto datafile = args->file_to_load.c_str();
auto check_report_cmd = scm_c_eval_string ("gnc:cmdline-check-report");
auto get_report_cmd = scm_c_eval_string ("gnc:cmdline-get-report-id");
auto run_export_cmd = scm_c_eval_string ("gnc:cmdline-template-export");
/* We generally insist on using scm_from_utf8_string() throughout GnuCash
* because all GUI-sourced strings and all file-sourced strings are encoded
* that way. In this case, though, the input is coming from a shell window
* and Microsoft Windows shells are generally not capable of entering UTF8
* so it's necessary here to allow guile to read the locale and interpret
* the input in that encoding.
auto report = scm_from_locale_string (args->run_report.c_str());
auto type = !args->export_type.empty() ?
scm_from_locale_string (args->export_type.c_str()) : SCM_BOOL_F;
if (scm_is_false (scm_call_2 (check_report_cmd, report, type)))
scm_cleanup_and_exit_with_failure (nullptr);
PINFO ("Loading datafile %s...\n", datafile);
auto session = gnc_get_current_session ();
if (!session)
scm_cleanup_and_exit_with_failure (session);
qof_session_begin (session, datafile, SESSION_READ_ONLY);
if (qof_session_get_error (session) != ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR)
scm_cleanup_and_exit_with_failure (session);
qof_session_load (session, report_session_percentage);
if (qof_session_get_error (session) != ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR)
scm_cleanup_and_exit_with_failure (session);
if (!args->export_type.empty())
SCM retval = scm_call_2 (run_export_cmd, report, type);
SCM query_result = scm_c_eval_string ("gnc:html-document?");
SCM get_export_string = scm_c_eval_string ("gnc:html-document-export-string");
SCM get_export_error = scm_c_eval_string ("gnc:html-document-export-error");
if (scm_is_false (scm_call_1 (query_result, retval)))
std::cerr << _("This report must be upgraded to \
return a document object with export-string or export-error.") << std::endl;
scm_cleanup_and_exit_with_failure (nullptr);
SCM export_string = scm_call_1 (get_export_string, retval);
SCM export_error = scm_call_1 (get_export_error, retval);
if (scm_is_string (export_string))
auto output = scm_to_utf8_string (export_string);
if (!args->output_file.empty())
write_report_file(output, args->output_file.c_str());
std::cout << output << std::endl;
g_free (output);
else if (scm_is_string (export_error))
auto err = scm_to_utf8_string (export_error);
std::cerr << err << std::endl;
g_free (err);
scm_cleanup_and_exit_with_failure (nullptr);
std::cerr << _("This report must be upgraded to \
return a document object with export-string or export-error.") << std::endl;
scm_cleanup_and_exit_with_failure (nullptr);
SCM id = scm_call_1(get_report_cmd, report);
if (scm_is_false (id))
scm_cleanup_and_exit_with_failure (nullptr);
char *html, *errmsg;
if (gnc_run_report_with_error_handling (scm_to_int(id), &html, &errmsg))
if (!args->output_file.empty())
write_report_file(html, args->output_file.c_str());
std::cout << html << std::endl;
g_free (html);
std::cerr << errmsg << std::endl;
g_free (errmsg);
qof_session_destroy (session);
qof_event_resume ();
gnc_shutdown_cli (0);
struct show_report_args {
const std::string& file_to_load;
const std::string& show_report;
static void
scm_report_show (void *data,
[[maybe_unused]] int argc, [[maybe_unused]] char **argv)
auto args = static_cast<show_report_args*>(data);
scm_c_eval_string("(debug-set! stack 200000)");
scm_c_use_module ("gnucash utilities");
scm_c_use_module ("gnucash app-utils");
scm_c_use_module ("gnucash reports");
gnc_report_init ();
Gnucash::gnc_load_scm_config ([](const gchar *msg){ PINFO ("%s", msg); });
if (!args->file_to_load.empty())
auto datafile = args->file_to_load.c_str();
PINFO ("Loading datafile %s...\n", datafile);
auto session = gnc_get_current_session ();
if (session)
qof_session_begin (session, datafile, SESSION_READ_ONLY);
if (qof_session_get_error (session) == ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR)
qof_session_load (session, report_session_percentage);
scm_call_2 (scm_c_eval_string ("gnc:cmdline-report-show"),
scm_from_locale_string (args->show_report.c_str ()),
scm_current_output_port ());
gnc_shutdown_cli (0);
static void
scm_report_list ([[maybe_unused]] void *data,
[[maybe_unused]] int argc, [[maybe_unused]] char **argv)
scm_c_eval_string("(debug-set! stack 200000)");
scm_c_use_module ("gnucash app-utils");
scm_c_use_module ("gnucash reports");
gnc_report_init ();
Gnucash::gnc_load_scm_config ([](const gchar *msg){ PINFO ("%s", msg); });
scm_call_1 (scm_c_eval_string ("gnc:cmdline-report-list"),
scm_current_output_port ());
gnc_shutdown_cli (0);
Gnucash::check_finance_quote (void)
gnc_prefs_init ();
GncQuotes quotes;
std::cout << bl::format (bl::translate ("Found Finance::Quote version {1}.")) % quotes.version() << "\n";
std::cout << bl::translate ("Finance::Quote sources:\n");
int count{0};
const auto width{12};
for (auto source : quotes.sources())
auto mul{source.length() / width + 1};
count += mul;
if (count > 6)
count = mul;
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << std::setw(mul * (width + 1)) << std::left << source;
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
catch (const GncQuoteException& err)
std::cout << err.what() << std::endl;
return 1;
Gnucash::add_quotes (const bo_str& uri)
gnc_prefs_init ();
auto session = gnc_get_current_session();
if (!session)
return 1;
qof_session_begin(session, uri->c_str(), SESSION_NORMAL_OPEN);
if (qof_session_get_error(session) != ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR)
return cleanup_and_exit_with_failure (session);
qof_session_load(session, NULL);
if (qof_session_get_error(session) != ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR)
return cleanup_and_exit_with_failure (session);
GncQuotes quotes;
std::cout << bl::format (bl::translate ("Found Finance::Quote version {1}.")) % quotes.version() << std::endl;
auto quote_sources = quotes.sources();
gnc_quote_source_set_fq_installed (quotes.version().c_str(), quote_sources);
if (quotes.had_failures())
std::cerr << quotes.report_failures() << std::endl;
catch (const GncQuoteException& err)
std::cerr << bl::translate("Price retrieval failed: ") << err.what() << std::endl;
qof_session_save(session, NULL);
if (qof_session_get_error(session) != ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR)
return cleanup_and_exit_with_failure (session);
return 0;
Gnucash::report_quotes (const char* source, const StrVec& commodities, bool verbose)
GncQuotes quotes;, commodities, verbose);
if (quotes.had_failures())
std::cerr << quotes.report_failures() << std::endl;
catch (const GncQuoteException& err)
std::cerr << bl::translate("Price retrieval failed: ") << err.what() << std::endl;
return -1;
return 0;
Gnucash::run_report (const bo_str& file_to_load,
const bo_str& run_report,
const bo_str& export_type,
const bo_str& output_file)
auto args = run_report_args { file_to_load ? *file_to_load : empty_string,
run_report ? *run_report : empty_string,
export_type ? *export_type : empty_string,
output_file ? *output_file : empty_string };
if (run_report && !run_report->empty())
scm_boot_guile (0, nullptr, scm_run_report, &args);
return 0;
Gnucash::report_show (const bo_str& file_to_load,
const bo_str& show_report)
auto args = show_report_args { file_to_load ? *file_to_load : empty_string,
show_report ? *show_report : empty_string };
if (show_report && !show_report->empty())
scm_boot_guile (0, nullptr, scm_report_show, &args);
return 0;
Gnucash::report_list (void)
scm_boot_guile (0, nullptr, scm_report_list, NULL);
return 0;