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* gncInvoice.h -- the Core Business Invoice Interface *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as *
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*
* along with this program; if not, contact: *
* *
* Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652 *
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA gnu@gnu.org *
* *
/** @addtogroup Business
@{ */
/** @addtogroup Invoice
An invoice holds a list of entries, a pointer to the customer,
and the job, the dates entered and posted, as well as the account,
transaction and lot for the posted invoice.
@{ */
/** @file gncInvoice.h
@brief Business Invoice Interface
@author Copyright (C) 2001,2006 Derek Atkins <warlord@MIT.EDU>
@author Copyright (c) 2005 Neil Williams <linux@codehelp.co.uk>
#ifndef GNC_INVOICE_H_
#define GNC_INVOICE_H_
struct _gncInvoice;
typedef struct _gncInvoice GncInvoice;
typedef struct _gncInvoiceClass GncInvoiceClass;
typedef GList GncInvoiceList;
#include <glib.h>
#include "gncBillTerm.h"
#include "gncEntry.h"
#include "gncOwner.h"
#include "gnc-lot.h"
#include "qofbook.h"
#include "qofbook.h"
#include "gnc-pricedb.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define GNC_ID_INVOICE "gncInvoice"
typedef enum
GNC_INVOICE_CUST_CREDIT_NOTE , /* Credit Note for a customer */
GNC_INVOICE_VEND_CREDIT_NOTE , /* Credit Note from a vendor */
GNC_INVOICE_EMPL_CREDIT_NOTE , /* Credit Note from an employee,
not sure this makes sense,
but all code is symmetrical
so I've added it to prevent unexpected errors */
} GncInvoiceType;
/* --- type macros --- */
#define GNC_TYPE_INVOICE (gnc_invoice_get_type ())
#define GNC_INVOICE(o) \
#define GNC_INVOICE_CLASS(k) \
#define GNC_IS_INVOICE(o) \
GType gnc_invoice_get_type(void);
/** @name Create/Destroy Functions
@{ */
GncInvoice *gncInvoiceCreate (QofBook *book);
void gncInvoiceDestroy (GncInvoice *invoice);
/** Create a new GncInvoice object as a deep copy of the given other
* invoice.
* The returned new invoice has everything copied from the other
* invoice, including the ID string field. All GncEntries are newly
* allocated copies of the original invoice's entries. */
GncInvoice *gncInvoiceCopy (const GncInvoice *other_invoice);
/** @} */
/** @name Set Functions
@{ */
void gncInvoiceSetID (GncInvoice *invoice, const char *id);
void gncInvoiceSetOwner (GncInvoice *invoice, GncOwner *owner);
/** Set the DateOpened using a GDate argument. (Note: Internally this stores
the date in a time64 as created through time64CanonicalDayTime()). */
void gncInvoiceSetDateOpenedGDate (GncInvoice *invoice, const GDate *date);
void gncInvoiceSetDateOpened (GncInvoice *invoice, time64 date);
void gncInvoiceSetDatePosted (GncInvoice *invoice, time64 date);
void gncInvoiceSetTerms (GncInvoice *invoice, GncBillTerm *terms);
void gncInvoiceSetBillingID (GncInvoice *invoice, const char *billing_id);
void gncInvoiceSetNotes (GncInvoice *invoice, const char *notes);
void gncInvoiceSetDocLink (GncInvoice *invoice, const char *doclink);
void gncInvoiceSetCurrency (GncInvoice *invoice, gnc_commodity *currency);
void gncInvoiceSetActive (GncInvoice *invoice, gboolean active);
void gncInvoiceSetIsCreditNote (GncInvoice *invoice, gboolean credit_note);
void gncInvoiceSetBillTo (GncInvoice *invoice, GncOwner *billto);
void gncInvoiceSetToChargeAmount (GncInvoice *invoice, gnc_numeric amount);
/** @} */
void gncInvoiceAddEntry (GncInvoice *invoice, GncEntry *entry);
void gncInvoiceRemoveEntry (GncInvoice *invoice, GncEntry *entry);
void gncInvoiceAddPrice (GncInvoice *invoice, GNCPrice *price);
/** Call this function when adding an entry to a bill instead of an invoice */
void gncBillAddEntry (GncInvoice *bill, GncEntry *entry);
void gncBillRemoveEntry (GncInvoice *bill, GncEntry *entry);
/** Call this function when an Entry is changed and you want to
re-sort the list of entries
void gncInvoiceSortEntries (GncInvoice *invoice);
/** Remove all entries from an invoice. To be called before
* destroying an invoice.
void gncInvoiceRemoveEntries (GncInvoice *invoice);
/** @name Get Functions
@{ */
const char * gncInvoiceGetID (const GncInvoice *invoice);
const GncOwner * gncInvoiceGetOwner (const GncInvoice *invoice);
time64 gncInvoiceGetDateOpened (const GncInvoice *invoice);
time64 gncInvoiceGetDatePosted (const GncInvoice *invoice);
time64 gncInvoiceGetDateDue (const GncInvoice *invoice);
GncBillTerm * gncInvoiceGetTerms (const GncInvoice *invoice);
const char * gncInvoiceGetBillingID (const GncInvoice *invoice);
const char * gncInvoiceGetNotes (const GncInvoice *invoice);
const char * gncInvoiceGetDocLink (const GncInvoice *invoice);
GncOwnerType gncInvoiceGetOwnerType (const GncInvoice *invoice);
GList * gncInvoiceGetTypeListForOwnerType (const GncOwnerType type);
GncInvoiceType gncInvoiceGetType (const GncInvoice *invoice);
const char * gncInvoiceGetTypeString (const GncInvoice *invoice);
gnc_commodity * gncInvoiceGetCurrency (const GncInvoice *invoice);
GncOwner * gncInvoiceGetBillTo (GncInvoice *invoice);
gnc_numeric gncInvoiceGetToChargeAmount (const GncInvoice *invoice);
gboolean gncInvoiceGetActive (const GncInvoice *invoice);
gboolean gncInvoiceGetIsCreditNote (const GncInvoice *invoice);
GNCLot * gncInvoiceGetPostedLot (const GncInvoice *invoice);
Transaction * gncInvoiceGetPostedTxn (const GncInvoice *invoice);
Account * gncInvoiceGetPostedAcc (const GncInvoice *invoice);
/** @} */
/** Return the "total" amount of the invoice as seen on the document
* (and shown to the user in the reports and invoice ledger). */
gnc_numeric gncInvoiceGetTotal (GncInvoice *invoice);
gnc_numeric gncInvoiceGetTotalOf (GncInvoice *invoice, GncEntryPaymentType type);
gnc_numeric gncInvoiceGetTotalSubtotal (GncInvoice *invoice);
gnc_numeric gncInvoiceGetTotalTax (GncInvoice *invoice);
/** Return a list of tax totals accumulated per tax account.
AccountValueList *gncInvoiceGetTotalTaxList (GncInvoice *invoice);
typedef GList EntryList;
EntryList * gncInvoiceGetEntries (GncInvoice *invoice);
GNCPrice * gncInvoiceGetPrice (GncInvoice *invoice, gnc_commodity* commodity);
/** Depending on the invoice type, invoices have a different effect
* on the balance. Customer invoices increase the balance, while
* vendor bills decrease the balance. Credit notes have the opposite
* effect.
* Returns TRUE if the invoice will increase the balance or FALSE
* otherwise.
gboolean gncInvoiceAmountPositive (const GncInvoice *invoice);
/** Return an overview of amounts on this invoice that will be posted to
* accounts in currencies that are different from the invoice currency.
* These accounts can be the accounts referred to in invoice entries
* or tax tables. This information is returned in the from of a hash
* table. The keys in the hash table are the foreign currencies, the
* values are the accumulated amounts in that currency.
* Drop the reference to the hash table with g_hash_table_unref when
* no longer needed.
GHashTable *gncInvoiceGetForeignCurrencies (const GncInvoice *invoice);
/** Post this invoice to an account. Returns the new Transaction
* that is tied to this invoice. The transaction is set with
* the supplied posted date, due date, and memo. The Transaction
* description is set to the name of the company.
* If accumulate splits is TRUE, entries in the same account
* will be merged into one single split in that account.
* Otherwise each entry will be posted as a separate split,
* possibly resulting in multiple splits in one account.
* If autopay is TRUE, the code will try to find pre-payments,
* invoices or credit notes that can reduce the amount due for this
* invoice, marking the invoice as fully or partially paid, depending
* on the amounts on all documents involved. If autopay is FALSE,
* it's the user's responsibility to explicitly pay the invoice.
Transaction *
gncInvoicePostToAccount (GncInvoice *invoice, Account *acc,
time64 posted_date, time64 due_date,
const char *memo, gboolean accumulatesplits,
gboolean autopay);
* Unpost this invoice. This will destroy the posted transaction and
* return the invoice to its unposted state. It may leave empty lots
* out there. If reset_tax_tables is TRUE, then it will also revert
* all the Tax Tables to the parent, which will potentially change the
* total value of the invoice. It may also leave some orphaned Tax
* Table children.
* Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE if there is a problem.
gncInvoiceUnpost (GncInvoice *invoice, gboolean reset_tax_tables);
* Attempt to pay the invoice using open payment lots and
* lots for documents of the opposite sign (credit notes versus
* invoices).
gncInvoiceAutoApplyPayments (GncInvoice *invoice);
* A convenience function to apply a payment to an invoice.
* It creates a lot for a payment optionally based on an existing
* transaction and then tries to balance it with
* the given invoice.
* Contrary to gncOwnerApplyPayment, no other open documents
* or payments for the owner will be considered
* to balance the payment.
* This code is actually a convenience wrapper around gncOwnerCreatePaymentLotSecs
* and gncOwnerAutoApplyPaymentsWithLots. See their descriptions for more
* details on what happens exactly.
gncInvoiceApplyPayment (const GncInvoice *invoice, Transaction *txn,
Account *xfer_acc, gnc_numeric amount,
gnc_numeric exch, time64 date,
const char *memo, const char *num);
/** Given a transaction, find and return the Invoice */
GncInvoice * gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromTxn (const Transaction *txn);
/** Given a LOT, find and return the Invoice attached to the lot */
GncInvoice * gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot (GNCLot *lot);
/** Return a pointer to the instance gncInvoice that is identified
* by the guid, and is residing in the book. Returns NULL if the
* instance can't be found.
static inline GncInvoice * gncInvoiceLookup (const QofBook *book, const GncGUID *guid)
if (book == NULL || guid == NULL) return NULL;
void gncInvoiceBeginEdit (GncInvoice *invoice);
void gncInvoiceCommitEdit (GncInvoice *invoice);
int gncInvoiceCompare (const GncInvoice *a, const GncInvoice *b);
gboolean gncInvoiceIsPosted (const GncInvoice *invoice);
gboolean gncInvoiceIsPaid (const GncInvoice *invoice);
#define INVOICE_ID "id"
#define INVOICE_OWNER "owner"
#define INVOICE_OPENED "date_opened"
#define INVOICE_POSTED "date_posted"
#define INVOICE_DUE "date_due"
#define INVOICE_IS_POSTED "is_posted?"
#define INVOICE_IS_PAID "is_paid?"
#define INVOICE_TERMS "terms"
#define INVOICE_BILLINGID "billing_id"
#define INVOICE_NOTES "notes"
#define INVOICE_DOCLINK "doclink"
#define INVOICE_ACC "account"
#define INVOICE_POST_TXN "posted_txn"
#define INVOICE_POST_LOT "posted_lot"
#define INVOICE_IS_CN "credit_note"
#define INVOICE_TYPE "type"
#define INVOICE_TYPE_STRING "type_string"
#define INVOICE_BILLTO "bill-to"
#define INVOICE_ENTRIES "list_of_entries"
#define INVOICE_JOB "invoice_job"
#define INVOICE_FROM_LOT "invoice-from-lot"
#define INVOICE_FROM_TXN "invoice-from-txn"
QofBook *gncInvoiceGetBook (GncInvoice *x);
/** deprecated functions */
#define gncInvoiceGetGUID(x) qof_instance_get_guid (QOF_INSTANCE(x))
#define gncInvoiceRetGUID(x) (x ? *(qof_instance_get_guid (QOF_INSTANCE(x))) : *(guid_null()))
/** Test support function used by test-dbi-business-stuff.c */
gboolean gncInvoiceEqual (const GncInvoice *a, const GncInvoice *b);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* GNC_INVOICE_H_ */
/** @} */
/** @} */