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;;; price-quotes.scm - manage sub-processes.
;;; Copyright 2001 Rob Browning <rlb@cs.utexas.edu>
;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
;;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this program; if not, contact:
;;; Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942
;;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652
;;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA gnu@gnu.org
(define-module (gnucash price-quotes))
(export gnc:book-add-quotes) ;; called from gnome/dialog-price-edit-db.c
(export gnc:price-quotes-install-sources)
(use-modules (gnucash utilities))
(use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
(use-modules (gnucash core-utils))
(use-modules (srfi srfi-11)
(srfi srfi-1))
(gnc:module-load "gnucash/gnome-utils" 0) ;; for gnucash-ui-is-running
(gnc:module-load "gnucash/app-utils" 0)
(define gnc:*finance-quote-check*
(string-append (gnc-path-get-bindir) "/gnc-fq-check"))
(define (gnc:fq-check-sources)
(let ((program #f))
(define (start-program)
(set! program
(list "perl" "-w" gnc:*finance-quote-check*) #t)))
(define (get-sources)
(when program
(catch #t
(lambda ()
(let ((results (read (fdes->inport (gnc-process-get-fd program 1)))))
(gnc:debug "gnc:fq-check-sources results: " results)
(lambda (key . args) key))))
(define (kill-program)
(when program
(gnc-detach-process program #t)
(set! program #f)))
(dynamic-wind start-program get-sources kill-program)))
;; Finance::Quote based instantaneous quotes -- used by the
;; --add-price-quotes command line option, etc.
;; Note From: Dave Peticolas <dave@krondo.com> Date: Sun, 01 Apr 2001
;; Those aren't pricedb functions, those are online quote functions,
;; i.e., low-level functions for getting online-quotes and putting
;; them into the price db. Reports should not be using those
;; functions, they should be using the price db. See
;; src/engine/gnc-pricedb.h
(define gnc:*finance-quote-helper*
(string-append (gnc-path-get-bindir) "/gnc-fq-helper"))
(define (gnc:fq-get-quotes requests)
;; requests should be a list where each item is of the form
;; (<fq-method> sym sym ...)
;; i.e. (alphavantage "RHAT" "LNUX" "IBM")
;; for currencies, we have
;; (currency "USD" "AUD") for the conversion from USD to AUD,
;; i.e., the price of USD in AUD.
;; This function will return #f on catastrophic failure or a list
;; where, for each element in requests, the output list will contain
;; a quote-result element. This element will be #f or an error
;; symbol if the corresponding method call fails, or a list
;; otherwise. A quote-result list will contain the symbol
;; representing the item being quoted, followed by an alist
;; detailing the quote data from gnc-fq-helper.
;; Possible error symbols and their meanings are:
;; missing-lib One of the required perl libs is missing
;; So for the example method call above, the resulting item in the
;; output list might look like this:
;; (("RHAT" (symbol . "RHAT") (gnc:time-no-zone . "...")
;; (last . 6.59375) (currency . "USD"))
;; ("LNUX" (symbol . "LNUX") (gnc:time-no-zone . "...")
;; (last . 3.5) (currency . "USD"))
;; ("IBM" (symbol . "IBM") (gnc:time-no-zone . "...")
;; (last . 104.42) (currency . "USD")))
;; Also note that any given value in the alist might be
;; 'failed-conversion if the Finance::Quote result for that field
;; was unparsable. See the gnc-fq-helper for more details
;; about it's output.
(let ((quoter #f))
(define (start-quoter)
(set! quoter
(gnc-spawn-process-async (list "perl" "-w" gnc:*finance-quote-helper*) #t)))
(define (get-quotes)
(when quoter
(lambda (request)
(catch #t
(lambda ()
(gnc:debug "handling-request: " request)
;; we need to display the first element (the method,
;; so it won't be quoted) and then write the rest
(with-output-to-port (fdes->outport (gnc-process-get-fd quoter 0))
(lambda ()
(display #\()
(display (car request))
(display " ")
(for-each write (cdr request))
(display #\))
(let ((results (read (fdes->inport (gnc-process-get-fd quoter 1)))))
(gnc:debug "results: " results)
(lambda (key . args) key)))
(define (kill-quoter)
(when quoter
(gnc-detach-process quoter #t)
(set! quoter #f)))
(dynamic-wind start-quoter get-quotes kill-quoter)))
(define (gnc:book-add-quotes window book)
(define (book->commodity->fq-call-data book)
;; Call helper that walks all of the defined commodities to see if
;; any are marked for quote retrieval. This function returns a
;; list of info needed for the relevant Finance::Quote calls, and
;; a list of the corresponding commodities. Also perform a bit of
;; optimization, merging calls for symbols to the same
;; Finance::Quote method.
;; Returns a list of the info needed for a set of calls to
;; gnc-fq-helper. Each item will of the list will be of the
;; form:
;; (("alphavantage" (commodity-1 currency-1 tz-1)
;; (commodity-2 currency-2 tz-2) ...)
;; ("fidelity_direct" (commodity-3 currency-3 tz-3)
;; (commodity-4 currency-4 tz-4) ...)
;; ("currency" curr-1 curr-2 tz)
;; ("currency" curr-3 curr-4 tz) ...)
(let-values (((currency-list commodity-list)
(partition (lambda (a) (string=? (car a) "currency"))
(gnc-commodity-table-get-table book)))))
(let ((commodity-hash (make-hash-table))
(lambda (a)
(and (not (gnc-commodity-equiv (cadr a) (caddr a)))
(not (string=? (gnc-commodity-get-mnemonic (cadr a)) "XXX"))))
;; Now collect symbols going to the same backend.
(lambda (item)
(let ((key (car item))
(val (cdr item)))
(hash-set! commodity-hash key
(cons val (hash-ref commodity-hash key '())))))
;; Now translate to just what gnc-fq-helper expects.
(hash-map->list cons commodity-hash)
(map (lambda (cmd) (cons (car cmd) (list (cdr cmd))))
(define (fq-call-data->fq-calls fq-call-data)
;; take an output element from book->commodity->fq-call-data and
;; return a list where the gnc_commodities have been converted to
;; their fq-suitable symbol strings. i.e. turn the former into
;; the latter:
;; ("alphavantage" (commodity-1 currency-1 tz-1)
;; (commodity-2 currency-2 tz-2) ...)
;; ("alphavantage" "IBM" "AMD" ...)
(if (equal? (car fq-call-data) "currency")
(map (lambda (quote-item-info)
(list (car fq-call-data)
(gnc-commodity-get-mnemonic (car quote-item-info))
(gnc-commodity-get-mnemonic (cadr quote-item-info))))
(cdr fq-call-data))
(cons (car fq-call-data)
(lambda (quote-item-info)
(gnc-commodity-get-mnemonic (car quote-item-info)))
(cdr fq-call-data))))))
(define (fq-results->commod-tz-quote-triples fq-call-data fq-results)
;; Change output of gnc:fq-get-quotes to a list of (commod
;; timezone quote) triples using the matching commodity items from
;; fq-call-data.
;; This function presumes that fq-call-data is "correct" -- it
;; contains the correct number of calls, and has the commodity
;; pointers in all the right places. If not, then the results of
;; this function are undefined.
;; If there's a catatstrophic error, this function might return
;; #f. If there's an error for any given input element, there
;; will be a pair like this in the output (#f . <commodity>)
;; indicating the commodity for which the quote failed.
;; If this function doesn't return #f, it will return a list with
;; as many elements as there were commodities in the fq-call-data.
;; We might want more sophisticated error handling later, but this
;; will do for now .
(let ((result-list '()))
(define (process-a-quote call-data call-result)
;; data -> (commod-1 currency-1 tz-1)
;; result -> (commod-1-sym . result-alist) or some kind of garbage.
(if (and (list? call-result)
(not (null? call-result))
(list? (cdr call-result))
(lambda (alist-item)
(and (pair? alist-item)
(not (eq? 'failed-conversion (cdr alist-item)))))
(cdr call-result)))
;; OK, data is good (as far as we can tell).
(set! result-list
(cons (list (car call-data)
(caddr call-data)
(cdr call-result))
(set! result-list
(cons (cons #f (car call-data))
(define (process-call-result-pair call-data call-result)
(if (and (list? call-result)
(= (length call-data) (+ 1 (length call-result))))
;; OK, continue.
(lambda (call-data-item call-result-item)
(if (and (list? call-result-item) (list? (car call-result-item)))
(lambda (result-subitem)
(gnc:debug "call-data-item: " call-data-item)
(gnc:debug "result-subitem: " result-subitem)
(process-a-quote call-data-item result-subitem))
(process-a-quote call-data-item call-result-item)))
(cdr call-data) call-result)
;; else badly formed result, must assume all garbage.
(lambda (call-item)
(set! result-list (cons (cons #f (car call-item)) result-list)))
(cdr call-data))))
(and (list? fq-call-data)
(list? fq-results)
(= (length fq-call-data) (length fq-results))
(for-each process-call-result-pair
(reverse result-list)))))
(define (timestr->time64 timestr time-zone)
;; time-zone is ignored currently
(gnc-parse-time-to-time64 timestr "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
(define (commodity-tz-quote-triple->price book c-tz-quote-triple)
;; return a string like "NASDAQ:CSCO" on error, or a price on
;; success. Presume that F::Q currencies are ISO4217 currencies.
(let* ((commodity (first c-tz-quote-triple))
(time-zone (second c-tz-quote-triple))
(quote-data (third c-tz-quote-triple))
(gnc-time (assq-ref quote-data 'gnc:time-no-zone))
(price #f)
(price-type #f)
(currency-str (assq-ref quote-data 'currency))
(commodity-table (gnc-commodity-table-get-table book))
(and commodity-table
(string? currency-str)
(gnc-commodity-table-lookup commodity-table
(string-upcase currency-str))))
(pricedb (gnc-pricedb-get-db book))
(saved-price #f)
(commodity-str (gnc-commodity-get-printname commodity))
(if (equal? (gnc-commodity-get-printname currency) commodity-str)
(let* ((symbol (assq-ref quote-data 'symbol))
(and commodity-table
(string? symbol)
(gnc-commodity-table-lookup commodity-table "ISO4217"
(string-upcase symbol)))))
(set! commodity other-curr)))
(let lp ((price-syms '(last nav price))
(price-types '("last" "nav" "unknown")))
(unless (null? price-syms)
((assq-ref quote-data (car price-syms)) =>
(lambda (p)
(set! price (gnc-scm-to-numeric p))
(set! price-type (car price-types))))
(else (lp (cdr price-syms) (cdr price-types))))))
(if gnc-time
(set! gnc-time (timestr->time64 gnc-time time-zone))
(set! gnc-time (gnc:get-today)))
(if (not (and commodity currency gnc-time price price-type))
currency-str ":" (gnc-commodity-get-mnemonic commodity))
(set! saved-price (gnc-pricedb-lookup-day-t64 pricedb
commodity currency
(if (not (null? saved-price))
(if (gnc-commodity-equiv (gnc-price-get-currency saved-price)
(set! price (gnc-numeric-invert price)))
(if (>= (gnc-price-get-source saved-price) PRICE-SOURCE-FQ)
(gnc-price-begin-edit saved-price)
(gnc-price-set-time64 saved-price gnc-time)
(gnc-price-set-source saved-price PRICE-SOURCE-FQ)
(gnc-price-set-typestr saved-price price-type)
(gnc-price-set-value saved-price price)
(gnc-price-commit-edit saved-price)
(let ((gnc-price (gnc-price-create book)))
(if (not gnc-price)
currency-str ":" (gnc-commodity-get-mnemonic commodity))
(gnc-price-begin-edit gnc-price)
(gnc-price-set-commodity gnc-price commodity)
(gnc-price-set-currency gnc-price currency)
(gnc-price-set-time64 gnc-price gnc-time)
(gnc-price-set-source gnc-price PRICE-SOURCE-FQ)
(gnc-price-set-typestr gnc-price price-type)
(gnc-price-set-value gnc-price price)
(gnc-price-commit-edit gnc-price)
(define (book-add-prices! book prices)
(let ((pricedb (gnc-pricedb-get-db book)))
(lambda (price)
(when price
(gnc-pricedb-add-price pricedb price)
(gnc-price-unref price)))
(define (show-error msg)
(gnc:gui-error msg (_ msg)))
;; Add the alphavantage api key to the environment. This value is taken from
;; the Online Quotes preference tab
(let ((alphavantage-api-key
(gnc-prefs-get-string "general.finance-quote" "alphavantage-api-key")))
(gnc:debug "ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY=" alphavantage-api-key)
(unless (string-null? alphavantage-api-key)
(setenv "ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY" alphavantage-api-key)))
(let* ((fq-call-data (book->commodity->fq-call-data book))
(fq-calls (and fq-call-data
(append-map fq-call-data->fq-calls fq-call-data)))
(fq-results (and fq-calls (gnc:fq-get-quotes fq-calls)))
(commod-tz-quote-triples (and fq-results (list? (car fq-results))
fq-call-data fq-results)))
;; At this point commod-tz-quote-triples will either be #f or a
;; list of items. Each item will either be (commodity
;; timezone quote-data) or (#f . problem-commodity)
(problem-syms (and commod-tz-quote-triples
(lambda (cq-pair)
(and (not (car cq-pair))
(gnc-commodity-get-namespace (cdr cq-pair))
(gnc-commodity-get-mnemonic (cdr cq-pair)))))
;; strip out the "bad" ones from above.
(ok-syms (and commod-tz-quote-triples (filter car commod-tz-quote-triples)))
(keep-going? #t))
((not fq-call-data)
(set! keep-going? #f)
(show-error (N_ "No commodities marked for quote retrieval.")))
((not fq-results)
(set! keep-going? #f)
(show-error (N_ "Unable to get quotes or diagnose the problem.")))
((memq 'missing-lib fq-results)
(set! keep-going? #f)
(show-error (N_ "You are missing some needed Perl libraries.
Run 'gnc-fq-update' as root to install them.")))
((memq 'system-error fq-results)
(set! keep-going? #f)
(show-error (N_ "There was a system error while retrieving the price quotes.")))
((not (list? (car fq-results)))
(set! keep-going? #f)
(show-error (N_ "There was an unknown error while retrieving the price quotes.")))
((not commod-tz-quote-triples)
(set! keep-going? #f)
(show-error (N_ "Unable to get quotes or diagnose the problem.")))
((pair? problem-syms)
((not (gnucash-ui-is-running))
(lambda ()
(display "Unable to retrieve quotes for these items:\n")
(display (string-join problem-syms "\n "))
(display "Continuing with good quotes.")
((and ok-syms (not (null? ok-syms)))
(set! keep-going?
window #t (with-output-to-string
(lambda ()
(display (_ "Unable to retrieve quotes for these items:"))
(display "\n ")
(display (string-join problem-syms "\n "))
(display (_ "Continue using only the good quotes?")))))))
(set! keep-going? #f)
window (with-output-to-string
(lambda ()
(display (_ "Unable to retrieve quotes for these items:"))
(display "\n ")
(display (string-join problem-syms "\n ")))))))))
(when keep-going?
(let ((prices (map (lambda (triple)
(commodity-tz-quote-triple->price book triple))
(when (any string? prices)
(if (gnucash-ui-is-running)
(set! keep-going?
window #t
(lambda ()
(display (_ "Unable to create prices for these items:"))
(display "\n ")
(display (string-join (filter string? prices) "\n "))
(display (_ "Add remaining good quotes?"))))))
(lambda ()
(display "Unable to create prices for these items:\n ")
(display (string-join (filter string? prices) "\n "))
(display "Adding remaining good quotes.")
(when keep-going?
(book-add-prices! book (filter (negate string?) prices)))))))
(define (gnc:price-quotes-install-sources)
(let ((sources (gnc:fq-check-sources)))
((list? sources)
;; Translators: ~A is the version string
(format #t (_ "Found Finance::Quote version ~A.") (car sources))
(gnc:msg "Found Finance::Quote version " (car sources))
(gnc-quote-source-set-fq-installed (car sources) (cdr sources))))))