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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
* lib/srfi/srfi-9.scm: new file. * lib/srfi/srfi-11.scm: new file. * lib/srfi/srfi-8.scm: moved from src/scm/srfi/. * lib/srfi/srfi-19.scm: moved from src/scm/srfi. * lib/srfi/README: moved from src/scm/srfi/. * lib/srfi/srfi-1.scm: moved from src/scm/srfi/. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gnucash.org/repo/gnucash/trunk@4200 57a11ea4-9604-0410-9ed3-97b8803252fd
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235 lines
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;;;; srfi-11.scm --- SRFI-11 procedures for Guile
;;; Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
;;; (at your option) any later version.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
;;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
;;; Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
(define-module (srfi srfi-11)
:use-module (ice-9 syncase))
(export-syntax let-values let*-values)
;; let-values
;; Current approach is to translate
;; (let-values (((x y . z) (foo a b))
;; ((p q) (bar c)))
;; (baz x y z p q))
;; into
;; (call-with-values (lambda () (foo a b))
;; (lambda (<tmp-x> <tmp-y> . <tmp-z>)
;; (call-with-values (lambda () (bar c))
;; (lambda (<tmp-p> <tmp-q>)
;; (let ((x <tmp-x>)
;; (y <tmp-y>)
;; (z <tmp-z>)
;; (p <tmp-p>)
;; (q <tmp-q>))
;; (baz x y z p q))))))
;; I originally wrote this as a define-macro, but then I found out
;; that guile's gensym/gentemp was broken, so I tried rewriting it as
;; a syntax-rules statement.
;; Since syntax-rules didn't seem powerful enough to implement
;; let-values in one definition without exposing illegal syntax (or
;; perhaps my brain's just not powerful enough :>). I tried writing
;; it using a private helper, but that didn't work because the
;; let-values expands outside the scope of this module. I wonder why
;; syntax-rules wasn't designed to allow "private" patterns or
;; similar...
;; So in the end, I dumped the syntax-rules implementation, reproduced
;; here for posterity, and went with the define-macro one below --
;; gensym/gentemp's got to be fixed anyhow...
; (define-syntax let-values-helper
; (syntax-rules ()
; ;; Take the vars from one let binding (i.e. the (x y z) from ((x y
; ;; z) (values 1 2 3)) and turn it in to the corresponding (lambda
; ;; (<tmp-x> <tmp-y> <tmp-z>) ...) from above, keeping track of the
; ;; temps you create so you can use them later...
; ;;
; ;; I really don't fully understand why the (var-1 var-1) trick
; ;; works below, but basically, when all those (x x) bindings show
; ;; up in the final "let", syntax-rules forces a renaming.
; ((_ "consumer" () lambda-tmps final-let-bindings lv-bindings
; body ...)
; (lambda lambda-tmps
; (let-values-helper "cwv" lv-bindings final-let-bindings body ...)))
; ((_ "consumer" (var-1 var-2 ...) (lambda-tmp ...) final-let-bindings lv-bindings
; body ...)
; (let-values-helper "consumer"
; (var-2 ...)
; (lambda-tmp ... var-1)
; ((var-1 var-1) . final-let-bindings)
; lv-bindings
; body ...))
; ((_ "cwv" () final-let-bindings body ...)
; (let final-let-bindings
; body ...))
; ((_ "cwv" ((vars-1 binding-1) other-bindings ...) final-let-bindings
; body ...)
; (call-with-values (lambda () binding-1)
; (let-values-helper "consumer"
; vars-1
; ()
; final-let-bindings
; (other-bindings ...)
; body ...)))))
; (define-syntax let-values
; (syntax-rules ()
; ((let-values () body ...)
; (begin body ...))
; ((let-values (binding ...) body ...)
; (let-values-helper "cwv" (binding ...) () body ...))))
; (define-syntax let-values
; (letrec-syntax ((build-consumer
; ;; Take the vars from one let binding (i.e. the (x
; ;; y z) from ((x y z) (values 1 2 3)) and turn it
; ;; in to the corresponding (lambda (<tmp-x> <tmp-y>
; ;; <tmp-z>) ...) from above.
; (syntax-rules ()
; ((_ () new-tmps tmp-vars () body ...)
; (lambda new-tmps
; body ...))
; ((_ () new-tmps tmp-vars vars body ...)
; (lambda new-tmps
; (lv-builder vars tmp-vars body ...)))
; ((_ (var-1 var-2 ...) new-tmps tmp-vars vars body ...)
; (build-consumer (var-2 ...)
; (tmp-1 . new-tmps)
; ((var-1 tmp-1) . tmp-vars)
; bindings
; body ...))))
; (lv-builder
; (syntax-rules ()
; ((_ () tmp-vars body ...)
; (let tmp-vars
; body ...))
; ((_ ((vars-1 binding-1) (vars-2 binding-2) ...)
; tmp-vars
; body ...)
; (call-with-values (lambda () binding-1)
; (build-consumer vars-1
; ()
; tmp-vars
; ((vars-2 binding-2) ...)
; body ...))))))
; (syntax-rules ()
; ((_ () body ...)
; (begin body ...))
; ((_ ((vars binding) ...) body ...)
; (lv-builder ((vars binding) ...) () body ...)))))
;; FIXME: This is currently somewhat unsafe (b/c gentemp/gensym is
;; broken -- right now (as of 1.4.1, it doesn't generate unique
;; symbols)
(define-macro (let-values vars . body)
(define (map-1-dot proc elts)
;; map over one optionally dotted (a b c . d) list, producing an
;; optionally dotted result.
((null? elts) '())
((pair? elts) (cons (proc (car elts)) (map-1-dot proc (cdr elts))))
(else (proc elts))))
(define (undot-list lst)
;; produce a non-dotted list from a possibly dotted list.
((null? lst) '())
((pair? lst) (cons (car lst) (undot-list (cdr lst))))
(else (list lst))))
(define (let-values-helper vars body prev-let-vars)
(let* ((var-binding (car vars))
(new-tmps (map-1-dot (lambda (sym) (gentemp))
(car var-binding)))
(let-vars (map (lambda (sym tmp) (list sym tmp))
(undot-list (car var-binding))
(undot-list new-tmps))))
(if (null? (cdr vars))
`(call-with-values (lambda () ,(cadr var-binding))
(lambda ,new-tmps
(let ,(apply append let-vars prev-let-vars)
`(call-with-values (lambda () ,(cadr var-binding))
(lambda ,new-tmps
,(let-values-helper (cdr vars) body
(cons let-vars prev-let-vars)))))))
(if (null? vars)
`(begin ,@body)
(let-values-helper vars body '())))
;; let*-values
;; Current approach is to translate
;; (let*-values (((x y z) (foo a b))
;; ((p q) (bar c)))
;; (baz x y z p q))
;; into
;; (call-with-values (lambda () (foo a b))
;; (lambda (x y z)
;; (call-with-values (lambda (bar c))
;; (lambda (p q)
;; (baz x y z p q)))))
(define-syntax let*-values
(syntax-rules ()
((let*-values () body ...)
(begin body ...))
((let*-values ((vars-1 binding-1) (vars-2 binding-2) ...) body ...)
(call-with-values (lambda () binding-1)
(lambda vars-1
(let*-values ((vars-2 binding-2) ...)
body ...))))))
; Alternate define-macro implementation...
; (define-macro (let*-values vars . body)
; (define (let-values-helper vars body)
; (let ((var-binding (car vars)))
; (if (null? (cdr vars))
; `(call-with-values (lambda () ,(cadr var-binding))
; (lambda ,(car var-binding)
; ,@body))
; `(call-with-values (lambda () ,(cadr var-binding))
; (lambda ,(car var-binding)
; ,(let-values-helper (cdr vars) body))))))
; (if (null? vars)
; `(begin ,@body)
; (let-values-helper vars body)))