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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
It is split into - /libgnucash (for the non-gui bits) - /gnucash (for the gui) - /common (misc source files used by both) - /bindings (currently only holds python bindings) This is the first step in restructuring the code. It will need much more fine tuning later on.
249 lines
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249 lines
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;;;; gnumeric-utilities.scm - Gnumeric spreadsheet generation functions
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; if not, contact:
;; Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942
;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652
;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA gnu@gnu.org
(use-modules (srfi srfi-19))
;; (gnc:depend "xml-generator.scm") -- this needs to be changed to a
;; use-modules, but since this file doesn't appear to be used right
;; now, that can wait.
;;;; Gnumeric spreadsheet consists of:
;;;; gmr:Workbook
;;;; gmr:Summary Done
;;;; gmr:Geometry Done
;;;; gmr:Sheets
;;;; gmr:Sheet
;;;; gmr:Name - Need the Sheet name
;;;; gmr:MaxCol - omission OK
;;;; gmr:MaxRow - omission OK
;;;; gmr:Zoom - omission OK
;;;; gmr:PrintInformation - omission OK
;;;; gmr:Styles - Ok to omit
;;;; gmr:StyleRegion - optional
;;;; gmr:Style - optional
;;;; gmr:Font - optional
;;;; gmr:StyleBorder - optional
;;;; gmr:Top - optional
;;;; gmr:Bottom - optional
;;;; gmr:Left - optional
;;;; gmr:Right - optional
;;;; gmr:Diagonal - optional
;;;; gmr:Rev-Diagonal - optional
;;;; gmr:Cols - Optional, but should have this one...
;;;; gmr:ColInfo (No Unit MarginA MarginB HardSize Hidden)
;;;; gmr:Rows - Quite Optional
;;;; gmr:RowInfo (No Unit MarginA MarginB HardSize Hidden)
;;;; gmr:Cells - This is the meat of the matter...
;;;; gmr:Cell (Col Row Style)
;;;; gmr:Content
;;; Here's a kludgy function that is intended to compute the number of
;;; days since December 31, 1899. It is only approximate; feel free
;;; to suggest a better function.
;;; The point of this is that Gnumeric uses this as the "native" data
;;; representation.
(define (exceldate y m d)
((epoch (encode-julian-day-number 31 12 1899)))
(- (encode-julian-day-number d m y) epoch)))
;(define (ymd->number y m d)
; (+
; 1 ;;; Start at 1
; (* (- y 1900) 365) ;;; 365 days per year
; d ;;; Add the number of days
; (vector-ref #(0 31 59 90 120 151 181 212 243 273 304 334)
; (- m 1));;; Add in days associated with month
; (truncate (/ (- y 1900) 4)) ;;; Add in leap days, valid 'til
; ;;; year 2100...
; (if
; (and (= 0 (modulo y 4)) ;;; If a leap year,
; (> m 2)) ;;; and month is post-Feb
; 1 ;;; add an extra day
; 0)))
;;; gmr:Summary appears to be some metadata about who/what generated
;;; the document.
(define (make-gmr-summary)
(define (make-gmr-item name value)
'gmr:Item no-attributes
(list (xml-element 'gmr:name no-attributes name)
(xml-element 'gmr:val-string no-attributes value))))
'gmr:Summary no-attributes
(make-gmr-item "application"
(make-gmr-item "Author"
"GnuCash Generator"))))
;;; This function generates a goodly chunk of the document structure;
;;; gmr:Workbook is the base element for Gnumeric
(define (gnumeric-workbook sheets)
'gmr:Workbook '((xmlns:gmr . "http://www.gnome.org/gnumeric/v2"))
(xml-element 'gmr:Geometry '((Width . 912) (Height . 720)) no-children)
(xml-element 'gmr:Sheets no-attributes sheets))))
(define (gnumeric-xml-cell row col contents)
(xml-attributes (xml-attribute 'Col col)
(xml-attribute 'Row row)
(xml-attribute 'Style 0))
(list (xml-element 'gmr:Content no-attributes contents))))
;;; Generate a set of style regions for a given Sheet
;;; This ought also to support the notion of named styles, but that
;;; can wait
(define (gnumeric-styles rows colassoc)
'gmr:Styles no-attributes
(lambda (coll)
(let ((col (car coll))
(fmt (cdr coll)))
(gnumeric-style-column rows col fmt)))
;;; Generate a StyleRegion for the given column
(define (gnumeric-style-column totalrows col format)
(xml-attributes (xml-attribute 'startCol col)
(xml-attribute 'endCol col)
(xml-attribute 'startRow 0)
(xml-attribute 'endRow totalrows))
(list (xml-element 'gmr:Style
(xml-attribute 'Format format))
(define (gmr:cell col row cell-value)
(xml-attribute 'Col col)
(xml-attribute 'Row row))
;;; Each Sheet requires Cols to define the widths of columns.
;;; Don't omit this.
(define (gnumeric-columns collist)
(xml-element 'gmr:Cols no-attributes
(map (lambda (colassoc)
(xml-element 'gmr:ColInfo colassoc no-children))
;;; And here's a function that generates a whole Sheet.
;;; It forces in style info; that's probably not the best thing to do.
(define (gnumeric-sheet name rows cols cells)
(let ((namelst (xml-element 'gmr:Name no-attributes name))
(stylelst (gnumeric-styles
rows our-style-list))
(celllst (xml-element 'gmr:Cells no-attributes cells)))
(xml-element 'gmr:Sheet no-attributes
;;; Define some wild accounting-oriented display formats
(define our-style-list
(let ((acctgstyle "_($*#,##0.00_);_($(#,##0.00);_($*"-"??_);(@_)")
(coloredstyle "$0.00_);[Red]($0.00)"))
(list (cons 0 "yyyy-mm-dd")
(cons 2 acctgstyle)
(cons 3 coloredstyle))))
(define (gen-cells-for-txn txn row)
(display txn) (newline)
(lambda (y m d descr amt)
(gmr:cell 0 row (exceldate y m d))
(gmr:cell 1 row descr)
(gmr:cell 2 row amt)
(gmr:cell 3 row (string-append "=D" (number->string row)
(number->string (+ row 1))))))
(define (sample-cells)
(let loop
'((1998 12 31 "Opening Balance" 0))
(map (lambda (x) (list 1999 x 1 "Rent" -500))
'(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12))
(map (lambda (x) (list 1999 x 1 "Salary" 1200))
'(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12))
(map (lambda (x) (list 1999 x 15 "Salary" 1200))
'(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12))
(map (lambda (x) (list 1999 x 12 "Phone" -35))
'(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12)))
(lambda (lst1 lst2)
(if (= (car lst1) (car lst2))
(if (= (cadr lst1) (cadr lst2))
(if (= (caddr lst1) (caddr lst2))
(if (string=? (cadddr lst1) (cadddr lst2))
(string<? (cadddr lst1) (cadddr lst2)))
(< (caddr lst1) (caddr lst2)))
(< (cadr lst1) (cadr lst2)))
(< (car lst1) (car lst2))))))
(row 1)
(cells '()))
(if (null? txns)
(loop (cdr txns)
(+ row 1)
(let* ((txn (car txns)))
(append cells (gen-cells-for-txn txn row)))))))
(define (build-full-sample)
((cells (sample-cells))
(cols 4)
(collist '(((No . 0) (Unit . 85))
((No . 1) (Unit . 150))
((No . 2) (Unit . 75))
((No . 3) (Unit . 75))))
(rows (/ (length cells) cols))
(cols (gnumeric-columns collist))
(sheet (gnumeric-sheet "Sample" rows cols cells))
(sheets (list sheet)))
(gnumeric-workbook sheets)))
;;; This function generates a whole whack of cells and formulae
(define (generate-sampl filename)
(let ((p (open-output-file filename))
(ss (build-full-sample)))
(display "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" p)
(output-xml-element ss p)
(close-output-port p)))