2022-03-08 13:44:16 -06:00
2022-03-09 09:56:17 -06:00
~ Copyright (c) 2022 nosqlbench
2022-03-08 13:44:16 -06:00
2022-03-09 09:56:17 -06:00
~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
~ You may obtain a copy of the License at
~ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
~ limitations under the License.
2022-03-08 13:44:16 -06:00
2021-12-22 20:53:11 -06:00
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
2022-05-18 14:49:25 -05:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
<!-- properties for package versions -->
2021-11-03 13:58:51 -05:00
2022-03-15 06:17:08 -05:00
2022-03-15 06:17:07 -05:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
2022-03-15 06:17:49 -05:00
2022-03-15 06:17:08 -05:00
2022-03-15 06:17:03 -05:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
2022-03-15 06:17:36 -05:00
2022-03-15 06:17:13 -05:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
<!-- <metrics.version>4.0.7</metrics.version>-->
2022-03-15 06:17:43 -05:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
<!-- <slf4j.version>1.7.29</slf4j.version>-->
2022-03-23 09:53:28 -05:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
<!-- plugin versions -->
nosqlbench is the core of a programmable workload simulation runtime.
This module acts as the parent pom for nosqlbench Maven modules.
<name>The Apache License, Version 2.0</name>
<!-- <tag>nosqlbench-2.0.102-SNAPSHOT</tag>-->
2022-05-18 14:49:25 -05:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
2022-05-12 14:52:05 -05:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
2022-05-12 14:51:59 -05:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
2022-05-12 14:52:02 -05:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
<!-- For CQL compression option -->
<!-- For CQL compression option -->
2022-05-08 15:11:30 -05:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
2022-03-22 11:22:24 -05:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
2021-12-21 16:47:01 -06:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
2022-05-18 12:30:49 -05:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
<!-- graalvm -->
2022-05-25 12:23:03 -05:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
2022-05-12 14:51:56 -05:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
2022-05-12 14:51:53 -05:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
2022-03-07 16:42:41 -06:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
2022-05-25 12:23:03 -05:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
2020-08-11 23:59:53 -05:00
2021-11-09 22:26:59 -06:00
<!-- core logging API and runtime -->
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
2022-03-07 17:38:47 -06:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
2022-03-07 17:38:47 -06:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
2021-11-09 22:26:59 -06:00
<!-- binding for routing slf4j API calls to log4j -->
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
2022-03-07 17:38:47 -06:00
2021-11-09 22:26:59 -06:00
2022-03-07 17:38:47 -06:00
2021-11-09 22:26:59 -06:00
2022-03-22 15:08:04 -05:00
2022-03-23 09:52:41 -05:00
2022-03-22 15:08:04 -05:00
2021-11-09 22:26:59 -06:00
2022-03-15 06:16:43 -05:00
2021-11-09 22:26:59 -06:00
2022-03-15 06:16:39 -05:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
2020-08-11 23:59:53 -05:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
2020-03-09 16:40:48 -05:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
2022-05-20 13:57:13 -05:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
2021-12-21 16:47:01 -06:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
<!-- <compilerArgument>-Xlint:all</compilerArgument>-->
2020-02-20 15:37:40 -06:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
2020-03-09 16:40:48 -05:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
<!-- <argLine>--enable-preview</argLine>-->
</useSystemClassLoader> <!-- fixes reflection tests -->
2020-03-09 16:40:48 -05:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
<!-- <argLine>--enable-preview</argLine>-->
<!-- TODO: make sure the IT settings above work for EB IT-->
<!-- Javadoc -->
2021-12-21 16:47:01 -06:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
<!-- <additionalparam>-Xdoclint:none</additionalparam>-->
<!-- Sources -->
<!-- Distribution -->
2022-03-08 13:44:16 -06:00
2022-03-09 09:56:17 -06:00
2022-03-08 13:44:16 -06:00
2022-05-20 13:57:13 -05:00
<copyrightMessage>Copyright (c) 2022 nosqlbench</copyrightMessage>
2022-03-08 13:44:16 -06:00
2022-05-20 13:57:13 -05:00
2020-03-09 16:40:48 -05:00
2020-02-20 15:37:40 -06:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
2022-05-18 12:30:49 -05:00
2021-10-06 17:06:12 -05:00
<!-- see http://maven.apache.org/ref/current/maven-core/default-bindings.html#Plugin_bindings_for_jar_packaging -->
<name>Jonathan Shook</name>
<name>Sebastián Estévez</name>
<!-- Signing -->
2020-02-20 15:37:40 -06:00