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title Lifecycle of Scenarios
control "NBCLI" as nbcli
control "Scenario" as s
control "Scenario\nController" as sc
control "Scenarios\nExecutor" as se
control "Exception\nHandler" as seh
control "Thread\nFactory" as stf
control "Executor\nService" as ses
nbcli -> se** : create
se -> seh** : create
se -> stf** : create ThreadFactory\n(w/ ExceptionHandler)
se -> ses** : create ExecutorService\n(w/ ThreadFactory)
nbcli -> s** : create
s -> sc** : create
nbcli - -> se : execute(Scenario)
se - -> ses: submit(<Callable> Scenario)
activate ses
ses -> future**: create
se <- - ses: <Future<ScenarioResult>>
deactivate ses
== [async] on thread from thread factory ==
ses -> stf: get()
stf -> thread**: create
ses <- stf: <thread>
ses -> thread: run task
activate thread
thread -> s: call()
activate s
thread <- s: ScenarioResult
deactivate s
thread -> future: result
deactivate thread
== [async] on NBCLI thread ==
nbcli -> se: awaitAllResults();
activate se
se -> ses: shutdown
loop timeout
se -> ses: awaitTermination(timeout)
activate ses
se <- ses
deactivate ses
end loop
loop each future
se -> future: get()
activate future
se <- future: ScenarioResult
deactivate future
end loop
nbcli <- se: <ScenariosResults>
deactivate se
title Lifecycle of Scenarios
control "NBCLI" as nbcli
control "Scenario" as s
control "Scenario\nController" as sc
control "Scenarios\nExecutor" as se
control "Exception\nHandler" as seh
control "Thread\nFactory" as stf
control "Executor\nService" as ses
nbcli -> se** : create
se -> seh** : create
se -> stf** : create ThreadFactory\n(w/ ExceptionHandler)
se -> ses** : create ExecutorService\n(w/ ThreadFactory)
nbcli -> s** : create
s -> sc** : create
nbcli - -> se : execute(Scenario)
se - -> ses: submit(<Callable> Scenario)
activate ses
ses -> future**: create
se <- - ses: <Future<ScenarioResult>>
deactivate ses
== [async] on thread from thread factory ==
ses -> stf: get()
stf -> thread**: create
ses <- stf: <thread>
ses -> thread: run task
activate thread
thread -> s: call()
activate s
thread <- s: ScenarioResult
deactivate s
thread -> future: result
deactivate thread
== [async] on NBCLI thread ==
nbcli -> se: awaitAllResults();
activate se
se -> ses: shutdown
loop timeout
se -> ses: awaitTermination(timeout)
activate ses
se <- ses
deactivate ses
end loop
loop each future
se -> future: get()
activate future
se <- future: ScenarioResult
deactivate future
end loop
nbcli <- se: <ScenariosResults>
deactivate se
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