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title: Lifecycle of an activity
control caller as caller
control ActivityExecutor as ae
control "Activity\nException\nHandler" as aeh
control "Activity\nThread\nFactory" as atf
control ExecutorService as aes
control Annotator as ann
control Activity as activity
== startup sequence ==
caller -> ae**: create
ae -> aeh**: create
ae -> atf**: create(\w Exception Handler)
aeh -> atf: <injected\nvia ctor>
ae -> aes**: create(\w Thread Factory)
atf -> aes: <injected\nvia ctor>
caller -> ae: startActivity()
activate ae
ae -> ann: Annotate Activity Start
ae -> activity: initActivity()
activate activity
ae <- activity
deactivate activity
note over ae,aes: align threadcount as explained below
caller <- ae
deactivate ae
== dynamic threadcount update ==
note over ae, aes: threads can be changed dynamically
caller -> ae: apply params
activate ae
ae->ae: align motor count
ae->aes: stop extra motors
ae->aes: <start missing motors>
group for each new thread/motor
ae -> aes: execute(<motor>)
activate aes
aes -> atf: get()
atf -> thread**: create
activate atf
aes <- atf: <thread>
deactivate atf
aes - -> thread: run()
note over ann, thread: At this point, the\nmotor thread starts running\nthe defined activity's action\nover cycles
ae->ae: await thread state update
deactivate aes
end group
caller <- ae
deactivate ae
== shutdown sequence [after startup] ==
caller -> ae: stopActivity()
activate ae
ae -> ae: request stop motors
ae -> ae: await all stop
ae -> activity: shutdownActivity()
activate activity
ae <- activity
deactivate activity
ae -> ann: Annotate Activity Finish
caller <- ae
deactivate ae
== on exception in motor thread ==
thread -> aeh: catch(<thrown exception>)
aeh -> ae: notifyException\n(<thread>,<throwable>)
activate ae
ae -> ae: save exception
ae -> ae: forceStopActivity()
ae -> aes: shutdown();
activate aes
ae <- aes:
deactivate aes
group if needed [after timeout]]
ae -> aes: shutdownNow();
activate aes
ae <- aes
deactivate aes
end group
ae -> activity: shutdownActivity();
ae -> activity: closeAutoCloseables();
note over thread: action\nthread\nterminates
destroy thread
deactivate ae
title: Lifecycle of an activity
control caller as caller
control ActivityExecutor as ae
control "Activity\nException\nHandler" as aeh
control "Activity\nThread\nFactory" as atf
control ExecutorService as aes
control Annotator as ann
control Activity as activity
== startup sequence ==
caller -> ae**: create
ae -> aeh**: create
ae -> atf**: create(\w Exception Handler)
aeh -> atf: <injected\nvia ctor>
ae -> aes**: create(\w Thread Factory)
atf -> aes: <injected\nvia ctor>
caller -> ae: startActivity()
activate ae
ae -> ann: Annotate Activity Start
ae -> activity: initActivity()
activate activity
ae <- activity
deactivate activity
note over ae,aes: align threadcount as explained below
caller <- ae
deactivate ae
== dynamic threadcount update ==
note over ae, aes: threads can be changed dynamically
caller -> ae: apply params
activate ae
ae->ae: align motor count
ae->aes: stop extra motors
ae->aes: <start missing motors>
group for each new thread/motor
ae -> aes: execute(<motor>)
activate aes
aes -> atf: get()
atf -> thread**: create
activate atf
aes <- atf: <thread>
deactivate atf
aes - -> thread: run()
note over ann, thread: At this point, the\nmotor thread starts running\nthe defined activity's action\nover cycles
ae->ae: await thread state update
deactivate aes
end group
caller <- ae
deactivate ae
== shutdown sequence [after startup] ==
caller -> ae: stopActivity()
activate ae
ae -> ae: request stop motors
ae -> ae: await all stop
ae -> activity: shutdownActivity()
activate activity
ae <- activity
deactivate activity
ae -> ann: Annotate Activity Finish
caller <- ae
deactivate ae
== on exception in motor thread ==
thread -> aeh: catch(<thrown exception>)
aeh -> ae: notifyException\n(<thread>,<throwable>)
activate ae
ae -> ae: save exception
ae -> ae: forceStopActivity()
ae -> aes: shutdown();
activate aes
ae <- aes:
deactivate aes
group if needed [after timeout]]
ae -> aes: shutdownNow();
activate aes
ae <- aes
deactivate aes
end group
ae -> activity: shutdownActivity();
ae -> activity: closeAutoCloseables();
note over thread: action\nthread\nterminates
destroy thread
deactivate ae
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