findmax improvements

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Shook 2021-01-13 02:28:06 -06:00
parent 998439c8a1
commit 0b886931b1
2 changed files with 60 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ schema, rampup, main, for example.
- `schematags=phase:schema` - The tag filter for schema statements.
Findmax will run a schema phase with 1 thread by default.
- `maintas=phase:main` - The tag filter for the main workload. This is the
workload that is started and run in the background for all of the
- `maintags=phase:main` - The tag filter for the main workload. This is
the workload that is started and run in the background for all of the
sampling windows.

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@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ var rate_base = 0;
var rate_step = 100;
var rate_incr = 2.0
var min_stride = 100;
var min_stride = 1000;
var averageof = 2;
var latency_cutoff = 50.0;
@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ printf(" Set target rate to %d + %d * ( %d ^iter) \n", rate_base, rate_step,
printf(" for each iteration accepted in a row.\n");
printf(" Schedule %s operations at a time per thread.\n", min_stride);
printf(" Report the average result of running the findmax search algorithm %d times.\n",averageof);
printf(" Reject iterations which fail to achieve %2.0f%% of the target rate.\n", testrate_cutoff*100);
printf(" Reject iterations which fail to achieve %2.0f%% of the best rate.\n",bestrate_cutoff*100);
printf(" Reject iterations which fail to achieve %2.0f%% of the target rate.\n", testrate_cutoff * 100);
printf(" Reject iterations which fail to achieve %2.0f%% of the best rate.\n", bestrate_cutoff * 100);
printf(" Reject iterations which fail to achieve better than %dms response\n", latency_cutoff);
printf(" at percentile p%f\n", latency_pctile * 100);
@ -106,33 +106,38 @@ if (latency_pctile > 1.0) {
latency_pctile = (latency_pctile * 0.01);
var reporter_rate_base = scriptingmetrics.newGauge("findmax.params.rate_base", rate_base + 0.0);
var reporter_achieved_rate = scriptingmetrics.newGauge("findmax.sampling.achieved_rate", 0.0);
var reporter_base_rate = scriptingmetrics.newGauge("", 0.0);
var reporter_target_rate = scriptingmetrics.newGauge("", 0.0);
var reporter_sampling_baserate = scriptingmetrics.newGauge("findmax.sampling.base_rate", rate_base + 0.0);
var reporter_sampling_targetrate = scriptingmetrics.newGauge("findmax.sampling.target_rate", 0.0);
var reporter_sampling_achievedrate = scriptingmetrics.newGauge("findmax.sampling.achieved_rate", 0.0);
var reporter_sampling_minbound = scriptingmetrics.newGauge("findmax.sampling.lower_rate", 0.0);
var reporter_sampling_maxbound = scriptingmetrics.newGauge("findmax.sampling.higher_rate", 0.0);
var activity_type = "TEMPLATE(activity_type,cql)";
var reporter_params_baserate = scriptingmetrics.newGauge("findmax.params.base_rate", 0.0);
var reporter_params_targetrate = scriptingmetrics.newGauge("findmax.params.target_rate", 0.0);
var driver = "TEMPLATE(driver,cql)";
var yaml_file = "TEMPLATE(yaml_file,cql-iot)";
schema_activitydef = params.withDefaults({
type: activity_type,
yaml: yaml_file
schema_activitydef.alias = "findmax_schema";
schema_activitydef.threads = "1";
schema_activitydef.tags = "TEMPLATE(schematags,phase:schema)";
printf("Creating schema with schematags: %s\n",schema_activitydef.tags.toString());;
// schema_activitydef = params.withDefaults({
// driver: driver,
// yaml: yaml_file
// });
// schema_activitydef.alias = "findmax_schema";
// schema_activitydef.threads = "1";
// schema_activitydef.tags = "TEMPLATE(schematags,phase:schema)";
// printf("Creating schema with schematags: %s\n",schema_activitydef.tags.toString());
activitydef = params.withDefaults({
type: activity_type,
driver: driver,
yaml: yaml_file,
threads: "auto"
threads: "auto",
striderate: "10:1.1"
activitydef.alias = "findmax";
@ -170,6 +175,10 @@ function as_pctile(val) {
raise_to_min_stride(activities.findmax, min_stride);
let idlestride = 100.0 / activities.findmax.stride;
printf("setting to idle speed %f\n", idlestride)
activities.findmax.striderate = idlestride;
// printf("\nwarming up client JIT for 10 seconds... \n");
// activities.findmax.striderate = "" + (1000.0 / activities.findmax.stride) + ":1.1:restart";
@ -184,6 +193,7 @@ function raise_to_min_stride(params, min_stride) {
params.stride = newstride.toFixed(0);
function testCycleFun(params) {
var rate_summary = "targeting " + params.target_rate + " ops_s (" + params.base + "+" + params.step + ")";
@ -195,17 +205,19 @@ function testCycleFun(params) {
var result = {};
// printf(" target rate is " + params.target_rate + " ops_s");
activities.findmax.striderate = "" + (params.target_rate / activities.findmax.stride) + ":1.1:restart";
if (params.iteration == 1) {
printf("\n settling load at base for %ds before active sampling.\n", sample_time);
scenario.waitMillis(sample_time * 1000);
// if (params.iteration == 1) {
// printf("\n settling load at base for %ds before active sampling.\n", sample_time);
// scenario.waitMillis(sample_time * 1000);
// }
precount = metrics.findmax.cycles.servicetime.count;
printf("precount: %d\n", precount);
var snapshot_reader = metrics.findmax.result.deltaReader;
var old_data = snapshot_reader.getDeltaSnapshot(); // reset
@ -214,10 +226,17 @@ function testCycleFun(params) {
scenario.waitMillis(params.sample_seconds * 1000);
postcount = metrics.findmax.cycles.servicetime.count;
printf("postcount: %d\n", postcount);
var count = postcount - precount;
var ops_per_second = count / params.sample_seconds;
printf(" calculated rate from count=%f sample_seconds=%f\n", count, params.sample_seconds);
var latency_snapshot = snapshot_reader.getDeltaSnapshot(10000);
return {
@ -257,7 +276,7 @@ function find_max() {
var rejected_count = 0;
var base = rate_base;
// reporter_base_rate.update(base);
var step = rate_step;
var accepted_count = 0;
@ -278,6 +297,8 @@ function find_max() {
sample_seconds: actual_sample_time
reporter_sampling_maxbound.update(lowest_unacceptable_iteration != 0 ? results[lowest_unacceptable_iteration].target_rate : 0.0)
step = step * rate_incr;
var result = results[iteration] = testCycleFun(params);
var failed_checks = 0;
@ -285,7 +306,7 @@ function find_max() {
// latency check
printf(" LATENCY ");
var latency_summary = result.latency_ms.toFixed(2)+"ms "+as_pctile(latency_pctile);
var latency_summary = result.latency_ms.toFixed(2) + "ms " + as_pctile(latency_pctile);
if (result.latency_ms > latency_cutoff) {
printf(" FAIL(TOO HIGH) [ %s >", latency_summary)
@ -333,6 +354,7 @@ function find_max() {
if (failed_checks == 0) {
highest_acceptable_iteration = highest_acceptable_of(results, highest_acceptable_iteration, iteration);
printf(" ---> accepting iteration %d (highest is now %d)\n", iteration, highest_acceptable_iteration);
} else {
@ -350,12 +372,14 @@ function find_max() {
highest_acceptable_iteration = highest_acceptable_iteration == 0 ? iteration : highest_acceptable_iteration;
var too_fast = results[lowest_unacceptable_iteration].target_rate;
if (base + step >= too_fast && results[highest_acceptable_iteration].target_rate + rate_step < too_fast) {
base = results[highest_acceptable_iteration].target_rate;
// reporter_base_rate.update(base);
step = rate_step;
var search_summary = "[[ PASS " +
@ -383,6 +407,9 @@ function find_max() {
} else {
printf("\n search completed: selected iteration %d", highest_acceptable_iteration);
printf(" with %s ops_s @ %sms %s latency\n",
ops_s(highest_acceptable_iteration, results).toFixed(2),
(p_ms(highest_acceptable_iteration, results, latency_pctile)).toFixed(2),