doc structure improvements

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Shook 2020-03-30 00:10:31 -05:00
parent 879b6b1c34
commit 1e99e4d390
19 changed files with 201 additions and 625 deletions

View File

@ -79,13 +79,11 @@ Examples:
## Injecting additional Queries (Future)
It is possible to inject new operations to an activity. However, such
operations are _indirect_ to cycles, since they must be based on the results
of other operations. As such, they will not be represented in cycle output or
other advanced features. This is a specific feature for the CQL activity --
implemented internal to the way a CQL cycle is processed. A future version
of EngineBlock will provide a more uniform way to achieve this result across
activity types. For now, remember that this is a CQL-only capability.
It is possible to inject new operations to an activity. However, such operations are _indirect_ to cycles, since they
must be based on the results of other operations. As such, they will not be represented in cycle output or other
advanced features. This is a specific feature for the CQL activity -- implemented internal to the way a CQL cycle is
processed. A future version of NoSQLBench will provide a more uniform way to achieve this result across activity types.
For now, remember that this is a CQL-only capability.
- subquery-statement - Adds additional operations to the current cycle, based
on the contents of the thread-local row state. The value to this parameter

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@ -163,9 +163,8 @@ activity types.
- `jmxreporting=true`
- `jmxreporting=false` (the default)
- **alias** - this is a standard engineblock parameter, however
the cql type will use the workload value also as the alias value
when not specified.
- **alias** - this is a standard nosqlbench parameter, however the cql type will use the workload value also as the
alias value when not specified.
- **errors** - error handler configuration.
(default errors=stop,retryable->retry,unverified->stop)

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@ -28,25 +28,19 @@ how you configure for verifiable data and error handling.
##### Writing verifiable data
The cqlverify activity type does not retain logged data for verification. Still,
it is able to compare data as if it had a separate data set to compare to. This
is possibly only because the data generation facilities used by ebcql (and
engineblock) provide realistic and voluminous synthetic data that can be
recalled from a recipe and accessed dynamically.
The cqlverify driver does not retain logged data for verification. Still, it is able to compare data as if it had a
separate data set to compare to. This is possible only because the data generation facilities used by NoSQLBench provide
realistic and voluminous synthetic data that can be recalled from a recipe and accessed dynamically.
That means, however, that you must avoid using the non-stable data mapping
functions when writing data. The rule of thumb is to avoid using any data
mapping functions containing the word "Random", as these are the ones that have
historically used internal RNG state. Instead, swap in their replacements that
start with "Hashed". There is a hashed equivalent to all of the original random
functions. The rng-based functions will be deprecated in a future release.
That means, however, that you must avoid using the non-stable data mapping functions when writing data. The rule of
thumb is to avoid using any data mapping functions containing the word "Random", as these are the ones that have
historically used internal RNG state. Instead, swap in their replacements that start with "Hashed". There is a hashed
equivalent to all of the original random functions. The rng-based functions will be deprecated in a future release.
In a typical cql activity, you are allowed to name the bindings however you
like, so long as the binding names match the anchor names in your statement
template. Because we need to match reference field data to actual row data
pair-wise by field name, there is a more strict requirement for cqlverify
activities. The binding names themselves are now required to match the field
names that they are expected to be compared to.
In a typical cql activity, you are allowed to name the bindings however you like, so long as the binding names match the
anchor names in your statement template. Because we need to match reference field data to actual row data pair-wise by
field name, there is a more strict requirement for cqlverify activities. The binding names themselves are now required
to match the field names that they are expected to be compared to.
The simplest way to do this is to follow this recipe:

View File

@ -43,14 +43,17 @@ public class TCPServerActivity extends StdoutActivity {
private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TCPServerActivity.class);
private final ServerSocketFactory socketFactory;
private BlockingQueue<String> queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(10);
private LinkedBlockingQueue<String> queue;
private ServerSocket listenerSocket;
private List<Shutdown> managedShutdown = new ArrayList<>();
private int capacity=10;
public TCPServerActivity(ActivityDef activityDef) {
boolean sslEnabled = activityDef.getParams().getOptionalBoolean("ssl").orElse(false);
queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(capacity);
if (sslEnabled) {
socketFactory = SSLKsFactory.get().createSSLServerSocketFactory(activityDef);
@ -62,7 +65,6 @@ public class TCPServerActivity extends StdoutActivity {
public void onActivityDefUpdate(ActivityDef activityDef) {

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@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
# tcp activity type
There are two tcp activity types, tcpclient and tcpserver which
allow for the generation of data via a tcp client or server.
## Example activity definitions
Run a stdout activity named 'stdout-test', with definitions from activities/stdout-test.yaml
... driver=tcpclient yaml=stdout-test
Run a stdout activity named 'stdout-test', with definitions from activities/stdout-test.yaml
... driver=tcpserver yaml=stdout-test
## ActivityType Parameters
- **ssl** - boolean to enable or disable ssl
(defaults to false)
- **host** - this is the name of the output file
(defaults to "localhost")
- **port** - this is the name of the output file
(defaults to "12345")
## Configuration
This activity type uses the uniform yaml configuration format.
For more details on this format, please refer to the
[Standard YAML Format](
## Statement Format
Refer to stdout help for details on the statement format for the tcp
activity types

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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
# Driver: tcpclient
**tcpclient acts like a _client push_ version of stdout over TCP**
The tcpclient driver is based on the behavior of the stdout driver. You configure the tcpclient driver in exactly the
same way as the stdout driver, except for the additional parameters shown here.
The tcpclient driver connects to the configured server address and port (a socket address). When connected, it sends any
buffered lines of data to the server.
If the buffer is primed with data when the client is connected to a server, it will send all of the data at once. After
this, data is added to the buffer at whatever cyclerate the activity is configured for. If you add data to the buffer
faster than you can send it to a connected server, you will have a number of failed operations.
However, the opposite is not true. You should generally ensure that you can send the data as fast as you provide it, and
the error counts give you a relatively easy way to verify this. If you wish to disable this behavior, set the retries to
a very high value. In this case, the tries metric will still give you some measure of internal buffer saturation.
## Examples
Run a stdout activity named 'stdout-test', with definitions from activities/stdout-test.yaml
... driver=tcpserver yaml=stdout-test
## Driver Parameters
- **retry_delay** - The internal retry frequency at which the internal cycle loop will attempt to add data to the
buffer. This applies when the internal buffer is full and the client isn't able to send data from it.
- unit: milliseconds
- default: 1000
- dynamic: false
- **retries** - The number of retries which the internal cycle loop will attempt before marking a row of output as
- default: 3
- dynamic: false
- **ssl** - boolean to enable or disable ssl
- default: false
- dynamic: false
- **host** - this is the name to connect to (remote server IP address)
- default: localhost
- dynamic: false
- **port** - this is the name of the port to connect to (remote server port)
- default: 12345
- dynamic: false
- **capacity** - the size of the internal blocking queue
- default: 10
- unit: lines of output
- dynamic: false
## Statement Format
Refer to the help for the stdout driver for for details.

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
# Driver: tcpserver
**tcpserver acts like a _server push_ version of stdout over TCP**
The tcpserver driver is based on the behavior of the stdout driver. You configure the tcpserver driver in exactly the
same way as the stdout driver, except for the additional parameters shown here.
The tcpserver driver listens on a configured host and port (a socket address). When any clients are connected, the
internal queue is buffered to them as long as there is data in it. For each cycle of data in the internal buffer, one of
the connected clients will get it in unspecified order.
If the buffer is primed with data when a client is connected it will get all of the data at once. After this, data is
added to the buffer at whatever cyclerate the activity is configured for. If you add data to the buffer faster than you
can consume it with connected clients, you will have a number of failed operations.
However, the opposite is not true. You should generally ensure that you can consume the data as fast as you provide it,
and the error counts give you a relatively easy way to verify this. If you wish to disable this behavior, set the
retries to a very high value. In this case, the tries metric will still give you some measure of internal buffer
## Examples
Run a stdout activity named 'stdout-test', with definitions from activities/stdout-test.yaml
... driver=tcpserver yaml=stdout-test
## Driver Parameters
- **retry_delay** - The internal retry frequency at which the internal cycle loop will attempt to add data to the
buffer. This applies when the internal buffer is full and no clients are consuming data from it.
- unit: milliseconds
- default: 1000
- dynamic: false
- **retries** - The number of retries which the internal cycle loop will attempt before marking a row of output as
- default: 3
- dynamic: false
- **ssl** - boolean to enable or disable ssl
- default: false
- dynamic: false
- **host** - this is the name to bind to (local interface address)
- default: localhost
- dynamic: false
- **port** - this is the name of the port to listen on
- default: 12345
- dynamic: false
- **capacity** - the size of the internal blocking queue
- default: 10
- unit: lines of output
- dynamic: false
## Statement Format
Refer to the help for the stdout driver for for details.

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@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
# tcp help topics
- tcp
- tcpclient
- tcpserver

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@ -1,422 +0,0 @@
title: driver - CQL
weight: 06
# Activity Type: CQL
This is the same documentation that you get when you run
./nb help cql
To select this activity type, pass `driver=cql` to a run or start command.
# cql activity type
This is an activity type which allows for the execution of CQL statements. This particular activity type is wired
synchronously within each client thread, however the async API is used in order to expose fine-grain metrics about op
binding, op submission, and waiting for a result.
### Example activity definitions
Run a cql activity named 'cql1', with definitions from activities/cqldefs.yaml
... driver=cql alias=cql1 workload=cqldefs
Run a cql activity defined by cqldefs.yaml, but with shortcut naming
... driver=cql workload=cqldefs
Only run statement groups which match a tag regex
... driver=cql workload=cqldefs tags=group:'ddl.*'
Run the matching 'dml' statements, with 100 cycles, from [1000..1100)
... driver=cql workload=cqldefs tags=group:'dml.*' cycles=1000..1100
This last example shows that the cycle range is [inclusive..exclusive), to allow for stacking test intervals. This is
standard across all activity types.
### CQL ActivityType Parameters
- **host** - The host or hosts to use for connection points to
the cluster. If you specify multiple values here, use commas
with no spaces.
- `host=`
- `host=`,testhost42`
- **workload** - Workload definition which is also the name of the yaml file or path to the yaml file
which holds the schema and statement defs.
see workload yaml locations below.
(no default, required)
- **port** - The port to connect with
- **cl** - An override to consistency levels for the activity. If
this option is used, then all consistency levels will be replaced
by this one for the current activity, and a log line explaining
the difference with respect to the yaml will be emitted.
This is not a dynamic parameter. It will only be applied at
activity start.
- **cbopts** - default: none - this is how you customize the cluster
settings for the client, including policies, compression, etc. This
is a string of *Java*-like method calls just as you would use them
in the Cluster.Builder fluent API. They are evaluated inline
with the default Cluster.Builder options not covered below.
Example: cbopts=".withCompression(ProtocolOptions.Compression.NONE)"
- **whitelist** default: none - Applies a whitelist policy to the load balancing
policy in the driver. If used, a WhitelistPolicy(RoundRobinPolicy())
will be created and added to the cluster builder on startup.
- whitelist=
- whitelist=,
- **retrypolicy** default: none - Applies a retry policy in the driver
The only option supported for this version is `retrypolicy=logging`,
which uses the default retry policy, but with logging added.
- **pooling** default: none - Applies the connection pooling options
to the policy.
- `pooling=4:10`
keep between 4 and 10 connections to LOCAL hosts
- `pooling=4:10,2:5`
keep 4-10 connections to LOCAL hosts and 2-5 to REMOTE
- `pooling=4:10:2000`
keep between 4-10 connections to LOCAL hosts with
up to 2000 requests per connection
- `pooling=5:10:2000,2:4:1000` keep between 5-10 connections to
LOCAL hosts with up to 2000 requests per connection, and 2-4
connection to REMOTE hosts with up to 1000 requests per connection
Additionally, you may provide the following options on pooling. Any
of these that are provided must appear in this order:
`,heartbeat_interval_s:n,idle_timeout_s:n,pool_timeout_ms:n`, so a
full example with all options set would appear as:
- **socketoptions** default: none - Applies any of the valid socket
options to the client when the session is built. Each of the options
uses the long form of the name, with either a numeric or boolean
value. Individual sub-parameters should be separated by a comma, and
the parameter names and values can be separated by either equals or a
colon. All of these values may be changed:
- read_timeout_ms
- connect_timeout_ms
- keep_alive
- reuse_address
- so_linger
- tcp_no_delay
- receive_buffer_size
- send_buffer_size
- `socketoptions=read_timeout_ms=23423,connect_timeout_ms=4444`
- `socketoptions=tcp_no_delay=true
- **tokens** default: unset - Only executes statements that fall within
any of the specified token ranges. Others are counted in metrics
as skipped-tokens, with a histogram value of the cycle number.
- tokens=1:10000,100000:1000000
- tokens=1:123456
- **maxtries** - default: 10 - how many times an operation may be
attempted before it is disregarded
- **maxpages** - default: 1 - how many pages can be read from a query which
is larger than the fetchsize. If more than this number of pages
is required for such a query, then an UnexpectedPaging excpetion
is passed to the error handler as explained below.
- **fetchsize** - controls the driver parameter of the same name.
Suffixed units can be used here, such as "50K". If this parameter
is not present, then the driver option is not set.
- **cycles** - standard, however the cql activity type will default
this to however many statements are included in the current
activity, after tag filtering, etc.
- **username** - the user to authenticate as. This option requires
that one of **password** or **passfile** also be defined.
- **password** - the password to authenticate with. This will be
ignored if passfile is also present.
- **passfile** - the file to read the password from. The first
line of this file is used as the password.
- **ssl** - specifies the type of the SSL implementation.
Disabled by default, possible values are `jdk`, and `openssl`.
Depending on type, additional parameters need to be provided.
- **tlsversion** - specify the TLS version to use for SSL.
- `tlsversion=TLSv1.2` (the default)
- **truststore** (`jdk`, `openssl`) - specify the path to the SSL truststore.
- `truststore=file.truststore`
- **tspass** (`jdk`, `openssl`) - specify the password for the SSL truststore.
- `tspass=mypass`
- **keystore** (`jdk`) - specify the path to the SSL keystore.
- `keystore=file.keystore`
- **kspass** (`jdk`) - specify the password for the SSL keystore.
- `kspass=mypass`
- **keyFilePath** (`openssl`) - path to the OpenSSL key file.
- `keyFilePath=file.key`
- **keyPassword** (`openssl`) - key password;
- `keyPassword=password`
- **caCertFilePath** (`openssl`) - path to the X509 CA certificate file.
- `caCertFilePath=cacert.pem`
- **certFilePath** (`openssl`) - path to the X509 certificate file.
- `certFilePath=ca.pem`
- **jmxreporting** - enable JMX reporting if needed.
- `jmxreporting=true`
- `jmxreporting=false` (the default)
- **alias** - this is a standard engineblock parameter, however
the cql type will use the workload value also as the alias value
when not specified.
- **errors** - error handler configuration.
(default errors=stop,retryable->retry,unverified->stop)
- errors=stop,WriteTimeoutException=histogram
- errors=count
- errors=warn,retryable=count
See the separate help on 'cqlerrors' for detailed
configuration options.
- **defaultidempotence** - sets default idempotence on the
driver options, but only if it has a value.
(default unset, valid values: true or false)
- **speculative** - sets the speculative retry policy on the cluster.
(default unset)
This can be in one of the following forms:
- pT:E:L - where :L is optional and
T is a floating point threshold between 0.0 and 100.0 and
E is an allowed number of concurrent speculative executions and
L is the maximum latency tracked in the tracker instance
(L defaults to 15000 when left out)
- p99.8:5:15000ms - 99.8 percentile, 5 executions, 15000ms max tracked
- p98:2:10000ms - 98.0 percentile, 2 executions allowed, 10s max tracked
- Tms:E - where :E is optional and
T is a constant threshold latency and
E is the allowed number of concurrent speculative retries
(E default to 5 when left out)
- 100ms:5 - constant threshold of 100ms and 5 allowed executions
- **seq** - selects the statement sequencer used with statement ratios.
(default: bucket)
(options: concat | bucket | interval)
The concat sequencer repeats each statement in order until the ratio
is achieved.
The bucket sequencer uses simple round-robin distribution to plan
statement ratios, a simple but unbalanced form of interleaving.
The interval sequencer apportions statements over time and then by
order of appearance for ties. This has the effect of interleaving
statements from an activity more evenly, but is less obvious in how
it works.
All of the sequencers create deterministic schedules which use an internal
lookup table for indexing into a list of possible statements.
- **trace** - enables a trace on a subset of operations. This is disabled
by default.
The above traces every 100th cycle to a file named trace.log.
The above traces every 1000th cycle to stdout.
If the trace log is not specified, then 'tracelog' is assumed.
If the filename is specified as stdout, then traces are dumped to stdout.
- **clusterid** - names the configuration to be used for this activity. Within
a given scenario, any activities that use the same name for clusterid will
share a session and cluster.
default: 'default'
- **drivermetrics** - enable reporting of driver metrics.
default: false
- **driverprefix** - set the metrics name that will prefix all CQL driver metrics.
default: 'driver.*clusterid*.'
The clusterid specified is included so that separate cluster and session
contexts can be reported independently for advanced tests.
- **usercodecs** - enable the loading of user codec libraries
for more details see: com.datastax.codecs.framework.UDTCodecInjector in the nosqlbench
code base. This is for dynamic codec loading with user-provided codecs mapped
via the internal UDT APIs.
default: false
- **secureconnectbundle** - used to connect to CaaS, accepts a path to the secure connect bundle
that is downloaded from the CaaS UI.
- `secureconnectbundle=/tmp/`
- `secureconnectbundle="/home/automaton/"`
- **insights** - Set to false to disable the driver from sending insights monitoring information
- `insights=false`
- **tickduration** - sets the tickDuration (milliseconds) of HashedWheelTimer of the
java driver. This timer is used to schedule speculative requests.
- `tickduration=10`
- `tickduration=100` (driver default value)
- **compression** - sets the transport compression to use for this
activity. Valid values are 'LZ4' and 'SNAPPY'. Both types are bundled
with EBDSE.
### CQL YAML Parameters
A uniform YAML configuration format was introduced with engineblock 2.0.
As part of this format, statement parameters were added for the CQL Activity Type.
These parameters will be consolidated with the above parameters in time, but for
now **they are limited to a YAML params block**:
ratio: 1
# Sets the statement ratio within the operation sequencer
# scheme. Integers only.
# When preparing the operation order (AKA sequencing),
# frequency of the associated statements.
cl: ONE
# Sets the consistency level, using any of the standard
# identifiers from com.datastax.driver.core.ConsistencyLevel,
# any one of:
prepared: true
# By default, all statements are prepared. If you are
# creating schema, set this to false.
idempotent: false
# For statements that are known to be idempotent, set this
# to true
instrument: false
# If a statement has instrument set to true, then
# individual Timer metrics will be tracked for
# that statement for both successes and errors,
# using the given statement name.
logresultcsv: true
logresultcsv: myfilename.csv
# If a statement has logresultcsv set to true,
# then individual operations will be logged to a CSV file.
# In this case the CSV file will be named as
# <statement-name>--results.csv.
# If the value is present and not "true", then the value will
# be used as the name of the file.
# The format of the file is:
# <cycle>,(SUCCESS|FAILURE),<nanos>,<rows-fetched>,(<error-class,NONE)
# 1) BE CAREFUL with this setting. A single logged line per
# result is not useful for high-speed testing as it will
# impose IO loads on the client to slow it down.
# 2) BE CAREFUL with the name. It is best to just pick good
# names for your statement defs so that everything remains
# coherent and nothing gets accidentally overwritten.
# 3) If logresultcsv is provided at the activity level, it
# applies to all statements, and the only value values
# there are true and false.
### Generic Parameters
*provided by the runtime*
- **targetrate** - The target rate in ops/s
- **linkinput** - if the name of another activity is specified, this activity
will only go as fast as that one.
- **tags** - optional filter for matching tags in yaml sections (detailed help
link needed)
- **threads** - the number of client threads driving this activity
### Metrics
- alias.cycles - (provided by engineblock) A timer around the whole cycle
- alias.phase - (provided by engineblock) A timer around additional phases
within a cycle. For this driver, it captures all the work in the client
around fetching additional pages for paged reads.
- alias.bind - A timer which tracks the performance of the statement
binding logic, including the generation of data immediately prior
- alias.execute - A timer which tracks the performance of op submission
only. This is the async execution call, broken out as a separate step.
- alias.result - A timer which tracks the performance of an op result only.
This is the async get on the future, broken out as a separate step.
- alias.tries - A histogram of how many tries were required to get a
completed operation
- alias.pages - A timer which tracks the performance of paging, specific
to more than 1-page query results. i.e., if all reads return within 1
page, this metric will not have any data.
- alias.strides - A timer around each stride of operations within a thread
- alias.skipped-tokens - A histogram that records the count and cycle values
of skipped tokens.
- alias.result-success - A timer that records rate and histograms of the time
it takes from submitting a query to completely reading the result
set that it returns, across all pages. This metric is only counted
for non-exceptional results, while the result metric above includes
all operations.
##### Metrics Details
The cycles metric captures data on the outside of each operation, but it also
includes any internal processing time needed by the client. Within the
cycles metric, bind, execute, and result all occur in sequence. There may
be multiple values recorded for submit and execute for a single bind event.
This is because a bind exception is final, but an execute and result may
both be retried. The tries metric captures how many tries were required. It
is a histogram only. If the metric for tries is 1 across the board, then
no operation had to be retried.
As for a normal single page read result, both the execute and result timers
are included within the code block wrapped by the pages metric.
### Workload YAML Format
The YAML file for a CQL activity has the following structure:
1. One or more document sections, separated with '---' and a newline.
1. An optional tag map
2. One or more statements
1. a descriptive name
2. prepared: false, if you want to modify the default (prepared:true)
3. statement CQL
4. statement data bindings
Each section is a separate yaml document internally to the yaml file. The
tags that are provided allow for subgroups of statements to be activated.
All statements in a matching document (when filtered by tags) are included
in the statement rotation.
If no tags are provided in a document section, then it will be matched by
all possible tag filters. Conversely, if no tag filter is applied in
the activity definition, all tagged documents will match.
Data bindings specify how values are generated to plug into each operation. More
details on data bindings are available in the activity usage guide.
### Parameter Templating
Double angle brackets may be used to drop parameters into the YAML
arbitrarily. When the YAML file is loaded, and only then, these parameters
are interpolated from activity parameters like those above. This allows you
to create activity templates that can be customized simply by providing
additional parameters to the activity. There are two forms,
\<\<some_var_name:default_value\>\> and \<\<some_var_name\>\>. The first
form contains a default value. In any case, if one of these parameters is
encountered and a qualifying value is not found, an error will be thrown.
### Workload YAML Location
The YAML file referenced in the workload= parameter will be searched for in the following places, in this order:
1. A URL, if it starts with 'http:' or 'https:'
2. The local filesystem, if it exists there
3. The internal classpath and assets in the jar.
The '.yaml' suffix is not required in the workload= parameter, however it is
required on the actual file. As well, the logical search path "activities/"
will be used if necessary to locate the file, both on the filesystem and in
the classpath.
There is a basic example below that can be copied as a starting template.
## YAML Examples
Please see the bundled activities with nosqlbench for examples.

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@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
title: activity type - stdout
weight: 06
# Activity Type: stdout
This is the same documentation that you get when you run
./nb help stdout
To select this activity type, pass `driver=stdout` to a run or start command.
# stdout activity type
This is an activity type which allows for the generation of data
into to stdout or a file. It reads the standard engineblock YAML
format. It can read YAML activity files for any activity type
that uses the curly brace token form in statements.
## Example activity definitions
Run a stdout activity named 'stdout-test', with definitions from activities/stdout-test.yaml
... driver=stdout workload=stdout-test
Only run statement groups which match a tag regex
... driver=stdout workload=stdout-test tags=group:'ddl.*'
Run the matching 'dml' statements, with 100 cycles, from [1000..1100)
... driver=stdout workload=stdout-test tags=group:'dml.*' cycles=1000..11000 filename=test.csv
This last example shows that the cycle range is [inclusive..exclusive),
to allow for stacking test intervals. This is standard across all
activity types.
## stdout ActivityType Parameters
- **filename** - this is the name of the output file
(defaults to "stdout", which actually writes to stdout, not the filesystem)
- **newline** - whether to automatically add a missing newline to the end
of any statements.
default: true
- **format** - which format to use. If provided, the format will override
any statement formats provided by the YAML.
valid values are (csv, readout, json, inlinejson, and assignments)
## Configuration
This activity type uses the uniform yaml configuration format. For more details on this format, please refer to the
[Standard YAML Format](
## Configuration Parameters
- **newline** - If a statement has this param defined, then it determines whether or not to automatically add a missing
newline for that statement only. If this is not defined for a statement, then the activity-level parameter takes
## Statement Format
The statement format for this activity type is a simple string. Tokens between curly braces are used to refer to binding
names, as in the following example:
- "It is {minutes} past {hour}."
If you want to suppress the trailing newline that is automatically added, then
you must either pass `newline=false` as an activity param, or specify it
in the statement params in your config as in:
newline: false
### Auto-generated statements
If no statement is provided, then the defined binding names are used as-is to create a CSV-style line format. The values
are concatenated with comma delimiters, so a set of bindings like this:
one: Identity()
two: NumberNameToString()
would create an automatic string template like this:
- "{one},{two}\n"
The auto-generation behavior is forced when the format parameter is supplied.

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
title: Driver Types
weight: 50
Each nosqlbench scenario is comprised of one or more activities of a
specific type. The types of activities available are provided by the
version of nosqlbench.
Additional drivers will be added in future releases. There are command
line help topics for each activity type (driver).
To get a list of topics run:
./nb help topics
To get the help for a particular topic run:
./nb help <topic>

View File

@ -78,13 +78,13 @@ examples that are known to load cleanly, then please review your document for co
[YAML Specification]().
If you are sure that the YAML should load, then please
[submit a bug report]( with details on the type of YAML
[submit a bug report]( with details on the type of YAML
file you are trying to load.
### YAML Construction Error
This exception is thrown when the YAML was loaded, but the configuration object was not able to be constructed from the
in-memory YAML document. If this error occurs, it may be a bug in the YAML loader implementation. Please
[submit a bug report]( with details on the type of YAML
[submit a bug report]( with details on the type of YAML
file you are trying to load.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
title: Driver Types
weight: 50
Each nosqlbench scenario is comprised of one or more activities of a specific type. The types of activities available
are provided by the version of nosqlbench.
You can see this list at any time by running the command:
nb --list-driver-types
Each one comes with its own built-in documentation. It can be accessed with this command:
nb help <driver>
This section contains the per-driver documentation that you get when you run the above command. These driver docs are
auto-populated when NoSQLBench is built, so they are exactly the same as you will see with the above command, only
rendered in HTML.
There may be additional documentation related to a given driver. To see the list of help topics, you
can run this command:
nb help topics
The help for any topic can be read this way:
nb help <topic>
Additional drivers will be added in future releases. There are command line help topics for each activity type (driver).

View File

@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ The recommended reading for this is:
## Scenario Developers
The underlying runtime for a scenario in nosqlbench is based on EngineBlock, which means it has all the scripting power
that comes with that. For advanced scenario designs, iterative testing models, or analysis methods, you can use
For advanced scenario designs, iterative testing models, or analysis methods, you can use
ECMAScript to control the scenario from start to finish. This is an advanced feature that is not recommended for
first-time users. A guide for scenario developers will be released in increments.

View File

@ -3,6 +3,20 @@ title: Getting Support
weight: 10
# Built-In Docs
The documentation for NoSQLBench is quite thorough. On the command line, you can see a list of built-in docs with the
nb help topics
To read any topic, simply use the command:
nb help <topic>
The documentation system you are looking at right now includes the same docs you can find above already and more. They
are automatically included when NoSQLBench is built.
# Getting Support
In general, our goals with NoSQLBench are to make the help systems and examples wrap around the users like a suit of
@ -10,12 +24,6 @@ armor, so that they feel capable of doing most things without having to ask for
looking for personal support form our community, and help us find those places where the docs are lacking. Maybe you can
help us by adding some missing docs!
## NoSQLBench Slack
There is a new
[slack channel]( for NoSQLBench.
Please join it if you are a new or existing NoSQLBench user and help us get it going!
## General Feedback
These guidelines are mirrored at the

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ In order to enable graphite reporting, use one of these options formats:
## Prefix
Core metrics use the prefix _engineblock_ by default. You can override this with the ``--metrics-prefix` option:
Core metrics use the prefix _nosqlbench_ by default. You can override this with the ``--metrics-prefix` option:
--metrics-prefix myclient.group5

View File

@ -6,11 +6,10 @@ title: Scenario Scripting
## Motive
The EngineBlock runtime is a combination of a scripting sandbox and a workload execution machine. This is not
accidental. With this particular arrangement, it should be possible to build sophisticated tests across a variety of
scenarios. In particular, logic which can observe and react to the system under test can be powerful. With this
approach, it becomes possible to break away from the conventional run-interpret-adjust cycle which is all too often done
by human hands.
The NoSQLBench runtime is a combination of a scripting sandbox and a workload execution machine. This is not accidental.
With this particular arrangement, it should be possible to build sophisticated tests across a variety of scenarios. In
particular, logic which can observe and react to the system under test can be powerful. With this approach, it becomes
possible to break away from the conventional run-interpret-adjust cycle which is all too often done by human hands.
## Machinery, Controls & Instruments

View File

@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ weight: 3
# Scripting Environment
The ability to write open-ended testing simulations is provided in EngineBlock by means of a scripted runtime, where
each scenario is driven from a control script that can do anything the user wants.
The ability to write open-ended testing simulations is provided in NoSQLBench by means of a scripted runtime, where each
scenario is driven from a control script that can do anything the user wants.
## Dynamic Parameters

View File

@ -39,6 +39,19 @@ fi
$JAVA -jar target/nb.jar docserver generate ${GUIDEBOOK}/
$JAVA -jar target/nb.jar virtdata gendocs basedir ${GUIDEBOOK}/services/docs/markdown/binding_functions
mkdir -p $driversdir
drivers=$($JAVA -jar target/nb.jar --list-drivers)
for driver in $drivers
echo "driver: $driver"
echo "targetmd: $targetmd"
printf -- "---\ntitle: driver - $driver\nweight: 50\n---\n" > $targetmd
$JAVA -jar target/nb.jar help $driver >> $targetmd
#JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME:-JAVA_HOME must be specified if java isn not in the path}
## static site for gh pages