moved workload docs to their workload locations

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Shook 2020-04-06 12:52:51 -05:00
parent 9a1180c207
commit 9a82f9815d
3 changed files with 4 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ lifecycle. This is a steady-state workload, where inserts are 90% of the operati
## Named Scenarios
## Workload Sequence
### default
1. schema - Install the schema
2. rampup - Ramp-Up to steady state for normative density, writes only 100M rows
3. main - Run at steady state with 10% reads and 90% writes, 100M rows
The default scenario for cql-iot.yaml runs the conventional test phases: schema, rampup, main
## Testing Considerations
For in-depth testing, this workload will take some time to build up data density where TTLs begin purging expired data.
At this point, the test should be considered steady-state.

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@ -13,12 +13,6 @@ During preload, all keys are set with a value. During the main phase of the work
population are replaced with new values which never repeat. During the main phase, random partitions are selected for
upsert, with row values never repeating.
## Workload Sequence
1. schema - Initialize the schema.
2. rampup - Load data according to the data set size.
3. main - Run the workload
## Operations
### insert (rampup, main)

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@ -9,24 +9,6 @@ The CQL Wide Rows workload provides a way to tax a system with wide rows of a gi
understand underlying performance differences between version and configuration options when using data models that have
wide rows.
## Schema
CREATE KEYSPACE if not exists baselines WITH replication =
{ 'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc1': 3 };
CREATE TABLE if not exists baselines.widerows (
part text,
clust text,
data text,
PRIMARY KEY (part,clust)
## Workload Sequence
1. schema - Install the schema
2. rampup - Fully populate the widerows with data, 100000 elements per row
3. main - Run at steady state with 50% reads and 50% writes, 100M rows
For in-depth testing, this workload needs significant density of partitions in combination with fully populated wide
rows. For exploratory or parameter contrasting tests, ensure that the rampup phase is configured correctly to establish
this initial state.