workin progress for http_updates

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Shook 2020-06-29 13:08:55 -05:00
parent ef16b788e4
commit ab6d0102bd
15 changed files with 516 additions and 145 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
package io.nosqlbench.activitytype.cmds;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.templating.EnumSetter;
public class HttpRequestSetter implements EnumSetter<ReadyHttpRequest.FieldType,HttpRequest.Builder> {
public HttpRequest.Builder setField(
HttpRequest.Builder target,
ReadyHttpRequest.FieldType field,
Object... value) {
switch (field) {
case method:
return target.method((String)value[0], (HttpRequest.BodyPublisher) value[1]);
case host:
case path:
case query:
case header:
case version:
return target;
throw new RuntimeException("field type was not set correctly:" + field);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
package io.nosqlbench.activitytype.cmds;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityconfig.ParsedStmt;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityconfig.yaml.StmtDef;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityimpl.motor.ParamsParser;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.templating.CommandTemplate;
import io.nosqlbench.nb.api.errors.BasicError;
import io.nosqlbench.virtdata.core.bindings.BindingsTemplate;
import io.nosqlbench.virtdata.core.templates.ParsedTemplate;
import io.nosqlbench.virtdata.core.templates.StringBindings;
import io.nosqlbench.virtdata.core.templates.StringBindingsTemplate;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.LongFunction;
public class ReadyHttpRequest implements LongFunction<HttpRequest> {
private final static HttpRequestSetter setter = new HttpRequestSetter();
public enum FieldType {
HttpRequest.Builder builder = HttpRequest.newBuilder();
Map<FieldType, StringBindings> unresolved = new HashMap<>();
// only populated if there is no value which is an actual bindings template
private final HttpRequest cachedRequest;
public ReadyHttpRequest(StmtDef stmtDef) {
CommandTemplate cmdt = new CommandTemplate(stmtDef, false);
ParsedStmt parsed = stmtDef.getParsed();
Map<String, String> reqParams = new HashMap<>();
String stmt = parsed.getStmt();
if (stmt != null) {
Map<String, String> parsedparams = ParamsParser.parse(stmt, false);
for (String paramsKey : stmtDef.getParams().keySet()) {
if (reqParams.containsKey(paramsKey)) {
throw new RuntimeException("request parameter '" + paramsKey + "' used again in params block. Choose one.");
for (String cfgname : reqParams.keySet()) {
FieldType cfgfield;
try {
cfgfield = FieldType.valueOf(cfgname);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
throw new BasicError("You can't configure a request with '" + cfgname + "'." +
" Valid properties are " +",")));
String value = reqParams.get(cfgname);
ParsedTemplate tpl = new ParsedTemplate(value, stmtDef.getBindings());
if (tpl.getBindPoints().size() == 0) {
builder = setter.setField(builder, cfgfield, value);
} else {
BindingsTemplate bindingsTemplate = new BindingsTemplate(tpl.getBindPoints());
StringBindingsTemplate stringBindingsTemplate = new StringBindingsTemplate(value, bindingsTemplate);
StringBindings stringBindings = stringBindingsTemplate.resolve();
unresolved.put(cfgfield, stringBindings);
if (unresolved.size() == 0) {
cachedRequest =;
} else {
cachedRequest = null;
public HttpRequest apply(long value) {
if (this.cachedRequest != null) {
return this.cachedRequest;
HttpRequest.Builder newRq = builder.copy();
for (Map.Entry<FieldType, StringBindings> toset : unresolved.entrySet()) {
String setValue = toset.getValue().bind(value);
newRq = setter.setField(newRq, toset.getKey(), setValue);
HttpRequest request =;
return request;

View File

@ -4,24 +4,38 @@ import com.codahale.metrics.Timer;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityapi.core.SyncAction;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityapi.planning.OpSequence;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityimpl.ActivityDef;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.templating.CommandTemplate;
import io.nosqlbench.nb.api.errors.BasicError;
import io.nosqlbench.virtdata.core.templates.StringBindings;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class HttpAction implements SyncAction {
private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HttpAction.class);
private final HttpActivity httpActivity;
private final int slot;
private int maxTries = 1;
private boolean showstmts;
private OpSequence<StringBindings> sequencer;
private OpSequence<CommandTemplate> sequencer;
private HttpClient client;
private HttpResponse.BodyHandler<String> bodyreader = HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString();
private long timeoutMillis;
public HttpAction(ActivityDef activityDef, int slot, HttpActivity httpActivity) {
@ -32,6 +46,8 @@ public class HttpAction implements SyncAction {
public void init() {
this.sequencer = httpActivity.getOpSequence();
this.client = HttpClient.newHttpClient();
@ -40,86 +56,179 @@ public class HttpAction implements SyncAction {
String statement = null;
InputStream result = null;
try (Timer.Context bindTime = httpActivity.bindTimer.time()) {
stringBindings = sequencer.get(cycleValue);
statement = stringBindings.bind(cycleValue);
// The bind timer captures all the time involved in preparing the
// operation for execution, including data generation as well as
// op construction
String[] splitStatement = statement.split("\\?");
String path, query;
// The request to be used must be constructed from the template each time.
HttpRequest request=null;
// A specifier for what makes a response ok. If this is provided, then it is
// either a list of valid http status codes, or if non-numeric, a regex for the body
// which must match.
// If not provided, then status code 200 is the only thing required to be matched.
String ok;
try (Timer.Context bindTime = httpActivity.bindTimer.time()) {
CommandTemplate commandTemplate = httpActivity.getOpSequence().get(cycleValue);
Map<String, String> cmdMap = commandTemplate.getCommand(cycleValue);
String host = httpActivity.getHosts()[(int) cycleValue % httpActivity.getHosts().length];
String[] command = cmdMap.get("command").split(" ", 3); // RFC 2616 Section 5.1.2
ok = cmdMap.remove("ok");
path = splitStatement[0];
query = "";
// Base request
String method = command[0].toUpperCase();
if (splitStatement.length >= 2) {
query = splitStatement[1];
String baseuri = command[1].trim();
URI uri = URI.create(baseuri);
HttpRequest.Builder builder = HttpRequest.newBuilder(uri);
HttpRequest.BodyPublisher bodysource = bodySourceFrom(cmdMap);
builder = builder.method(method, bodysource);
if (command.length == 3) {
HttpClient.Version version = HttpClient.Version.valueOf(command[2]);
URI uri = new URI(
statement = uri.toString();
showstmts = httpActivity.getShowstmts();
if (showstmts) {"STMT(cycle=" + cycleValue + "):\n" + statement);
// All known command options must be processed by this point, so the rest are headers
for (String mustBeAHeader : cmdMap.keySet()) {
builder.header(mustBeAHeader, cmdMap.get(mustBeAHeader));
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
request =;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("while binding request in cycle " + cycleValue + ": " + e.getMessage(),e);
long nanoStartTime=System.nanoTime();
int tries = 0;
while (tries < maxTries) {
CompletableFuture<HttpResponse<String>> responseFuture;
try (Timer.Context executeTime = httpActivity.executeTimer.time()) {
URL url = new URL(statement);
HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
result = conn.getInputStream();
responseFuture = client.sendAsync(request, this.bodyreader);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error writing output:" + e, e);
throw new RuntimeException("while waiting for response in cycle " + cycleValue + ":" + e.getMessage(), e);
Timer.Context resultTime = httpActivity.resultTimer.time();
try {
StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();
BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(result));
String line;
while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {
HttpResponse<String> response;
try (Timer.Context resultTime = httpActivity.resultTimer.time()) {
response = responseFuture.get(timeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} catch (Exception e) {
long resultNanos = resultTime.stop();
} finally {
if (resultTime!=null) {
throw new RuntimeException("while waiting for response in cycle " + cycleValue + ":" + e.getMessage(), e);
if (ok == null) {
if (response.statusCode() != 200) {
throw new ResponseError("Result had status code " +
response.statusCode() + ", but 'ok' was not set for this statement," +
"so it is considered an error.");
} else {
String[] oks = ok.split(",");
for (String ok_condition : oks) {
if (ok_condition.charAt(0)>='0' && ok_condition.charAt(0)<='9') {
int matching_status = Integer.parseInt(ok_condition);
} else {
Pattern successRegex = Pattern.compile(ok);
// Matcher matcher = successRegex.matcher(String.valueOf(response.statusCode()));
// if (!matcher.matches()) {
// throw new BasicError("status code " + response.statusCode() + " did not match " + success);
// }
long resultNanos=System.nanoTime() - nanoStartTime;
httpActivity.resultSuccessTimer.update(resultNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
return 0;
protected HttpActivity getHttpActivity() {
return httpActivity;
// String body = future.body();
// String[] splitStatement = statement.split("\\?");
// String path, query;
// path = splitStatement[0];
// query = "";
// if (splitStatement.length >= 2) {
// query = splitStatement[1];
// }
// URI uri = new URI(
// "http",
// null,
// host,
// httpActivity.getPort(),
// path,
// query,
// null);
// statement = uri.toString();
// showstmts = httpActivity.getShowstmts();
// if (showstmts) {
//"STMT(cycle=" + cycleValue + "):\n" + statement);
// }
// } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// long nanoStartTime=System.nanoTime();
// Timer.Context resultTime = httpActivity.resultTimer.time();
// try {
// StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();
// BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(result));
// String line;
// while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {
// res.append(line);
// }
// rd.close();
// } catch (Exception e) {
// long resultNanos = resultTime.stop();
// resultTime = null;
// } finally {
// if (resultTime != null) {
// resultTime.stop();
// }
// }
// }
// long resultNanos = System.nanoTime() - nanoStartTime;
// httpActivity.resultSuccessTimer.update(resultNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
// protected HttpActivity getHttpActivity () {
// return httpActivity;
// }
// }
private HttpRequest.BodyPublisher bodySourceFrom(Map<String, String> cmdMap) {
if (cmdMap.containsKey("body")) {
String body = cmdMap.remove("body");
return HttpRequest.BodyPublishers.ofString(body);
} else if (cmdMap.containsKey("file")) {
try {
String file = cmdMap.get("file");
Path path = Path.of(file);
return HttpRequest.BodyPublishers.ofFile(path);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new BasicError("Could not find file content for request at " + cmdMap.get("file"));
} else {
return HttpRequest.BodyPublishers.noBody();

View File

@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityapi.planning.SequencerType;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityimpl.ActivityDef;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityimpl.SimpleActivity;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.metrics.ActivityMetrics;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.templating.CommandTemplate;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.templating.StrInterpolator;
import io.nosqlbench.nb.api.errors.BasicError;
import io.nosqlbench.virtdata.core.bindings.BindingsTemplate;
import io.nosqlbench.virtdata.core.templates.StringBindings;
import io.nosqlbench.virtdata.core.templates.StringBindingsTemplate;
@ -32,7 +35,7 @@ public class HttpActivity extends SimpleActivity implements Activity, ActivityDe
return stmtsDocList;
private final StmtsDocList stmtsDocList;
private StmtsDocList stmtsDocList;
private int stride;
@ -49,17 +52,11 @@ public class HttpActivity extends SimpleActivity implements Activity, ActivityDe
private String[] hosts;
private int port;
private OpSequence<StringBindings> opSequence;
private OpSequence<CommandTemplate> opSequence;
public HttpActivity(ActivityDef activityDef) {
this.activityDef = activityDef;
String yaml_loc = activityDef.getParams()
.getOptionalString("yaml", "workload")
stmtsDocList = StatementsLoader.loadPath(logger,yaml_loc, "activities");
@ -76,8 +73,7 @@ public class HttpActivity extends SimpleActivity implements Activity, ActivityDe
hosts = activityDef.getParams().getOptionalString("host").orElse("localhost").split(",");
port = activityDef.getParams().getOptionalInteger("port").orElse(80);
opSequence = initOpSequencer();
this.opSequence = createDefaultOpSequence();
bindTimer = ActivityMetrics.timer(activityDef, "bind");
@ -91,34 +87,6 @@ public class HttpActivity extends SimpleActivity implements Activity, ActivityDe
private OpSequence<StringBindings> initOpSequencer() {
SequencerType sequencerType = SequencerType.valueOf(
SequencePlanner<StringBindings> sequencer = new SequencePlanner<>(sequencerType);
String tagfilter = activityDef.getParams().getOptionalString("tags").orElse("");
List<StmtDef> stmts = stmtsDocList.getStmts(tagfilter);
if (stmts.size() > 0) {
for (StmtDef stmt : stmts) {
ParsedStmt parsed = stmt.getParsed().orError();
BindingsTemplate bt = new BindingsTemplate(parsed.getBindPoints());
String statement = parsed.getPositionalStatement(Function.identity());
StringBindingsTemplate sbt = new StringBindingsTemplate(stmt.getStmt(), bt);
StringBindings sb = sbt.resolve();
} else {
logger.error("Unable to create an HTTP statement if no bindings or statements are defined.");
OpSequence<StringBindings> opSequence = sequencer.resolve();
return opSequence;
public synchronized void onActivityDefUpdate(ActivityDef activityDef) {
@ -140,7 +108,7 @@ public class HttpActivity extends SimpleActivity implements Activity, ActivityDe
return port;
public OpSequence<StringBindings> getOpSequence() {
public OpSequence<CommandTemplate> getOpSequence() {
return opSequence;

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
package io.nosqlbench.activitytype.http;
public class ResponseError extends RuntimeException {
public ResponseError(String s) {

View File

@ -1,52 +1,84 @@
# http activity type
# HTTP driver
This activity type allows for basic HTTP requests.
As of this release, only GET requests are supported.
This driver allows you to make http requests using the native HTTP client that is bundled with the
JVM. It supports free-form construction of requests.
## Example activity definitions
## Example Statements
Run an http activity named 'http-test', with definitions from activities/http-google.yaml:
... driver=http workload=http-google
You can use an _inline request template_ form below to represent a request as it would be submitted
according to the HTTP protocol. This isn't actually the content that is submitted, but it is
recognized as a valid way to express the request parameters in a familiar and condensed form:
This last example shows that the cycle range is [inclusive..exclusive),
to allow for stacking test intervals. This is standard across all
activity types.
- s1: |
POST http://{host}:{port}/{path}?{query} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
token: mybearertokenfoobarbazomgwtfbbq
## stdout ActivityType Parameters
You can also provide the building blocks of a request in named fields:
- **host** - The hosts to send requests to. The hosts are selected in
round-robin fashion.
(default: localhost)
- **workload** - The workload definition file which holds the schema and statement defs.
(no default, required)
- **cycles** - standard, however the activity type will default
this to however many statements are included in the current
activity, after tag filtering, etc.
(default: 0)
- **alias** - this is a standard nosqlbench parameter
(default: derived from the workload name)
- method: GET
version: HTTP/1.1
"Content-Type": "application/json"
body: {body}
path: {path}
ok-status: 2[0-9][0-9]
ok-body: ^(OK, account id is .*)$
## Configuration
As you may guess from the above example, some reserved words are recognized as standard request
parameters. They are explained here in more detail:
This activity type uses the uniform yaml configuration format.
For more details on this format, please refer to the
[Standard YAML Format](
- **method** - An optional request method. If not provided, "GET" is assumed. Any method name will
work here, even custom ones that are specific to a given target system. No validation is done for
standard method names, as there is no way to know what method names may be valid.
- **host** - The name of the host which should go into the URI. This can also be an ip address if
you do not need support for virtual hosts. If there are multiple hosts provided to the activity,
then this value is selected in round-robin style. **default: localhost**
- **port** - The post to connect to. If it is provided, then it is added to the URI, even if it is
the default for the scheme (80 for http, or 443 for https)
- **path** - The path component of the URI.
- **query** - A query string. If this is provided, it is appended to the path in the URI with a
leading question mark.
- **version** - The HTTP version to use. If this value is not provided, the default version for the
Java HttpClient is used. If it is provided, it must be one of 'HTTP_1_1', or 'HTTP_2'.
- **body** - The content of the request body, for methods which support it.
- **ok-status** - An optional set of rules to use to verify that a response is valid. This is a
simple comma or space separated list of integer status codes or a pattern which is used as a regex
against the string form of a status code. If any characters other than digits spaces and commas
are found in this value, then it is taken as a regex. If this is not provided, then any status
code which is >=200 and <300 is considered valid.
- **ok-body** - An optional regex pattern which will be applied to the body to verify that it is a
valid response. If this is not provided, then content bodies are read, but any content is
considered valid.
## Configuration Parameters
Any other statement parameter which is capitalized is taken as a request header. If additional
fields are provided which are not included in the above list, or which are not capitalized, then an
error is thrown.
- **ratio** - If a statement has this param defined, then it determines
whether or not to automatically add a missing newline for that statement
only. If this is not defined for a statement, then the activity-level
parameter takes precedence.
- **seq** - The statement sequencer scheme.
(default: bucket)
## Error Handling & Retries
## Statement Format
Presently, no determination is made about whether or not an errored response *should* be retryable.
Contextual error handling may be added in a future version.
The statement format for this activity type is a simple string. Tokens between
curly braces are used to refer to binding names, as in the following example:
## SSL Support
- "/{path}?{queryparam1}"
SSL Support will be added before this driver is considered ready for general use.
## Client Behavior
### TCP Sessions
The HTTP clients are allocated one to each thread. The TCP connection caching is entirely left to
the defaults for the current HttpClient library that is bundled within the JVM.
### Chunked encoding and web sockets
Presently, this driver only does basic request-response style requests. Thus, adding headers which
take TCP socket control away from the HttpClient will likely yield inconsistent (or undefined)
results. Support may be added for long-lived connections in a future release.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
package io.nosqlbench.activitytype.cmds;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityconfig.StatementsLoader;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityconfig.yaml.StmtDef;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityconfig.yaml.StmtsDocList;
import org.junit.Test;
public class ReadyHttpRequestTest {
public void testStaticTemplate() {
StmtsDocList docs = StatementsLoader.loadString("" +
"statements:\n" +
" - s1: method=get\n");
StmtDef stmtDef = docs.getStmts().get(0);
ReadyHttpRequest readyReq = new ReadyHttpRequest(stmtDef);
HttpRequest staticReq = readyReq.apply(3);

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import io.nosqlbench.driver.webdriver.verbs.WebDriverVerbs;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityapi.core.ActivityDefObserver;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityapi.core.SyncAction;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityimpl.ActivityDef;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.templating.CommandTemplate;
import io.nosqlbench.nb.api.errors.BasicError;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ public class WebDriverAction implements SyncAction, ActivityDefObserver {
// factor.
public int runCycle(long value) {
CommandTemplate commandTemplate = activity.getOpSequence().get(value);
try {
WebDriverVerbs.execute(value, commandTemplate, context, dryrun);

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityconfig.yaml.StmtDef;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityconfig.yaml.StmtsDocList;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityimpl.ActivityDef;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityimpl.SimpleActivity;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.templating.CommandTemplate;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.templating.StrInterpolator;
import io.nosqlbench.nb.api.content.NBIO;
import io.nosqlbench.nb.api.errors.BasicError;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package io.nosqlbench.driver.webdriver.verbs;
import io.nosqlbench.driver.webdriver.CommandTemplate;
import io.nosqlbench.driver.webdriver.WebContext;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.templating.CommandTemplate;
import io.nosqlbench.nb.api.errors.BasicError;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

View File

@ -22,16 +22,26 @@ import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityconfig.rawyaml.RawStmtsLoader;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityconfig.yaml.StmtsDocList;
import io.nosqlbench.nb.api.content.Content;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.function.Function;
public class StatementsLoader {
private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StatementsLoader.class);
public enum Loader {
public static StmtsDocList loadString(String yamlContent) {
RawStmtsLoader loader = new RawStmtsLoader();
RawStmtsDocList rawDocList = loader.loadString(logger, yamlContent);
StmtsDocList layered = new StmtsDocList(rawDocList);
return layered;
public static StmtsDocList loadContent(
Logger logger,
Content<?> content) {

View File

@ -6,10 +6,18 @@ import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityapi.cyclelog.filters.IntPredicateDispens
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityapi.input.InputDispenser;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityapi.output.OutputDispenser;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityapi.planning.OpSequence;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityapi.planning.SequencePlanner;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityapi.planning.SequencerType;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityapi.ratelimits.RateLimiter;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityapi.ratelimits.RateLimiters;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityapi.ratelimits.RateSpec;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityconfig.StatementsLoader;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityconfig.yaml.StmtDef;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityconfig.yaml.StmtsDocList;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.metrics.ActivityMetrics;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.templating.CommandTemplate;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.templating.StrInterpolator;
import io.nosqlbench.nb.api.errors.BasicError;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
@ -320,4 +328,31 @@ public class SimpleActivity implements Activity {
protected OpSequence<CommandTemplate> createDefaultOpSequence() {
StrInterpolator interp = new StrInterpolator(activityDef);
String yaml_loc = activityDef.getParams().getOptionalString("yaml", "workload").orElse("default");
StmtsDocList stmtsDocList = StatementsLoader.loadPath(logger, yaml_loc, interp, "activities");
SequencerType sequencerType = getParams()
SequencePlanner<CommandTemplate> planner = new SequencePlanner<>(sequencerType);
String tagfilter = activityDef.getParams().getOptionalString("tags").orElse("");
List<StmtDef> stmts = stmtsDocList.getStmts(tagfilter);
if (stmts.size() == 0) {
throw new BasicError("There were no active statements with tag filter '" + tagfilter + "'");
for (StmtDef optemplate : stmts) {
long ratio = optemplate.getParamOrDefault("ratio", 1);
CommandTemplate cmd = new CommandTemplate(optemplate, false);
planner.addOp(cmd, ratio);
return planner.resolve();

View File

@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
package io.nosqlbench.driver.webdriver;
package io.nosqlbench.engine.api.templating;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityconfig.yaml.StmtDef;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityimpl.motor.ParamsParser;
import io.nosqlbench.nb.api.errors.BasicError;
import io.nosqlbench.virtdata.core.bindings.BindingsTemplate;
import io.nosqlbench.virtdata.core.templates.ParsedTemplate;
import io.nosqlbench.virtdata.core.templates.StringBindings;
import io.nosqlbench.virtdata.core.templates.StringBindingsTemplate;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.nodes.ScalarNode;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
@ -19,6 +16,14 @@ import java.util.Map;
* Use the {@link StmtDef} template form as a property template for parameterized
* commands. This is a general purpose template which uses a map of named parameters.
* The {@code command} property designates the verb component of the command.
* To be valid for use with this template type, the template specifier (the stmt String)
* must either start with command= or have a single word at the start. In either case,
* the command will be parsed as if it started with a command=...
* The semantics of command are meant to be generalized. For example, with HTTP, command
* might mean the HTTP method like GET or PUT that is used. For web driver, it may be
* a webdriver command as known by the SIDE file format.
public class CommandTemplate {
@ -46,7 +51,6 @@ public class CommandTemplate {
StringBindings paramStringBindings = new StringBindingsTemplate(value, paramBindings).resolve();
public CommandTemplate(String command, Map<String,String> bindings, String name, boolean canonicalize) {
@ -58,7 +62,6 @@ public class CommandTemplate {
StringBindings paramStringBindings = new StringBindingsTemplate(value, paramBindings).resolve();
public Map<String,String> getCommand(long cycle) {

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
package io.nosqlbench.engine.api.templating;
* Provide a way to configure a target object of type T, given an enumeration which describes the distinct property
* types which could be configured. This method provides an efficient method for refining a template or builder object
* with O(1) field lookup.
* <p>
* The field enum doesn't limit how a field may be modified. In some cases, a single field may be iterativel built-up,
* such as headers for a request object. (Multiple headers can be added, and they are all a header type, just with
* different values.) In other cases, there may be a single-valued property that is replaced entirely each time it is
* set.
* @param <F> An enum type which describes distinct fields which may be modified.
* @param <T> A target configurable type to be configured.
public interface EnumSetter<F extends Enum<F>, T> {
* Given a target configurable of type T and a field type identifier from enum type K, set or add a value to the
* field described by K, and then return the target configurable.
* @param target The object to be augmented.
* @param field The enum which describes the type of field mutation.
* @param value The object values to assign to the named field. If a given field type can be a collection, like a
* map, then these might be a 2-tuple of key-value. Semantics of the value objects are always
* specific to the type of field being configured.
* @return A modified object, possibly a new instance, as with functional property modifiers.
T setField(T target, F field, Object... value);

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
package io.nosqlbench.engine.api.templating;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityconfig.StatementsLoader;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityconfig.yaml.StmtDef;
import io.nosqlbench.engine.api.activityconfig.yaml.StmtsDocList;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
public class CommandTemplateTest {
public void testCommandTemplate() {
StmtsDocList stmtsDocs = StatementsLoader.loadString("" +
"statements:\n" +
" - s1: test1=foo test2=bar");
StmtDef stmtDef = stmtsDocs.getStmts().get(0);
CommandTemplate ct = new CommandTemplate(stmtDef, false);