#!/bin/bash export AUTO_INSTALL=${AUTO_INSTALL:-"true"} export FORCE_INSTALL=${FORCE_INSTALL:-"false"} export FETCH_ONLY=${FETCH_ONLY:-"false"} export STALE_DAYS=${STALE_DAYS:-"2"} if ! which curl >> /dev/null 2>&1 then printf "$0 requires curl to be in the path.\n"; exit 2 fi export NB_JARNAME="nb.jar" DOINSTALL="false" if [ ! -f "${NB_JARNAME}" -a "${AUTO_INSTALL}" = "true" ] then DOINSTALL="true" elif [ "${FORCE_INSTALL}" = "true" ] then DOINSTALL="true" elif find ${NB_JARNAME} -mtime ${STALE_DAYS} | grep ${NB_JARNAME} # 2>&1 >>/dev/null then DOINSTALL="true" printf "forcing download because the jar is more than %s days old\n" ${STALE_DAYS} fi if [ "${DOINSTALL}" = "true" ] then export central_runtime_version=$( curl -s -L \ 'http://search.maven.org/solrsearch/select?q=g:"io .nosqlbench"%20AND%20a:"engine-cli"%20AND%20p:"jar"&wt=json&rows=1' \ | perl -pe 'if (/"latestVersion":"([\d\.]+?)"/) { $_ = $1 } else {$_="nope"}' ) export DOWNLOAD_VERSION=${central_runtime_version:?"Unable to find a downloadble version via maven central search."} printf 'Downloading version: %s\n...' ${DOWNLOAD_VERSION} 1>&2 export DOWNLOAD_URL="https://repo1.maven .org/maven2/io/nosqlbench/engine-cli/${DOWNLOAD_VERSION}/engine-cli-$ {DOWNLOAD_VERSION}.jar" printf 'Download URL: %s\n' ${DOWNLOAD_URL} printf 'fetching nosqlbench CLI from %s...\n' "${DOWNLOAD_URL}" 1>&2 ( cd /tmp ; curl -s -L -o 'nb.jar' "${DOWNLOAD_URL}" ) mv /tmp/nb.jar ${NB_JARNAME} printf "The NB jar has been saved as %s\n" ${NB_JARNAME} fi if [ "${FETCH_ONLY}" = "true" ] then printf "fetching client only, exiting\n" 1>&2 exit 0; fi; java -jar ${NB_JARNAME} \ $*