2021-02-04 17:46:58 -06:00

50 lines
982 B

title NoSQLBench docserver in static mode
participant "UserBrowser" as u
participant "Generic Static\nContent Server\n(HTTP)" as nb
participant "Files" as content
u -> nb : Load Page
activate nb
nb -> content : "Read Generated App\n(static on disk)"
activate content
nb <- content : static files
deactivate content
u <- nb : HTTP Content
deactivate nb
note over u
The client app initializes
and makes subsequent
calls to the origin server
for content and services
[ which happen to be static
files in this case ]
end note
u -> nb: Read Content Manifest
activate nb
nb -> content : "Read Static Manifest\n(static on disk)"
activate content
note over content
To support this mode,
content which is normally
accessed via named endpoint
is statically included
as files at the same URI
end note
nb <- content : markdown\nmanifest
deactivate content
u <- nb: Markdown Manifest
deactivate nb
... Remaining requests are similar ...