* VM or physical server. Physical server will perform better and better utilize all CPU cores.
* One management network interface, completely separate from the traffic shaping interfaces. Usually this would be the Ethernet interface built in to the motherboard.
* Dedicated Network Interface Card
* NIC must have two or more interfaces for traffic shaping.
* NIC must have multiple TX/RX transmit queues. [Here's how to check from the command line](https://serverfault.com/questions/772380/how-to-tell-if-nic-has-multiqueue-enabled).
* [Ubuntu Server 22.04](https://ubuntu.com/download/server) or above recommended. All guides assume Ubuntu Server 21.10 or above. Ubuntu Desktop is not recommended as it uses NetworkManager instead of Netplan.
* Kernel version 5.14 or above
* Python 3, PIP, and some modules (listed in respective guides).
* Choose a CPU with solid [single-thread performance](https://www.cpubenchmark.net/singleThread.html) within your budget.