2022-02-25 22:35:41 -06:00
import subprocess
import json
2022-09-11 19:56:29 -05:00
import subprocess
from datetime import datetime
from influxdb_client import InfluxDBClient, Point
2022-02-25 22:35:41 -06:00
from influxdb_client.client.write_api import SYNCHRONOUS
2022-09-11 19:56:29 -05:00
from ispConfig import interfaceA, interfaceB, influxDBBucket, influxDBOrg, influxDBtoken, influxDBurl
def getInterfaceStats(interface):
command = 'tc -j -s qdisc show dev ' + interface
jsonAr = json.loads(subprocess.run(command.split(' '), stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8'))
jsonDict = {}
for element in filter(lambda e: 'parent' in e, jsonAr):
flowID = ':'.join(map(lambda p: f'0x{p}', element['parent'].split(':')[0:2]))
jsonDict[flowID] = element
del jsonAr
return jsonDict
2022-02-25 22:35:41 -06:00
2022-09-12 00:05:55 -05:00
def chunk_list(l, n):
for i in range(0, len(l), n):
yield l[i:i + n]
2022-02-25 22:35:41 -06:00
def getDeviceStats(devices):
2022-09-11 19:56:29 -05:00
interfaces = [interfaceA, interfaceB]
2022-09-12 00:05:55 -05:00
ifaceStats = list(map(getInterfaceStats, interfaces))
2022-09-11 19:56:29 -05:00
for device in devices:
if 'timeQueried' in device:
device['priorQueryTime'] = device['timeQueried']
2022-09-12 00:05:55 -05:00
for (interface, stats, dirSuffix) in zip(interfaces, ifaceStats, ['Download', 'Upload']):
2022-09-11 19:56:29 -05:00
2022-09-12 00:05:55 -05:00
element = stats[device['qdisc']] if device['qdisc'] in stats else False
2022-09-11 19:56:29 -05:00
if element:
2022-09-12 00:05:55 -05:00
bytesSent = int(element['bytes'])
2022-09-11 19:56:29 -05:00
drops = int(element['drops'])
packets = int(element['packets'])
2022-09-12 00:05:55 -05:00
if 'bytesSent' + dirSuffix in device:
device['priorQueryBytes' + dirSuffix] = device['bytesSent' + dirSuffix]
device['bytesSent' + dirSuffix] = bytesSent
if 'dropsSent' + dirSuffix in device:
device['priorDropsSent' + dirSuffix] = device['dropsSent' + dirSuffix]
device['dropsSent' + dirSuffix] = drops
if 'packetsSent' + dirSuffix in device:
device['priorPacketsSent' + dirSuffix] = device['packetsSent' + dirSuffix]
device['packetsSent' + dirSuffix] = packets
2022-09-11 19:56:29 -05:00
device['timeQueried'] = datetime.now().isoformat()
for device in devices:
2022-09-12 00:05:55 -05:00
device['bitsDownloadSinceLastQuery'] = device['bitsUploadSinceLastQuery'] = 0
2022-09-11 19:56:29 -05:00
if 'priorQueryTime' in device:
bytesDLSinceLastQuery = device['bytesSentDownload'] - device['priorQueryBytesDownload']
bytesULSinceLastQuery = device['bytesSentUpload'] - device['priorQueryBytesUpload']
2022-09-12 00:05:55 -05:00
bytesDLSinceLastQuery = bytesULSinceLastQuery = 0
2022-09-11 19:56:29 -05:00
currentQueryTime = datetime.fromisoformat(device['timeQueried'])
priorQueryTime = datetime.fromisoformat(device['priorQueryTime'])
2022-09-12 00:05:55 -05:00
deltaSeconds = (currentQueryTime - priorQueryTime).total_seconds()
device['bitsDownloadSinceLastQuery'] = round(
((bytesDLSinceLastQuery * 8) / deltaSeconds)) if deltaSeconds > 0 else 0
device['bitsUploadSinceLastQuery'] = round(
((bytesULSinceLastQuery * 8) / deltaSeconds)) if deltaSeconds > 0 else 0
return devices
2022-02-25 22:35:41 -06:00
def getParentNodeStats(parentNodes, devices):
2022-09-11 19:56:29 -05:00
for parentNode in parentNodes:
thisNodeBitsDownload = 0
thisNodeBitsUpload = 0
for device in devices:
if device['ParentNode'] == parentNode['parentNodeName']:
thisNodeBitsDownload += device['bitsDownloadSinceLastQuery']
thisNodeBitsUpload += device['bitsUploadSinceLastQuery']
parentNode['bitsDownloadSinceLastQuery'] = thisNodeBitsDownload
parentNode['bitsUploadSinceLastQuery'] = thisNodeBitsUpload
return parentNodes
2022-02-25 22:35:41 -06:00
2022-09-12 00:05:55 -05:00
2022-02-26 14:37:47 -06:00
def getParentNodeDict(data, depth, parentNodeNameDict):
2022-09-11 19:56:29 -05:00
if parentNodeNameDict == None:
parentNodeNameDict = {}
for elem in data:
if 'children' in data[elem]:
for child in data[elem]['children']:
parentNodeNameDict[child] = elem
2022-09-12 00:05:55 -05:00
tempDict = getParentNodeDict(data[elem]['children'], depth + 1, parentNodeNameDict)
2022-09-11 19:56:29 -05:00
parentNodeNameDict = dict(parentNodeNameDict, **tempDict)
return parentNodeNameDict
2022-02-26 14:37:47 -06:00
2022-09-12 00:05:55 -05:00
2022-02-26 14:37:47 -06:00
def parentNodeNameDictPull():
2022-09-12 00:05:55 -05:00
# Load network heirarchy
2022-09-11 19:56:29 -05:00
with open('network.json', 'r') as j:
network = json.loads(j.read())
parentNodeNameDict = getParentNodeDict(network, 0, None)
return parentNodeNameDict
2022-02-26 14:37:47 -06:00
2022-02-25 22:35:41 -06:00
def refreshBandwidthGraphs():
2022-09-11 19:56:29 -05:00
startTime = datetime.now()
with open('statsByParentNode.json', 'r') as j:
parentNodes = json.loads(j.read())
with open('statsByDevice.json', 'r') as j:
devices = json.loads(j.read())
parentNodeNameDict = parentNodeNameDictPull()
print("Retrieving device statistics")
devices = getDeviceStats(devices)
print("Computing parent node statistics")
parentNodes = getParentNodeStats(parentNodes, devices)
print("Writing data to InfluxDB")
client = InfluxDBClient(
2022-09-12 00:05:55 -05:00
2022-09-11 19:56:29 -05:00
write_api = client.write_api(write_options=SYNCHRONOUS)
2022-09-12 00:05:55 -05:00
chunkedDevices = list(chunk_list(devices, 200))
queriesToSendCount = 0
for chunk in chunkedDevices:
queriesToSend = []
for device in chunk:
bitsDownload = int(device['bitsDownloadSinceLastQuery'])
bitsUpload = int(device['bitsUploadSinceLastQuery'])
if (bitsDownload > 0) and (bitsUpload > 0):
percentUtilizationDownload = round((bitsDownload / round(device['downloadMax'] * 1000000)), 4)
percentUtilizationUpload = round((bitsUpload / round(device['uploadMax'] * 1000000)), 4)
p = Point('Bandwidth').tag("Device", device['hostname']).tag("ParentNode", device['ParentNode']).tag(
"Type", "Device").field("Download", bitsDownload)
p = Point('Bandwidth').tag("Device", device['hostname']).tag("ParentNode", device['ParentNode']).tag(
"Type", "Device").field("Upload", bitsUpload)
p = Point('Utilization').tag("Device", device['hostname']).tag("ParentNode", device['ParentNode']).tag(
"Type", "Device").field("Download", percentUtilizationDownload)
p = Point('Utilization').tag("Device", device['hostname']).tag("ParentNode", device['ParentNode']).tag(
"Type", "Device").field("Upload", percentUtilizationUpload)
write_api.write(bucket=influxDBBucket, record=queriesToSend)
# print("Added " + str(len(queriesToSend)) + " points to InfluxDB.")
queriesToSendCount += len(queriesToSend)
2022-09-11 19:56:29 -05:00
2022-09-12 00:05:55 -05:00
queriesToSend = []
2022-09-11 19:56:29 -05:00
for parentNode in parentNodes:
bitsDownload = int(parentNode['bitsDownloadSinceLastQuery'])
bitsUpload = int(parentNode['bitsUploadSinceLastQuery'])
if (bitsDownload > 0) and (bitsUpload > 0):
2022-09-12 00:05:55 -05:00
percentUtilizationDownload = round((bitsDownload / round(parentNode['downloadMax'] * 1000000)), 4)
percentUtilizationUpload = round((bitsUpload / round(parentNode['uploadMax'] * 1000000)), 4)
2022-09-11 19:56:29 -05:00
2022-09-12 00:05:55 -05:00
p = Point('Bandwidth').tag("Device", parentNode['parentNodeName']).tag("ParentNode",
"Type", "Parent Node").field("Download", bitsDownload)
2022-09-11 19:56:29 -05:00
2022-09-12 00:05:55 -05:00
p = Point('Bandwidth').tag("Device", parentNode['parentNodeName']).tag("ParentNode",
"Type", "Parent Node").field("Upload", bitsUpload)
2022-09-11 19:56:29 -05:00
2022-09-12 00:05:55 -05:00
p = Point('Utilization').tag("Device", parentNode['parentNodeName']).tag("ParentNode",
"Type", "Parent Node").field("Download", percentUtilizationDownload)
2022-09-11 19:56:29 -05:00
2022-09-12 00:05:55 -05:00
p = Point('Utilization').tag("Device", parentNode['parentNodeName']).tag("ParentNode",
"Type", "Parent Node").field("Upload", percentUtilizationUpload)
2022-09-11 19:56:29 -05:00
2022-09-12 00:05:55 -05:00
write_api.write(bucket=influxDBBucket, record=queriesToSend)
# print("Added " + str(len(queriesToSend)) + " points to InfluxDB.")
queriesToSendCount += len(queriesToSend)
print("Added " + str(queriesToSendCount) + " points to InfluxDB.")
2022-09-11 19:56:29 -05:00
2022-09-12 00:05:55 -05:00
2022-09-11 19:56:29 -05:00
with open('statsByParentNode.json', 'w') as infile:
json.dump(parentNodes, infile)
with open('statsByDevice.json', 'w') as infile:
json.dump(devices, infile)
2022-09-12 00:05:55 -05:00
2022-09-11 19:56:29 -05:00
endTime = datetime.now()
2022-09-12 00:05:55 -05:00
durationSeconds = round((endTime - startTime).total_seconds(), 2)
2022-09-11 19:56:29 -05:00
print("Graphs updated within " + str(durationSeconds) + " seconds.")
2022-02-25 22:35:41 -06:00
if __name__ == '__main__':
2022-09-11 19:56:29 -05:00