# Provides common functionality shared between # integrations. from typing import List, Any from ispConfig import allowedSubnets, ignoreSubnets, generatedPNUploadMbps, generatedPNDownloadMbps import ipaddress import enum def isInAllowedSubnets(inputIP): # Check whether an IP address occurs inside the allowedSubnets list isAllowed = False if '/' in inputIP: inputIP = inputIP.split('/')[0] for subnet in allowedSubnets: if (ipaddress.ip_address(inputIP) in ipaddress.ip_network(subnet)): isAllowed = True return isAllowed def isInIgnoredSubnets(inputIP): # Check whether an IP address occurs within the ignoreSubnets list isIgnored = False if '/' in inputIP: inputIP = inputIP.split('/')[0] for subnet in ignoreSubnets: if (ipaddress.ip_address(inputIP) in ipaddress.ip_network(subnet)): isIgnored = True return isIgnored def isIpv4Permitted(inputIP): # Checks whether an IP address is in Allowed Subnets. # If it is, check that it isn't in Ignored Subnets. # If it is allowed and not ignored, returns true. # Otherwise, returns false. return isInIgnoredSubnets(inputIP) == False and isInAllowedSubnets(inputIP) def fixSubnet(inputIP): # If an IP address has a CIDR other than /32 (e.g., # but doesn't appear as a network address (e.g. # then it probably isn't actually serving that whole subnet. # This allows you to specify e.g. is "the client # on port 3" in the device, without falling afoul of UISP's inclusion # of subnet masks in device IPs. [rawIp, cidr] = inputIP.split('/') if cidr != "32": try: subnet = ipaddress.ip_network(inputIP) except: # Not a network address return rawIp + "/32" return inputIP class NodeType(enum.IntEnum): # Enumeration to define what type of node # a NetworkNode is. root = 1 site = 2 ap = 3 client = 4 clientWithChildren = 5 device = 6 class NetworkNode: # Defines a node on a LibreQoS network graph. # Nodes default to being disconnected, and # will be mapped to the root of the overall # graph. id: str displayName: str parentIndex: int parentId: str type: NodeType downloadMbps: int uploadMbps: int ipv4: List ipv6: List address: str mac: str def __init__(self, id: str, displayName: str = "", parentId: str = "", type: NodeType = NodeType.site, download: int = generatedPNDownloadMbps, upload: int = generatedPNUploadMbps, ipv4: List = [], ipv6: List = [], address: str = "", mac: str = "") -> None: self.id = id self.parentIndex = 0 self.type = type self.parentId = parentId if displayName == "": self.displayName = id else: self.displayName = displayName self.downloadMbps = download self.uploadMbps = upload self.ipv4 = ipv4 self.ipv6 = ipv6 self.address = address self.mac = mac class NetworkGraph: # Defines a network as a graph topology # allowing any integration to build the # graph via a common API, emitting # ShapedDevices and network.json files # via a common interface. nodes: List ipv4ToIPv6: Any excludeSites: List # Copied to allow easy in-test patching exceptionCPEs: Any def __init__(self) -> None: from ispConfig import findIPv6usingMikrotik, excludeSites, exceptionCPEs self.nodes = [ NetworkNode("FakeRoot", type=NodeType.root, parentId="", displayName="Shaper Root") ] self.excludeSites = excludeSites self.exceptionCPEs = exceptionCPEs if findIPv6usingMikrotik: from mikrotikFindIPv6 import pullMikrotikIPv6 self.ipv4ToIPv6 = pullMikrotikIPv6() else: self.ipv4ToIPv6 = {} def addRawNode(self, node: NetworkNode) -> None: # Adds a NetworkNode to the graph, unchanged. # If a site is excluded (via excludedSites in ispConfig) # it won't be added if not node.displayName in self.excludeSites: if node.displayName in self.exceptionCPEs.keys(): node.parentId = self.exceptionCPEs[node.displayName] self.nodes.append(node) def replaceRootNode(self, node: NetworkNode) -> None: # Replaces the automatically generated root node # with a new node. Useful when you have a top-level # node specified (e.g. "uispSite" in the UISP # integration) self.nodes[0] = node def addNodeAsChild(self, parent: str, node: NetworkNode) -> None: # Searches the existing graph for a named parent, # adjusts the new node's parentIndex to match the new # node. The parented node is then inserted. # # Exceptions are NOT applied, since we're explicitly # specifying the parent - we're assuming you really # meant it. if node.displayName in self.excludeSites: return parentIdx = 0 for (i, node) in enumerate(self.nodes): if node.id == parent: parentIdx = i node.parentIndex = parentIdx self.nodes.append(node) def __reparentById(self) -> None: # Scans the entire node tree, searching for parents # by name. Entries are re-mapped to match the named # parents. You can use this to build a tree from a # blob of raw data. for child in self.nodes: if child.parentId != "": for (i, node) in enumerate(self.nodes): if node.id == child.parentId: child.parentIndex = i def findNodeIndexById(self, id: str) -> int: # Finds a single node by identity(id) # Return -1 if not found for (i, node) in enumerate(self.nodes): if node.id == id: return i return -1 def findNodeIndexByName(self, name: str) -> int: # Finds a single node by identity(name) # Return -1 if not found for (i, node) in enumerate(self.nodes): if node.displayName == name: return i return -1 def findChildIndices(self, parentIndex: int) -> List: # Returns the indices of all nodes with a # parentIndex equal to the specified parameter result = [] for (i, node) in enumerate(self.nodes): if node.parentIndex == parentIndex: result.append(i) return result def __promoteClientsWithChildren(self) -> None: # Searches for client sites that have children, # and changes their node type to clientWithChildren for (i, node) in enumerate(self.nodes): if node.type == NodeType.client: for child in self.findChildIndices(i): if self.nodes[child].type != NodeType.device: node.type = NodeType.clientWithChildren def __clientsWithChildrenToSites(self) -> None: toAdd = [] for (i, node) in enumerate(self.nodes): if node.type == NodeType.clientWithChildren: siteNode = NetworkNode( id=node.id + "_gen", displayName="(Generated Site) " + node.displayName, type=NodeType.site ) siteNode.parentIndex = node.parentIndex node.parentId = siteNode.id if node.type == NodeType.clientWithChildren: node.type = NodeType.client for child in self.findChildIndices(i): if self.nodes[child].type == NodeType.client or self.nodes[child].type == NodeType.clientWithChildren or self.nodes[child].type == NodeType.site: self.nodes[child].parentId = siteNode.id toAdd.append(siteNode) for n in toAdd: self.addRawNode(n) self.__reparentById() def __findUnconnectedNodes(self) -> List: # Performs a tree-traversal and finds any nodes that # aren't connected to the root. This is a "sanity check", # and also an easy way to handle "flat" topologies and # ensure that the unconnected nodes are re-connected to # the root. visited = [] next = [0] while len(next) > 0: nextTraversal = next.pop() visited.append(nextTraversal) for idx in self.findChildIndices(nextTraversal): if idx not in visited: next.append(idx) result = [] for i, n in enumerate(self.nodes): if i not in visited: result.append(i) return result def __reconnectUnconnected(self): # Finds any unconnected nodes and reconnects # them to the root for idx in self.__findUnconnectedNodes(): if self.nodes[idx].type == NodeType.site: self.nodes[idx].parentIndex = 0 for idx in self.__findUnconnectedNodes(): if self.nodes[idx].type == NodeType.clientWithChildren: self.nodes[idx].parentIndex = 0 for idx in self.__findUnconnectedNodes(): if self.nodes[idx].type == NodeType.client: self.nodes[idx].parentIndex = 0 def prepareTree(self) -> None: # Helper function that calls all the cleanup and mapping # functions in the right order. Unless you are doing # something special, you can use this instead of # calling the functions individually self.__reparentById() self.__promoteClientsWithChildren() self.__clientsWithChildrenToSites() self.__reconnectUnconnected() def doesNetworkJsonExist(self): # Returns true if "network.json" exists, false otherwise import os return os.path.isfile("network.json") def __isSite(self, index) -> bool: return self.nodes[index].type == NodeType.ap or self.nodes[index].type == NodeType.site or self.nodes[index].type == NodeType.clientWithChildren def createNetworkJson(self): import json topLevelNode = {} self.__visited = [] # Protection against loops - never visit twice for child in self.findChildIndices(0): if child > 0 and self.__isSite(child): topLevelNode[self.nodes[child].displayName] = self.__buildNetworkObject( child) del self.__visited with open('network.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(topLevelNode, f, indent=4) def __buildNetworkObject(self, idx): # Private: used to recurse down the network tree while building # network.json self.__visited.append(idx) node = { "downloadBandwidthMbps": self.nodes[idx].downloadMbps, "uploadBandwidthMbps": self.nodes[idx].uploadMbps, } children = {} hasChildren = False for child in self.findChildIndices(idx): if child > 0 and self.__isSite(child) and child not in self.__visited: children[self.nodes[child].displayName] = self.__buildNetworkObject( child) hasChildren = True if hasChildren: node["children"] = children return node def __addIpv6FromMap(self, ipv4, ipv6) -> None: # Scans each address in ipv4. If its present in the # IPv4 to Ipv6 map (currently pulled from Mikrotik devices # if findIPv6usingMikrotik is enabled), then matching # IPv6 networks are appended to the ipv6 list. # This is explicitly non-destructive of the existing IPv6 # list, in case you already have some. for ipCidr in ipv4: if '/' in ipCidr: ip = ipCidr.split('/')[0] else: ip = ipCidr if ip in self.ipv4ToIPv6.keys(): ipv6.append(self.ipv4ToIPv6[ip]) def createShapedDevices(self): import csv from ispConfig import bandwidthOverheadFactor # Builds ShapedDevices.csv from the network tree. circuits = [] for (i, node) in enumerate(self.nodes): if node.type == NodeType.client: parent = self.nodes[node.parentIndex].displayName if parent == "Shaper Root": parent = "" circuit = { "id": node.id, "name": node.address, "parent": parent, "download": node.downloadMbps, "upload": node.uploadMbps, "devices": [] } for child in self.findChildIndices(i): if self.nodes[child].type == NodeType.device and (len(self.nodes[child].ipv4)+len(self.nodes[child].ipv6)>0): ipv4 = self.nodes[child].ipv4 ipv6 = self.nodes[child].ipv6 self.__addIpv6FromMap(ipv4, ipv6) device = { "id": self.nodes[child].id, "name": self.nodes[child].displayName, "mac": self.nodes[child].mac, "ipv4": ipv4, "ipv6": ipv6, } circuit["devices"].append(device) if len(circuit["devices"]) > 0: circuits.append(circuit) with open('ShapedDevices.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvfile: wr = csv.writer(csvfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL) wr.writerow(['Circuit ID', 'Circuit Name', 'Device ID', 'Device Name', 'Parent Node', 'MAC', 'IPv4', 'IPv6', 'Download Min', 'Upload Min', 'Download Max', 'Upload Max', 'Comment']) for circuit in circuits: for device in circuit["devices"]: #Remove brackets and quotes of list so LibreQoS.py can parse it device["ipv4"] = str(device["ipv4"]).replace('[','').replace(']','').replace("'",'') device["ipv6"] = str(device["ipv6"]).replace('[','').replace(']','').replace("'",'') row = [ circuit["id"], circuit["name"], device["id"], device["name"], circuit["parent"], device["mac"], device["ipv4"], device["ipv6"], int(circuit["download"] * 0.98), int(circuit["upload"] * 0.98), int(circuit["download"] * bandwidthOverheadFactor), int(circuit["upload"] * bandwidthOverheadFactor), "" ] wr.writerow(row) def plotNetworkGraph(self, showClients=False): # Requires `pip install graphviz` to function. # You also need to install graphviz on your PC. # In Ubuntu, apt install graphviz will do it. # Plots the network graph to a PDF file, allowing # visual verification that the graph makes sense. # Could potentially be useful in a future # web interface. import importlib.util if (spec := importlib.util.find_spec('graphviz')) is None: return import graphviz dot = graphviz.Digraph( 'network', comment="Network Graph", engine="fdp") for (i, node) in enumerate(self.nodes): if ((node.type != NodeType.client and node.type != NodeType.device) or showClients): color = "white" match node.type: case NodeType.root: color = "green" case NodeType.site: color = "red" case NodeType.ap: color = "blue" case NodeType.clientWithChildren: color = "magenta" case NodeType.device: color = "white" case default: color = "grey" dot.node("N" + str(i), node.displayName, color=color) children = self.findChildIndices(i) for child in children: if child != i: if (self.nodes[child].type != NodeType.client and self.nodes[child].type != NodeType.device) or showClients: dot.edge("N" + str(i), "N" + str(child)) dot.render("network.pdf")