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import requests
import os
import csv
from ispConfig import uispSite, uispStrategy
from integrationCommon import isIpv4Permitted, fixSubnet
def uispRequest(target):
# Sends an HTTP request to UISP and returns the
# result in JSON. You only need to specify the
# tail end of the URL, e.g. "sites"
from ispConfig import UISPbaseURL, uispAuthToken
url = UISPbaseURL + "/nms/api/v2.1/" + target
headers = {'accept': 'application/json', 'x-auth-token': uispAuthToken}
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=10)
return r.json()
def buildFlatGraph():
# Builds a high-performance (but lacking in site or AP bandwidth control)
# network.
from integrationCommon import NetworkGraph, NetworkNode, NodeType
from ispConfig import generatedPNUploadMbps, generatedPNDownloadMbps
# Load network sites
print("Loading Data from UISP")
sites = uispRequest("sites")
devices = uispRequest("devices?withInterfaces=true&authorized=true")
# Build a basic network adding every client to the tree
print("Building Flat Topology")
net = NetworkGraph()
for site in sites:
type = site['identification']['type']
if type == "endpoint":
id = site['identification']['id']
address = site['description']['address']
name = site['identification']['name']
type = site['identification']['type']
download = generatedPNDownloadMbps
upload = generatedPNUploadMbps
if (site['qos']['downloadSpeed']) and (site['qos']['uploadSpeed']):
download = int(round(site['qos']['downloadSpeed']/1000000))
upload = int(round(site['qos']['uploadSpeed']/1000000))
node = NetworkNode(id=id, displayName=name, type=NodeType.client, download=download, upload=upload, address=address)
for device in devices:
if device['identification']['site'] is not None and device['identification']['site']['id'] == id:
# The device is at this site, so add it
ipv4 = []
ipv6 = []
for interface in device["interfaces"]:
for ip in interface["addresses"]:
ip = ip["cidr"]
if isIpv4Permitted(ip):
ip = fixSubnet(ip)
if ip not in ipv4:
# TODO: Figure out Mikrotik IPv6?
mac = device['identification']['mac']
net.addRawNode(NetworkNode(id=device['identification']['id'], displayName=device['identification']
['name'], parentId=id, type=NodeType.device, ipv4=ipv4, ipv6=ipv6, mac=mac))
# Finish up
if net.doesNetworkJsonExist():
print("network.json already exists. Leaving in-place.")
def buildFullGraph():
# Attempts to build a full network graph, incorporating as much of the UISP
# hierarchy as possible.
from integrationCommon import NetworkGraph, NetworkNode, NodeType
from ispConfig import generatedPNUploadMbps, generatedPNDownloadMbps
# Load network sites
print("Loading Data from UISP")
sites = uispRequest("sites")
devices = uispRequest("devices?withInterfaces=true&authorized=true")
dataLinks = uispRequest("data-links?siteLinksOnly=true")
# Do we already have a integrationUISPbandwidths.csv file?
siteBandwidth = {}
if os.path.isfile("integrationUISPbandwidths.csv"):
with open('integrationUISPbandwidths.csv') as csv_file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
for row in csv_reader:
name, download, upload = row
download = int(download)
upload = int(upload)
siteBandwidth[name] = {"download": download, "upload": upload}
# Find AP capacities from UISP
for device in devices:
if device['identification']['role'] == "ap":
name = device['identification']['name']
if not name in siteBandwidth and device['overview']['downlinkCapacity'] and device['overview']['uplinkCapacity']:
download = int(device['overview']
['downlinkCapacity'] / 1000000)
upload = int(device['overview']['uplinkCapacity'] / 1000000)
siteBandwidth[device['identification']['name']] = {
"download": download, "upload": upload}
print("Building Topology")
net = NetworkGraph()
# Add all sites and client sites
for site in sites:
id = site['identification']['id']
name = site['identification']['name']
type = site['identification']['type']
download = generatedPNDownloadMbps
upload = generatedPNUploadMbps
address = ""
if site['identification']['parent'] is None:
parent = ""
parent = site['identification']['parent']['id']
match type:
case "site":
nodeType = NodeType.site
if name in siteBandwidth:
# Use the CSV bandwidth values
download = siteBandwidth[name]["download"]
upload = siteBandwidth[name]["upload"]
# Add them just in case
siteBandwidth[name] = {
"download": download, "upload": upload}
case default:
nodeType = NodeType.client
address = site['description']['address']
if (site['qos']['downloadSpeed']) and (site['qos']['uploadSpeed']):
download = int(round(site['qos']['downloadSpeed']/1000000))
upload = int(round(site['qos']['uploadSpeed']/1000000))
node = NetworkNode(id=id, displayName=name, type=nodeType,
parentId=parent, download=download, upload=upload, address=address)
# If this is the uispSite node, it becomes the root. Otherwise, add it to the
# node soup.
if name == uispSite:
for device in devices:
if device['identification']['site'] is not None and device['identification']['site']['id'] == id:
# The device is at this site, so add it
ipv4 = []
ipv6 = []
for interface in device["interfaces"]:
for ip in interface["addresses"]:
ip = ip["cidr"]
if isIpv4Permitted(ip):
ip = fixSubnet(ip)
if ip not in ipv4:
# TODO: Figure out Mikrotik IPv6?
mac = device['identification']['mac']
net.addRawNode(NetworkNode(id=device['identification']['id'], displayName=device['identification']
['name'], parentId=id, type=NodeType.device, ipv4=ipv4, ipv6=ipv6, mac=mac))
# Now iterate access points, and look for connections to sites
for node in net.nodes:
if node.type == NodeType.device:
for dl in dataLinks:
if dl['from']['device'] is not None and dl['from']['device']['identification']['id'] == node.id:
if dl['to']['site'] is not None and dl['from']['site']['identification']['id'] != dl['to']['site']['identification']['id']:
target = net.findNodeIndexById(
if target > -1:
# We found the site
if net.nodes[target].type == NodeType.client or net.nodes[target].type == NodeType.clientWithChildren:
net.nodes[target].parentId = node.id
node.type = NodeType.ap
if node.displayName in siteBandwidth:
# Use the bandwidth numbers from the CSV file
node.uploadMbps = siteBandwidth[node.displayName]["upload"]
node.downloadMbps = siteBandwidth[node.displayName]["download"]
# Add some defaults in case they want to change them
siteBandwidth[node.displayName] = {
"download": generatedPNDownloadMbps, "upload": generatedPNUploadMbps}
if net.doesNetworkJsonExist():
print("network.json already exists. Leaving in-place.")
# Save integrationUISPbandwidths.csv
# (the newLine fixes generating extra blank lines)
with open('integrationUISPbandwidths.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
wr = csv.writer(csvfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
wr.writerow(['ParentNode', 'Download Mbps', 'Upload Mbps'])
for device in siteBandwidth:
entry = (
device, siteBandwidth[device]["download"], siteBandwidth[device]["upload"])
def importFromUISP():
match uispStrategy:
case "full": buildFullGraph()
case default: buildFlatGraph()
if __name__ == '__main__':